35 resultados para applications in subject areas

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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There are several areas in the plywood industry where Operations Research techniques have greatly assisted in better decision-making. These have resulted in improved profits, reduction of wood losses and better utilization of resources. Realizing these, some of the plywood manufacturing firms in the developed countries have established separate Operations Research departments or divisions. In the face of limited raw-material resources, raising costs and a competitive environment, the benefits attributable to the use of these techniques are becoming more and more significant.


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An axis-parallel k-dimensional box is a Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x...x R-k where R-i (for 1 <= i <= k) is a closed interval of the form [a(i), b(i)] on the real line. For a graph G, its boxicity box(G) is the minimum dimension k, such that G is representable as the intersection graph of (axis-parallel) boxes in k-dimensional space. The concept of boxicity finds applications in various areas such as ecology, operations research etc. A number of NP-hard problems are either polynomial time solvable or have much better approximation ratio on low boxicity graphs. For example, the max-clique problem is polynomial time solvable on bounded boxicity graphs and the maximum independent set problem for boxicity d graphs, given a box representation, has a left perpendicular1 + 1/c log n right perpendicular(d-1) approximation ratio for any constant c >= 1 when d >= 2. In most cases, the first step usually is computing a low dimensional box representation of the given graph. Deciding whether the boxicity of a graph is at most 2 itself is NP-hard. We give an efficient randomized algorithm to construct a box representation of any graph G on n vertices in left perpendicular(Delta + 2) ln nright perpendicular dimensions, where Delta is the maximum degree of G. This algorithm implies that box(G) <= left perpendicular(Delta + 2) ln nright perpendicular for any graph G. Our bound is tight up to a factor of ln n. We also show that our randomized algorithm can be derandomized to get a polynomial time deterministic algorithm. Though our general upper bound is in terms of maximum degree Delta, we show that for almost all graphs on n vertices, their boxicity is O(d(av) ln n) where d(av) is the average degree.


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We consider the problem of centralized routing and scheduling for IEEE 802.16 mesh networks so as to provide Quality of Service (QoS) to individual real and interactive data applications. We first obtain an optimal and fair routing and scheduling policy for aggregate demands for different source- destination pairs. We then present scheduling algorithms which provide per flow QoS guarantees while utilizing the network resources efficiently. Our algorithms are also scalable: they do not require per flow processing and queueing and the computational requirements are modest. We have verified our algorithms via extensive simulations.


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There is a growing interest in management of MSW through micro-treatment of organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (OFMSW) in many cities of India. The OFMSW fraction is high (> 80%) in many pockets within South Indian cities like Bangalore, Chikkamagalur, etc. and is largely represented by vegetable, fruit, packing and garden wastes. Among these, the last three have shown problems for easy decomposition. Fruit wastes are characterized by a large pectin supported fraction that decomposes quickly to organic acids (becomes pulpy) that eventually slow down anaerobic and aerobic decomposition processes. Paper fraction (newsprint and photocopying paper) as well as paddy straw (packing), bagasse (from cane juice stalls) and tree leaf litter (typical garden waste and street sweepings) are found in reasonably large proportions in MSW. These decompose slowly due to poor nutrients or physical state. We have examined the suitability of these substrates for micro-composting in plastic bins by tracking decomposition pattern and physical changes. It was found that fruit wastes decompose rapidly to produce organic acids and large leachate fraction such that it may need to be mixed with leachate absorbing materials (dry wastes) for good composting. Leaf litter, paddy straw and bagasse decompose to the tune of 90, 68 and 60% VS and are suitable for composting micro-treatment. Paper fractions even when augmented with 10% leaf compost failed to show appreciable decomposition in 50 days. All these feedstocks were found to have good biological methane potential (BMP) and showed promise for conversion to biogas under a mixed feed operation. Suitability of this approach was verified by operating a plug-flow type anaerobic digester where only leaf litter gathered nearby (as street sweepings) was used as feedstock. Here only a third of the BMP was realized at this scale (0.18 m(3) biogas/kg VS 0.55 m(3)/kg in BMP). We conclude that anaerobic digestion in plug-flow like digesters appear a more suitable micro-treatment option (2-10 kg VS/day) because in addition to compost it also produces biogas for domestic use nearby.


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An examination of the data available at 22 meteorological stations in Karnataka State shows that wind velocities in the State as a whole are neither spectacularly high nor negligibly low. The highest winds (annual mean of around 13 km/hr) are experienced in parts of the northern maidan region of the State (Gulbarga, Raichur and Bidar districts) and in Bangalore. The winds are strongly seasonal: typically, the five monsoon months May-September account for about 80% of the annual wind energy flux. Although the data available are inadequate to make precise estimates, they indicate that the total wind energy potential of the State is about an order of magnitude higher than the current electrical energy consumption. The possible exploitation of wind energy for applications in rural areas therefore requires serious consideration, but it is argued that to be successful it is essential to formulate an integrated and carefully planned programme. The output of current windpumps needs to be increased; a doubling should be feasible by the design of suitable load-matching devices. The first cost has to be reduced by careful design, by the use of local materials and skills and by employing a labour-intensive technology. A consideration of the agricultural factors in the northern maidan region of the State shows that there is likely to be a strong need for mechanical assistance in supplemental and life-saving irrigation for the dry crops characteristic of the area. A technological target for a windmill that could find applications in this area would be one with a rotor diameter of about 10 m that can lift about 10,000 litres of water per hour in winds of 10 km/hr (2.8 m/s) hourly average speed and costs less than about Rs 10,000. Although no such windmills exist as of today, the authors believe that achievement of this target is feasible. An examination of various possible scenarios for the use of windmills in this area suggests that with a windpump costing about Rs 12,000, a three hectare farm growing two dry crops a year can expect an annual return of about 150% from an initial investment of about Rs 15,000. It is concluded that it should be highly worthwhile to undertake a coordinated programme for wind energy development that will include more detailed wind surveys in the northern maidan area (as well as some others, such as the Western Ghats), the development of suitable windmill designs and a study of their applications to agriculture as well as to other fields.


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Partition of unity methods, such as the extended finite element method, allows discontinuities to be simulated independently of the mesh (Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 1999; 45:601-620). This eliminates the need for the mesh to be aligned with the discontinuity or cumbersome re-meshing, as the discontinuity evolves. However, to compute the stiffness matrix of the elements intersected by the discontinuity, a subdivision of the elements into quadrature subcells aligned with the discontinuity is commonly adopted. In this paper, we use a simple integration technique, proposed for polygonal domains (Int. J. Nuttier Meth. Engng 2009; 80(1):103-134. DOI: 10.1002/nme.2589) to suppress the need for element subdivision. Numerical results presented for a few benchmark problems in the context of linear elastic fracture mechanics and a multi-material problem show that the proposed method yields accurate results. Owing to its simplicity, the proposed integration technique can be easily integrated in any existing code. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Entamoeba histolytica-specific serum IgG, IgA, IgM and IgE antibodies were assayed in cases of amoebiasis in an endemic area. Patient groups consisted of amoebic liver abscess (n=18), pre-abscess hepatic amoebiasis (n=22) and amoebic colitis (n=30). Control subjects comprised 26 asymptomatic cyst passers, 13 giardiasis cases, 20 typhoid patients and 24 non-amoebic individuals. Serum IgG was assayed by ELISA, using a monoclonal anti IgG β- galactosidase (IgG β-gal) conjugate, a polyclonal avidin biotin horse radish peroxidase (AB-HRP), and a polyclonal anti IgG horse radish peroxidase (IgG HRP) conjugate. IgA and IgM were assayed by the β-gal ELISA and IgE by AB-HRP. Diagnostically significant IgG and IgA while lower IgM and IgE antibody levels were seen in extraintestinal cases. About 40% of suspected pre-abscess hepatic amoebiasis cases were confirmed by antibody estimation. All isotype levels in most dysentery cases were in the range of the controls.


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The steady state throughput performance of distributed applications deployed in switched networks in presence of end-system bottlenecks is studied in this paper. The effect of various limitations at an end-system is modelled as an equivalent transmission capacity limitation. A class of distributed applications is characterised by a static traffic distribution matrix that determines the communication between various components of the application. It is found that uniqueness of steady state throughputs depends only on the traffic distribution matrix and that some applications (e.g., broadcast applications) can yield non-unique values for the steady state component throughputs. For a given switch capacity, with traffic distribution that yield fair unique throughputs, the trade-off between the end-system capacity and the number of application components is brought out. With a proposed distributed rate control, it has been illustrated that it is possible to have unique solution for certain traffic distributions which is otherwise impossible. Also, by proper selection of rate control parameters, various throughput performance objectives can be realised.


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The utility of tetrathiomolybdate in a variety of organic transformations is presented in this account. The sulfur transfer ability of tetrathiomolybdate is exploited in the synthesis of organic disulfides under mild reaction conditions. The induced internal redox reactions associated with tetrathiomolybdate have been thoroughly exploited in developing various methodologies, which include the reduction of organic azides, synthesis of diselenides, cyclic imines, thioamides, and thiolactams. In addition, novel deprotection strategies using tetrathiomolybdate have been developed to cleave the propargyl and propargyloxy carbonyl (POC) protecting groups. Tetrathiomolybdate mediated tandem sulfur transfer-reduction-Michael reactions have been applied to the synthesis of sulfur containing bicyclic systems. Furthermore, the reactions in the solid state and the reactions in water medium assisted by tetrathiomolybdate have greatly simplified the synthesis of organic disulfides.


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Palladium and platinum dichloride complexes of a series of symmetrically and unsymmetrically substituted 25,26;27,28-dibridged p-tert-butyl-calix[4]arene bisphosphites in which two proximal phenolic oxygen atoms of p-tert-butyl-or p-H-calix[4]arene are connected to a P(OR) ( R = substituted phenyl) moiety have been synthesized. The palladium dichloride complexes of calix[4]arene bisphosphites bearing sterically bulky aryl substituents undergo cyclometalation by C-C or C-H bond scission. An example of cycloplatinated complex is also reported. The complexes have been characterized by NMR spectroscopic and single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. During crystallization of the palladium dichloride complex of a symmetrically substituted calix[4]arene bisphosphite in dichloromethane, insertion of oxygen occurs into the Pd-P bond to give a P,O-coordinated palladium dichloride complex. The calix[4]arene framework in these bisphosphites and their metal complexes adopt distorted cone conformation; the cone conformation is more flattened in the metal complexes than in the free calix[4]arene bisphosphites. Some of these cyclometalated complexes proved to be active catalysts for Heck and Suzuki C-C cross-coupling reactions but, on an average, the yields are only modest. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As computational Grids are increasingly used for executing long running multi-phase parallel applications, it is important to develop efficient rescheduling frameworks that adapt application execution in response to resource and application dynamics. In this paper, three strategies or algorithms have been developed for deciding when and where to reschedule parallel applications that execute on multi-cluster Grids. The algorithms derive rescheduling plans that consist of potential points in application execution for rescheduling and schedules of resources for application execution between two consecutive rescheduling points. Using large number of simulations, it is shown that the rescheduling plans developed by the algorithms can lead to large decrease in application execution times when compared to executions without rescheduling on dynamic Grid resources. The rescheduling plans generated by the algorithms are also shown to be competitive when compared to the near-optimal plans generated by brute-force methods. Of the algorithms, genetic algorithm yielded the most efficient rescheduling plans with 9-12% smaller average execution times than the other algorithms.


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Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) applications are principally categorized into safety and commercial applications. Efficient traffic management for routing an emergency vehicle is of paramount importance in safety applications of VANETs. In the first case, a typical example of a high dense urban scenario is considered to demonstrate the role of penetration ratio for achieving reduced travel time between source and destination points. The major requirement for testing these VANET applications is a realistic simulation approach which would justify the results prior to actual deployment. A Traffic Simulator coupled with a Network Simulator using a feedback loop feature is apt for realistic simulation of VANETs. Thus, in this paper, we develop the safety application using traffic control interface (TraCI), which couples SUMO (traffic simulator) and NS2 (network simulator). Likewise, the mean throughput is one of the necessary performance measures for commercial applications of VANETs. In the next case, commercial applications have been considered wherein the data is transferred amongst vehicles (V2V) and between roadside infrastructure and vehicles (I2V), for which the throughput is assessed.


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In this paper we discuss the recent progresses in spectral finite element modeling of complex structures and its application in real-time structural health monitoring system based on sensor-actuator network and near real-time computation of Damage Force Indicator (DFI) vector. A waveguide network formalism is developed by mapping the original variational problem into the variational problem involving product spaces of 1D waveguides. Numerical convergence is studied using a h()-refinement scheme, where is the wavelength of interest. Computational issues towards successful implementation of this method with SHM system are discussed.