65 resultados para annual feedback

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In this paper we study an LMS-DFE. We use the ODE framework to show that the LMS-DFE attractors are close to the true DFE Wiener filter (designed considering the decision errors) at high SNR. Therefore, via LMS one can obtain a computationally efficient way to obtain the true DFE Wiener filter under high SNR. We also provide examples to show that the DFE filter so obtained can significantly outperform the usual DFE Wiener filter (designed assuming perfect decisions) at all practical SNRs. In fact, the performance improvement is very significant even at high SNRs (up to 50%), where the popular Wiener filter designed with perfect decisions, is believed to be closer to the optimal one.


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A frequency-domain positivity condition is derived for linear time-varying operators in2and is used to develop2stability criteria for linear and nonlinear feedback systems. These criteria permit the use of a very general class of operators in2with nonstationary kernels, as multipliers. More specific results are obtained by using a first-order differential operator with a time-varying coefficient as multiplier. Finally, by employing periodic multipliers, improved stability criteria are derived for the nonlinear damped Mathieu equation with a forcing function.


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A monostable multivibrator configuration using a new technique of regenerative feedback is discussed. This circuit provides an elegant alternative in situations wherein several monostable multivibrators have to be connected in tandem.


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Criteria for the L2-stability of linear and nonlinear time-varying feedback systems are given. These are conditions in the time domain involving the solution of certain associated matrix Riccati equations and permitting the use of a very general class of L2-operators as multipliers.


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This paper presents a systematic method of investigating the existence of limit cycle oscillations in feedback systems with combined integral pulse frequency-pulse width (IPF-P/V) modulation. The method is based on the non-linear discrete equivalence of the continuous feedback system containing the IPF-PW modulator.


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A class of feedback systems, consisting of dynamical non-linear subsystems which arise in many diverse control applications, is analyzed for L2-stability. It is shown that, although a transformation of these systems to the familiar Lur'e configuration does not seem to be possible, a one-to-one correspondence may be effected between the stability properties of these and the Lur'e systems. Interesting stability criteria are developed by exploiting this characteristic.


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This paper is concerned with the analysis of the absolute stability of a non-linear autonomous system which consists of a single non-linearity belonging to a particular class, in an otherwise linear feedback loop. It is motivated from the earlier Popovlike frequency-domain criteria using the ' multiplier ' eoncept and involves the construction of ' stability multipliers' with prescribed phase characteristics. A few computer-based methods by which this problem can be solved are indicated and it is shown that this constitutes a stop-by-step procedure for testing the stability properties of a given system.


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Conditions under which the asymptotic stabilization of uniformly decoupled time-varying multivariate systems is possible are explored. This is accomplished by developing a canonical form for integrator uniformly decoupled system in which the coefficient matrices have a simple structure. The procedures developed rely on certain conditions on the given system and yield explicit expressions for the stabilization compensators.


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Accompanying the decrease in serum cholesterol and increase in concentration of ubiquinone in liver and its microsomes, the activity, but not the protein, of HMG-CoA reductase decreased in ubiquinone-supplemented rats. A soluble 58-kDa preparation of HMG-CoA reductase was partially inhibited on addition of ubiquinone indicating a possible feedback type of action.


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Bluetooth is a short-range radio technology operating in the unlicensed industrial-scientific-medical (ISM) band at 2.45 GHz. A piconet is basically a collection of slaves controlled by a master. A scatternet, on the other hand, is established by linking several piconets together in an ad hoc fashion to yield a global wireless ad hoc network. This paper proposes a scheduling policy that aims to achieve increased system throughput and reduced packet delays while providing reasonably good fairness among all traffic flows in bluetooth piconets and scatternets. We propose a novel algorithm for scheduling slots to slaves for both piconets and scatternets using multi-layered parameterized policies. Our scheduling scheme works with real data and obtains an optimal feedback policy within prescribed parameterized classes of these by using an efficient two-timescale simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm. We show the convergence of our algorithm to an optimal multi-layered policy. We also propose novel polling schemes for intra- and inter-piconet scheduling that are seen to perform well. We present an extensive set of simulation results and performance comparisons with existing scheduling algorithms. Our results indicate that our proposed scheduling algorithm performs better overall on a wide range of experiments over the existing algorithms for both piconets (Das et al. in INFOCOM, pp. 591–600, 2001; Lapeyrie and Turletti in INFOCOM conference proceedings, San Francisco, US, 2003; Shreedhar and Varghese in SIGCOMM, pp. 231–242, 1995) and scatternets (Har-Shai et al. in OPNETWORK, 2002; Saha and Matsumot in AICT/ICIW, 2006; Tan and Guttag in The 27th annual IEEE conference on local computer networks(LCN). Tampa, 2002). Our studies also confirm that our proposed scheme achieves a high throughput and low packet delays with reasonable fairness among all the connections.


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We present a motion detection algorithm which detects direction of motion at sufficient number of points and thus segregates the edge image into clusters of coherently moving points. Unlike most algorithms for motion analysis, we do not estimate magnitude of velocity vectors or obtain dense motion maps. The motivation is that motion direction information at a number of points seems to be sufficient to evoke perception of motion and hence should be useful in many image processing tasks requiring motion analysis. The algorithm essentially updates the motion at previous time using the current image frame as input in a dynamic fashion. One of the novel features of the algorithm is the use of some feedback mechanism for evidence segregation. This kind of motion analysis can identify regions in the image that are moving together coherently, and such information could be sufficient for many applications that utilize motion such as segmentation, compression, and tracking. We present an algorithm for tracking objects using our motion information to demonstrate the potential of this motion detection algorithm.


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Variability in rainfall is known to be a major influence on the dynamics of tropical forests, especially rates and patterns of tree mortality. In tropical dry forests a number of contributing factors to tree mortality, including dry season fire and herbivory by large herbivorous mammals, could be related to rainfall patterns, while loss of water potential in trees during the dry season or a wet season drought could also result in enhanced rates of death. While tree mortality as influenced by severe drought has been examined in tropical wet forests there is insufficient understanding of this process in tropical dry forests. We examined these causal factors in relation to inter-annual differences in rainfall in causing tree mortality within a 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot located in the tropical dry deciduous forests of Mudumalai, southern India, that has been monitored annually since 1988. Over a 19-year period (1988-2007) mean annual mortality rate of all stems >1 cm dbh was 6.9 +/- 4.6% (range = 1.5-17.5%); mortality rates broadly declined from the smaller to the larger size classes with the rates in stems >30 cm dbh being among the lowest recorded in tropical forest globally. Fire was the main agent of mortality in stems 1-5 cm dbh, elephant-herbivory in stems 5-10 cm dbh, and other natural causes in stems > 10 cm dbh. Elephant-related mortality did not show any relationship to rainfall. On the other hand, fire-related mortality was significantly negatively correlated to quantity of rainfall during the preceding year. Mortality due to other causes in the larger stem sizes was significantly negatively correlated to rainfall with a 2-3-year lag, suggesting that water deficit from mild or prolonged drought enhanced the risk of death but only with a time lag that was greater than similar lags in tree mortality observed in other forest types. In this respect, tropical dry forests growing in regions of high rainfall variability may have evolved greater resistance to rainfall deficit as compared to tropical moist or temperate forests but are still vulnerable to drought-related mortality.


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In this paper, new results and insights are derived for the performance of multiple-input, single-output systems with beamforming at the transmitter, when the channel state information is quantized and sent to the transmitter over a noisy feedback channel. It is assumed that there exists a per-antenna power constraint at the transmitter, hence, the equal gain transmission (EGT) beamforming vector is quantized and sent from the receiver to the transmitter. The loss in received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) relative to perfect beamforming is analytically characterized, and it is shown that at high rates, the overall distortion can be expressed as the sum of the quantization-induced distortion and the channel error-induced distortion, and that the asymptotic performance depends on the error-rate behavior of the noisy feedback channel as the number of codepoints gets large. The optimum density of codepoints (also known as the point density) that minimizes the overall distortion subject to a boundedness constraint is shown to be the same as the point density for a noiseless feedback channel, i.e., the uniform density. The binary symmetric channel with random index assignment is a special case of the analysis, and it is shown that as the number of quantized bits gets large the distortion approaches the same as that obtained with random beamforming. The accuracy of the theoretical expressions obtained are verified through Monte Carlo simulations.


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Instability in conventional haptic rendering destroys the perception of rigid objects in virtual environments. Inherent limitations in the conventional haptic loop restrict the maximum stiffness that can be rendered. In this paper we present a method to render virtual walls that are much stiffer than those achieved by conventional techniques. By removing the conventional digital haptic loop and replacing it with a part-continuous and part-discrete time hybrid haptic loop, we were able to render stiffer walls. The control loop is implemented as a combinational logic circuit on an field-programmable gate array. We compared the performance of the conventional haptic loop and our hybrid haptic loop on the same haptic device, and present mathematical analysis to show the limit of stability of our device. Our hybrid method removes the computer-intensive haptic loop from the CPU-this can free a significant amount of resources that can be used for other purposes such as graphical rendering and physics modeling. It is our hope that, in the future, similar designs will lead to a haptics processing unit (HPU).


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Concerning the L2-stability of feedback systems containing a linear time-varying operator, some of the stringent restrictions imposed on the multiplier as well as the linear part of the system, in the criteria presented earlier, are relaxed.