390 resultados para Word-of-Mouth Communication

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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This paper presents comparative data on the vocal communication of two Asian leaf monkeys, the Nilgiri langur (Presbytis johnii) and South Indian common langur (Presbytis entellus), based on sound recordings and behavioural observations of free-ranging groups. Spectrographical analyses revealed a repertoire of 18 basic patterns for Nilgiri langurs, and 21 basic patterns for common langurs. The repertoires of the two langur species consist of both discretely structured vocal patterns, in which alterations of the physical parameters are restricted to intra-class variation, and those in which structural variations cause intergradation between different sections of the repertoire. Qualitative assessments of group scans indicate that in both species vocal behaviour is characterized by pronounced sex-differences in the use of the different elements of the vocal repertoire. Comparison of data available from different populations of P. entellus suggests population-specific modifications on both structural and behavioural levels. Moreover, characteristic elements of the vocal systems of the two Asian species demonstrate striking similarities to those described for the African black-and-white colobus.


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Mitochondrial Hsp70 (mtHsp70) is essential for a vast repertoire of functions, including protein import, and requires effective interdomain communication for efficient partner-protein interactions. However, the in vivo functional significance of allosteric regulation in eukaryotes is poorly defined. Using integrated biochemical and yeast genetic approaches, we provide compelling evidence that a conserved substrate-binding domain (SBD) loop, L-4,L-5, plays a critical role in allosteric communication governing mtHsp70 chaperone functions across species. In yeast, a temperature-sensitive L-4,L-5 mutation (E467A) disrupts bidirectional domain communication, leading to compromised protein import and mitochondrial function. Loop L-4,L-5 functions synergistically with the linker in modulating the allosteric interface and conformational transitions between SBD and the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD), thus regulating interdomain communication. Second-site intragenic suppressors of E467A isolated within the SBD suppress domain communication defects by conformationally altering the allosteric interface, thereby restoring import and growth phenotypes. Strikingly, the suppressor mutations highlight that restoration of communication from NBD to SBD alone is the minimum essential requirement for effective in vivo function when primed at higher basal ATPase activity, mimicking the J-protein-bound state. Together these findings provide the first mechanistic insights into critical regions within the SBD of mtHsp70s regulating interdomain communication, thus highlighting its importance in protein translocation and mitochondrial biogenesis.


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We study the optimal control problem of maximizing the spread of an information epidemic on a social network. Information propagation is modeled as a susceptible-infected (SI) process, and the campaign budget is fixed. Direct recruitment and word-of-mouth incentives are the two strategies to accelerate information spreading (controls). We allow for multiple controls depending on the degree of the nodes/individuals. The solution optimally allocates the scarce resource over the campaign duration and the degree class groups. We study the impact of the degree distribution of the network on the controls and present results for Erdos-Renyi and scale-free networks. Results show that more resource is allocated to high-degree nodes in the case of scale-free networks, but medium-degree nodes in the case of Erdos-Renyi networks. We study the effects of various model parameters on the optimal strategy and quantify the improvement offered by the optimal strategy over the static and bang-bang control strategies. The effect of the time-varying spreading rate on the controls is explored as the interest level of the population in the subject of the campaign may change over time. We show the existence of a solution to the formulated optimal control problem, which has nonlinear isoperimetric constraints, using novel techniques that is general and can be used in other similar optimal control problems. This work may be of interest to political, social awareness, or crowdfunding campaigners and product marketing managers, and with some modifications may be used for mitigating biological epidemics.


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The aim of the present study was to draw inferences regarding the properties of single cells responsible for co-operative behaviour in the slug of the soil amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. The slug is an integrated multicellular mass formed by the aggregation of starved cells. The amoebae comprising the slug differentiate according to their spatial locations relative to one another, implying that, as in the case of other regulative embryos, they must be in mutual communication. We have previously shown that one manifestation of this communication is the time taken for the anteriormost fragment of the slug, the tip, to regenerate from slugs which have been rendered tipless by amputation. We present results of tip-regeneration experiments performed on genetically mosaic slugs. By comparing the mosaics with their component pure genotypes, we were able to discriminate between a set of otherwise equally plausible modes of intercellular signalling. Neither a'pacemaker' model, in which the overall rate of tip regeneration is determined by the cell with the highest frequency of autonomous oscillation, nor an 'independent-particle' model, in which the rate of regeneration is the arithmetical average of independent cell-dependent rates, is in quantitative accord with our findings. Our results are best explained by a form of signalling which operates by means of cell-to-cell relay. Therefore intercellular communication Seems to be essential for tip regeneration.


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Communication complexity refers to the minimum rate of public communication required for generating a maximal-rate secret key (SK) in the multiterminal source model of Csiszar and Narayan. Tyagi recently characterized this communication complexity for a two-terminal system. We extend the ideas in Tyagi's work to derive a lower bound on communication complexity in the general multiterminal setting. In the important special case of the complete graph pairwise independent network (PIN) model, our bound allows us to determine the exact linear communication complexity, i.e., the communication complexity when the communication and SK are restricted to be linear functions of the randomness available at the terminals.


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Oxidation of mu-H/alkylbisnaphthols (4a-g) gives the 14-substituted dibenzo[aj]xanthenes (5a-g) as the sole product while that of mu-arylbisnaphthols (4h-j) gives the xanthenes (5h-j) along with the corresponding spironaphthalenones (1h-j). A probable mechanism for the formation of the products has been suggested.


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The physical mechanism through which Ei-Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) tends to produce deficient precipitation over Indian continent is investigated using both observations as well as a general circulation model. Both analysis of observations and atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) study show that the planetary scale response associated with ENSO primarily influences the equatorial Indian Ocean region. Through this interaction it tends to favour the equatorial heat source, enhance precipitation over the equatorial Indian Ocean and indirectly cause a decrease in continental precipitation through induced subsidence. This situation is further complicated by the fact the regional tropospheric quasi biennial oscillation (QBO) has a bimodal structure over this region with large amplitude over the Indian continent. While the ENSO response has a quasi-four year periodicity and tends peak during beginning of the calendar year, the QBO mode tends to peak during northern summer. Thus, the QBO mode exerts a stronger influence on the interannual variability of the monsoon. The strength of the Indian monsoon in a given year depends on the combined effect of the ENSO and the QBO mode. Sines the two oscillations have disparate time scales, exact phase information of the two modes during northern summer is important in determining the Indian summer monsoon. The physical mechanism of the interannual variations of the Indian monsoon precipitation associated with ENSO presented here is similar to the physical process that cause intraseasonal 'active', 'break' oscillations of the monsoon.


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A copper(II) complex of dipyridophenazine, viz., [Cu(dppz)(2)(H2O)](ClO4)(2) (I), has been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The crystal structure of the complex shows a five-coordinate structure in which two N,N-donor dipyridophenazine (dppz) and one aqua ligand bind to the copper(II) center giving Cu-O and Cu-N bond distances in the range of 1.981(6) to 2.043(6) angstrom. The ESI-MS spectrum of 1 in MeCN shows a peak at m/z value of 313 (100%) indicating the dissociation of the aqua ligand in the solution phase. The complex is one-electron paramagnetic (mu(eff), 1.86 mu(B)). It displays a quasi-reversible Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox process at 0.096 V. The complex is an avid binder to CT DNA giving a binding constant value of 3.5 x 10(5) M-1. It shows significant hydrolytic cleavage of supercoiled pUC19 DNA in dark ill the absence of any external agents. The complex exhibits chemical nuclease activity oil treatment with 3-mercaptopropionic acid as a reducing agent forming hydroxyl radicals. Complex 1 is a model synthetic nuclease and hydrolase showing both modes of DNA cleavage under different reaction conditions. The DNA cleavage activity of 1 is significantly better than its phen analogue but similar to that of the bis-dpq complex.


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Diels-Alder reaction of the dienone 12, obtained by C-alkylation of sodium 2,6-dimethylphenoxide, with acrylonitrile and phenyl vinyl sulfones generate the enynes 14 and 17. Tributyltin radical addition to the terminal acetylene in 14 and 17 lead to the vinylstannanes 15 and 18 via 5-exo trig cyclisation of the resulting vinyl radical, which on oxidative cleavage furnishes the isotwistane-diones 16 and 19. Reductive desulfonylation of the diketosulfone 19 furnishes the dione 11, constituting a formal total synthesis of 2-pupukeanone 5 and 2-isocyanopupukeanone 3.


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Chemical modification studies reveal that the modification of amino groups in WBA II leads to a complete loss in the hemagglutinating and saccharide binding activities. Since WBA II is a dimeric molecule and contains two binding sites, one amino group in each of the binding sites is inferred to be essential for its activity. The presence of amino group which has a potential to form hydrogen bonded interactions with the ligand, substantiates our observation regarding the forces involved in WBA II-receptor and WBA II-simple sugar interactions.


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Diruthenium (II. III) complexes of the type [Ru-2(O2CAr)(4) (2-mimH)(2)](ClO4) (Ar = C6H4-p-X : X=OMe,1, X=Me, 2, 2-mimH=2-methylimidazole) have been isolated from the reaction of Ru2Cl(O2CAr)(4) with 2-mimH in CH2Cl2 followed by the addition of NaClO4. The crystal structure of 1.1.75CH(2)Cl(2).H2O has been determined. The crystal belongs to the monoclinic space group p2(1)/c with the following unit cell dimensions for the C40H40N4O16ClRu2.1.75CH(2)Cl(2).H2O (M = 1237.0) : a = 12.347(3)Angstrom, b = 17.615(5)Angstrom, c = 26.148(2)Angstrom,beta = 92.88(1)degrees. v = 5679(2)Angstrom(3). Z=4, D-c = 1.45 g cm(-3). lambda(Mo-K-alpha) = 0.7107 Angstrom, mu(Mo-K-alpha) = 8.1 cm(-1), T = 293 K, R = 0.0815 (wR(2) = 0.2118) for 5834 reflections with 1 > 2 sigma(I). The complex has a tetracarboxylatodiruthenium (II, III) core and two axially bound 2-methylimidazole ligands. The Ru-Ru bond length is 2.290(1)Angstrom. The Ru-Ru bond order is 2.5 and the complex is three-electron paramagnetic. The complex shows an irreversible Ru-2(II,III)-->Ru-2(Il,II) reduction near -0.2 V vs SCE in CH2Cl2-0. 1 MTBAP. The complexes exemplify the first adduct of the tetracarboxylatodiruthenium (II,III) core having N-donor ligands


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Total synthesis of the dimethyl ether of marsupsin, in seven steps starting from phloroglucinol, is described.


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First enantiospecific total synthesis of optical antipode of the sesquiterpene 10,11-epoxythapsan-10-ol has been described. (R)-Carvone has been employed as the chiral starting material and a combination of intramolecular alkylation and Criegee fragmentation are employed for intramolecular stereospecific transfer of the chirality. An intramolecular diazoketone cyclopropanation and regioselective cyclopropane ring cleavage reactions have been employed for the creation of the three requisite contiguous quaternary carbon atoms.


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Iron(III) complexes, (NHEt3)[Fe(III)(sal-met)(2)] and (NHEt3)[Fe(III)(sal-phe)(2)], of amino acid Schiffbase ligands, viz., N-salicylidene-L-methionine and N-salicylidene L-phenylalanine, have been prepared and their binding to bovine serum albumin (BSA) and photo-induced BSA cleavage activity have been investigated. The complexes are structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray crystallography. The crystal Structures of the discrete mononuclear rnonoanionic complexes show FeN2O4 octahedral coordination geometry in which the tridentate dianionic amino acid Schiff base ligand binds through phenolate and carboxylate oxygen and imine nitrogen atoms. The imine nitrogen atoms are trans to each other. The Fe-O and Fe-N bond distances range between 1.9 and 2.1 angstrom. The sal-met complex has two pendant thiomethyl groups. The high-spin iron(III) complexes (mu(eff) similar to 5.9 mu(B)) exhibit quasi-reversible Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox process near -0.6 V vs. SCE in water. These complexes display a visible electronic hand near 480 nm in tris-HCl buffer assignable to the phenolate-to-iron(III) charge transfer transition. The water soluble complexes bind to BSA giving binding constant values of similar to 10(5) M-1. The Complexes show non-specific oxidative cleavage of BSA protein on photo-irradiation with UV-A light of 365 nm.