51 resultados para Wood longitudinal modulus of elasticity

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Scattering of coherent light from scattering particles causes phase shift to the scattered light. The interference of unscattered and scattered light causes the formation of speckles. When the scattering particles, under the influence of an ultrasound (US) pressure wave, vibrate, the phase shift fluctuates, thereby causing fluctuation in speckle intensity. We use the laser speckle contrast analysis (LSCA) to reconstruct a map of the elastic property (Young's modulus) of soft tissue-mimicking phantom. The displacement of the scatters is inversely related to the Young's modulus of the medium. The elastic properties of soft biological tissues vary, many fold with malignancy. The experimental results show that laser speckle contrast (LSC) is very sensitive to the pathological changes in a soft tissue medium. The experiments are carried out on a phantom with two cylindrical inclusions of sizes 6 mm in diameter, separated by 8 mm between them. Three samples are made. One inclusion has Young's modulus E of 40 kPa. The second inclusion has either a Young's modulus E of 20 kPa, or scattering coefficient of mu'(s), = 3.00 mm(-1) or absorption coefficient of mu(a) = 0.03 mm(-1). The optical absorption (mu(a)), reduced scattering (mu'(s)) coefficient, and the Young's modulus of the background are mu(a) = 0.01 mm(-1), mu'(s) = 1.00 mm(-1) and 12kPa, respectively. The experiments are carried out on all three phantoms. On a phantom with two inclusions of Young's modulus of 20 and 40 kPa, the measured relative speckle image contrasts are 36.55% and 63.72%, respectively. Experiments are repeated on phantoms with inclusions of mu(a) = 0.03 mm-1, E = 40 kPa and mu'(s) = 3.00 mm(-1). The results show that it is possible to detect inclusions with contrasts in optical absorption, optical scattering, and Young's modulus. Studies of the variation of laser speckle contrast with ultrasound driving force for various values of mu(a), mu'(s), and Young's modulus of the tissue mimicking medium are also carried out. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3592352]


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Based on an ultrasound-modulated optical tomography experiment, a direct, quantitative recovery of Young's modulus (E) is achieved from the modulation depth (M) in the intensity autocorrelation. The number of detector locations is limited to two in orthogonal directions, reducing the complexity of the data gathering step whilst ensuring against an impoverishment of the measurement, by employing ultrasound frequency as a parameter to vary during data collection. The M and E are related via two partial differential equations. The first one connects M to the amplitude of vibration of the scattering centers in the focal volume and the other, this amplitude to E. A (composite) sensitivity matrix is arrived at mapping the variation of M with that of E and used in a (barely regularized) Gauss-Newton algorithm to iteratively recover E. The reconstruction results showing the variation of E are presented. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America


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Use of circular hexagonal honeycomb structures and tube assemblies in energy absorption systems has attracted a large number of literature on their characterization under crushing and impact loads. Notwithstanding these, effective shear moduli (G*) required for complete transverse elastic characterization and in analyses of hierarchical structures have received scant attention. In an attempt to fill this void, the present study undertakes to evaluate G* of a generalized circular honeycomb structures and tube assemblies in a diamond array structure (DAS) with no restriction on their thickness. These structures present a potential to realize a spectrum of moduli with minimal modifications, a point of relevance for manufactures and designers. To evaluate G* in this paper, models based on technical theories - thin ring theory and curved beam theory - and rigorous theory of elasticity are investigated and corroborated with FEA employing contact elements. Technical theories which give a good match for thin HCS offer compact expressions for moduli which can be harvested to study sensitivity of moduli on topology. On the other hand, elasticity model offers a very good match over a large range of thickness along with exact analysis of stresses by employing computationally efficient expressions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The problem of an infinite circular sandwich shell subjected to an a\isymmetric radial line load is investigated using three-dimensional elasticity theory, shell core method, and sandwich shell theory due to Fulton and Schmidt. A comparison of the stresses and displacements with an exact elasticity solution is carried out for various shell parameters in order to clearly bring out the limitations of sandwich shell theories of Fulton and Schmidt as well as the shell core solution.


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An elasticity solution has been obtained for a long circular sandwich cylindrical shell subjected to axisymmetric radial ring load using Love's stress function approach. Numerical results are presented for different ratios of modulus of elasticity of the layers. The results obtained from this analysis have been compared with those obtained from sandwich shell theory due to Fulton.


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A long two-layered circular cylinder having a thin orthotropic outer shell and a thick transversely isotropic core subjected to an axisymmetric radialv line load has been analysed. For analysis of the outer shell the classical thin shell theory was adopted and for analysis of the inner core the elasticity theory was used. The continuity of stresses and deformations at the interface has been satisfied by assumming perfect adhesion between the layers. Numerical results have been presented for two different ratios of outer shell thickness to inner radius and for three different ratios of modulus of elasticity in the radial direction of outer shell to inner core. The results have been compared with the elasticity solution of the same problem to bring out the reliability of this hybrid method. References


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An anomalous variation in the experimental elastic modulus, E, of Ti-6Al-4V-xB (with x up to 0.55 wt.%) is reported. Volume fractions and moduli of the constituent phases were measured using microscopy and nanoindentation,respectively. These were used in simple micromechanical models to examine if the E values could be rationalized. Experimental E values higher than the upper bound estimates suggest complex interplay between microstructural modifications, induced by the addition of B, and properties.


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The problem is solved using the Love function and Flügge shell theory. Numerical work has been done with a computer for various values of shell geometry parameters and elastic constants.


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A finite circular cylindrical shell subjected to a band of uniform pressure on its outer rim was investigated, using three-dimensional elasticity theory and the classical shell theories of Timoshenko (or Donnell) and Flügge. Detailed comparison of the resulting stresses and displacements was carried out for shells with ratios of inner to outer shell radii equal to 0.80, 0.85, 0.90 and 0.93 and for ratios of outer shell diameter to length of the shell equal to 0.5, 1 and 2. The ratio of band width to length of the shell was 0.2 and Poisson's ratio used was equal to 0.3. An Elliot 803 digital computer was used for numerical computations.


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The influences of the amorphous matrix and crystalline dendrite phases on the hardness and elastic moduli of Zr/Ti-based bulk metallic glass matrix composites have been assessed. While the moduli of the composites correspond to those predicted by the rule of mixtures, the hardness of the composites is similar to that of the matrix, suggesting that the plastic flow in the composites under constrained conditions such as indentation is controlled by the flow resistance of the contiguous matrix. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Understanding the influence of polymer grafted bilayers on the physicomechanical properties of lipid membranes is important while developing liposomal based drug delivery systems. The melting characteristics and bending moduli of polymer grafted bilayers are investigated using dissipative particle dynamics simulations as a function of the amount of grafted polymer and lipid tail length. Simulations are carried out using a modified Andersen barostat, whereby the membrane is maintained in a tensionless state. For lipids made up of four to six tail beads, the transition from the low temperature L-beta phase to the L-alpha phase is lowered only above a grafting fraction of G(f)=0.12 for polymers made up of 20 beads. Below G(f)=0.12 small changes are observed only for the HT4 bilayer. The bending modulus of the bilayers is obtained as a function of G(f) from a Fourier analysis of the height fluctuations. Using the theory developed by Marsh Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1615, 33 (2003)] for polymer grafted membranes, the contributions to the bending modulus due to changes arising from the grafted polymer and bilayer thinning are partitioned. The contributions to the changes in kappa from bilayer thinning were found to lie within 11% for the lipids with four to six tail beads, increasing to 15% for the lipids containing nine tail beads. The changes in the area stretch modulus were also assessed and were found to have a small influence on the overall contribution from membrane thinning. The increase in the area per head group of the lipids was found to be consistent with the scalings predicted by self-consistent mean field results. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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For resonant column tests conducted in the flexure mode of excitation, a new methodology has been proposed to find the elastic modulus and associated axial strain of a cylindrical sample. The proposed method is an improvement over the existing one, and it does not require the assumption of either the mode shape or zero bending moment condition at the top of the sample. A stepwise procedure is given to perform the necessary calculations. From a number of resonant column experiments on aluminum bars and dry sand samples, it has been observed that the present method as compared with the one available in literature provides approximately (i) 5.9%-7.3% higher values of the elastic modulus and (ii) 6.5%-7.3% higher values of the associated axial strains.


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The variation in the bulk modulus of semiconductor nanoparticles has been studied within first-principles electronic-structure calculations using the local density approximation (LDA) for the exchange correlation. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations carried out for a silicon nanocrystal Si87H76 provided reasonable agreement with the LDA results. An enhancement was observed in the bulk modulus as the size of the nanoparticle was decreased, with modest enhancements being predicted for the largest nanoparticles studied here, a size just accessible in experiments. To access larger sizes, we fit our calculated bulk moduli to the same empirical law for all materials, the asymptote of which is the bulk value of the modulus. This was found to be within 2-10% of the independently calculated value. The origin of the enhancement has been discussed in terms of Cohen's empirical law M.L. Cohen, Phys. Rev. B 32, 7988 (1985)] as well as other possible scenarios.