23 resultados para Weights and measures.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In this study, we investigated measures of nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory in regards to heart rate variability in 27 normal control subjects in supine and standing postures, and 14 subjects in spontaneous and controlled breathing conditions. We examined minimum embedding dimension (MED), largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) and measures of nonlinearity (NL) of heart rate time series. MED quantifies the system's complexity, LLE predictability and NL, a measure of deviation from linear processes. There was a significant decrease in complexity (P<0.00001), a decrease in predictability (P<0.00001) and an increase in nonlinearity (P=0.00001) during the change from supine to standing posture. Decrease in MED, and increases in NL score and LLE in standing posture appear to be partly due to an increase in sympathetic activity of the autonomous nervous system in standing posture. An improvement in predictability during controlled breathing appears to be due to the introduction of a periodic component. (C) 2000 published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Rabbit antiserum specific to ovine luteinizing hormone free of contaminating antibodies to nonspecific proteins and FSH was administered to adult, intact rats at a dose of 0.1 and 0.2 ml/day for five days. LHAS had no effect on the weights of the epididymis but decreased their secretory activity to castrate level. Administration of 0.2 ml of LHAS or castration resulted in a marked and comparable reduction in the weights and secretory activity of the accessory glands. LHAS, even at a lower dose (0.1 ml/day), caused a significant reduction in the content of sialic acid in the vas deferons and Cowper's glands. These results are discussed in relation to the factors that regulate the functions of the epididymis and accessory glands.


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Diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) generally fails to separate the peaks pertaining to isomeric species possessing identical molecular weights and similar hydrodynamic radii. The present study demonstrates the resolution of isomers using alpha/beta-cyclodextrin as a co-solute by Matrix Assisted Diffusion Ordered Spectroscopy. The resolution of isomers has been achieved by measuring the significant differences in the diffusion rates between the positional isomers of aminobenzoic acids, benzenedicarboxylic acids and between the cis, trans isomers, fumaric acid and maleic acid. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Poly{(N,N-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate]-co-(methyl methacrylate)} copolymers of various compositions were synthesized by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization at 70 degrees C in N,N-dimethylformamide. The polymer molecular weights and molecular weight distributions were obtained from size exclusion chromatography, and they indicated the controlled nature of the RAFT polymerizations; the polydispersity indices are in the range 1.11.3. The reactivity ratios of N,N-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) (rDMAEMA = 0.925 and rMMA = 0.854) were computed by the extended KelenTudos method at high conversions, using compositions obtained from 1H NMR. The pH- and temperature-sensitive behaviour were studied in aqueous solution to confirm dual responsiveness of these copolymers. The thermal properties of the copolymers with various compositions were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. The kinetics of thermal degradation were determined by Friedmann and Chang techniques to evaluate various parameters such as the activation energy, the order and the frequency factor. (c) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry


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The breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein (SE) relation between diffusivity and viscosity at low temperatures is considered to be one of the hallmarks of glassy dynamics in liquids. Theoretical analyses relate this breakdown with the presence of heterogeneous dynamics, and by extension, with the fragility of glass formers. We perform an investigation of the breakdown of the SE relation in 2, 3, and 4 dimensions in order to understand these interrelations. Results from simulations of model glass formers show that the degree of the breakdown of the SE relation decreases with increasing spatial dimensionality. The breakdown itself can be rationalized via the difference between the activation free energies for diffusivity and viscosity (or relaxation times) in the Adam-Gibbs relation in three and four dimensions. The behavior in two dimensions also can be understood in terms of a generalized Adam-Gibbs relation that is observed in previous work. We calculate various measures of heterogeneity of dynamics and find that the degree of the SE breakdown and measures of heterogeneity of dynamics are generally well correlated but with some exceptions. The two-dimensional systems we study show deviations from the pattern of behavior of the three-and four-dimensional systems both at high and low temperatures. The fragility of the studied liquids is found to increase with spatial dimensionality, contrary to the expectation based on the association of fragility with heterogeneous dynamics.


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The objective of this study is to present a methodological approach to assess the inherent vulnerability of forests and apply it to a case study. Addressing inherent vulnerability, resulting from current stresses, is a necessary step for building resilience to long-term climate change. The proposed approach includes use of analytical framework that enables selection of vulnerability criteria and indicators systematically, application of pairwise comparison method (PCM) for assigning weights, and synthesis of a composite vulnerability index. This methodological approach has been applied at local scale to Aduvalli Protected Forest in Western Ghats in South India, where a vulnerability index value of 0.248 is estimated. Results of the case study indicate that `preponderance of invasive species' and forest dependence of community are the major sources of vulnerability at present for Aduvalli Protected Forest. Adoption of this methodology can assist in development of forest management plans to enhance adaptability of Aduvalli PF to current as well as future stresses, including climate change. This methodological approach can be applied across forest-types after appropriate changes to criteria and indicators and their weights, to estimate the inherent vulnerability to enable development of adaptation strategy.


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In this paper, we consider decode-and-forward (DF) relay beamforming for secrecy with cooperative jamming (CJ) in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers. The communication between a source-destination pair is aided by a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay. The source has one transmit antenna and the destination and eavesdroppers have one receive antenna each. The source and the MIMO relay are constrained with powers P-S and P-R, respectively. We relax the rank-1 constraint on the signal beamforming matrix and transform the secrecy rate max-min optimization problem to a single maximization problem, which is solved by semidefinite programming techniques. We obtain the optimum source power, signal relay weights, and jamming covariance matrix. We show that the solution of the rank-relaxed optimization problem has rank-1. Numerical results show that CJ can improve the secrecy rate.


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In this paper, we consider decode-and-forward (DF) relay beamforming for secrecy with cooperative jamming (CJ) in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers. The communication between a source-destination pair is aided by a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay. The source has one transmit antenna and the destination and eavesdroppers have one receive antenna each. The source and the MIMO relay are constrained with powers P-S and P-R, respectively. We relax the rank-1 constraint on the signal beamforming matrix and transform the secrecy rate max-min optimization problem to a single maximization problem, which is solved by semidefinite programming techniques. We obtain the optimum source power, signal relay weights, and jamming covariance matrix. We show that the solution of the rank-relaxed optimization problem has rank-1. Numerical results show that CJ can improve the secrecy rate.


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Karnataka state in southern India supports a globally significant and the country's largest population of the Asian elephant Elephas maximus. A reliable map of Asian elephant distribution and measures of spatial variation in their abundance, both vital needs for conservation and management action, are unavailable not only in Karnataka, but across its global range. Here, we use various data gathered between 2000 and 2015 to map the distribution of elephants in Karnataka at the scale of the smallest forest management unit, the `beat', while also presenting data on elephant dung density for a subset of `elephant beats.' Elephants occurred in 972 out of 2855 forest beats of Karnataka. Sixty percent of these 972 beats and 55% of the forest habitat lay outside notified protected areas (PM), and included lands designated for agricultural production and human dwelling. While median elephant dung density inside protected areas was nearly thrice as much as outside, elephants routinely occurred in or used habitats outside PM where human density, land fraction under cultivation, and the interface between human-dominated areas and forests were greater. Based on our data, it is clear that India's framework for elephant conservation which legally protects the species wherever it occurs, but protects only some of its habitats while being appropriate in furthering their conservation within PM, seriously falters in situations where elephants reside in and/or seasonally use areas outside PAs. Attempts to further elephant conservation in production and dwelling areas have extracted high costs in human, elephant, material and monetary terms in Karnataka. In such settings, conservation planning exercises are necessary to determine where the needs of elephants or humans must take priority over the other, and to achieve that in a manner that is based not only on reliable scientific data but also on a process of public reasoning. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present a machine learning approach to measure the visual quality of JPEG-coded images. The features for predicting the perceived image quality are extracted by considering key human visual sensitivity (HVS) factors such as edge amplitude, edge length, background activity and background luminance. Image quality assessment involves estimating the functional relationship between HVS features and subjective test scores. The quality of the compressed images are obtained without referring to their original images ('No Reference' metric). Here, the problem of quality estimation is transformed to a classification problem and solved using extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm. In ELM, the input weights and the bias values are randomly chosen and the output weights are analytically calculated. The generalization performance of the ELM algorithm for classification problems with imbalance in the number of samples per quality class depends critically on the input weights and the bias values. Hence, we propose two schemes, namely the k-fold selection scheme (KS-ELM) and the real-coded genetic algorithm (RCGA-ELM) to select the input weights and the bias values such that the generalization performance of the classifier is a maximum. Results indicate that the proposed schemes significantly improve the performance of ELM classifier under imbalance condition for image quality assessment. The experimental results prove that the estimated visual quality of the proposed RCGA-ELM emulates the mean opinion score very well. The experimental results are compared with the existing JPEG no-reference image quality metric and full-reference structural similarity image quality metric.


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Monitoring gas purity is an important aspect of gas recovery stations where air is usually one of the major impurities. Purity monitors of Katherometric type ate commercially available for this purpose. Alternatively, we discuss here a helium gas purity monitor based on acoustic resonance of a cavity at audio frequencies. It measures the purity by monitoring the resonant frequency of a cylindrical cavity filled with the gas under test and excited by conventional telephone transducers fixed at the ends. The use of the latter simplifies the design considerably. The paper discusses the details of the resonant cavity and the electronic circuit along with temperature compensation. The unit has been calibrated with helium gas of known purities. The unit has a response time of the order of 10 minutes and measures the gas purity to an accuracy of 0.02%. The unit has been installed in our helium recovery system and is found to perform satisfactorily.


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DNA amplification using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in a small volume is used in Lab-on-a-chip systems involving DNA manipulation. For few microliters of volume of liquid, it becomes difficult to measure and monitor the thermal profile accurately and reproducibly, which is an essential requirement for successful amplification. Conventional temperature sensors are either not biocompatible or too large and hence positioned away from the liquid leading to calibration errors. In this work we present a fluorescence based detection technique that is completely biocompatible and measures directly the liquid temperature. PCR is demonstrated in a 3 ILL silicon-glass microfabricated device using non-contact induction heating whose temperature is controlled using fluorescence feedback from SYBR green I dye molecules intercalated within sensor DNA. The performance is compared with temperature feedback using a thermocouple sensor. Melting curve followed by gel electrophoresis is used to confirm product specificity after the PCR cycles. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article presents the analysis and design of a compact multi-layer layer, high selectivity wideband bandpass filter using stub loaded and `U' shaped resonators over a slotted bottom ground plane. While the resonators with folded open circuit stub loadings create the desired bandpass characteristics. the IT shaped resonators reduce the size of filter. The slotted bottom ground plane is used to enhance the coupling to achieve the desired bandwidth. The proposed filter has been analyzed using circuit model, and the results were verified through full wave simulations and measurements. The fabricated filter is compact and measures a size of 18 mm x 25 mm x 1.6 MM. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 52: 1387-1389, 2010: Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).


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An approximate dynamic programming (ADP) based neurocontroller is developed for a heat transfer application. Heat transfer problem for a fin in a car's electronic module is modeled as a nonlinear distributed parameter (infinite-dimensional) system by taking into account heat loss and generation due to conduction, convection and radiation. A low-order, finite-dimensional lumped parameter model for this problem is obtained by using Galerkin projection and basis functions designed through the 'Proper Orthogonal Decomposition' technique (POD) and the 'snap-shot' solutions. A suboptimal neurocontroller is obtained with a single-network-adaptive-critic (SNAC). Further contribution of this paper is to develop an online robust controller to account for unmodeled dynamics and parametric uncertainties. A weight update rule is presented that guarantees boundedness of the weights and eliminates the need for persistence of excitation (PE) condition to be satisfied. Since, the ADP and neural network based controllers are of fairly general structure, they appear to have the potential to be controller synthesis tools for nonlinear distributed parameter systems especially where it is difficult to obtain an accurate model.


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Receive antenna selection (AS) reduces the hardware complexity of multi-antenna receivers by dynamically connecting an instantaneously best antenna element to the available radio frequency (RF) chain. Due to the hardware constraints, the channels at various antenna elements have to be sounded sequentially to obtain estimates that are required for selecting the ``best'' antenna and for coherently demodulating data. Consequently, the channel state information at different antennas is outdated by different amounts. We show that, for this reason, simply selecting the antenna with the highest estimated channel gain is not optimum. Rather, the channel estimates of different antennas should be weighted differently, depending on the training scheme. We derive closed-form expressions for the symbol error probability (SEP) of AS for MPSK and MQAM in time-varying Rayleigh fading channels for arbitrary selection weights, and validate them with simulations. We then derive an explicit formula for the optimal selection weights that minimize the SEP. We find that when selection weights are not used, the SEP need not improve as the number of antenna elements increases, which is in contrast to the ideal channel estimation case. However, the optimal selection weights remedy this situation and significantly improve performance.