44 resultados para Web Search

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Our study concerns an important current problem, that of diffusion of information in social networks. This problem has received significant attention from the Internet research community in the recent times, driven by many potential applications such as viral marketing and sales promotions. In this paper, we focus on the target set selection problem, which involves discovering a small subset of influential players in a given social network, to perform a certain task of information diffusion. The target set selection problem manifests in two forms: 1) top-k nodes problem and 2) lambda-coverage problem. In the top-k nodes problem, we are required to find a set of k key nodes that would maximize the number of nodes being influenced in the network. The lambda-coverage problem is concerned with finding a set of k key nodes having minimal size that can influence a given percentage lambda of the nodes in the entire network. We propose a new way of solving these problems using the concept of Shapley value which is a well known solution concept in cooperative game theory. Our approach leads to algorithms which we call the ShaPley value-based Influential Nodes (SPINs) algorithms for solving the top-k nodes problem and the lambda-coverage problem. We compare the performance of the proposed SPIN algorithms with well known algorithms in the literature. Through extensive experimentation on four synthetically generated random graphs and six real-world data sets (Celegans, Jazz, NIPS coauthorship data set, Netscience data set, High-Energy Physics data set, and Political Books data set), we show that the proposed SPIN approach is more powerful and computationally efficient. Note to Practitioners-In recent times, social networks have received a high level of attention due to their proven ability in improving the performance of web search, recommendations in collaborative filtering systems, spreading a technology in the market using viral marketing techniques, etc. It is well known that the interpersonal relationships (or ties or links) between individuals cause change or improvement in the social system because the decisions made by individuals are influenced heavily by the behavior of their neighbors. An interesting and key problem in social networks is to discover the most influential nodes in the social network which can influence other nodes in the social network in a strong and deep way. This problem is called the target set selection problem and has two variants: 1) the top-k nodes problem, where we are required to identify a set of k influential nodes that maximize the number of nodes being influenced in the network and 2) the lambda-coverage problem which involves finding a set of influential nodes having minimum size that can influence a given percentage lambda of the nodes in the entire network. There are many existing algorithms in the literature for solving these problems. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm which is based on a novel interpretation of information diffusion in a social network as a cooperative game. Using this analogy, we develop an algorithm based on the Shapley value of the underlying cooperative game. The proposed algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms in terms of generality or computational complexity or both. Our results are validated through extensive experimentation on both synthetically generated and real-world data sets.


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In this paper, we first describe a framework to model the sponsored search auction on the web as a mechanism design problem. Using this framework, we describe two well-known mechanisms for sponsored search auction-Generalized Second Price (GSP) and Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG). We then derive a new mechanism for sponsored search auction which we call optimal (OPT) mechanism. The OPT mechanism maximizes the search engine's expected revenue, while achieving Bayesian incentive compatibility and individual rationality of the advertisers. We then undertake a detailed comparative study of the mechanisms GSP, VCG, and OPT. We compute and compare the expected revenue earned by the search engine under the three mechanisms when the advertisers are symmetric and some special conditions are satisfied. We also compare the three mechanisms in terms of incentive compatibility, individual rationality, and computational complexity. Note to Practitioners-The advertiser-supported web site is one of the successful business models in the emerging web landscape. When an Internet user enters a keyword (i.e., a search phrase) into a search engine, the user gets back a page with results, containing the links most relevant to the query and also sponsored links, (also called paid advertisement links). When a sponsored link is clicked, the user is directed to the corresponding advertiser's web page. The advertiser pays the search engine in some appropriate manner for sending the user to its web page. Against every search performed by any user on any keyword, the search engine faces the problem of matching a set of advertisers to the sponsored slots. In addition, the search engine also needs to decide on a price to be charged to each advertiser. Due to increasing demands for Internet advertising space, most search engines currently use auction mechanisms for this purpose. These are called sponsored search auctions. A significant percentage of the revenue of Internet giants such as Google, Yahoo!, MSN, etc., comes from sponsored search auctions. In this paper, we study two auction mechanisms, GSP and VCG, which are quite popular in the sponsored auction context, and pursue the objective of designing a mechanism that is superior to these two mechanisms. In particular, we propose a new mechanism which we call the OPT mechanism. This mechanism maximizes the search engine's expected revenue subject to achieving Bayesian incentive compatibility and individual rationality. Bayesian incentive compatibility guarantees that it is optimal for each advertiser to bid his/her true value provided that all other agents also bid their respective true values. Individual rationality ensures that the agents participate voluntarily in the auction since they are assured of gaining a non-negative payoff by doing so.


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Owing to high evolutionary divergence, it is not always possible to identify distantly related protein domains by sequence search techniques. Intermediate sequences possess sequence features of more than one protein and facilitate detection of remotely related proteins. We have demonstrated recently the employment of Cascade PSI-BLAST where we perform PSI-BLAST for many 'generations', initiating searches from new homologues as well. Such a rigorous propagation through generations of PSI-BLAST employs effectively the role of intermediates in detecting distant similarities between proteins. This approach has been tested on a large number of folds and its performance in detecting superfamily level relationships is similar to 35% better than simple PSI-BLAST searches. We present a web server for this search method that permits users to perform Cascade PSI-BLAST searches against the Pfam, SCOP and SwissProt databases. The URL for this server is http://crick.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/similar to CASCADE/CascadeBlast.html.


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In this paper, we address a key problem faced by advertisers in sponsored search auctions on the web: how much to bid, given the bids of the other advertisers, so as to maximize individual payoffs? Assuming the generalized second price auction as the auction mechanism, we formulate this problem in the framework of an infinite horizon alternative-move game of advertiser bidding behavior. For a sponsored search auction involving two advertisers, we characterize all the pure strategy and mixed strategy Nash equilibria. We also prove that the bid prices will lead to a Nash equilibrium, if the advertisers follow a myopic best response bidding strategy. Following this, we investigate the bidding behavior of the advertisers if they use Q-learning. We discover empirically an interesting trend that the Q-values converge even if both the advertisers learn simultaneously.


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The existing internet computing resource, Biomolecules Segment Display Device (BSDD), has been updated with several additional useful features. An advanced option is provided to superpose the structural motifs obtained from a search on the Protein Data Bank (PDB) in order to see if the three-dimensional structures adopted by identical or similar sequence motifs are the same. Furthermore, the options to display structural aspects like inter- and intra-molecular interactions, ion-pairs, disulphide bonds, etc. have been provided.The updated resource is interfaced with an up-to-date copy of the public domain PDB as well as 25 and 90% non-redundant protein structures. Further, users can upload the three-dimensional atomic coordinates (PDB format) from the client machine. A free molecular graphics program, JMol, is interfaced with it to display the three-dimensional structures.


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Business processes and application functionality are becoming available as internal web services inside enterprise boundaries as well as becoming available as commercial web services from enterprise solution vendors and web services marketplaces. Typically there are multiple web service providers offering services capable of fulfilling a particular functionality, although with different Quality of Service (QoS). Dynamic creation of business processes requires composing an appropriate set of web services that best suit the current need. This paper presents a novel combinatorial auction approach to QoS aware dynamic web services composition. Such an approach would enable not only stand-alone web services but also composite web services to be a part of a business process. The combinatorial auction leads to an integer programming formulation for the web services composition problem. An important feature of the model is the incorporation of service level agreements. We describe a software tool QWESC for QoS-aware web services composition based on the proposed approach.


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In this paper we first describe a framework to model the sponsored search auction on the web as a mechanism design problem. Using this framework, we design a novel auction which we call the OPT (optimal) auction. The OPT mechanism maximizes the search engine's expected revenue while achieving Bayesian incentive compatibility and individual rationality of the advertisers. We show that the OPT mechanism is superior to two of the most commonly used mechanisms for sponsored search namely (1) GSP (Generalized Second Price) and (2) VCG (Vickrey-Clarke-Groves). We then show an important revenue equivalence result that the expected revenue earned by the search engine is the same for all the three mechanisms provided the advertisers are symmetric and the number of sponsored slots is strictly less than the number of advertisers.


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The protein-protein docking programs typically perform four major tasks: (i) generation of docking poses, (ii) selecting a subset of poses, (iii) their structural refinement and (iv) scoring, ranking for the final assessment of the true quaternary structure. Although the tasks can be integrated or performed in a serial order, they are by nature modular, allowing an opportunity to substitute one algorithm with another. We have implemented two modular web services, (i) PRUNE: to select a subset of docking poses generated during sampling search (http://pallab.serc.iisc.ernet.in/prune) and (ii) PROBE: to refine, score and rank them (http://pallab.serc.iisc.ernet.in/probe). The former uses a new interface area based edge-scoring function to eliminate > 95% of the poses generated during docking search. In contrast to other multi-parameter-based screening functions, this single parameter based elimination reduces the computational time significantly, in addition to increasing the chances of selecting native-like models in the top rank list. The PROBE server performs ranking of pruned poses, after structure refinement and scoring using a regression model for geometric compatibility, and normalized interaction energy. While web-service similar to PROBE is infrequent, no web-service akin to PRUNE has been described before. Both the servers are publicly accessible and free for use.


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With the emergence of Internet, the global connectivity of computers has become a reality. Internet has progressed to provide many user-friendly tools like Gopher, WAIS, WWW etc. for information publishing and access. The WWW, which integrates all other access tools, also provides a very convenient means for publishing and accessing multimedia and hypertext linked documents stored in computers spread across the world. With the emergence of WWW technology, most of the information activities are becoming Web-centric. Once the information is published on the Web, a user can access this information from any part of the world. A Web browser like Netscape or Internet Explorer is used as a common user interface for accessing information/databases. This will greatly relieve a user from learning the search syntax of individual information systems. Libraries are taking advantage of these developments to provide access to their resources on the Web. CDS/ISIS is a very popular bibliographic information management software used in India. In this tutorial we present details of integrating CDS/ISIS with the WWW. A number of tools are now available for making CDS/ISIS database accessible on the Internet/Web. Some of these are 1) the WAIS_ISIS Server. 2) the WWWISIS Server 3) the IQUERY Server. In this tutorial, we have explained in detail the steps involved in providing Web access to an existing CDS/ISIS database using the freely available software, WWWISIS. This software is developed, maintained and distributed by BIREME, the Latin American & Caribbean Centre on Health Sciences Information. WWWISIS acts as a server for CDS/ISIS databases in a WWW client/server environment. It supports functions for searching, formatting and data entry operations over CDS/ISIS databases. WWWISIS is available for various operating systems. We have tested this software on Windows '95, Windows NT and Red Hat Linux release 5.2 (Appolo) Kernel 2. 0. 36 on an i686. The testing was carried out using IISc's main library's OPAC containing more than 80,000 records and Current Contents issues (bibliographic data) containing more than 25,000 records. WWWISIS is fully compatible with CDS/ISIS 3.07 file structure. However, on a system running Unix or its variant, there is no guarantee of this compatibility. It is therefore safe to recreate the master and the inverted files, using utilities provided by BIREME, under Unix environment.


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Bid optimization is now becoming quite popular in sponsored search auctions on the Web. Given a keyword and the maximum willingness to pay of each advertiser interested in the keyword, the bid optimizer generates a profile of bids for the advertisers with the objective of maximizing customer retention without compromising the revenue of the search engine. In this paper, we present a bid optimization algorithm that is based on a Nash bargaining model where the first player is the search engine and the second player is a virtual agent representing all the bidders. We make the realistic assumption that each bidder specifies a maximum willingness to pay values and a discrete, finite set of bid values. We show that the Nash bargaining solution for this problem always lies on a certain edge of the convex hull such that one end point of the edge is the vector of maximum willingness to pay of all the bidders. We show that the other endpoint of this edge can be computed as a solution of a linear programming problem. We also show how the solution can be transformed to a bid profile of the advertisers.


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Many of the research institutions and universities across the world are facilitating open-access (OA) to their intellectual outputs through their respective OA institutional repositories (IRs) or through the centralized subject-based repositories. The registry of open access repositories (ROAR) lists more than 2850 such repositories across the world. The awareness about the benefits of OA to scholarly literature and OA publishing is picking up in India, too. As per the ROAR statistics, to date, there are more than 90 OA repositories in the country. India is doing particularly well in publishing open-access journals (OAJ). As per the directory of open-access journals (DOAJ), to date, India with 390 OAJs, is ranked 5th in the world in terms of numbers of OAJs being published. Much of the research done in India is reported in the journals published from India. These journals have limited readership and many of them are not being indexed by Web of Science, Scopus or other leading international abstracting and indexing databases. Consequently, research done in the country gets hidden not only from the fellow countrymen, but also from the international community. This situation can be easily overcome if all the researchers facilitate OA to their publications. One of the easiest ways to facilitate OA to scientific literature is through the institutional repositories. If every research institution and university in India set up an open-access IR and ensure that copies of the final accepted versions of all the research publications are uploaded in the IRs, then the research done in India will get far better visibility. The federation of metadata from all the distributed, interoperable OA repositories in the country will serve as a window to the research done across the country. Federation of metadata from the distributed OAI-compliant repositories can be easily achieved by setting up harvesting software like the PKP Harvester. In this paper, we share our experience in setting up a prototype metadata harvesting service using the PKP harvesting software for the OAI-compliant repositories in India.


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Background: Haemophilus influenzae (H. Influenzae) is the causative agent of pneumonia, bacteraemia and meningitis. The organism is responsible for large number of deaths in both developed and developing countries. Even-though the first bacterial genome to be sequenced was that of H. Influenzae, there is no exclusive database dedicated for H. Influenzae. This prompted us to develop the Haemophilus influenzae Genome Database (HIGDB). Methods: All data of HIGDB are stored and managed in MySQL database. The HIGDB is hosted on Solaris server and developed using PERL modules. Ajax and JavaScript are used for the interface development. Results: The HIGDB contains detailed information on 42,741 proteins, 18,077 genes including 10 whole genome sequences and also 284 three dimensional structures of proteins of H. influenzae. In addition, the database provides ``Motif search'' and ``GBrowse''. The HIGDB is freely accessible through the URL:http://bioserverl.physicslisc.ernetin/HIGDB/. Discussion: The HIGDB will be a single point access for bacteriological, clinical, genomic and proteomic information of H. influenzae. The database can also be used to identify DNA motifs within H. influenzae genomes and to compare gene or protein sequences of a particular strain with other strains of H. influenzae. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sequence-structure correlation studies are important in deciphering the relationships between various structural aspects, which may shed light on the protein-folding problem. The first step of this process is the prediction of secondary structure for a protein sequence of unknown three-dimensional structure. To this end, a web server has been created to predict the consensus secondary structure using well known algorithms from the literature. Furthermore, the server allows users to see the occurrence of predicted secondary structural elements in other structure and sequence databases and to visualize predicted helices as a helical wheel plot. The web server is accessible at http://bioserver1.physics.iisc.ernet.in/cssp/.


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In a search for inorganic oxide materials showing second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) susceptibility, we investigated several berates, silicates, and a phosphate containing trans-connected MO6, octahedral chains or MO5 square pyramids, where, M = d(0): Ti(IV), Nb(V), or Ta(V), Our investigations identified two new NLO structures: batisite, Na2Ba(TiO)(2)Si4O12, containing trans-connected TiO5 octahedral chains, and fresnoite, Ba2TiOSi2O7, containing square-pyramidal TiO5. Investigation of two other materials containing square-pyramidal TiO5 viz,, Cs2TiOP2O7 and Na4Ti2Si8O22. 4H(2)O, revealed that isolated TiO5, square pyramids alone do not cause a second harmonic generation (SHG) response; rather, the orientation of TiO5 units to produce -Ti-O-Ti-O- chains with alternating long and short Ti-O distances in the fresnoite structure is most likely the origin of a strong SHG response in fresnoite,


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This paper gives a brief survey of research and development work done on hand pumps in India as well as elsewhere and sets out the approach adopted by ASTRA Working Group. Ten ways in which a hand pump breakdown in practice have been identified. The physical reasons behind each type of breakdown analysed. Remedial measures have been developed from this analysis. Laboratory test rigs fabricated to evaluate these measures have been described and some experimental results presented. The course of further work has been charted.