14 resultados para Voter registration.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A new multi-sensor image registration technique is proposed based on detecting the feature corner points using modified Harris Corner Detector (HDC). These feature points are matched using multi-objective optimization (distance condition and angle criterion) based on Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO). This optimization process is more efficient as it considers both the distance and angle criteria to incorporate multi-objective switching in the fitness function. This optimization process helps in picking up three corresponding corner points detected in the sensed and base image and thereby using the affine transformation, the sensed image is aligned with the base image. Further, the results show that the new approach can provide a new dimension in solving multi-sensor image registration problems. From the obtained results, the performance of image registration is evaluated and is concluded that the proposed approach is efficient.


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In order to reduce the motion artifacts in DSA, non-rigid image registration is commonly used before subtracting the mask from the contrast image. Since DSA registration requires a set of spatially non-uniform control points, a conventional MRF model is not very efficient. In this paper, we introduce the concept of pivotal and non-pivotal control points to address this, and propose a non-uniform MRF for DSA registration. We use quad-trees in a novel way to generate the non-uniform grid of control points. Our MRF formulation produces a smooth displacement field and therefore results in better artifact reduction than that of registering the control points independently. We achieve improved computational performance using pivotal control points without compromising on the artifact reduction. We have tested our approach using several clinical data sets, and have presented the results of quantitative analysis, clinical assessment and performance improvement on a GPU. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present an extension of the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm that simultaneously registers multiple 3D scans. While ICP fails to utilize the multiview constraints available, our method exploits the information redundancy in a set of 3D scans by using the averaging of relative motions. This averaging method utilizes the Lie group structure of motions, resulting in a 3D registration method that is both efficient and accurate. In addition, we present two variants of our approach, i.e., a method that solves for multiview 3D registration while obeying causality and a transitive correspondence variant that efficiently solves the correspondence problem across multiple scans. We present experimental results to characterize our method and explain its behavior as well as those of some other multiview registration methods in the literature. We establish the superior accuracy of our method in comparison to these multiview methods with registration results on a set of well-known real datasets of 3D scans.


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This paper describes a spatio-temporal registration approach for speech articulation data obtained from electromagnetic articulography (EMA) and real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rtMRI). This is motivated by the potential for combining the complementary advantages of both types of data. The registration method is validated on EMA and rtMRI datasets obtained at different times, but using the same stimuli. The aligned corpus offers the advantages of high temporal resolution (from EMA) and a complete mid-sagittal view (from rtMRI). The co-registration also yields optimum placement of EMA sensors as articulatory landmarks on the magnetic resonance images, thus providing richer spatio-temporal information about articulatory dynamics. (C) 2014 Acoustical Society of America


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Consider N points in R-d and M local coordinate systems that are related through unknown rigid transforms. For each point, we are given (possibly noisy) measurements of its local coordinates in some of the coordinate systems. Alternatively, for each coordinate system, we observe the coordinates of a subset of the points. The problem of estimating the global coordinates of the N points (up to a rigid transform) from such measurements comes up in distributed approaches to molecular conformation and sensor network localization, and also in computer vision and graphics. The least-squares formulation of this problem, although nonconvex, has a well-known closed-form solution when M = 2 (based on the singular value decomposition (SVD)). However, no closed-form solution is known for M >= 3. In this paper, we demonstrate how the least-squares formulation can be relaxed into a convex program, namely, a semidefinite program (SDP). By setting up connections between the uniqueness of this SDP and results from rigidity theory, we prove conditions for exact and stable recovery for the SDP relaxation. In particular, we prove that the SDP relaxation can guarantee recovery under more adversarial conditions compared to earlier proposed spectral relaxations, and we derive error bounds for the registration error incurred by the SDP relaxation. We also present results of numerical experiments on simulated data to confirm the theoretical findings. We empirically demonstrate that (a) unlike the spectral relaxation, the relaxation gap is mostly zero for the SDP (i.e., we are able to solve the original nonconvex least-squares problem) up to a certain noise threshold, and (b) the SDP performs significantly better than spectral and manifold-optimization methods, particularly at large noise levels.


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The application of computer-aided inspection integrated with the coordinate measuring machine and laser scanners to inspect manufactured aircraft parts using robust registration of two-point datasets is a subject of active research in computational metrology. This paper presents a novel approach to automated inspection by matching shapes based on the modified iterative closest point (ICP) method to define a criterion for the acceptance or rejection of a part. This procedure improves upon existing methods by doing away with the following, viz., the need for constructing either a tessellated or smooth representation of the inspected part and requirements for an a priori knowledge of approximate registration and correspondence between the points representing the computer-aided design datasets and the part to be inspected. In addition, this procedure establishes a better measure for error between the two matched datasets. The use of localized region-based triangulation is proposed for tracking the error. The approach described improves the convergence of the ICP technique with a dramatic decrease in computational effort. Experimental results obtained by implementing this proposed approach using both synthetic and practical data show that the present method is efficient and robust. This method thereby validates the algorithm, and the examples demonstrate its potential to be used in engineering applications.


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The idea of ubiquity and seamless connectivity in networks is gaining more importance in recent times because of the emergence of mobile devices with added capabilities like multiple interfaces and more processing abilities. The success of ubiquitous applications depends on how effectively the user is provided with seamless connectivity. In a ubiquitous application, seamless connectivity encompasses the smooth migration of a user between networks and providing him/her with context based information automatically at all times. In this work, we propose a seamless connectivity scheme in the true sense of ubiquitous networks by providing smooth migration to a user along with providing information based on his/her contexts automatically without re-registration with the foreign network. The scheme uses Ubi-SubSystems(USS) and Soft-Switches(SS) for maintaining the ubiquitous application resources and the users. The scheme has been tested by considering the ubiquitous touring system with several sets of tourist spots and users.


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Digital Image Correlation and Tracking (DIC/DDIT) is an optical method that employs tracking & image registration techniques for accurate 2D and 3D measurements of changes in images. This is often used to measure deformation (engineering), displacement, and strain, but it is widely applied in many areas of science and engineering. One very common application is for measuring the motion of an optical mouse.


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Precision inspection of manufactured components having multiple complex surfaces and variable tolerance definition is an involved, complex and time-consuming function. In routine practice, a jig is used to present the part in a known reference frame to carry out the inspection process. Jigs involve both time and cost in their development, manufacture and use. This paper describes 'as is where is inspection' (AIWIN), a new automated inspection technique that accelerates the inspection process by carrying out a fast registration procedure and establishing a quick correspondence between the part to inspect and its CAD geometry. The main challenge in doing away with a jig is that the inspection reference frame could be far removed from the CAD frame. Traditional techniques based on iterative closest point (ICP) or Newton methods require either a large number of iterations for convergence or fail in such a situation. A two-step coarse registration process is proposed to provide a good initial guess for a modified ICP algorithm developed earlier (Ravishankar et al., Int J Adv Manuf Technol 46(1-4):227-236, 2010). The first step uses a calibrated sphere for local hard registration and fixing the translation error. This transformation locates the centre for the sphere in the CAD frame. In the second step, the inverse transformation (involving pure rotation about multiple axes) required to align the inspection points measured on the manufactured part with the CAD point dataset of the model is determined and enforced. This completes the coarse registration enabling fast convergence of the modified ICP algorithm. The new technique has been implemented on complex freeform machined components and the inspection results clearly show that the process is precise and reliable with rapid convergence. © 2011 Springer-Verlag London Limited.


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This paper investigates a new approach for point matching in multi-sensor satellite images. The feature points are matched using multi-objective optimization (angle criterion and distance condition) based on Genetic Algorithm (GA). This optimization process is more efficient as it considers both the angle criterion and distance condition to incorporate multi-objective switching in the fitness function. This optimization process helps in matching three corresponding corner points detected in the reference and sensed image and thereby using the affine transformation, the sensed image is aligned with the reference image. From the results obtained, the performance of the image registration is evaluated and it is concluded that the proposed approach is efficient.


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A new technique is proposed for multisensor image registration by matching the features using discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO). The feature points are first extracted from the reference and sensed image using improved Harris corner detector available in the literature. From the extracted corner points, DPSO finds the three corresponding points in the sensed and reference images using multiobjective optimization of distance and angle conditions through objective switching technique. By this, the global best matched points are obtained which are used to evaluate the affine transformation for the sensed image. The performance of the image registration is evaluated and concluded that the proposed approach is efficient.


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This paper investigates a novel approach for point matching of multi-sensor satellite imagery. The feature (corner) points extracted using an improved version of the Harris Corner Detector (HCD) is matched using multi-objective optimization based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA). An objective switching approach to optimization that incorporates an angle criterion, distance condition and point matching condition in the multi-objective fitness function is applied to match corresponding corner-points between the reference image and the sensed image. The matched points obtained in this way are used to align the sensed image with a reference image by applying an affine transformation. From the results obtained, the performance of the image registration is evaluated and compared with existing methods, namely Nearest Neighbor-Random SAmple Consensus (NN-Ran-SAC) and multi-objective Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO). From the performed experiments it can be concluded that the proposed approach is an accurate method for registration of multi-sensor satellite imagery. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we look at the political business cycle problem through the lens of uncertainty. The feedback control used by us is the famous NKPC with stochasticity and wage rigidities. We extend the New Keynesian Phillips Curve model to the continuous time stochastic set up with an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. We minimize relevant expected quadratic cost by solving the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. The basic intuition of the classical model is qualitatively carried forward in our set up but uncertainty also plays an important role in determining the optimal trajectory of the voter support function. The internal variability of the system acts as a base shifter for the support function in the risk neutral case. The role of uncertainty is even more prominent in the risk averse case where all the shape parameters are directly dependent on variability. Thus, in this case variability controls both the rates of change as well as the base shift parameters. To gain more insight we have also studied the model when the coefficients are time invariant and studied numerical solutions. The close relationship between the unemployment rate and the support function for the incumbent party is highlighted. The role of uncertainty in creating sampling fluctuation in this set up, possibly towards apparently anomalous results, is also explored.