23 resultados para Volunteer workers in science

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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This paper presents exploratory and statistical analyses of the activity-travel behaviour of non-workers in Bangalore city in India. The study summarises the socio-demographic characteristics as well as the activity-travel behaviour of non-workers using a primary activity-travel survey data collected by the authors. Where possible, the research also compares the analysis findings with the case studies on activity-travel behaviour of non-workers, carried out in developed and developing countries. This gives an opportunity to understand the differences/similarities in the activity-travel behaviour of non-workers across diverse socio-cultural settings. The preliminary exploratory analysis shed light on the differences in activity participation, trip chaining, time-of-day preference for trip departure, and mode use behaviour of non-workers in Bangalore city. Statistical models were developed for investigating the effects of individual and household socio-demographics, land use parameters, and travel context attributes on activity participation, trip chaining, time-of-day choice, and mode choice decisions of non-workers. A few important results of the analysis are the influence of viewing television at home on out-of-home activity participation and trip-chaining behaviour, and the impact of in-home maintenance activity duration on time-of-day choice. Further, based on the findings of the initial analyses, an attempt has been made in this study to develop an integrated model that links time allocation, time-of-day choice, and trip chaining behaviour of non-workers. The study also discusses the implications of the research findings for transportation planning and policy for Bangalore city. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Altruism is defined as any behaviour that lowers the Darwinian fitness of the actor while increasing that of the recipient. Such altruism (especially in the form of lifetime sterility exhibited by sterile workers in eusocial insects such as ants, bees, wasps and termites) has long been considered a major difficulty for the theory of natural selection. In the 1960s W. D. Hamilton potentially solved this problem by defining a new measure of fitness that he called inclusive fitness, which also included the effect of an individual's action on the fitness of genetic relatives. This has come to be known as inclusive fitness theory, Hamilton's rule or kin selection. E. O. Wilson almost single-handedly popularized this new approach in the 1970s and thus helped create a large body of new empirical research and a large community of behavioural ecologists and kin selectionists. Adding thrill and drama to our otherwise sombre lives, Wilson is now leading a frontal attack on Hamilton's approach, claiming that the inclusive fitness theory is not as mathematically general as the standard natural selection theory, has led to no additional biological insights and should therefore be abandoned. The world cannot but sit up and take notice.


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Ropalidia marginata is a primitively eusocial paper wasp found in peninsular India, where recent work suggests the role of the Dufour's gland hydrocarbons in queen signaling. It appears that the queen signals her presence to workers by rubbing the tip of her abdomen on the nest surface, thereby presumably applying her Dufour's gland secretion to the nest. Since the queen alone produces pheromone from the Dufour's gland and also applies it on the nest surface, the activity level of queen gland should be higher than that of worker gland, as the gland contents would have to get replenished periodically for queens but not for workers. The difference in activity level can be manifested in difference in Dufour's gland morphology, larger glands implying higher activity levels and smaller glands implying lower activity levels, as positive correlation between gland size and gland activity has been reported in exocrine glands of various taxa (including Hymenopteran insects). Hence we investigated whether there is any size difference between Dufour's glands of queens and workers in R. marginata. We found that there was no difference between queens and workers in their Dufour's gland size, implying that Dufour's gland activity and Dufour's gland size are likely to be uncorrelated in this species.


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Coherently moving flocks of birds, beasts, or bacteria are examples of living matter with spontaneous orientational order. How do these systems differ from thermal equilibrium systems with such liquid crystalline order? Working with a fluidized monolayer of macroscopic rods in the nematic liquid crystalline phase, we find giant number fluctuations consistent with a standard deviation growing linearly with the mean, in contrast to any situation where the central limit theorem applies. These fluctuations are long-lived, decaying only as a logarithmic function of time. This shows that flocking, coherent motion, and large-scale inhomogeneity can appear in a system in which particles do not communicate except by contact.


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Solutions of potassium chloride (pH-buffered and 1-molat) equilibrated at 350°C with pyrrhotite, pyrite, and magnetite contained approximately 1 millimole of reduced sulfur and less than 0.1 millimole of oxidized sulfur per kilogram. Similar solutions equilibrated with pyrite, magnetite, and hematite contained approximately 1 millimole of reduced sulfur, but 3 to 6 millimoles of oxidized sulfur per kilogram. Both types of solutions contained less than 0.1 millimole of iron per kilogram at pH ≥ 6 and approximately 100 millimoles per kilogram at pH 2.


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Understanding material flow in friction stir welding is important for production of sound dissimilar metal welding that control the intermixing of two alloys being welded and consequent formation of new constituents which influences the weld properties. In the present experimental investigation material flow patterns are visualised using dissimilar and similar aluminium alloys using a simple innovative ,experiment. The experimental results reveal that only a portion of material transported from the leading edge undergoes chaotic flow and the remaining is deposited systematically in the trailing edge of the weld. Using this information it is shown that the formation of a friction stir welding defect, joint line remnant, does not occur only when the weld interface is on the advancing side. The material flow visualisation study has been utilised to analyse the mechanism of weld formation and its usefulness in improving fatigue properties and for dissimilar metal welds.


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In many regions of Asia and Africa, consanguineous marriages currently account for approximately 20 to 50% of all unions, and preliminary observations indicate that migrants from these areas continue to contract marriages with close relatives when resident in North America and Western Europe. Consanguinity is associated with increased gross fertility, due at least in part to younger maternal age at first livebirth. Morbidity and mortality also may be elevated, resulting in comparable numbers of surviving offspring in consanguineous and nonconsanguineous families. With advances in medicine and public health, genetic disorders will account for an increased proportion of disease worldwide. Predictably, this burden will fall more heavily on countries and communities in which consanguinity is strongly favored, as the result of the expression of deleterious recessive genes. However, studies conducted in such populations indicate that the adverse effects associated with inbreeding are experienced by a minority of families.


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The virus epizootics which occurred in seals in both Europe and Siberia during 1987/1988 were caused by two different morbillivirus, referred to as phocid distemper virus (PDV) 1 and 2, respectively. Molecular and serological studies have shown that the European virus is quite distinct from canine distemper virus (CDV), its closest relative in the morbillivirus group. Analysis of tissues obtained from infected seals from a wide geographical distrubution over Northern Europe showed that the infectious agent (PDV 1) was identical in all cases. Nucleotide sequence analysis of one of the virus genes suggested that this virus has evolved away from CDV over a long time period and is most probably an enzootic virus of marine mammals. In contrast, the virus (PDV 2) which caused the deaths of many Siberian seals was indistinguishable, both serologically and at the molecular level, from CDV and must have originated from a land source.


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Some materials exhibit large changes in electrical resistance in the presence of a magnetic field, and this change can be used in applications from sensor technology to magnetic data storage. In their Perspective, Rao and Cheetham discuss magnetoresistance in perovskite manganates, where the effect is unusually strong. Much has been learned about these materials, and this understanding is driving the search for new materials with even more impressive properties.


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A systematic procedure is outlined for scaling analysis of momentum and heat transfer in gas tungsten arc weld pools. With suitable selections of non-dimentionalised parameters, the governing equations coupled with appropriate boundary conditions are first scaled, and the relative significance of various terms appearing in them is analysed accordingly. The analysis is then used to predict the orders of magnitude of some important quantities, such as the velocity scene lit the top surface, velocity boundary layer thickness, maximum temperature increase in the pool, and time required for initiation of melting. Some of the quantities predicted from the scaling analysis can also be used for optimised selection of appropriate grid size and time steps for full numerical simulation of the process. The scaling predictions are finally assessed by comparison with numerical results quoted in the literature, and a good qualitative agreement is observed.


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Polistes dominulus is one of the most common social wasps in Europe and is an invasive species in the United States. Its wide prevalence has made it one of the best-studied social wasps. In most social wasps, the female wasps live in a colony and organize themselves into a behavioral dominance hierarchy such that only the dominant alpha individual (the queen) reproduces while the rest function as apparently altruistic, sterile subordinates (workers), building the nest, foraging for food and pulp, and feeding and caring for the brood. Why should workers invest their time and energy helping to rear the queen's brood, rather than found their own nests and rear their own brood—something they are quite capable of? On page 874 of this issue, Leadbeater et al. (1) show that the subordinates indeed produce their own offspring and this raises interesting questions about the links between altruism, direct reproduction, and the evolution of social behavior.


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This paper reports a self-consistent Poisson-Schr¨odinger scheme including the effects of the piezoelectricity, the spontaneous polarization and the charge density on the electronic states and the quasi-Fermi level energy in wurtzite type semiconductor heterojunction and quantum-laser.