25 resultados para Voluntary interruption of pregnancy

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Deprivation of endogenous LH by LH antiserum (LH A/S) in 6-day pregnant rats did not affect the luteal or serum progesterone within 24 h. LH A/S treatment on day 7 or 8 of pregnancy, however, caused a 70 and 92% reduction in luteal progesterone, respectively, within 24 h. Serum levels of progesterone showed a similar reduction. In the case of pregnant hamster, unlike the rat, there was a significant decrease in progesterone in the serum, luteal and non-luteal compartments whether the A/S was administered on day 4, 5 or 6. There was more than a 10-fold increase in the luteal cholesterol esters within 24 h whether the A/S was given on day 6, 7 or 8 of pregnancy in the rat. Rat corpora lutea of days 6 and 8 of pregnancy reacted in a like manner to LH-deprivation, showing an increased utilization of [U-14C]glucose to form 14CO2 in vitro. In the rat, LH (25 μg NIH-S19) administration in vivo either on day 6 or day 8 of pregnancy, caused within 2 h an increase in serum and non-luteal progesterone, but luteal progesterone was unchanged. On the other hand, LH administration to hamsters on day 8 of pregnancy caused an increase in progesterone levels in serum, luteal and non-luteal tissue. Incubation of corpora lutea isolated from untreated 6- and 8-day pregnant rats with LH brought about an increase in progesterone secretion into the medium in both cases. The results show that, even though LH-deprivation does not apparently affect progesterone concentration in the corpus luteum of 6-day pregnant rats, it does affect other metabolic parameters such as glucose utilization and cholesterol turnover, suggesting that the corpus luteum of early pregnancy exhibits a continuous dependency on LH for the maintainence of metabolic functions.


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The ability of a monkey antiserum to ovine LH to interrupt gestation in monkeys has been established. The antiserum has been shown to neutralize monkey pituitary LH by a number of criteria. The significant increase in serum progesterone level on day 23 of the cycle shown by mated monkeys has been used as an index of pregnancy. Injection of LH antiserum during the first week of missed menses (day 29–31 of cycle or day 18–20 of gestation) causes significant reduction in serum levels of progesterone followed by onset of bleeding which is interpreted as the termination of gestation. The same dose of non-immune serum given to monkeys during the same period does not have any deleterious effect on the progress of pregnancy. The antiserum-treated animals after the termination of gestation, resume cyclicity. Injection of antiserum after day 25 of gestation does not bring about termination of pregnancy. It is suggested that by using antisera raised in humans to ovine LH, this method may be developed as a fertility control measure in humans.


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Ramakrishnan A, Chokhandre S, Murthy A. Voluntary control of multisaccade gaze shifts during movement preparation and execution. J Neurophysiol 103: 2400-2416, 2010. First published February 17, 2010; doi: 10.1152/jn.00843.2009. Although the nature of gaze control regulating single saccades is relatively well documented, how such control is implemented to regulate multisaccade gaze shifts is not known. We used highly eccentric targets to elicit multisaccade gaze shifts and tested the ability of subjects to control the saccade sequence by presenting a second target on random trials. Their response allowed us to test the nature of control at many levels: before, during, and between saccades. Although the saccade sequence could be inhibited before it began, we observed clear signs of truncation of the first saccade, which confirmed that it could be inhibited in midflight as well. Using a race model that explains the control of single saccades, we estimated that it took about 100 ms to inhibit a planned saccade but took about 150 ms to inhibit a saccade during its execution. Although the time taken to inhibit was different, the high subject-wise correlation suggests a unitary inhibitory control acting at different levels in the oculomotor system. We also frequently observed responses that consisted of hypometric initial saccades, followed by secondary saccades to the initial target. Given the estimates of the inhibitory process provided by the model that also took into account the variances of the processes as well, the secondary saccades (average latency similar to 215 ms) should have been inhibited. Failure to inhibit the secondary saccade suggests that the intersaccadic interval in a multisaccade response is a ballistic stage. Collectively, these data indicate that the oculomotor system can control a response until a very late stage in its execution. However, if the response consists of multiple movements then the preparation of the second movement becomes refractory to new visual input, either because it is part of a preprogrammed sequence or as a consequence of being a corrective response to a motor error.


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The comparative role of luteinizing hormone (LH) in maintaining pregnancy and histamine-induced decidualization in the rat was studied with the help of a new system, wherein the above two states could be brought about simultaneously in the same animal, but in different uterine horns. Specific and well-characterized LH antiserum, administered daily, both during the pre-trauma (days 1-4) and post-trauma (days 5-8) periods, resulted in the termination of pregnancy and inhibition of decidualization. This antiserum effect could be reversed by suitable steroid therapy. Results suggest that the antiserum blockade of ovarian steroidogenesis continued even after cessation of its treatment. Early pregnancy and decidualization seem directly comparable in that both are dependent upon LH to stimulate the ovarian synthesis of much-needed progesterone and estrogen.


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Chicken riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) is a phosphoglycoprotein present in the egg white and yolk of egg-laying animals and in the sera of laying hens and of estrogenized chicks. The RCP cDNA, encoding a protein of predictedMr27,000, has been cloned into a T7 polymerase-driven vector, and high-level expression was observed on induction with IPTG inEscherichia coli.The protein was largely localized in inclusion bodies when expressed at 37°C but was present in the cytosolic fraction when induced at 22°C. At 37°C, two major bands were detected in whole-cell lysates of the strain expressing the protein. N-terminal sequence analysis indicated that the two proteins represented translated products with and without the pelB leader sequence encoded in the pET20b vector, but both included an additional 10 amino acids generated during cloning procedures. The inclusion body obtained at 37°C, on extraction with detergent, led to preferential solubilization of the protein without the pelB signal sequence. The solubilized recombinant RCP was recognized by polyclonal antisera to native RCP but radioimmunoassay revealed quantitative differences in the epitopes exhibited by the recombinant protein. Thus, sequence-specific monoclonal antibodies to chicken RCP also cross-reacted with the recombinant protein with almost equal efficiency, but antibodies which recognize conformation-dependent epitopes showed relatively reduced cross-reactivity with the recombinant protein. Polyclonal antibodies to recombinant RCP were able to recognize both the native and the denatured RCP. Administration of recombinant RCP antisera to pregnant mice led to embryonic resorption leading to early pregnancy termination. These findings reveal that the recombinant protein will be useful for investigations related to the mechanism of pregnancy termination on immunoneutralization of RCP in mammals, as well as in unraveling folding properties of RCP in terms of its ligand binding and antigenetic determinants exposed at its surface.


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Moudgal and co-workers1-3 recently reported that the administration to intact pregnant rats of rabbit antiserum ovine interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH) on any one day between the eighth and twelfth days of pregnancy resulted in resorption of foetuses and termination of pregnancy. This effect was readily reversed by the simultaneous administration of progesterone but not by oestradiol-17β. These observations suggested that ICSH was involved in progesterone synthesis and as such is a luteotropic factor in the rat.


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In order to identify the functionally relevant epitopes on chicken riboflavin carrier protein, we have raised monoclonal antibodies to the vitamin carrier. One of these, 6B2C12, was found to interact specifically with a synthetic oligopeptide corresponding to the C-terminal 17 amino acid residues of the chicken egg white riboflavin carrier protein, which is missing in part in the egg yolk riboflavin carrier protein. This epitope is conserved through evolution in mammals including humans. Administration of the ascites fluid of 6B2C12 to pregnant mice intraperitoneally, resulted in the termination of pregnancy indicating that this epitope is involved in or closely associated with the transplacental transport of the vitamin from the maternal circulation to the growing fetus.


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The epitopic core sequences recognized by three monoclonal antibodies raised to chicken riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) were mapped to the C-terminal tail-end of the protein using the pepscan method A 21-residue synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 200-219 of the protein and comprising the regions corresponding to the antibodies was synthesized. Administration of polyclonal antibodies specific to this peptide led to termination of early pregnancy in mice. Also, active immunization of rats with the peptide-purified protein derivative conjugate inhibited establishment of pregnancy. These results demonstrate the functional importance of the C-terminal 200-219 region of chicken RCP. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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This paper presents the design and development of a novel optical vehicle classifier system, which is based on interruption of laser beams, that is suitable for use in places with poor transportation infrastructure. The system can estimate the speed, axle count, wheelbase, tire diameter, and the lane of motion of a vehicle. The design of the system eliminates the need for careful optical alignment, whereas the proposed estimation strategies render the estimates insensitive to angular mounting errors and to unevenness of the road. Strategies to estimate vehicular parameters are described along with the optimization of the geometry of the system to minimize estimation errors due to quantization. The system is subsequently fabricated, and the proposed features of the system are experimentally demonstrated. The relative errors in the estimation of velocity and tire diameter are shown to be within 0.5% and to change by less than 17% for angular mounting errors up to 30 degrees. In the field, the classifier demonstrates accuracy better than 97.5% and 94%, respectively, in the estimation of the wheelbase and lane of motion and can classify vehicles with an average accuracy of over 89.5%.


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The administration of a potent antiestrogen, tamoxifen at a dose of 3 mg/kg body weight/day orally post-coitally to cycling mated bonnet monkeys(Macaca radiata) from days 18–30 of cycle resulted in inhibition of establishment of pregnancy in 9 out of 10 monkeys. Tamoxifen effect was not due to interference with luteal function. The effect was specific to tamoxifen as exogenously administered progesterone could not reverse it. In addition to suggesting a role for estrogen in maintenance of early pregnancy in the primate the present study could be a prelude to the development of an effective post-ovulatory approach for regulation of fertility in the human female


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A few analogues of LHRH have been tested in the adult bonnet monkeys using change in serum testosterone following LHRH injection as a parameter of response to LHRH. Of the four analogues tested in male monkeys, Buserelin was found to be the most potent one in increasing serum testosterone levels. Injection of the LHRH antagonist at 1600 h resulted in the abolition of the characteristic nocturnal surge of testosterone observed in adult bonnet monkeys maintained under regulated light conditions. Following administration of LHRH a/s during early pregnancy, serum chorionic gonadotropin levels decreased though the course of pregnancy was not affected. These results suggest that bonnet monkey can be successfully employed to test LHRH analogues.


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Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin to pregnant bonnet monkeys (Macaca radiata) at 55-60 days and 130-140 days of pregnancy resulted in a significant increase in serum progesterone levels. This effect could be observed even in lutectomized monkeys.However, no significant change in the serum estrogen level was noticed. These results suggest that although no chorionic gonadotropin is detectable in the serum after 35 days of pregnancy, the foetoplacental steroidogenic system is still responsive to exogenous gonadotropic stimulation.


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A major limitation to progress in primate embryology is the lack of an adequate supply of preimplantation embryos. We describe a method for recovering preimplantation-embryos in bonnet monkeys (Macaca radiata ) using a nonsurgical uterine flushing technique similar to the one previously employed in rhesus monkeys. Forty cyclic females were screened for cervical cannulation, and 10% of these had an impassable cervix. Eleven females suitable for cannulation were selected, and 27 menstrual cycles were monitored over a 5-mo period. Seventy-one percent of the cycles showed estrogen peaks, which were observed between Days 9 and 14 of the cycle. Following natural mating, uterine flushings were performed on Days 5 to 8 of pregnancy (Day 0 = the day following the estrogen peak). Of the 27 recovery attempts, 9 (33.3%) resulted in the recovery of ovulation products, including those of an unfertilized oocyte and empty zona (2 cases), retarded cleavage-stage (4 to 8-cell) embryos (4 cases), morula (1 case) and blastocysts (2 cases). These results show, for the first time, that the nonsurgical uterine flushing technique can be successfully performed to recover uterine-stage preimplantation embryos from bonnet monkeys.


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Glycodelin A is a progesterone-induced endometrial glycoprotein which has been amply documented to play a role in down-modulation of the maternal immune response to fetal allo-antigens and to be indispensable for the maintenance and progression of pregnancy. Earlier studies from our laboratory have focused on the effect of glycodelin on T cells, key regulators of both the antibody and cell-mediated arms of the acquired immune system. Glycodelin-induced apoptosis inactivated T cells occurs through a caspase-dependant intrinsic mitochondrial pathway. Interestingly, glycodelin inhibited the proliferation of B cells but did not induce apoptosis. More recently, we have studied the effect of glycodelin on the cells of the innate immune system, namely monocytes and NK cells. We have found that glycodelin induced apoptosis in monocytic cells before their differentiation to macrophages, via the mitochondrial pathway, but did not affect their phagocytic capacity after differentiation. Glycodelin induced apoptosis in NK cells but this activity was independent of caspases. In conclusion, glycodelin is observed to affect many cells of the immune system, although the nature of the effect and signaling mechanisms involved in each cell type may be distinct.


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GlycodelinA (GdA), a multifunctional glycoprotein secreted at high concentrations by the uterine endometrium during the early phases of pregnancy, carries glycan chains on asparagines at positions N28 and N63. GdA purified from amniotic fluid is known to be a suppressor of T-cell proliferation, an inducer of T-cell apoptosis, and an inhibitorof sperm-zona binding in contrast to its glycoform, glycodelinS (GdS), which is secreted by the seminal vesicles into the seminal plasma. The oligosaccharide chains of GdA terminate in sialic acid residues, whereas those of GdS are not sialylated but are heavily fucosylated. Our previous work has shown that the apoptogenic activity of GdA resides in the protein backbone, and we have also demonstrated the importance of sialylation for the manifestation of GdA-induced apoptosis. Recombinant glycodelin (Gd) expressed in the Sf21 insec cell line yielded an apoptotically active Gd; however, the same geneexpressed in the insect cell line Tni produced apoptotically inactive Gd, as observed with the gene expressed in the Chinese hamster ovary(CHO) cell line and earlier in Pichia pastoris. Glycan analysis of the Tni and Sf21 cell line-expressed Gd proteins reveals differences in their glycan structures, which modulate the manifestation of apoptogenic activity of Gd. Through apoptotic assays carried out with the wild-type (WT) and glycosylation mutants of Gd expressed in Sf21 and Tni cells before and after mannosidase digestion, we conclude that the accessibility to the apoptogenic region of Gd is influenced by the size of the glycans.