55 resultados para Vehicle Standards Costs.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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he induced current and voltage on the skin of an airborne vehicle due to the coupling of external electromagnetic field could be altered in the presence of ionized exhaust plume. So in the present work, a theoretical analysis is done to estimate the electrical parameters such as electrical conductivity and permittivity and their distribution in the axial and radial directions of the exhaust plume of an airborne vehicle. The electrical conductivity depends on the distribution of the major ionic species produced from the propellant combustion. In addition it also depends on temperature and pressure distribution of the exhaust plume as well as the generated shock wave. The chemically reactive rocket exhaust flow is modeled in two stages. The first part is simulated from the combustion chamber to the throat of the supersonic nozzle by using NASA Chemical Equilibrium with Application (CEA) package and the second part is simulated from the nozzle throat to the downstream of the plume by using a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver. The contour plots of the exhaust parameters are presented. Eight barrel shocks which influence the distribution of the vehicle exhaust parameters are obtained in this simulation. The computed peak value of the electrical conductivity of the plume is 0.123 S/m and the relative permittivity varies from 0.89 to 0.99. The attenuation of the microwave when it is passing through the conducting exhaust plume has also been presented.


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Conventional thinkin g holds that increased energy consumption is a prerequisite for economic and social development. This belief, together With the prospect of dwindling global petroleum supplies and the high costs of expanding energy supply generally, lead many to believe that it is not feasible to improve living standards substantially in the developing countries. But by shifting to high-quality energy carriers and by exploiting cost-effective opportunities for more efficient energy use, it would be possible to satisfy basic human needs and to provide considerable further improvements in living standards without significantly increasing per-capita energy use above the present level.


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The minimum cost classifier when general cost functionsare associated with the tasks of feature measurement and classification is formulated as a decision graph which does not reject class labels at intermediate stages. Noting its complexities, a heuristic procedure to simplify this scheme to a binary decision tree is presented. The optimizationof the binary tree in this context is carried out using ynamicprogramming. This technique is applied to the voiced-unvoiced-silence classification in speech processing.


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This paper presents a Dubins model based strategy to determine the optimal path of a Miniature Air Vehicle (MAV), constrained by a bounded turning rate, that would enable it to fly along a given straight line, starting from an arbitrary initial position and orientation. The method is then extended to meet the same objective in the presence of wind which has a magnitude comparable to the speed of the MAV. We use a modification of the Dubins' path method to obtain the complete optimal solution to this problem in all its generality.


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This paper extends the iterative linear matrix inequality algorithm (ILMI) for systems having non-ideal PI, PD and PID implementations. The new algorithm uses the practical implementation of the feedback blocksto form the equivalent static output feedback plant. The LMI based synthesis techniques are used in the algorithm to design a multi-loop, multi-objective fixed structure control. The benefits of such a control design technique are brought out by applying it to the lateral stabilizing and tracking feedback control problem of a 30cm wingspan micro air vehicle.


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An optimal pitch steering programme of a solid-fuel satellite launch vehicle to maximize either (1) the injection velocity at a given altitude, or (2) the size of circular orbit, for a given payload is presented. The two-dimensional model includes the rotation of atmosphere with the Earth, the vehicle's lift and drag, variation of thrust with time and altitude, inverse-square gravitational field, and the specified initial vertical take-off. The inequality constraints on the aerodynamic load, control force, and turning rates are also imposed. Using the properties of the central force motion the terminal constraint conditions at coast apogee are transferred to the penultimate stage burnout. Such a transformation converts a time-free problem into a time-fixed one, reduces the number of terminal constraints, improves accuracy, besides demanding less computer memory and time. The adjoint equations are developed in a compact matrix form. The problem is solved on an IBM 360/44 computer using a steepest ascent algorithm. An illustrative analysis of a typical launch vehicle establishes the speed of convergence, and accuracy and applicability of the algorithm.


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Autonomous mission control, unlike automatic mission control which is generally pre-programmed to execute an intended mission, is guided by the philosophy of carrying out a complete mission on its own through online sensing, information processing, and control reconfiguration. A crucial cornerstone of this philosophy is the capability of intelligence and of information sharing between unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or with a central controller through secured communication links. Though several mission control algorithms, for single and multiple UAVs, have been discussed in the literature, they lack a clear definition of the various autonomous mission control levels. In the conventional system, the ground pilot issues the flight and mission control command to a UAV through a command data link and the UAV transmits intelligence information, back to the ground pilot through a communication link. Thus, the success of the mission depends entirely on the information flow through a secured communication link between ground pilot and the UAV In the past, mission success depended on the continuous interaction of ground pilot with a single UAV, while present day applications are attempting to define mission success through efficient interaction of ground pilot with multiple UAVs. However, the current trend in UAV applications is expected to lead to a futuristic scenario where mission success would depend only on interaction among UAV groups with no interaction with any ground entity. However, to reach this capability level, it is necessary to first understand the various levels of autonomy and the crucial role that information and communication plays in making these autonomy levels possible. This article presents a detailed framework of UAV autonomous mission control levels in the context of information flow and communication between UAVs and UAV groups for each level of autonomy.


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In this paper a nonlinear optimal controller has been designed for aerodynamic control during the reentry phase of the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV). The controller has been designed based on a recently developed technique Optimal Dynamic Inversion (ODI). For full state feedback the controller has required full information about the system states. In this work an Extended Kalman filter (EKF) is developed to estimate the states. The vehicle (RLV) has been has been consider as a nonlinear Six-Degree-Of-Freedom (6-DOF) model. The simulation results shows that EKF gives a very good estimation of the states and it is working well with ODI. The resultant trajectories are very similar to those obtained by perfect state feedback using ODI only.


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This paper presents a robust fixed order H-2 controller design using Strengthened discrete optimal projection equations, which approximate the first order necessary optimality condition. The novelty of this work is the application of the robust H-2 controller to a micro aerial vehicle named Sarika2 developed in house. The controller is designed in discrete domain for the lateral dynamics of Sarika2 in the presence of low frequency atmospheric turbulence (gust) and high frequency sensor noise. The design specification includes simultaneous stabilization, disturbance rejection and noise attenuation over the entire flight envelope of the vehicle. The resulting controller performance is comprehensively analyzed by means of simulation.


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We present a generic study of inventory costs in a factory stockroom that supplies component parts to an assembly line. Specifically, we are concerned with the increase in component inventories due to uncertainty in supplier lead-times, and the fact that several different components must be present before assembly can begin. It is assumed that the suppliers of the various components are independent, that the suppliers' operations are in statistical equilibrium, and that the same amount of each type of component is demanded by the assembly line each time a new assembly cycle is scheduled to begin. We use, as a measure of inventory cost, the expected time for which an order of components must be held in the stockroom from the time it is delivered until the time it is consumed by the assembly line. Our work reveals the effects of supplier lead-time variability, the number of different types of components, and their desired service levels, on the inventory cost. In addition, under the assumptions that inventory holding costs and the cost of delaying assembly are linear in time, we study optimal ordering policies and present an interesting characterization that is independent of the supplier lead-time distributions.


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With the objective of better understanding the significance of New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) tests conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), head-on collisions between two identical cars of different sizes and between cars and a pickup truck are studied in the present paper using LS-DYNA models. Available finite element models of a compact car (Dodge Neon), midsize car (Dodge Intrepid), and pickup truck (Chevrolet C1500) are first improved and validated by comparing theanalysis-based vehicle deceleration pulses against corresponding NCAP crash test histories reported by NHTSA. In confirmation of prevalent perception, simulation-bascd results indicate that an NCAP test against a rigid barrier is a good representation of a collision between two similar cars approaching each other at a speed of 56.3 kmph (35 mph) both in terms of peak deceleration and intrusions. However, analyses carried out for collisions between two incompatible vehicles, such as an Intrepid or Neon against a C1500, point to the inability of the NCAP tests in representing the substantially higher intrusions in the front upper regions experienced by the cars, although peak decelerations in cars arc comparable to those observed in NCAP tests. In an attempt to improve the capability of a front NCAP test to better represent real-world crashes between incompatible vehicles, i.e., ones with contrasting ride height and lower body stiffness, two modified rigid barriers are studied. One of these barriers, which is of stepped geometry with a curved front face, leads to significantly improved correlation of intrusions in the upper regions of cars with respect to those yielded in the simulation of collisions between incompatible vehicles, together with the yielding of similar vehicle peak decelerations obtained in NCAP tests.


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Submergence of land is a major impact of large hydropower projects. Such projects are often also dogged by siltation, delays in construction and heavy debt burdens-factors that are not considered in the project planning exercise. A simple constrained optimization model for the benefit~ost analysis of large hydropower projects that considers these features is proposed. The model is then applied to two sites in India. Using the potential productivity of an energy plantation on the submergible land is suggested as a reasonable approach to estimating the opportunity cost of submergence. Optimum project dimensions are calculated for various scenarios. Results indicate that the inclusion of submergence cost may lead to a substanual reduction in net present value and hence in project viability. Parameters such as project lifespan, con$truction time, discount rate and external debt burden are also of significance. The designs proposed by the planners are found to be uneconomic, whIle even the optimal design may not be viable for more typical scenarios. The concept of energy opportunity cost is useful for preliminary screening; some projects may require more detailed calculations. The optimization approach helps identify significant trade-offs between energy generation and land availability.


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Using the recently developed model predictive static programming (MPSP) technique, a nonlinear suboptimal reentry guidance scheme is presented in this paper for a reusable launch vehicle (RLV). Unlike traditional RLV guidance, the problem considered over here is restricted only to pitch plane maneuver of the vehicle, which allows simpler mission planning and vehicle load management. The computationally efficient MPSP technique brings in the philosophy of trajectory optimization into the framework of guidance design, which in turn results in very effective guidance schemes in general. In the problem addressed in this paper, it successfully guides the RLV through the critical reentry phase both by constraining it to the allowable narrow flight corridor as well as by meeting the terminal constraints at the end of the reentry segment. The guidance design is validated by considering possible aerodynamic uncertainties as well as dispersions in the initial conditions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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We propose a method to compute a probably approximately correct (PAC) normalized histogram of observations with a refresh rate of Theta(1) time units per histogram sample on a random geometric graph with noise-free links. The delay in computation is Theta(root n) time units. We further extend our approach to a network with noisy links. While the refresh rate remains Theta(1) time units per sample, the delay increases to Theta(root n log n). The number of transmissions in both cases is Theta(n) per histogram sample. The achieved Theta(1) refresh rate for PAC histogram computation is a significant improvement over the refresh rate of Theta(1/log n) for histogram computation in noiseless networks. We achieve this by operating in the supercritical thermodynamic regime where large pathways for communication build up, but the network may have more than one component. The largest component however will have an arbitrarily large fraction of nodes in order to enable approximate computation of the histogram to the desired level of accuracy. Operation in the supercritical thermodynamic regime also reduces energy consumption. A key step in the proof of our achievability result is the construction of a connected component having bounded degree and any desired fraction of nodes. This construction may also prove useful in other communication settings on the random geometric graph.


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The major contribution of this paper is to introduce load compatibility constraints in the mathematical model for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with pickup and deliveries. The employee transportation problem in the Indian call centers and transportation of hazardous materials provided the motivation for this variation. In this paper we develop a integer programming model for the vehicle routing problem with load compatibility constraints. Specifically two types of load compatability constraints are introduced, namely mutual exclusion and conditional exclusion. The model is demonstrated with an application from the employee transportation problem in the Indian call centers.