197 resultados para VARIABLE SELECTION

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Many wireless applications demand a fast mechanism to detect the packet from a node with the highest priority ("best node") only, while packets from nodes with lower priority are irrelevant. In this paper, we introduce an extremely fast contention-based multiple access algorithm that selects the best node and requires only local information of the priorities of the nodes. The algorithm, which we call Variable Power Multiple Access Selection (VP-MAS), uses the local channel state information from the accessing nodes to the receiver, and maps the priorities onto the receive power. It is based on a key result that shows that mapping onto a set of discrete receive power levels is optimal, when the power levels are chosen to exploit packet capture that inherently occurs in a wireless physical layer. The VP-MAS algorithm adjusts the expected number of users that contend in each step and their respective transmission powers, depending on whether previous transmission attempts resulted in capture, idle channel, or collision. We also show how reliable information regarding the total received power at the receiver can be used to improve the algorithm by enhancing the feedback mechanism. The algorithm detects the packet from the best node in 1.5 to 2.1 slots, which is considerably lower than the 2.43 slot average achieved by the best algorithm known to date.


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In many wireless applications, it is highly desirable to have a fast mechanism to resolve or select the packet from the user with the highest priority. Furthermore, individual priorities are often known only locally at the users. In this paper we introduce an extremely fast, local-information-based multiple access algorithm that selects the best node in 1.8 to 2.1 slots,which is much lower than the 2.43 slot average achieved by the best algorithm known to date. The algorithm, which we call Variable Power Multiple Access Selection (VP-MAS), uses the local channel state information from the accessing nodes to the receiver, and maps the priorities into the receive power.It is inherently distributed and scales well with the number of users. We show that mapping onto a discrete set of receive power levels is optimal, and provide a complete characterization for it. The power levels are chosen to exploit packet capture that inherently occurs in a wireless physical layer. The VP-MAS algorithm adjusts the expected number of users that contend in each step and their respective transmission powers, depending on whether previous transmission attempts resulted in capture,idle channel, or collision.


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The coordination driven self-assembly of discrete molecular triangles from a non-symmetric ambidentate linker 5-pyrimidinecarboxylate (5-pmc) and Pd(II)/Pt(II) based 90◦ acceptors is presented. Despite the possibility of formation of a mixture of isomeric macrocycles (linkage isomers) due to different connectivity of the ambidentate linker, formation of a single and symmetrical linkage somer in both the cases is an interesting observation. Moreover, the reported macrocycles represent the first example of discrete metallamacrocycles of bridging 5-pmc. While solution composition in both the cases was characterised by multinuclear NMR study and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), the identity of the assemblies in the solid state was established by X-ray single crystals structure analysis. Variable temperature NMR study clearly ruled out the formation of any other macrocycles by [4 + 4] or [2 + 2] self-assembly of the reacting components.


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Guo and Nixon proposed a feature selection method based on maximizing I(x; Y),the multidimensional mutual information between feature vector x and class variable Y. Because computing I(x; Y) can be difficult in practice, Guo and Nixon proposed an approximation of I(x; Y) as the criterion for feature selection. We show that Guo and Nixon's criterion originates from approximating the joint probability distributions in I(x; Y) by second-order product distributions. We remark on the limitations of the approximation and discuss computationally attractive alternatives to compute I(x; Y).


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Packet forwarding is a memory-intensive application requiring multiple accesses through a trie structure. The efficiency of a cache for this application critically depends on the placement function to reduce conflict misses. Traditional placement functions use a one-level mapping that naively partitions trie-nodes into cache sets. However, as a significant percentage of trie nodes are not useful, these schemes suffer from a non-uniform distribution of useful nodes to sets. This in turn results in increased conflict misses. Newer organizations such as variable associativity caches achieve flexibility in placement at the expense of increased hit-latency. This makes them unsuitable for L1 caches.We propose a novel two-level mapping framework that retains the hit-latency of one-level mapping yet incurs fewer conflict misses. This is achieved by introducing a secondlevel mapping which reorganizes the nodes in the naive initial partitions into refined partitions with near-uniform distribution of nodes. Further as this remapping is accomplished by simply adapting the index bits to a given routing table the hit-latency is not affected. We propose three new schemes which result in up to 16% reduction in the number of misses and 13% speedup in memory access time. In comparison, an XOR-based placement scheme known to perform extremely well for general purpose architectures, can obtain up to 2% speedup in memory access time.


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By definition, the two faces of a pi bond are equivalent.1 However, they are rendered nonequivalent in most molecules because of the absence of a plane of symmetry encompassing the double bond and the adjacent substituents. As a result, additions to trigonal centers from the two faces need not be equally facile. Exploiting this stereodifferentiation in a controlled manner represents one of the core problems in organic synthesis. Evidently, the factors which determine such diastereoselection need to be delineated in as much detail as possible.


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The correlation between magnetic and transport properties is examined by studying poly(4,4'-methylenedianiline)(PMDA) salts and their bases using EPR and conductivity measurements. Five different PMDA salts (doped polymers)were prepared by chemical polymerization of 4,4'-methylenedianiline using different protonic acids. The PMDA bases were obtained by dedoping the salts using ammonium hydroxide. Ambient temperature electrical conductivity measurements show evidence for the doped PMDA system to be highly disordered. The EPR spectra of the samples were recorded in the range 20-200 "C, and the results were analyzed on the basis of the polaron-bipolaron model, which is typical of nondegenerate systems. Both PMDA salts and their bases consist of self-trapped, highly mobile polarons or radical cations. EPR studies on PMDA salts show evidence for the presence of thermally activated and temperature independent (or Pauli type) paramagnetism while the bases show thermally activated, Pauli and Curie-Weiss types of paramagnetism. The paramagnetism arises due to polarons.It is proposed that charge transport takes place through both polarons and bipolarons.


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The perception of ultraviolet (UV) light by spiders has so far been only demonstrated in salticids. Crab spiders (Thomisidae) hunt mostly on flowers and need to find appropriate hunting sites. Previous studies have shown that some crab spiders that reflect UV light use UV contrast to enhance prey capture. The high UV contrast can be obtained either by modulation of body colouration or active selection of appropriate backgrounds for foraging. We show that crab spiders (Thomisus sp.)hunting on Spathiphyllum plants use chromatic contrast, especially UV contrast, to make themselves attractive to hymenopteran prey. Apart from that, they are able to achieve high UV contrast by active selection of non-UV reflecting surfaces when given a choice of UV-reflecting and non-UV reflecting surfaces in the absence of odour cues. Honeybees (Apis cerana) approached Spathiphyllum plants bearing crab spiders on which the spiders were high UV-contrast targets with greater frequency than those plants on which the UV-contrast of the spiders was low. Thus, crab spiders can perceive UV and may use it to choose appropriate backgrounds to enhance prey capture, by exploiting the attraction of prey such as honeybees to UV.


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The effect of a magnetic field on the flow and oxygenation of an incompressible Newtonian conducting fluid in channels with irregular boundaries has been investigated. The geometric parameter δ, which is a ratio of the mean half width of the channel d to the characteristic length λ along the channel over which the significant changes in the flow quantities occur, has been used for perturbing the governing equations. Closed form solutions of the various order equations are presented for the stream function. The equations for oxygen partial pressure remain nonlinear even after perturbation, therefore a numerical solution is presented. The expressions for shear stress at a wall and pressure distributions are derived. Here the separation in the flow occurs at a higher Reynolds number than the corresponding non-magnetic case. It is found that the magnetic field has an effect on local oxygen concentration but has a little effect on the saturation length.


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In this paper, we explore the conjoint evolution of dispersal and social behaviour. The model investigated is of a population distributed over a number of sites each with a carrying capacity of two adults and an episode of dispersal in the juvenile stage. The fertilities are governed by whether an individual and its neighbour are selfish or co-operative. It is shown that the best dispersal strategy for the co-operative genotype always involves lower levels of dispersal; and further that ecological conditions favouring low levels of dispersal increase the selective advantage of a co-operative genotype. Given this positive feedback, we suggest that in any taxon viscosity and co-operativity will tend to be correlated and bimodally distributed. Hence we predict the existence of two kinds of animal societies; viscous and co-operative (e.g. quasi-social wasps such as Mischocyttarus), and non-viscous and selfish (e.g. communal sphecid wasps such as Cerceris), and relatively few social groups with intermediate levels of co-operativity and viscosity. We also suggest that when one of the two sexes disperses, it will be the sex with lower potential for co-operative behaviour.


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Bond graph is an apt modelling tool for any system working across multiple energy domains. Power electronics system modelling is usually the study of the interplay of energy in the domains of electrical, mechanical, magnetic and thermal. The usefulness of bond graph modelling in power electronic field has been realised by researchers. Consequently in the last couple of decades, there has been a steadily increasing effort in developing simulation tools for bond graph modelling that are specially suited for power electronic study. For modelling rotating magnetic fields in electromagnetic machine models, a support for vector variables is essential. Unfortunately, all bond graph simulation tools presently provide support only for scalar variables. We propose an approach to provide complex variable and vector support to bond graph such that it will enable modelling of polyphase electromagnetic and spatial vector systems. We also introduced a rotary gyrator element and use it along with the switched junction for developing the complex/vector variable's toolbox. This approach is implemented by developing a complex S-function tool box in Simulink inside a MATLAB environment This choice has been made so as to synthesise the speed of S-function, the user friendliness of Simulink and the popularity of MATLAB.


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Unary operators are functions of a single variable. Realization of quaternary unary operators (QUOs) using quaternary multiplexer (QMUX) is presented in this paper. QUOs are divided into eight groups on the basis of the number of change overs in the output for an input sequence of 0, 1, 2, 3. This grouping reduces the hardware required to realize them. QMUX with two, three, and four input lines are proposed for the realization of QUOs belonging to the eight groups. A systematic procedure for the selection of QMUX and the implementation of the QUOs are given. The QMUXs are designed using CMOS ICs. The hardware required for their implementation is also discussed.


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The leader protease (L-pro) and capsid-coding sequences (P1) constitute approximately 3 kb of the foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). We studied the phylogenetic relationship of 46 FMDV serotype A isolates of Indian origin collected during the period 1968-2005 and also eight vaccine strains using the neighbour-joining tree and Bayesian tree methods. The viruses were categorized under three major groups - Asian, Euro-South American and European. The Indian isolates formed a distinct genetic group among the Asian isolates. The Indian isolates were further classified into different genetic subgroups (<5% divergence). Post-1995 isolates were divided into two subgroups while a few isolates which originated in the year 2005 from Andhra Pradesh formed a separate group. These isolates were closely related to the isolates of the 1970s. The FMDV isolates seem to undergo reverse mutation or onvergent evolution wherein sequences identical to the ancestors are present in the isolates in circulation. The eight vaccine strains included in the study were not related to each other and belonged to different genetic groups. Recombination was detected in the L-pro region in one isolate (A IND 20/82) and in the VP1 coding 1D region in another isolate (A RAJ 21/96). Positive selection was identified at aa positions 23 in the L-pro (P<0.05; 0.046*) and at aa 171 in the capsid protein VP1 (P<0.01; 0.003**).


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Aircraft pursuit-evasion encounters in a plane with variable speeds are analysed as a differential game. An engagement-dependent coordinate system confers open-loop optimality on the game. Each aircraft's optimal motion can be represented by extremel trajectory maps which are independent of role, adversary and capture radius. These maps are used in two different ways to construct the feedback solution. Some examples are given to illustrate these features. The paper draws on earlier results and surveys several existing papers on the subject.


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Cooperative relay communication in a fading channel environment under the orthogonal amplify-and-forward (OAF), nonorthogonal and orthogonal selection decode-and-forward (NSDF and OSDF) protocols is considered here. The diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT) of the three protocols is determined and DMT-optimal distributed space-time (ST) code constructions are provided. The codes constructed are sphere decodable and in some instances incur minimum possible delay. Included in our results is the perhaps surprising finding that the orthogonal and the nonorthogonal amplify-and-forward (NAF) protocols have identical DMT when the time durations of the broadcast and cooperative phases are optimally chosen to suit the respective protocol. Moreover our code construction for the OAF protocol incurs less delay. Two variants of the NSDF protocol are considered: fixed-NSDF and variable-NSDF protocol. In the variable-NSDF protocol, the fraction of time occupied by the broadcast phase is allowed to vary with multiplexing gain. The variable-NSDF protocol is shown to improve on the DMT of the best previously known static protocol when the number of relays is greater than two. Also included is a DMT optimal code construction for the NAF protocol.