27 resultados para Uncertainty with Respect to the Future

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used to estimate a product's environmental impact. Using LCA during the earlier stages of design may produce erroneous results since information available on the product's lifecycle is typically incomplete at these stages. The resulting uncertainty must be accounted for in the decision-making process. This paper proposes a method for estimating the environmental impact of a product's life cycle and the associated degree of uncertainty of that impact using information generated during the design process. Total impact is estimated based on aggregation of individual product life cycle processes impacts. Uncertainty estimation is based on assessing the mismatch between the information required and the information available about the product life cycle in each uncertainty category, as well as their integration. The method is evaluated using pre-defined scenarios with varying uncertainty. DOI: 10.1115/1.4002163]


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A cut (A, B) (where B = V - A) in a graph G = (V, E) is called internal if and only if there exists a vertex x in A that is not adjacent to any vertex in B and there exists a vertex y is an element of B such that it is not adjacent to any vertex in A. In this paper, we present a theorem regarding the arrangement of cliques in a chordal graph with respect to its internal cuts. Our main result is that given any internal cut (A, B) in a chordal graph G, there exists a clique with kappa(G) + vertices (where kappa(G) is the vertex connectivity of G) such that it is (approximately) bisected by the cut (A, B). In fact we give a stronger result: For any internal cut (A, B) of a chordal graph, and for each i, 0 <= i <= kappa(G) + 1 such that vertical bar K-i vertical bar = kappa(G) + 1, vertical bar A boolean AND K-i vertical bar = i and vertical bar B boolean AND K-i vertical bar = kappa(G) + 1 - i. An immediate corollary of the above result is that the number of edges in any internal cut (of a chordal graph) should be Omega(k(2)), where kappa(G) = k. Prompted by this observation, we investigate the size of internal cuts in terms of the vertex connectivity of the chordal graphs. As a corollary, we show that in chordal graphs, if the edge connectivity is strictly less than the minimum degree, then the size of the mincut is at least kappa(G)(kappa(G)+1)/2 where kappa(G) denotes the vertex connectivity. In contrast, in a general graph the size of the mincut can be equal to kappa(G). This result is tight.


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For the successful performance of a granular filter medium, existing design guidelines, which are based on the particle size distribution (PSD) characteristics of the base soil and filter medium, require two contradictory conditions to be satisfied, viz., soil retention and permeability. In spite of the wider applicability of these guidelines, it is well recognized that (i) they are applicable to a particular range of soils tested in the laboratory, (ii) the design procedures do not include performance-based selection criteria, and (iii) there are no means to establish the sensitivity of the important variables influencing performance. In the present work, analytical solutions are developed to obtain a factor of safety with respect to soil-retention and permeability criteria for a base soil - filter medium system subjected to a soil boiling condition. The proposed analytical solutions take into consideration relevant geotechnical properties such as void ratio, permeability, dry unit weight, effective friction angle, shape and size of soil particles, seepage discharge, and existing hydraulic gradient. The solution is validated through example applications and experimental results, and it is established that it can be used successfully in the selection as well as design of granular filters and can be applied to all types of base soils.


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We assume the large-scale diffuse magnetic field of the Sun to originate from the poloidal component of a dynamo operating at the base of the convection zone, whereas the sunspots are due to the toroidal component. The evolution of the poloidal component is studied to model the poleward migration of the diffuse field seen on the solar surface and the polar reversal at the time of sunspot maxima (Dikpati and Choudhuri 1994, 1995).


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Despite a significant growth in food production over the past half-century, one of the most important challenges facing society today is how to feed an expected population of some nine billion by the middle of the 20th century. To meet the expected demand for food without significant increases in prices, it has been estimated that we need to produce 70-100 per cent more food, in light of the growing impacts of climate change, concerns over energy security, regional dietary shifts and the Millennium Development target of halving world poverty and hunger by 2015. The goal for the agricultural sector is no longer simply to maximize productivity, but to optimize across a far more complex landscape of production, rural development, environmental, social justice and food consumption outcomes. However, there remain significant challenges to developing national and international policies that support the wide emergence of more sustainable forms of land use and efficient agricultural production. The lack of information flow between scientists, practitioners and policy makers is known to exacerbate the difficulties, despite increased emphasis upon evidence-based policy. In this paper, we seek to improve dialogue and understanding between agricultural research and policy by identifying the 100 most important questions for global agriculture. These have been compiled using a horizon-scanning approach with leading experts and representatives of major agricultural organizations worldwide. The aim is to use sound scientific evidence to inform decision making and guide policy makers in the future direction of agricultural research priorities and policy support. If addressed, we anticipate that these questions will have a significant impact on global agricultural practices worldwide, while improving the synergy between agricultural policy, practice and research. This research forms part of the UK Government's Foresight Global Food and Farming Futures project.


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RAG complex consisting of RAG1 and RAG2 is a site-specific endonuclease responsible for the generation of antigen receptor diversity. It cleaves recombination signal sequence (RSS), comprising of conserved heptamer and nonamer. Nonamer binding domain (NBD) of RAG1 plays a central role in the recognition of RSS. To investigate the DNA binding properties of the domain, NBD of murine RAG1 was cloned, expressed and purified. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that NBD binds with high affinity to nonamer in the context of 12/23 RSS or heteroduplex DNA. NBD binding was specific to thymines when single stranded DNA containing poly A, C, G or T were used. Biolayer interferometry studies showed that poly T binding to NBD was robust and comparable to that of 12RSS. More than 23 nt was essential for NBD binding at homothymidine stretches. On a double-stranded DNA, NBD could bind to A:T stretches, but not G:C or random sequences. Although NBD is indispensable for sequence specific activity of RAGs, external supplementation of purified nonamer binding domain to NBD deleted cRAG1/cRAG2 did not restore its activity, suggesting that the overall domain architecture of RAG1 is important. Therefore, we define the sequence requirements of NBD binding to DNA.


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A fairly comprehensive computer program incorporating explicit expressions for the four-pole parameters of concentric-tube resonators, plug mufflers, and three-duct cross-flow perforated elements has been used for parametric studies. The parameters considered are hole diameter, the center-to-center distance between consecutive holes (which decides porosity), the incoming mean flow Mach number, the area expansion ratio, the number of partitions of chambers within a given overall shell length, and the relative lengths of these partitions or chambers, all normalized with respect to the exhaust pipe diameter. Transmission loss has been plotted as a function of a normalized frequency parameter. Additionally, the effect of the tail pipe length on insertion loss for an anechoic source has also been studied. These studies have been supplemented by empirical expressions for the normalized static pressure drop for different types of perforated-element mufflers developed from experimental observations.


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DNA is the chemotherapeutic target for treating diseases of genetic origin. Besides well-known double-helical structures (A, B, Z, parallel stranded-DNA etc.), DNA is capable of forming several multi-stranded structures (triplex, tetraplex, i-motif etc.) which have unique biological significance. The G-rich 3'-ends of chromosomes, called telomeres, are synthesized by telomerase, a ribonucleoprotein, and over-expression of telomerase is associated with cancer. The activity of telomerase is suppressed if the G-rich region is folded into the four stranded structures, called G-quadruplexes (G4-DNAs) using small synthetic ligands. Thus design and synthesis of new G4-DNA ligands is an attractive strategy to combat cancer. G4-DNA forming sequences are also prevalent in other genomic regions of biological significance including promoter regions of several oncogenes. Effective gene regulation may be achieved by inducing a G4-DNA structure within the G-rich promoter sequences. To date, several G4-DNA stabilizing ligands are known. DNA groove binders interact with the duplex B-DNA through the grooves (major and minor groove) in a sequence-specific manner. Some of the groove binders are known to stabilize the G4-DNA. However, this is a relatively under explored field of research. In this review, we focus on the recent advances in the understanding of the G4-DNA structures, particularly made from the human telomeric DNA stretches. We summarize the results of various investigations of the interaction of various organic ligands with the G4-DNA while highlighting the importance of groove binder-G4-DNA interactions.


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Regional impacts of climate change remain subject to large uncertainties accumulating from various sources, including those due to choice of general circulation models (GCMs), scenarios, and downscaling methods. Objective constraints to reduce the uncertainty in regional predictions have proven elusive. In most studies to date the nature of the downscaling relationship (DSR) used for such regional predictions has been assumed to remain unchanged in a future climate. However,studies have shown that climate change may manifest in terms of changes in frequencies of occurrence of the leading modes of variability, and hence, stationarity of DSRs is not really a valid assumption in regional climate impact assessment. This work presents an uncertainty modeling framework where, in addition to GCM and scenario uncertainty, uncertainty in the nature of the DSR is explored by linking downscaling with changes in frequencies of such modes of natural variability. Future projections of the regional hydrologic variable obtained by training a conditional random field (CRF) model on each natural cluster are combined using the weighted Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory of evidence combination. Each projection is weighted with the future projected frequency of occurrence of that cluster (''cluster linking'') and scaled by the GCM performance with respect to the associated cluster for the present period (''frequency scaling''). The D-S theory was chosen for its ability to express beliefs in some hypotheses, describe uncertainty and ignorance in the system, and give a quantitative measurement of belief and plausibility in results. The methodology is tested for predicting monsoon streamflow of the Mahanadi River at Hirakud Reservoir in Orissa, India. The results show an increasing probability of extreme, severe, and moderate droughts due to limate change. Significantly improved agreement between GCM predictions owing to cluster linking and frequency scaling is seen, suggesting that by linking regional impacts to natural regime frequencies, uncertainty in regional predictions can be realistically quantified. Additionally, by using a measure of GCM performance in simulating natural regimes, this uncertainty can be effectively constrained.


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General circulation models (GCMs) use transient climate simulations to predict climate conditions in the future. Coarse-grid resolutions and process uncertainties necessitate the use of downscaling models to simulate precipitation. However, in the downscaling models, with multiple GCMs now available, selecting an atmospheric variable from a particular model which is representative of the ensemble mean becomes an important consideration. The variable convergence score (VCS) provides a simple yet meaningful approach to address this issue, providing a mechanism to evaluate variables against each other with respect to the stability they exhibit in future climate simulations. In this study, VCS methodology is applied to 10 atmospheric variables of particular interest in downscaling precipitation over India and also on a regional basis. The nested bias-correction methodology is used to remove the systematic biases in the GCMs simulations, and a single VCS curve is developed for the entire country. The generated VCS curve is expected to assist in quantifying the variable performance across different GCMs, thus reducing the uncertainty in climate impact-assessment studies. The results indicate higher consistency across GCMs for pressure and temperature, and lower consistency for precipitation and related variables. Regional assessments, while broadly consistent with the overall results, indicate low convergence in atmospheric attributes for the Northeastern parts of India.


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Highly conducting composites were derived by selectively localizing multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) in co-continuous PVDF/ABS (50/50, wt/wt) blends. The electrical percolation threshold was obtained between 0.5 and 1 wt% MWNTs as manifested by a dramatic increase in the electrical conductivity by about six orders of magnitude with respect to the neat blends. In order to further enhance the electrical conductivity of the blends, the MWNTs were modified with amine terminated ionic liquid (IL), which, besides enhancing the interfacial interaction with PVDF, facilitated the formation of a network like structure of MWNTs. This high electrical conductivity of the blends, at a relatively low fraction (1 wt%), was further explored to design materials that can attenuate electromagnetic (EM) radiation. More specifically, to attenuate the EM radiation by absorption, a ferroelectric phase was introduced. To accomplish this, barium titanate (BT) nanoparticles chemically stitched onto graphene oxide (GO) sheets were synthesized and mixed along with MWNTs in the blends. Intriguingly, the total EM shielding effectiveness (SE) was enhanced by ca. 10 dB with respect to the blends with only MWNTs. In addition, the effect of introducing a ferromagnetic phase (Fe3O4) along with IL modified MWNTs was also investigated. This study opens new avenues in designing materials that can attenuate EM radiation by selecting either a ferroelectric (BT-GO) or a ferromagnetic phase (Fe3O4) along with intrinsically conducting nanoparticles (MWNTs).