13 resultados para Tweezers

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Many wormlike micellar systems exhibit appreciable shear thinning due to shear-induced alignment. As the micelles get aligned introducing directionality in the system, the viscoelastic properties are no longer expected to be isotropic. An optical-tweezers-based active microrheology technique enables us to probe the out-of-equilibrium rheological properties of a wormlike micellar system simultaneously along two orthogonal directions-parallel to the applied shear, as well as perpendicular to it. While the displacements of a trapped bead in response to active drag force carry signature of conventional shear thinning, its spontaneous position fluctuations along the perpendicular direction manifest an orthogonal shear thickening, an effect hitherto unobserved. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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The easily constructed bile acid-based semi-rigid molecular tweezer 2 binds guest 8 in chloroform with an association constant of 83 dm(3) mol(-1).


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A family of bile acid-based molecular tweezers (7-9) has been constructed readily from simple precursors. Binding experiments with various electron deficient aromatic compounds showed that tweezer 8 binds trinitrofluorenone 10e with an association constant of 220 M(-1) in CDCl3. Single-crystal X-ray analysis of compound 8 shows aromatic-aromatic interactions producing a two-dimensional lattice of pyrene units. Tweezer 8 was immobilized on Merrifield resin, and binding studies have shown that these data compare well with those of the solution state studies.


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Semi-rigid molecular tweezers 1, 3 and 4 bind picric acid with more than tenfold increment in tetrachloromethane as compared to chloroform.


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We study the properties of single red blood cells (RBCs) held in an optical-tweezers trap. We observe a change in the spectrum of Brownian fluctuations between RBCs from normal and malaria-infected samples. The change, caused by infection-induced structural changes in the cell, appears as a statistical increase in the mean (by 25%) and standard deviation (by 200%) of the corner frequency measured over similar to 100 cells. The increase is observed even though the ensemble of cells being measured consists mostly of cells that do not actually host the parasite, but are from an infected pool. This bystander effect appears to vindicate other observations that infected cells can affect the biomechanical properties of uninfected cells. The change is also observed to be independent of the stage of infection and its duration, highlighting its potential for disease detection. (C) 2010 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3427142].


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We review the current status of various aspects of biopolymer translocation through nanopores and the challenges and opportunities it offers. Much of the interest generated by nanopores arises from their potential application to third-generation cheap and fast genome sequencing. Although the ultimate goal of single-nucleotide identification has not yet been reached, great advances have been made both from a fundamental and an applied point of view, particularly in controlling the translocation time, fabricating various kinds of synthetic pores or genetically engineering protein nanopores with tailored properties, and in devising methods (used separately or in combination) aimed at discriminating nucleotides based either on ionic or transverse electron currents, optical readout signatures, or on the capabilities of the cellular machinery. Recently, exciting new applications have emerged, for the detection of specific proteins and toxins (stochastic biosensors), and for the study of protein folding pathways and binding constants of protein-protein and protein-DNA complexes. The combined use of nanopores and advanced micromanipulation techniques involving optical/magnetic tweezers with high spatial resolution offers unique opportunities for improving the basic understanding of the physical behavior of biomolecules in confined geometries, with implications for the control of crucial biological processes such as protein import and protein denaturation. We highlight the key works in these areas along with future prospects. Finally, we review theoretical and simulation studies aimed at improving fundamental understanding of the complex microscopic mechanisms involved in the translocation process. Such understanding is a pre-requisite to fruitful application of nanopore technology in high-throughput devices for molecular biomedical diagnostics.


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During meiosis, long-range interaction between homologous chromosomes is thought to be crucial for homology recognition, exchange of DNA strands, and production of normal haploid gametes. However, little is known about the identity of the proteins involved and the actual molecular mechanism(s) by which chromosomes recognize and recombine with their appropriate homologous partners. Single-molecule analyses have the potential to provide insights into our understanding of this fascinating and long-standing question. Using atomic force microscopy and magnetic tweezers techniques, we discovered that Hop1 protein, a key structural component of Saccharomyces cerevisiae synaptonemal complex, exhibits the ability to bridge noncontiguous DNA segments into intramolecular stem-loop structures in which the DNA segments appear to be fully synapsed within the filamentous protein stems. Additional evidence suggests that Hop1 folds DNA into rigid protein DNA filaments and higher-order nucleoprotein structures. Importantly, Hop1 promotes robust intra- and intermolecular synapsis between double-stranded DNA molecules, suggesting that juxtaposition of DNA sequences may assist in strand exchange between homologues by recombination-associated proteins. Finally, the evidence from ensemble experiments is consistent with the notion that Hop1 causes rigidification of DNA molecules. These results provide the first direct evidence for long-range protein-mediated DNA DNA synapsis, independent of crossover recombination, which is presumed to occur during meiotic recombination.


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In a previous study of the properties of red blood cells (RBC) trapped in an optical tweezers trap, an increase in the spectrum of Brownian fluctuations for RBCs from a Plasmodium falciparum culture (due to increased rigidity) compared with normal RBCs was measured. A bystander effect was observed, whereby RBCs actually hosting the parasite had an effect on the physical properties of remaining non-hosting RBCs. The distribution of corner frequency (f(c)) in the power spectrum of single RBCs held in an optical tweezers trap was studied. Two tests were done to confirm the bystander effect. In the first, RBCs from an infected culture were separated into hosting and non-hosting RBCs. In the second, all RBCs were removed from the infected culture, and normal RBCs were incubated in the spent medium. The trapping environment was the same for all measurements so only changes in the properties of RBCs were measured. In the first experiment, a similar and statistically significant increase was measured both for hosting and non-hosting RBCs. In the second experiment, normal RBCs incubated in spent medium started to become rigid after a few hours and showed complete changes (comparable with RBCs from the infected culture) after 24 h. These experiments provide direct evidence of medium-induced changes in the properties of RBCs in an infected culture, regardless of whether the RBCs actually host the parasite.


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Despite decades of research, it remains to be established whether the transformation of a liquid into a glass is fundamentally thermodynamic or dynamic in origin. Although observations of growing length scales are consistent with thermodynamic perspectives, the purely dynamic approach of the Dynamical Facilitation (DF) theory lacks experimental support. Further, for vitrification induced by randomly freezing a subset of particles in the liquid phase, simulations support the existence of an underlying thermodynamic phase transition, whereas the DF theory remains unexplored. Here, using video microscopy and holographic optical tweezers, we show that DF in a colloidal glass-forming liquid grows with density as well as the fraction of pinned particles. In addition, we observe that heterogeneous dynamics in the form of string-like cooperative motion emerges naturally within the framework of facilitation. Our findings suggest that a deeper understanding of the glass transition necessitates an amalgamation of existing theoretical approaches.


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Efficient bacterial recombinational DNA repair involves rapid cycles of RecA filament assembly and disassembly. The RecX protein plays a crucial inhibitory role in RecA filament formation and stability. As the broken ends of DNA are tethered during homologous search, RecA filaments assembled at the ends are likely subject to force. In this work, we investigated the interplay between RecX and force on RecA filament formation and stability. Using magnetic tweezers, at single molecular level, we found that Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt) RecX could catalyze stepwise de-polymerization of preformed MtRecA filament in the presence of ATP hydrolysis at low forces (<7 pN). However, applying larger forces antagonized the inhibitory effects of MtRecX, and a partially de-polymerized MtRecA filament could repolymerize in the presence of MtRecX, which cannot be explained by previous models. Theoretical analysis of force-dependent conformational free energies of naked ssDNA and RecA nucleoprotein filament suggests that mechanical force stabilizes RecA filament, which provides a possible mechanism for the observation. As the antagonizing effect of force on the inhibitory function of RecX takes place in a physiological range; these findings broadly suggest a potential mechanosensitive regulation during homologous recombination.


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The transformation of flowing liquids into rigid glasses is thought to involve increasingly cooperative relaxation dynamics as the temperature approaches that of the glass transition. However, the precise nature of this motion is unclear, and a complete understanding of vitrification thus remains elusive. Of the numerous theoretical perspectives(1-4) devised to explain the process, random first-order theory (RFOT; refs 2,5) is a well-developed thermodynamic approach, which predicts a change in the shape of relaxing regions as the temperature is lowered. However, the existence of an underlying `ideal' glass transition predicted by RFOT remains debatable, largely because the key microscopic predictions concerning the growth of amorphous order and the nature of dynamic correlations lack experimental verification. Here, using holographic optical tweezers, we freeze a wall of particles in a two-dimensional colloidal glass-forming liquid and provide direct evidence for growing amorphous order in the form of a static point-to-set length. We uncover the non-monotonic dependence of dynamic correlations on area fraction and show that this non-monotonicity follows directly from the change in morphology and internal structure of cooperatively rearranging regions(6,7). Our findings support RFOT and thereby constitute a crucial step in distinguishing between competing theories of glass formation.


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Efficient sensing of trace amount nitroaromatic (NAC) explosives has become a major research focus in recent time due to concerns over national security as well as their role as environment pollutants. NO2-containing electron-deficient aromatic compounds, such as picric acid (PA), trinitrotoluene (TNT), and dinitrotoluene (DNT), are the common constituents of many commercially available chemical explosives. In this article, we have summarized our recent developments on the rational design of electron-rich self-assembled discrete molecular sensors and their efficacy in sensing nitroaromatics both in solution as well as in vapor phase. Several p-electron-rich fluorescent metallacycles (squares, rectangles, and tweezers/pincers) and metallacages (trigonal and tetragonal prisms) have been synthesized by means of metal-ligand coordination-bonding interactions, with enough internal space to accommodate electron-deficient nitroaromatics at the molecular level by multiple supramolecular interactions. Such interactions subsequently result in the detectable fluorescence quenching of sensors even in the presence of trace quantities of nitroaromatics. The fascinating sensing characteristics of molecular architectures discussed in this article may enable future development of improved sensors for nitroaromatic explosives.


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Disease conditions like malaria, sickle cell anemia, diabetes mellitus, cancer, etc., are known to significantly alter the deformability of certain types of cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, circulating tumor cells, etc.). To determine the cellular deformability, techniques like micropipette aspiration, atomic force microscopy, optical tweezers, quantitative phase imaging have been developed. Many of these techniques have an advantage of determining the single cell deformability with ultrahigh precision. However, the suitability of these techniques for the realization of a deformability based diagnostic tool is questionable as they are expensive and extremely slow to operate on a huge population of cells. In this paper, we propose a technique for high-throughput (800 cells/s) determination of cellular deformability on a single cell basis. This technique involves capturing the image(s) of cells in flow that have undergone deformation under the influence of shear gradient generated by the fluid flowing through the microfluidic channels. Deformability indices of these cells can be computed by performing morphological operations on these images. We demonstrate the applicability of this technique for examining the deformability index on healthy, diabetic, and sphered red blood cells. We believe that this technique has a strong role to play in the realization of a potential tool that uses deformability as one of the important criteria in disease diagnosis.