em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Seafood allergy is often encountered on ingestion of crustaceans such as shrimp, lobster, crab, and crayfish (1). On eating cooked shrimp, sensitive individuals experience a wide spectrum of reactions ranging from abdominal discomfort to anaphylaxis. The presence of cross-reacting heat-stable allergens in crustacean food was first recognized by Hoffman et al. (2) and Lehrer et al. (3). Subsequently, the major allergen was isolated and characterized from the shrimp species Paneaus indicus (Pen i 1) (4) and I? aztecm (Pen a 1) (5). Pen i 1 (originally designated Sa-TI) and Pen a 1, with mol. mass of 34 and 36 kDa, respectively, contain 301 and 312 amino-acid residues with a predominance of gluta- mate/glutamine and asparatate/asparagine.


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Raffinose oligosaccharides (RO) are the major factors responsible for flatulence following ingestion of soybean-derived products. Removal of RO from seeds or soymilk would then have a positive impact on the acceptance of soy-based foods. In this study, alpha-galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae was entrapped in gelatin using formaldehyde as the hardener. The immobilization yield was 64.3% under the optimum conditions of immobilization. The immobilized alpha-galactosidase showed a shift in optimum pH from 4.8 to 5.4 in acetate buffer. The optimum temperature also shifted from 50 degrees C to 57 degrees C compared with soluble enzyme. Immobilized alpha-galactosidase was used in batch, repeated batch and continuous mode to degrade RO present in soymilk. In the repeated batch, 45% reduction of RO was obtained in the fourth cycle. The performance of immobilized alpha-galactosidase was tested in a fluidized bed reactor at different flow rates and 86% reduction of RO in soymilk was obtained at 25 ml h(-1) flow rate. The study revealed that immobilized alpha-galactosidase in continuous mode is efficient in reduction of RO present in soymilk.


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Tribology of a well known solid lubricant molybdenum disulphide is studied here in water and oil medium, over a large range of contact dimensions. Lateral force microscopy is used to identify the deformation modes, intra-crystalline slip, plastic grooving, fragmentation and fracture, of single particles The medium and agglomeration were found to dictate the deformation mode Steel on steel tribology lubricated by suspensions of these particles in liquid media was conducted over a range of contact pressure and sliding velocity. A scrutiny of the frictional data with the aid of Raman spectroscopy to identify the transfer film, suggested that the particle size, as it is at contact, is an important tribological parameter Ultrasonication of the suspension and dispersion of the particle by surfactants were used to control the apriori particle size fed into the suspension.Correspondence of friction data of the gently sonicated suspension with that of the ultrasonicated suspension with dispersants indicated the importance of liquid ingestion by these particles as it controls their mode of deformation and consequent tribology. (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.


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The major heat-stable shrimp allergen (designated as Sa-II), capable of provoking IgE-mediated immediate type hypersensitivity reactions after the ingestion of cooked shrimp, has been shown to be a 34-kDa heat- stable protein containing 300 amino acid residues. Here, we report that a comparison of amino acid sequences of different peptides generated by proteolysis of Sa-II revealed an 86% homology with tropomyosin from Drosophila melanogaster, suggesting that Sa-II could be the shrimp muscle protein tropomyosin. To establish that Sa-II is indeed tropomyosin, the latter was isolated from uncooked shrimp (Penaeus indicus) and its physicochemical and immunochemical properties were compared with those of Sa-II. Both tropomyosin and Sa-II had the same molecular mass and focused in the isoelectric pH range of 4.8 to 5.4. In the presence of 6 M urea, the mobility of both Sa-II and shrimp tropomyosin shifted to give an apparent molecular mass of 50 kDa, which is a characteristic property of tropomyosins. Shrimp tropomyosin bound to specific IgE antibodies in the sera of shrimp-sensitive patients as assessed by competitive ELISA inhibition and Western blot analysis. Tryptic maps of both Sa-II and tropomyosin as obtained by reverse phase HPLC were superimposable. Dot-blot and competitive ELISA inhibition using sera of shrimp-sensitive patients revealed that antigenic as well as allergenic activities were associated with two peptide fractions. These IgE-binding tryptic peptides were purified and sequenced. Mouse anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies raised against Sa-II specific human idiotypic antibodies recognized not only tropomyosin but also the two allergenic peptides, thus suggesting that these peptides represent the major IgE binding epitopes of tropomyosin. A comparison of the amino acid sequence of shrimp tropomyosin in the region of IgE binding epitopes (residues 50-66 and 153-161) with the corresponding regions of tropomyosins from different vertebrates confirmed lack of allergenic cross-reactivity between tropomyosins from phylogenetically distinct species.


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The theory of phase formation is generalised for any arbitrary time dependence of nucleation and growth rates. Some sources of this time dependence are time-dependent potential inputs, ohmic drop and the ingestion effect. Particular cases, such as potentiostatic and, especially, linear potential sweep, are worked out for the two limiting cases of nucleation, namely instantaneous and progressive. The ohmic drop is discussed and a procedure for this correction is indicated. Recent results of Angerstein-Kozlowska, Conway and Klinger are critically investigated. Several earlier results are deduced as special cases. Evans' overlap formula is generalised for the time-dependent case and the equivalence between Avrami's and Evans' equations established.


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Increasing nitrate concentrations in ground water is deleterious to human health as ingestion of such water can cause methemoglobinemia in infants and even cancer in adults (desirable limit for nitrate as NO3 - 45 mg/L, IS code 10500-1991). Excess nitrate concentrations in ground water is contributed by reason being disposal of sewage and excessive use of fertilizers. Though numerous technologies such as reverse osmosis, ion exchange, electro-dialysis, permeable reactive barriers using zerovalent iron etc exists, nitrate removal continues to be one of challenging issue as nitrate ion is highly mobile within the soil strata. The tapping the denitrification potential of soil denitrifiers which are inherently available in the soil matrix is the most sustainable approach to mitigate accumulation of nitrate in ground water. The insitu denitrification of sand and bentonite enhanced sand (bentonite content = 5%) in presence of easily assimilable organic carbon such as ethanol was studied. Batch studies showed that nitrate reduction by sand follows first order kinetics with a rate constant 5.3x10(-2) hr(-1) and rate constant 4.3 x 10(-2) hr(-1) was obtained for bentonite-enhanced sand (BS) at 25 degrees C. Filter columns (height = 5 cm and diameter = 8.2 cm) were constructed using sand and bentonite-enhanced sand as filter media. The filtration rate through both the filter columns was maintained at average value of 2.60 cm/h. The nitrate removal rates through both the filter media was assessed for solution containing 22.6 mg NO3-N/L concentrations while keeping C/N mass ratio as 3. For sand filter column, the nitrate removal efficiency reached the average value of 97.6% after passing 50 pore volumes of the nitrate solution. For bentonite-enhanced sand filter column, the average nitrate removal efficiency was 83.5%. The time required for effective operation for sand filter bed was 100 hours, while bentonite-enhanced sand filter bed did not require any maturation period as that of sand filter bed for effective performance because the presence of micropores in bentonite increases the hydraulic retention time of the solution inside the filter bed.