52 resultados para Syndrome de transpiration au froid

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Nitrogen plasma exposure (NPE) effects on indium doped bulk n-CdTe are reported here. Excellent rectifying characteristics of Au/n-CdTe Schottky diodes, with an increase in the barrier height, and large reverse breakdown voltages are observed after the plasma exposure. Surface damage is found to be absent in the plasma exposed samples. The breakdown mechanism of the heavily doped Schottky diodes is found to shift from the Zener to avalanche after the nitrogen plasma exposure, pointing to a change in the doping close to the surface which was also verified by C-V measurements. The thermal stability of the plasma exposure process is seen up to a temperature of 350 degrees C, thereby enabling the high temperature processing of the samples for device fabrication. The characteristics of the NPE diodes are stable over a year implying excellent diode quality. A plausible model based on Fermi level pinning by acceptor-like states created by plasma exposure is proposed to explain the observations.


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Among the human diseases that result from chromosomal aberrations, a de novo deletion in chromosome 11p13 is clinically associated with a syndrome characterized by Wilms' tumor, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies, and mental retardation (WAGR). Not all genes in the deleted region have been characterized biochemically or functionally. We have recently identified the first Class III cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, Rv0805, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which biochemically and structurally belongs to the superfamily of metallophosphoesterases. We performed a large scale bioinformatic analysis to identify orthologs of the Rv0805 protein and identified many eukaryotic genes that included the human 239FB gene present in the region deleted in the WAGR syndrome. We report here the first detailed biochemical characterization of the rat 239FB protein and show that it possesses metallophosphodiesterase activity. Extensive mutational analysis identified residues that are involved in metal interaction at the binuclear metal center. Generation of a rat 239FB protein with a mutation corresponding to a single nucleotide polymorphism seen in human 239FB led to complete inactivation of the protein. A close ortholog of 239FB is found in adult tissues, and biochemical characterization of the 239AB protein demonstrated significant hydrolytic activity against 2',3'-cAMP, thus representing the first evidence for a Class III cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in mammals. Highly conserved orthologs of the 239FB protein are found in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila and, coupled with available evidence suggesting that 239FB is a tumor suppressor, indicate the important role this protein must play in diverse cellular events.


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Recently, Tang et al. (Acta Mater. 56 (2008) 5818) published a paper explaining room temperature growth of the phases in the Au/Sn system. In their analysis, they considered Au as the only mobile species for all the product phases, and Sn as virtually immobile. It is shown here that this analysis is not correct, since Sn has a higher diffusion rate through the AuSn4 phase. On the other hand, the mobilities of species in the AuSn2 phase are as yet unknown.


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Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of pyridine adsorbed on ultrathin nanocrystalline Au and Ag films generated at the liquid-liquid interface has been investigated. The shifts and intensification of bands formed with these films comprising metal nanoparticles are comparable to those found with other types of Au and Ag substrates. SERS of rhodamine 6G adsorbed on Ag films has also been studied. The results demonstrate that nanocrystalline metal films prepared by the simple method involving the organic-aqueous interface can be used effectively for SERS investigations.


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Mental retardation due to fragile X syndrome is one of the genetic disorders caused by tripler repeat expansion, CGG repeat involved in this disease is known to exhibit polymorphism even among normal individuals. Here we describe the development of suitable probes for detection of polymorphism in CGG repeat at FMR1 locus as well as the diagnosis of fragile X syndrome. Using these methods polymorphism at the FMR1 locus has been examined in 161 individuals. Ninety eight patients with unclassified mental retardation were examined, of whom 7 were found to have the expanded (CGG) allele at the FMR1 locus, The hybridization pattern for two patients has been presented as representative data.


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A Pt-Au alloy catalyst of varying compositions is prepared by codeposition of Pt and Au nanoparticles onto a carbon support to evaluate its electrocatalytic activity toward an oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) with methanol tolerance in direct methanol fuel cells. The optimum atomic weight ratio of Pt to Au in the carbon-supported Pt-Au alloy (Pt-Au/C) as established by cell polarization, linear-sweep voltammetry (LSV), and cyclic voltammetry (CV) studies is determined to be 2:1. A direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) comprising a carbon-supported Pt-Au (2:1) alloy as the cathode catalyst delivers a peak power density of 120 mW/cm2 at 70 °C in contrast to the peak power density value of 80 mW/cm2 delivered by the DMFC with carbon-supported Pt catalyst operating under identical conditions. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations on a small model cluster reflect electron transfer from Pt to Au within the alloy to be responsible for the synergistic promotion of the oxygen-reduction reaction on a Pt-Au electrode.


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Magnetron sputtering is a promising technique for the growth of oxide materials including ZnO, which allows deposition of films at low temperatures with good electrical properties. The current-voltage (I-P) characteristics of An Schottky contacts on magnetron sputtered ZnO, films have been measured over a temperature range of 278-358K. Both effective barrier height (phi(B,eff)) and ideality factor (n) are found to be a function of temperature, and this behavior has been interpreted on the basis of a Gaussian distribution of barrier heights due to barrier height inhomogeneities that prevail at the interface. Density of states (DOS) near the Fermi level is determined using a model based on the space charge limited current (SCLC). The dispersion in both real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant at low frequencies, with increase in temperature is attributed to the space charge effect. Complex impedance plots exhibited two semicircles, which corresponds to bulk grains and the grain boundaries. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polymer nanocomposites containing different concentrations of Au nanoparticles have been investigated by small angle X-ray scattering and electronic absorption spectroscopy. The variation in the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band of Au nanoparticles with concentration is described by a scaling law. The variation in the plasmon band of ReO3 nanoparticles embedded in polymers also follows a similar scaling law. Sistance dependence of plasmon coupling in polymer composites f metal nanoparticles. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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The nature of interaction of Au(III) with nucleic acids was studied by using methods such as uv and ir spectrophotometry, viscometry, pH titrations, and melting-temperature measurements. Au(III) is found to interact slowly with nucleic acids over a period of several hours. The uv spectra of native calf-thymus DNA 9pH 5.6 acetate buffer containing (0.01M NaCIO4) showed a shift in λ max to high wavelengths and an increase in optical density at 260 nm. There was a fourfold decrease in viscosity (expressed as ηsp/c). The reaction was faster at pH 4.0 and also with denatured DNA (pH 5.6) and whole yeast RNA (pH 5.6). The order of preference of Au(III) (as deduced from the time of completion of reaction) for the nucleic acids in RNA > denatured DNA > DNA. The reaction was found to be completely reversible with respect KCN. Infrared spectra of DNA-Au(III) complexes showed binding to both the phosphate and bases of DNA. The same conclusions were also arrived at by melting-temperature studies of Au(III)-DNA system. pH titrations showed liberation of two hydroxylions at r = 0.12 [r = moles of HAuCl4 added per mole of DNA-(P)] and one hydrogen ion at r = 0.5. The probable binding sites could be N(1)/N(7) of adenine, N(7) and/or C(6)O of guanine, N(3) of cytosine and N(3) of thymine. DNAs differing in their (G = C)-contents [Clostridium perfingens DNA(G = C, 29%), salmon sperm DNA (G + C, 42%) and Micrococcus lysodeikticus DNA(G + C, 29%), salmon sperm DNA (G = C, 72%)] behaved differently toward Au(III). The hyperchromicity observed for DNAs differing in (G + C)-content and cyanide reversal titrations indicate selectivity toward ( A + T)-rich DNA at lw values of r. Chemical analysis and job's continuous variation studies indicated the existence of possible complexes above and below r = 1. The results indicate that Au(III) ions probably bind to hte phosphate group in the initial stages of the reaction, particularly at low values of r, and participation of the base interaction also increases. Cross-linking of the two strands by Au(III) may take place, but a complete collapse of the doulbe helix is not envisaged. It is probable that tilting of the bases or rotaiton of the bases around the glucosidic bond, resulting in a significant distrotion of the double helix, might take place due to binding of Au(III) to DNA.


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The performance of the contacts, where Au/Ti layers are used in the metallization scheme, largely depends on the product phases grown by interdiffusion at the interface. It is found that four intermetallic compounds grow with narrow homogeneity range and wavy interfaces in the interdiffusion zone. The presence of wavy interfaces is the indication of high anisotropy in diffusion of the product phases. This also reflects in the deviation of parabolic growth from the average. Further, we have determined the relevant diffusion parameters, such as interdiffusion coefficient in the penetrated region of the end members and integrated diffusion coefficients of the intermetallic compounds.


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Kinetics of the interaction of Au(III) with native calf thymus DNA has been studied spectrophotometrically to determine the kinetic parameters and to examine their dependency on the concentrations of DNA and Au(III), temperature, ionic strength and pH. The reaction is of the first order with respect to both the nucleotide unit of DNA and Au(III) in the stoichiometry of 2∶1 respectively. The rate constants vary with the initial ratio of DNA to Au(III) and is attributed to the effect of free chloride ions and the existence of a number of reaction sites with slight difference in the rate constants. The activation energies of this interaction have been found to be 14–16 kcal/mol. From the effect of ionic strength the reaction is found to occur between a positive and a negative ion in the rate-limiting step. The logarithm of rate constants are the linear function of pH and the slopes are dependent on ther-values. A plausible mechanism has been proposed which involves a primary dissociation of the major existing species (AuCl2(OH)2)−, to give (AuCl2)+ which then reacts with a site in the nucleotide unit of DNA in the rate-liminting step followed by a rapid binding to another site on the complementary strand of the DNA double helix. There exist a number of binding sites with slight difference in reactivity.


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The influence of gold (similar to 35 nm diameter) as well as ReO3 (similar to 17 nm diameter) nanoparticles placed atop silicon photovoltaic devices on absorption and photocurrent generation has been investigated. The nanoparticles improve the power transmission into the semiconductor and consequently, the photocurrent response at wavelengths corresponding to plasmon absorption. An increase in short circuit current up to 4.5% under simulated solar irradiation was observed with the ReO3 nanoparticles, while the gold nanoparticles showed enhancements up to 6.5%. The increase in photocurrent is observed at wavelengths corresponding to the maxima in the surface plasmon resonance absorption spectra. (C) 2010 The Japan Society of Applied Physics


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Transpiration cooling over a flat plate at hypersonic Mach numbers is analyzed using Navier-Stokes equations, without the assumption of an isothermal wall with a prescribed wall temperature. A new criterion is proposed for determining a relevant range of blowing rates, which is useful in the parametric analysis. The wall temperature is found to decrease with the increasing blowing rate, but this effect is not uniform along the plate. The effect is more pronounced away from the leading edge. The relative change in the wall temperature is affected stronger by blowing at high Reynolds numbers. (AIAA)


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Many proteins associated with the phenotype microcephaly have been localized to the centrosome or linked to it functionally. All the seven autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH) proteins localize at the centrosome. Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II protein PCNT and Seckel syndrome (also characterized by severe microcephaly) protein ATR are also centrosomal proteins. All of the above findings show the importance of centrosomal proteins as the key players in neurogenesis and brain development. However, the exact mechanism as to how the loss-of-function of these proteins leads to microcephaly remains to be elucidated. To gain insight into the function of the most commonly mutated MCPH gene ASPM, we used the yeast two-hybrid technique to screen a human fetal brain cDNA library with an ASPM bait. The analysis identified Angelman syndrome gene product UBE3A as an ASPM interactor. Like ASPM, UBE3A also localizes to the centrosome. The identification of UBE3A as an ASPM interactor is not surprising as more than 80% of Angelman syndrome patients have microcephaly. However, unlike in MCPH, microcephaly is postnatal in Angelman syndrome patients. Our results show that UBE3A is a cell cycle regulated protein and its level peaks in mitosis. The shRNA knockdown of UBE3A in HEK293 cells led to many mitotic abnormalities including chromosome missegregation, abnormal cytokinesis and apoptosis. Thus our study links Angelman syndrome protein UBE3A to ASPM, centrosome and mitosis for the first time. We suggest that a defective chromosome segregation mechanism is responsible for the development of microcephaly in Angelman syndrome.