79 resultados para Surface Roughness.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A theory is developed for diffusion-limited charge transfer on a non-fractally rough electrode. The perturbation expressions are obtained for concentration, current density and measured diffusion-limited current for arbitrary one- and two-dimensional surface profiles. The random surface model is employed for a rough electrode\electrolyte interface. In this model the gross geometrical property of an electrochemically active rough surface - the surface structure factor-is related to the average electrode current, current density and concentration. Under short and long time regimes, various morphological features of the rough electrodes, i.e. excess area (related to roughness slope), curvature, correlation length, etc. are related to the (average) current transients. A two-point Pade approximant is used to develop an all time average current expression in terms of partial morphological features of the rough surface. The inverse problem of predicting the surface structure factor from the observed transients is also described. Finally, the effect of surface roughness is studied for specific surface statistics, namely a Gaussian correlation function. It is shown how the surface roughness enhances the overall diffusion-limited charge transfer current.


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This paper deals with surface profilometry, where we try to detect a periodic structure, hidden in randomness using the matched filter method of analysing the intensity of light, scattered from the surface. From the direct problem of light scattering from a composite rough surface of the above type, we find that the detectability of the periodic structure can be hindered by the randomness, being dependent on the correlation function of the random part. In our earlier works, we had concentrated mainly on the Cauchy-type correlation function for the rough part. In the present work, we show that this technique can determine the periodic structure of different kinds of correlation functions of the roughness, including Cauchy, Gaussian etc. We study the detection by the matched filter method as the nature of the correlation function is varied.


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Electric current can induce long-range flow of liquid metals over a conducting substrate. This work reports on the effect of the substrate surface roughness on the liquid metal-front velocity during such a flow. Experiments were conducted by passing electric current through liquid gallium placed over similar to 170 nm thick, 500 mu m wide gold and platinum films of varying roughness. The ensuing flow, thus, resembles micro-fluidics behavior in an open-channel. The liquid-front velocity decreased linearly with the substrate surface roughness; this is attributed to the reduction in the effective electric field along the liquid metal-substrate interface with the substrate surface roughness. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4790182]


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The characteristics of surface roughness span a range of length scales determined by the nature of the surface generation process. The mechanism by which material is removed at a length scale determines the roughness at that scale. Electropolishing preferentially reduces the peaks of surface protuberances at sub-micron length scales to produce smooth surfaces. The material removal in electropolishing occurs by two different mechanisms of anodic leveling and microsmoothing. Due to insufficient lateral resolution, individual contribution of these two mechanisms could not be measured by conventional roughness measurement techniques and parameters. In this work, we utilize the high lateral resolution offered by Atomic force microscopy along with the power spectral density method of characterization, to study the evolution of roughness during electropolishing. The power spectral density show two corner frequencies indicating the length scales over which the two mechanisms operate. These characteristic frequencies are found to be a function of the electropolishing time and hence can be used to optimize the electropolishing process.


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The anti-icing properties of hydrophilic, hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces/coatings were evaluated using a custom-built apparatus based on zero-degree cone test method. The ice-adhesion reduction factor (ARF) of these coatings has been evaluated using bare aluminium alloy as a reference. The wettability of the surfaces was evaluated by measuring water contact angle (WCA) and sliding angle. It was found that the ice-adhesion strength (tau) on silicone based hydrophobic surfaces was similar to 43 times lower than compared to bare polished aluminium alloy indicating excellent anti-icing property of these coatings. Superhydrophobic coatings displayed poor anti-icing property in spite of their high water repellence. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope reveal that Silicone based hydrophobic coatings exhibited smooth surface whereas the superhydrophobic coatings had a rough surface consisting of microscale bumps and protrusions superimposed with nanospheres. Both surface roughness and surface energy play a major role on the ice-adhesion strength of the coatings. The 3D surface roughness profiles of the coatings also indicated the same trend of roughness. An attempt is made to correlate the observed ice-adhesion strength of different surfaces with their wettability and surface roughness. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present investigation, tests were conducted on a tribological couple made of cylindrical lead pin with spherical tip against 080 M40 steel plates of different textures with varying roughness under both dry and lubricated conditions using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding tester. Surface roughness parameters of the steel plates were measured using optical profilometer. The morphologies of the worn surfaces of the pins and the formation of transfer layer on the counter surfaces were observed using a scanning electron microscope. It was observed that the coefficient of friction and the formation of transfer layer depend primarily on the surface texture of hard surfaces. A newly formulated non-dimensional hybrid roughness parameter called 'xi' (a product of number of peaks and maximum profile peak height) of the tool surface plays an important role in determining the frictional behaviour of the surfaces studied. The effect of surfaces texture on coefficient of friction was attributed to the variation of plowing component of friction, which in turn depends on the roughness parameter 'xi'.


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Surface texture of harder mating surfaces plays an important role during sliding against softer materials and hence the importance of characterizing the surfaces in terms of roughness parameters. In the present investigation, basic studies were conducted using inclined pin-on-plate sliding tester to understand the surface texture effect of hard surfaces on coefficient of friction and transfer layer formation. A tribological couple made of a super purity aluminium pin against steel plate was used in the tests. Two surface parameters of steel plates, namely roughness and texture, were varied in the tests. It was observed that the transfer layer formation and the coefficient of friction along with its two components, namely, the adhesion and plowing, are controlled by the surface texture and are independent of surface roughness (R-a). Among the various surface roughness parameters, the average or the mean slope of the profile was found to explain the variations best. Under lubricated conditions, stick-slip phenomena was observed, the amplitude of which depends on the plowing component of friction. The presence of stick-slip motion under lubricated conditions could be attributed to the molecular deformation of the lubricant component confined between asperities. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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In the present investigation, experiments were conducted by unidirectional sliding of pins made of FCC metals (Pb, Al, and Cu) with significantly different hardness values against the steel plates of various surface textures and roughness using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding apparatus in ambient conditions under both the dry and lubricated conditions. For a given material pair, it was observed that transfer layer formation and the coefficient of friction along with its two components, namely adhesion and plowing, are controlled by the surface texture of the harder mating surfaces and are less dependent of surface roughness (R (a)) of the harder mating surfaces. The effect of surface texture on the friction was attributed to the variation of the plowing component of friction for different surfaces. It was also observed that the variation of plowing friction as a function of hardness depends on surface textures. More specifically, the plowing friction varies with hardness of the soft materials for a given type of surface texture and it is independent of hardness of soft materials for other type of surface texture. These variations could be attributed to the extent of plane strain conditions taking place at the asperity level during sliding. It was also observed that among the surface roughness parameters, the mean slope of the profile, Delta (a), correlated best with the friction. Furthermore, dimensionless quantifiable roughness parameters were formulated to describe the degree of plowing taking place at the asperity level.


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In the present investigation, various kinds of surface textures were attained on the steel plates. Roughness of the textures was varied using various grinding or polishing methods. The surface textures were characterized in terms of roughness parameters using an optical profilometer. Then experiments were conducted using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding apparatus to identify the role of surface texture and its roughness parameters on coefficient of friction and transfer layer formation. In the experiments, a soft polymer (polypropylene) was used for the pin and hardened steel was used for the plate. Experiments were conducted at a sliding velocity of 2 minis in ambient conditions under both dry and lubricated conditions. The normal load was varied from 1 to 120 N during the tests. The morphologies of the worn surfaces of the pins and the formation of a transfer layer on the steel plate surfaces were observed using a scanning electron microscope. Based on the experimental results, it was observed that the transfer layer formation and the coefficient of friction along with its two components, namely adhesion and plowing, were controlled by the surface texture of the harder mating surfaces and were less dependent of surface roughness (R(a)) of the harder mating surfaces. The effect of surface texture on the friction was attributed to the variation of the plowing component of friction for different surfaces. Among the various surface roughness parameters studied, the mean slope of the profile, Delta(a), was found to most accurately characterize variations in the friction and wear behavior. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pyramidal asperities of different apical angle were machined on a flat copper surface. Hardness was estimated from the load-displacement graphs obtained by pressing a spherical rigid indenter onto the asperities. The variation of hardness with apical angle and pitch was recorded with a view to contributing to the development of a general framework for relating measured hardness to the surface roughness.


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In the present investigation, various kinds of textures, namely, unidirectional, 8-ground, and random were attained on the die surfaces. Roughness of the textures was varied using different grits of emery papers or polishing powders. Then pins made of Al-4Mg alloys were slid against steel plates at various numbers of cycles, namely 1, 2, 6, 10 and 20 under both dry and lubricated conditions using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding tester. The morphologies of the worn surfaces of the pins and the formation of transfer layer on the counter surfaces were observed using a scanning electron microscope. Surface roughness parameters of the plate were measured using an optical profilometer. It was observed that the coefficient of friction and formation of transfer layer during the first few cycles depend on the die surface textures under both dry and lubricated conditions. It was also observed that under lubricated condition, the coefficient of friction decreases with number of cycles for all kinds of textures. However, under dry condition, it ecreases for unidirectional and 8-ground surfaces while for random surfaces it increases with number of cycles


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In this paper we discuss a new technique to image the surfaces of metallic substrates using field emission from a pointed array of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). We consider a pointed height distribution of the CNT array under a diode configuration with two side gates maintained at a negative potential to obtain a highly intense beam of electrons localized at the center of the array. The CNT array on a metallic substrate is considered as the cathode and the test substrate as the anode. Scanning the test Substrate with the cathode reveals that the field emission current is highly sensitive to the surface features with nanometer resolution. Surface features of semi-circular, triangular and rectangular geometries (projections and grooves) are considered for simulation. This surface scanning/mapping technique can be applied for surface roughness measurements with nanoscale accuracy. micro/nano damage detection, high precision displacement sensors, vibrometers and accelerometers. among other applications.


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Friction influences the nature of transfer layer formed at the interface between tool and metal during sliding. In the present investigation, experiments were conducted using “Inclined Scratch Tester” to understand the effect of surface texture of hard surfaces on coefficient of friction and transfer layer formation. EN8 steel flats were ground to attain surfaces of different textures with different roughness. Then super purity aluminium pins were scratched against the prepared steel flats. Scanning electron micrographs of the contact surfaces of pins and flats were used to reveal the morphology of transfer layer. It was observed that the coefficient of friction and the formation of transfer layer depend primarily on the texture of hard surfaces, but independent of surface roughness of hard surfaces. It was observed that on surfaces that promote plane strain conditions near the surface, the transfer of material takes place due to the plowing action of the asperities. But, on a surface that promotes plane stress conditions the transfer layer was more due to the adhesion component of friction. It was observed that the adhesion component increases for surfaces that have random texture but was constant for the other surfaces


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In the present investigation, various kinds of textures, namely, unidirectional, 8-ground, and random were attained on the die surfaces. Roughness of the textures was varied using different grits of emery papers or polishing powders. Then pins made of Al-4Mg alloys were slid against steel plates at various numbers of cycles, namely, 1, 3, 5, 10 and 20 using pin-on-plate reciprocating sliding tester. Tests were conducted at a sliding velocity of 2 minis in ambient conditions under both dry and lubricated conditions. A constant normal load of 35 N was applied in the tests. The morphologies of the worn surfaces of the pins and the formation of transfer layer on the counter surfaces were observed using a scanning electron microscope. Surface roughness parameters of the plates were measured using an optical profilometer. In the experiments, it was observed that the coefficient of friction and formation of the transfer layer depend on the die surface textures under both dry and lubricated conditions. More specifically, the coefficient of friction decreases for unidirectional and 8-ground surfaces while for random surfaces it increases with number of cycles. However, the coefficient of friction is highest for the sliding perpendicular to the unidirectional textures and least for the random textures under both dry and lubricated conditions. The difference in friction values between these two surfaces decreases with increasing number of cycles. The variation in the coefficient of friction under both dry and lubrication conditions is attributed to the change in texture of the surfaces during sliding. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.