74 resultados para Supersymmetric sinh-Gordon

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Using the dimensional reduction regularization scheme, we show that radiative corrections to the anomaly of the axial current, which is coupled to the gauge field, are absent in a supersymmetric U(1) gauge model for both 't Hooft-Veltman and Bardeen prescriptions for γ5. We also discuss the results with reference to conventional dimensional regularization. This result has significant implications with respect to the renormalizability of supersymmetric models.


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It is shown that the Fayet-Illiopoulos D term in N= 1 supersymmetric spontaneously broken U( 1) gauge theories may get one-loop corrections, even when trace U( 1) charges are zero. However, these corrections are only logarithmically divergent and hence do not affect the naturalness of the theory.


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It is shown that the Fayet-Illiopoulos D term in N= 1 supersymmetric spontaneously broken U( 1) gauge theories may get one-loop corrections, even when trace U( 1) charges are zero. However, these corrections are only logarithmically divergent and hence do not affect the naturalness of the theory.


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The one-loop quadratically divergent mass corrections in globally supersymmetric gauge theories with spontaneously broken abelian and non-abelian gauge symmetry are studied. Quadratically divergent mass corrections are found to persist in an abelian model with an ABJ anomaly. However, additional supermultiplets necessary to cancel the ABJ anomaly, turn out to be sufficient to eliminate the quadratic divergences as well, rendering the theory natural. Quadratic divergences are shown to vanish also in the case of an anomaly free model with spontaneously broken non-abelian gauge symmetry.


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We review here classical Bogomolnyi bounds, and their generalisation to supersymmetric quantum field theories by Witten and Olive. We also summarise some recent work by several people on whether such bounds are saturated in the quantised theory.


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Some recent developments with respect to the resolution of the gauge hierarchy problem in grand unified theories by supersymmetry are presented. A general argument is developed to show how global supersymmetry maintains the stability of the different mass-scales under perturbative effects.


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In a globally supersymmetric gauge theory with two distinct mass scales, the possible limitation on the gauge hierarchy due to the structure of the loop-corrected Higgs potential is shown to be absent. Also it has been demonstrated that the supersymmetry forces the large corrections to the two-point Greens functions of the light fields from the quadratic divergences and the logarithmic divergences with large coefficients to be zeroseparately. This would, therefore, allow a gauge hierarchy as large as desired.


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We demonstrate the phenomenon stated in the title, using for illustration a two-dimensional scalar-field model with a triple-well potential {fx837-1}. At the classical level, this system supports static topological solitons with finite energy. Upon quantisation, however, these solitons develop infinite energy, which cannot be renormalised away. Thus this quantised model has no soliton sector, even though classical solitons exist. Finally when the model is extended supersymmetrically by adding a Majorana field, finiteness of the soliton energy is recovered.


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By using the Y(gl(m|n)) super Yangian symmetry of the SU(m|n) supersymmetric Haldane-Shastry spin chain, we show that the partition function of this model satisfies a duality relation under the exchange of bosonic and fermionic spin degrees of freedom. As a byproduct of this study of the duality relation, we find a novel combinatorial formula for the super Schur polynomials associated with some irreducible representations of the Y(gl(m|n)) Yangian algebra. Finally, we reveal an intimate connection between the global SU(m|n) symmetry of a spin chain and the boson-fermion duality relation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ground state and low energy excitations of the SU(m|n) supersymmetric Haldane–Shastry spin chain are analyzed. In the thermodynamic limit, it is found that the ground state degeneracy is finite only for the SU(m|0) and SU(m|1) spin chains, while the dispersion relation for the low energy and low momentum excitations is linear for all values of m and n. We show that the low energy excitations of the SU(m|1) spin chain are described by a conformal field theory of m non-interacting Dirac fermions which have only positive energies; the central charge of this theory is m/2. Finally, for ngreater-or-equal, slanted1, the partition functions of the SU(m|n) Haldane–Shastry spin chain and the SU(m|n) Polychronakos spin chain are shown to be related in a simple way in the thermodynamic limit at low temperatures.


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We obtain the superconformal transformation laws of theN=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and explicitly demonstrate the closure of the algebra.


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The Witten index can be defined in many supersymmetric theories by formulating them in the space-time R×S3. If the index is nonzero for any value of the radius of S3, it can be shown that the theory does not break supersymmetry in Minkowski space. This approach rules out supersymmetry breaking in a large class of models, chiral and otherwise. The index arguments are consistent with previous instanton calculations which indicate supersymmetry breaking in certain theories.


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Fujikawa's method of evaluating the supercurrent and the superconformal current anomalies, using the heat-kernel regularization scheme, is extended to theories with gauge invariance, in particular, to the off-shell N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SSYM) theory. The Jacobians of supersymmetry and superconformal transformations are finite. Although the gauge-fixing term is not supersymmetric and the regularization scheme is not manifestly supersymmetric, we find that the regularized Jacobians are gauge invariant and finite and they can be expressed in such a way that there is no one-loop supercurrent anomaly for the N=1 SSYM theory. The superconformal anomaly is nonzero and the anomaly agrees with a similar result obtained using other methods.


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The program SuSeFLAV is introduced for computing supersymmetric mass spectra with flavour violation in various supersymmetric breaking scenarios with/without see-saw mechanism. A short user guide summarizing the compilation, executables and the input files is provided.


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In this paper we discuss SU(N) Chern-Simons theories at level k with both fermionic and bosonic vector matter. In particular we present an exact calculation of the free energy of the N = 2 supersymmetric model (with one chiral field) for all values of the `t Hooft coupling in the large N limit. This is done by using a generalization of the standard Hubbard-Stratanovich method because the SUSY model contains higher order polynomial interactions.