29 resultados para Superfluid

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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An earlier superfluid aether model pairing fermionic and antifermionic fields is invoked to explain Rauch's time dependent neutron interference results which now suggest that microobjects are waves and particles simultaneously. The covariant superfluid provides a medium which carries real Einstein-de Broglie “pilot” waves. Further consequences are discussed.


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The superfluid state of fermion-antifermion fields developed in our previous papers is generalized to include higher orbital and spin states. In addition to single-particle excitations, the system is capable of having real and virtual bound or quasibound composite excitations which are akin to bosons of spinJ P equal to0 �, 1�, 2+, etc. These pseudoscalar, vector, and tensor bosons can be massive or massless and provide the vehicles for strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational interactions. The concept that the basic (unmanifest) fermion-antifermion interaction can lead to a multiplicity of manifest interactions seems to provide a basis for a unified field theory.


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We propose a model to realize a fermionic superfluid state in an optical lattice circumventing the cooling problem. Our proposal exploits the idea of tuning the interaction in a characteristically low-entropy state, a band insulator in an optical bilayer system, to obtain a superfluid. By performing a detailed analysis of the model including fluctuations and augmented by a variational quantum Monte Carlo calculation of the ground state, we show that the superfluid state obtained has a high transition temperature of the order of the hopping energy. Our system is designed to suppress other competing orders such as a charge density wave. We suggest a laboratory realization of this model via an orthogonally shaken optical lattice bilayer.


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A cold atomic realization of a quantum correlated state of many fermions on a lattice, eg. superfluid, has eluded experimental realization due to the entropy problem. Here we propose a route to realize such a state using holographic lattice and confining potentials. The potentials are designed to produces aband insulating state (low heat capacity) at the trap center, and a metallic state (high heat capacity) at the periphery. The metal ``cools'' the central band insulator by extracting out the excess entropy. The central band insulator can be turned into a superfluid by tuning an attractive interaction between the fermions. Crucially, the holographic lattice allows the emergent superfluid to have a high transition temperature - even twice that of the effective trap temperature. The scheme provides a promising route to a laboratory realization of a fermionic lattice superfluid, even while being adaptable to simulate other many body states.


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We present the first direct-numerical-simulation study of the statistical properties of two-dimensional superfluid turbulence in the simplified, Hall-Vinen-Bekharevich-Khalatnikov two-fluid model. We show that both normalfluid and superfluid energy spectra can exhibit two power-law regimes, the first associated with an inverse cascade of energy and the second with the forward cascade of enstrophy. We quantify the mutual-friction-induced alignment of normal and superfluid velocities by obtaining probability distribution functions of the angle between them and the ratio of their moduli.


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In this paper we study the phonon-induced exciton-exciton interaction. It is found that the interaction can be attractive under certain conditions. Taking into account this attractive interaction, the pairing of excitons with opposite momenta is studied and the excitation spectrum determined. The results are similar to a system of bosons. There appears to be some possibility of superfluid behaviour.


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We report our findings on the quantum phase transitions in cold bosonic atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice using the finite-size density-matrix renormalization-group method in the framework of the extended Bose-Hubbard model. We consider wide ranges of values for the filling factors and the nearest-neighbor interactions. At commensurate fillings, we obtain two different types of charge-density wave phases and a Mott insulator phase. However, departure from commensurate fillings yields the exotic supersolid phase where both the crystalline and the superfluid orders coexist. In addition, we obtain the signatures for the solitary waves and the superfluid phase.


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We generalize the mean-field theory for the spinless Bose-Hubbard model to account for the different types of superfluid phases that can arise in the spin-1 case. In particular, our mean-field theory can distinguish polar and ferromagnetic superfluids, Mott insulator, that arise at integer fillings at zero temperature, and normal Bose liquids into which the Mott insulators evolve at finite temperatures. We find, in contrast to the spinless case, that several of the superfluid-Mott insulator transitions are of first order at finite temperatures. Our systematic study yields rich phase diagrams that include first-order and second-order transitions and a variety of tricritical points. We discuss the possibility of realizing such phase diagrams in experimental systems.


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We study the occurrence of nonclassical rotational inertia (NCRI) arising from superfluidity along grain boundaries in a two-dimensionalbosonic system. We make use of a standard mapping between the zero-temperature properties of this system and the statistical mechanics of interacting vortex lines in the mixed phase of a type-II superconductor. In the mapping, the liquid phase of the vortex system corresponds to the superfluid bosonic phase. We consider numerically obtained polycrystalline configurations of the vortex lines in which the microcrystals are separated by liquidlike grain-boundary regions which widen as the vortex system temperature increases. The NCRI of the corresponding zero-temperature bosonic systems can then be numerically evaluated by solving the equations of superfluid hydrodynamics in the channels near the grain boundaries. We find that the NCRI increases very abruptly as the liquid regions in the vortex system (equivalently, superfluid regions in the bosonic system) form a connected, system-spanning structure with one or more closed loops. The implications of these results for experimentally observed supersolid phenomena are discussed.


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We propose and develop here a phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau-like theory of cuprate high-temperature superconductivity. The free energy of a cuprate superconductor is expressed as a functional F of the complex spin-singlet pair amplitude psi(ij) equivalent to psi(m) = Delta(m) exp(i phi(m)), where i and j are nearest-neighbor sites of the square planar Cu lattice in which the superconductivity is believed to primarily reside, and m labels the site located at the center of the bond between i and j. The system is modeled as a weakly coupled stack of such planes. We hypothesize a simple form FDelta, phi] = Sigma(m)A Delta(2)(m) + (B/2)Delta(4)(m)] + C Sigma(< mn >) Delta(m) Delta(n) cos(phi(m) - phi(n)) for the functional, where m and n are nearest-neighbor sites on the bond-center lattice. This form is analogous to the original continuum Ginzburg-Landau free-energy functional; the coefficients A, B, and C are determined from comparison with experiments. A combination of analytic approximations, numerical minimization, and Monte Carlo simulations is used to work out a number of consequences of the proposed functional for specific choices of A, B, and C as functions of hole density x and temperature T. There can be a rapid crossover of from small to large values as A changes sign from positive to negative on lowering T; this crossover temperature T-ms(x) is identified with the observed pseudogap temperature T*(x). The thermodynamic superconducting phase-coherence transition occurs at a lower temperature T-c(x), and describes superconductivity with d-wave symmetry for positive C. The calculated T-c(x) curve has the observed parabolic shape. The results for the superfluid density rho(s)(x, T), the local gap magnitude , the specific heat C-v(x, T) (with and without a magnetic field), as well as vortex properties, all obtained using the proposed functional, are compared successfully with experiments. We also obtain the electron spectral density as influenced by the coupling between the electrons and the correlation function of the pair amplitude calculated from the functional, and compare the results successfully with the electronic spectrum measured through angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). For the specific heat, vortex structure, and electron spectral density, only some of the final results are reported here; the details are presented in subsequent papers.


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We investigate the ground state of interacting spin-1/2 fermions in three dimensions at a finite density (rho similar to k(F)(3)) in the presence of a uniform non-Abelian gauge field. The gauge-field configuration (GFC) described by a vector lambda equivalent to (lambda(x),lambda(y),lambda(z)), whose magnitude lambda determines the gauge coupling strength, generates a generalized Rashba spin-orbit interaction. For a weak attractive interaction in the singlet channel described by a small negative scattering length (k(F)vertical bar a(s)vertical bar less than or similar to 1), the ground state in the absence of the gauge field (lambda = 0) is a BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) superfluid with large overlapping pairs. With increasing gauge-coupling strength, a non-Abelian gauge field engenders a crossover of this BCS ground state to a BEC (Bose-Einstein condensate) of bosons even with a weak attractive interaction that fails to produce a two-body bound state in free vacuum (lambda = 0). For large gauge couplings (lambda/k(F) >> 1), the BEC attained is a condensate of bosons whose properties are solely determined by the Rashba gauge field (and not by the scattering length so long as it is nonzero)-we call these bosons ``rashbons.'' In the absence of interactions (a(s) = 0(-)), the shape of the Fermi surface of the system undergoes a topological transition at a critical gauge coupling lambda(T). For high-symmetry GFCs we show that the crossover from the BCS superfluid to the rashbon BEC occurs in the regime of lambda near lambda(T). In the context of cold atomic systems, these results make an interesting suggestion of obtaining BCS-BEC crossover through a route other than tuning the interaction between the fermions.


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We describe here a minimal theory of tight-binding electrons moving on the square planar Cu lattice of the hole-doped cuprates and mixed quantum mechanically with their own Cooper pairs. The superconductivity occurring at the transition temperature T(c) is the long-range, d-wave symmetry phase coherence of these Cooper pairs. Fluctuations, necessarily associated with incipient long-range superconducting order, have a generic large-distance behavior near T(c). We calculate the spectral density of electrons coupled to such Cooper-pair fluctuations and show that features observed in angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments on different cuprates above T(c) as a function of doping and temperature emerge naturally in this description. These include ``Fermi arcs'' with temperature-dependent length and an antinodal pseudogap, which fills up linearly as the temperature increases toward the pseudogap temperature. Our results agree quantitatively with experiment. Below T(c), the effects of nonzero superfluid density and thermal fluctuations are calculated and compared successfully with some recent ARPES experiments, especially the observed bending or deviation of the superconducting gap from the canonical d-wave form.


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We investigate a system of fermions on a two-dimensional optical square lattice in the strongly repulsive coupling regime. In this case, the interactions can be controlled by laser intensity as well as by Feshbach resonance. We compare the energetics of states with resonating valence bond d-wave superfluidity, antiferromagnetic long-range order, and a homogeneous state with coexistence of superfluidity and antiferromagnetism. Using a variational formalism, we show that the energy density of a hole e(hole)(x) has a minimum at doping x = x(c) that signals phase separation between the antiferromagnetic and d-wave paired superfluid phases. The energy of the phase-separated ground state is, however, found to be very close to that of a homogeneous state with coexisting antiferromagnetic and superfluid orders. We explore the dependence of the energy on the interaction strength and on the three-site hopping terms and compare with the nearest-neighbor hopping t-J model.


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We develop an inhomogeneous mean-field theory for the extended Bose-Hubbard model with a quadratic, confining potential. In the absence of this potential, our mean-field theory yields the phase diagram of the homogeneous extended Bose-Hubbard model. This phase diagram shows a superfluid (SF) phase and lobes of Mott-insulator (MI), density-wave (DW), and supersolid (SS) phases in the plane of the chemical potential mu and on-site repulsion U; we present phase diagrams for representative values of V, the repulsive energy for bosons on nearest-neighbor sites. We demonstrate that, when the confining potential is present, superfluid and density-wave order parameters are nonuniform; in particular, we obtain, for a few representative values of parameters, spherical shells of SF, MI, DW, and SS phases. We explore the implications of our study for experiments on cold-atom dipolar condensates in optical lattices in a confining potential.