217 resultados para Sufficient conditions

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In this technical note, it is established that the unassignable polynomial defined for a not strongly connected decentralized control system is not equal to Davison's fixed polynomial. This leads to a "sufficient condition" for the equality of the unassignable polynomial and Davison's fixed polynomial for strongly connected systems.


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Networks such as organizational network of a global company play an important role in a variety of knowledge management and information diffusion tasks. The nodes in these networks correspond to individuals who are self-interested. The topology of these networks often plays a crucial role in deciding the ease and speed with which certain tasks can be accomplished using these networks. Consequently, growing a stable network having a certain topology is of interest. Motivated by this, we study the following important problem: given a certain desired network topology, under what conditions would best response (link addition/deletion) strategies played by self-interested agents lead to formation of a pairwise stable network with only that topology. We study this interesting reverse engineering problem by proposing a natural model of recursive network formation. In this model, nodes enter the network sequentially and the utility of a node captures principal determinants of network formation, namely (1) benefits from immediate neighbors, (2) costs of maintaining links with immediate neighbors, (3) benefits from indirect neighbors, (4) bridging benefits, and (5) network entry fee. Based on this model, we analyze relevant network topologies such as star graph, complete graph, bipartite Turan graph, and multiple stars with interconnected centers, and derive a set of sufficient conditions under which these topologies emerge as pairwise stable networks. We also study the social welfare properties of the above topologies.


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In this paper we first derive a necessary and sufficient condition for a stationary strategy to be the Nash equilibrium of discounted constrained stochastic game under certain assumptions. In this process we also develop a nonlinear (non-convex) optimization problem for a discounted constrained stochastic game. We use the linear best response functions of every player and complementary slackness theorem for linear programs to derive both the optimization problem and the equivalent condition. We then extend this result to average reward constrained stochastic games. Finally, we present a heuristic algorithm motivated by our necessary and sufficient conditions for a discounted cost constrained stochastic game. We numerically observe the convergence of this algorithm to Nash equilibrium. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this article, a non-autonomous (time-varying) semilinear system is considered and its approximate controllability is investigated. The notion of 'bounded integral contractor', introduced by Altman, has been exploited to obtain sufficient conditions for approximate controllability. This condition is weaker than Lipschitz condition. The main theorems of Naito [11, 12] are obtained as corollaries of our main results. An example is also given to show how our results weaken the conditions assumed by Sukavanam[17].


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A two-dimensional axisymmetric problem of solidification of a superheated liquid in a long cylindrical mold has been studied in this paper by employing a new embedding technique. The mold and the melt has an imperfect contact and the heat transfer coefficient has been taken as a function of space and time. Short-time exact analytical solutions for the moving boundary and temperature distributions in the liquid, solid and mold have been obtained. The numerical results indicate that with the present solution, for some parameter values, substantial solidified thickness can be obtained. The method of solution is simple and straightforward, and consists of assuming fictitious initial temperatures for some suitable fictitious extensions of the actual regions. Sufficient conditions for the commencement of the solidification have been discussed.


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A relay network with N relays and a single source-destination pair is called a partially-coherent relay channel (PCRC) if the destination has perfect channel state information (CSI) of all the channels and the relays have only the phase information of the source-to-relay channels. In this paper, first, a new set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a space-time block code (STBC) to be single-symbol decodable (SSD) for colocated multiple antenna communication is obtained. Then, this is extended to a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a distributed STBC (DSTBC) to be SSD for. a PCRC. Using this, several SSD DSTBCs for PCRC are identified. It is proved that even if a SSD STBC for a co-located MIMO channel does not satisfy the additional conditions for the code to be SSD for a PCRC, single-symbol decoding of it in a PCRC gives full-diversity and only coding gain is lost. It is shown that when a DSTBC is SSD for a PCRC, then arbitrary coordinate interleaving of the in-phase and quadrature-phase components of the variables does not disturb its SSD property for PCRC. Finally, it is shown that the possibility of channel phase compensation operation at the relay nodes using partial CSI at the relays increases the possible rate of SSD DSTBCs from (2)/(N) when the relays do not have CSI to(1)/(2), which is independent of N.


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For the quasi-static, Rayleigh-fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel with n(t) transmit and n(r) receive antennas, Zheng and Tse showed that there exists a fundamental tradeoff between diversity and spatial-multiplexing gains, referred to as the diversity-multiplexing gain (D-MG) tradeoff. Subsequently, El Gamal, Caire, and Damen considered signaling across the same channel using an L-round automatic retransmission request (ARQ) protocol that assumes the presence of a noiseless feedback channel capable of conveying one bit of information per use of the feedback channel. They showed that given a fixed number L of ARQ rounds and no power control, there is a tradeoff between diversity and multiplexing gains, termed the diversity-multiplexing-delay (DMD) tradeoff. This tradeoff indicates that the diversity gain under the ARQ scheme for a particular information rate is considerably larger than that obtainable in the absence of feedback. In this paper, a set of sufficient conditions under which a space-time (ST) code will achieve the DMD tradeoff is presented. This is followed by two classes of explicit constructions of ST codes which meet these conditions. Constructions belonging to the first class achieve minimum delay and apply to a broad class of fading channels whenever n(r) >= n(t) and either L/n(t) or n(t)kslashL. The second class of constructions do not achieve minimum delay, but do achieve the DMD tradeoff of the fading channel for all statistical descriptions of the channel and for all values of the parameters n(r,) n(t,) L.


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Consider an organism in which the genetic fitness of an individual depends to a large extent on its social interactions. Assuming the genotypes to differ only in the choice of strategies they adopt in social interactions, and equating the variation in genetic fitness to the mean payoff to an individual averaged over all possible encounters, we develop a dynamical model for the evolution of genotypic frequencies in such a population. Such a system is characterised by frequency dependent selection, and depending on the initial composition, the population evolves towards one of several possible compositions. We term as evolutionarily stable compositions (ESC) any such composition towards which a population can evolve and which is stable against small fluctuations in the frequencies of existing genotypes as well as to invasions by any other postulated genotype. We state the necessary and sufficient conditions for the identification of all possible ESC's for any number of interacting genotypes. Our results conform to those derived earlier in connection with the concept of evolutionarily stable strategies only in the case of two interacting genotypes; when more than two genotypes interact the conditions under which various ESC's exist become far richer. We consider interactions with mixed strategists and show that in a conflict with pure strategists the optimal mixed strategist will be the only one to ultimately survive. We illustrate our approach by considering the specific case of a primitively social wasp.


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A cooperative game played in a sequential manner by a pair of learning automata is investigated in this paper. The automata operate in an unknown random environment which gives a common pay-off to the automata. Necessary and sufficient conditions on the functions in the reinforcement scheme are given for absolute monotonicity which enables the expected pay-off to be monotonically increasing in any arbitrary environment. As each participating automaton operates with no information regarding the other partner, the results of the paper are relevant to decentralized control.


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In this paper we address the problem of transmission of correlated sources over a fading multiple access channel (MAC). We provide sufficient conditions for transmission with given distortions. Next these conditions are specialized to a Gaussian MAC (GMAC). Transmission schemes for discrete and Gaussian sources over a fading GMAC are considered. Various power allocation strategies are also compared.


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Multiaction learning automata which update their action probabilities on the basis of the responses they get from an environment are considered in this paper. The automata update the probabilities according to whether the environment responds with a reward or a penalty. Learning automata are said to possess ergodicity of the mean if the mean action probability is the state probability (or unconditional probability) of an ergodic Markov chain. In an earlier paper [11] we considered the problem of a two-action learning automaton being ergodic in the mean (EM). The family of such automata was characterized completely by proving the necessary and sufficient conditions for automata to be EM. In this paper, we generalize the results of [11] and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the multiaction learning automaton to be EM. These conditions involve two families of probability updating functions. It is shown that for the automaton to be EM the two families must be linearly dependent. The vector defining the linear dependence is the only vector parameter which controls the rate of convergence of the automaton. Further, the technique for reducing the variance of the limiting distribution is discussed. Just as in the two-action case, it is shown that the set of absolutely expedient schemes and the set of schemes which possess ergodicity of the mean are mutually disjoint.


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This paper deals with the problem of decoupling a class of linear time-varying multi-variable systems, based on the defining property that the impulse response matrix of a decoupled system is diagonal. Depending on the properties of the coefficient matrices of the vector differential equation of the open-loop system, the system may be uniformly or totally decoupled. The necessary and sufficient conditions that permit a system to be uniformly or totally decoupled by state variable feedback are given. The main contribution of this paper is the precise definition of these two classes of decoupling and a rigorous derivation of the necessary and sufficient conditions which show the necessity of requiring that the system be of constant ordered rank with respect to observability. A simple example illustrates the importance of having several definitions of decoupling. Finally, the results are specialized to the case of time invariant systems.


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Improved sufficient conditions are derived for the exponential stability of a nonlinear time varying feedback system having a time invariant blockG in the forward path and a nonlinear time varying gain ϕ(.)k(t) in the feedback path. φ(.) being an odd monotone nondecreasing function. The resulting bound on is less restrictive than earlier criteria.


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Sufficient conditions for obtaining an equivalent linear model to classes of non-linear, bi-state, social interaction processes are derived. These parametric constraints, when satisfied, permit analytical determination of the dynamics of the non-linear process of social interaction.


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Improved sufficient conditions are derived for the exponential stability of a nonlinear time varying feedback system having a time invariant blockG in the forward path and a nonlinear time varying gain ϕ(.)k(t) in the feedback path. φ(.) being an odd monotone nondecreasing function. The resulting bound on $$\left( {{{\frac{{dk}}{{dt}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\frac{{dk}}{{dt}}} k}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} k}} \right)$$ is less restrictive than earlier criteria.