161 resultados para Structure secondaire de peptide

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The crystal structure determination of the heptapeptide Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Phe-OMe reveals two peptide helices in the asymmetric unit, Crystal parameters are: space group P2(1), a = 10.356(2) Angstrom, b = 19.488(5) Angstrom, c = 23.756(6) Angstrom, beta = 102.25(2)degrees), V = 4685.4 Angstrom(3), Z = 4 and R = 5.7% for 7615 reflections [I>3 sigma(I)]. Both molecules adopt largely alpha-helical conformations with variations at the C-terminus, Helix type Is determined by analysing both 4-->1 and 5-->1 hydrogen-bond interactions and comparison with the results of analysis of protein structures. The presence of two 4-->1 hydrogen-bond interactions, besides four 5-->1 interact ions in both the conformations provides an opportunity to characterize bifurcated hydrogen bonds at high resolution, Comparison of the two helical conformations with related peptide structures suggests that distortions at the C-terminus are more facile than at the N-terminus.


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C16H20N204, monoclinic, P21, a = 6.270 (1),b= 11.119(3),c= ll.640(4)A, fl= 100.7 (2)°,Dm = 1-27 (flotation), Dc = 1-26 Mg m -3, Z = 2. The structure has been refined to a final R value of 0.041 for 1584 independent counter-measured reflections. The oxazolone ring in the molecule is nearly planar. The exocyclic O atom is 0.065 A out of the plane defined by the other four atoms in the ring belonging to the lactone group. The difference in length between the two adjacent C-O bonds in the ring is small, but significant. The crystal structure is stabilized by van der Waals interactions and a N--H... N hydrogen bond.


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The crystal structure of the peptide Boc-Phe-Val-OMe determined by X-ray diffraction methods is reported in this paper. The crystals grown from aqueous methanol are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 11.843(2), b = 21.493(4), c = 26.676(4)Angstrom and V = 6790 Angstrom(3). Data were collected on a CAD4 diffractometer using MoK2 radiation (lambda = 0.7107 Angstrom) up to Bragg angle theta = 26 degrees. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by a least-squares procedure to an R value of 6.8% for 3288 observed reflections. There are three crystallographically independent peptide molecules in the asymmetric unit. All the three molecules exhibit extended conformation. The sidechain of the Val(2) residue shows two different conformations. The conformation of the peptide Boc-Phe-Val-OMe is compared with the conformation of Ac-Delta Phe-Val-OH. It is observed that while Boc-Phe-Val-OMe exhibits an extended conformation, Ac-Delta Phe-Val-OH shows a folded conformation. The results of this comparison highlight the conformation constraining property of the Delta Phe residue. Interestingly, even though Boc-Phe-Val-OMe and Ac-Delta Phe-Val-OH are conformationally different, they exhibit similar packing patterns in the solid state. (C) Munksgaard 1995.


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The involvement of Hsp90 in progression of diseases like cancer, neurological disorders and several pathogen related conditions is well established. Hsp90, therefore, has emerged as an attractive drug target for many of these diseases. Several small molecule inhibitors of Hsp90, such as geldanamycin derivatives, that display antitumor activity, have been developed and are under clinical trials. However, none of these tested inhibitors or drugs are peptide-based compounds. Here we report the first crystal structure of a peptide bound at the ATP binding site of the N-terminal domain of Hsp90. The peptide makes several specific interactions with the binding site residues, which are comparable to those made by the nucleotide and geldanamycin. A modified peptide was designed based on these interactions. Inhibition of ATPase activity of Hsp90 was observed in the presence of the modified peptide. This study provides an alternative approach and a lead peptide molecule for the rational design of effective inhibitors of Hsp90 function.


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The structure of the peptide Boc-Ala-Leu-Ac(7)c-Ala-Leu-Ac(7)c-OMe (Ac(7)c,1-aminocycloheptane-1-carboxylic acid) is described in crystals. The presence of two Ac(7)c residues was expected to stabilize a 3(10)-helical fold. Contrary to expectation the structural analysis revealed an unfolded amino terminus, with Ala(1) adopting an extended beta-conformation (phi = -93degrees,psi = 112degrees). Residues 2-5 form a 3(10)-helix, stabilized by three successive intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Notably, two NH groups Ala(1) and Ac(7)c(3) do not form any hydrogen bonds in the crystal. Peptide assembly appears to be dominated by packing of the cycloheptane rings that stack against one another within the molecule and also throughout the crystal in columns.


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Model building studies on poly(hydroxypro1ine) indicate that in addition to the well-known helical structure of form A, a left-handed helical structure with trans peptide units and with h = 2.86 A and n = 2.67 (i.e., 8 residues in 3 turns) is also possible. In this structure which is shown to be in agreement with X-ray data of the form B in the next paper, the y-hydroxyl group of an (i + 1)th Hyp residue is hydrogen bonded to the carbonyl oxygen of an (i - 1)th residue. The possibility of a structure with cis peptide units is ruled out. It is shown that both forms A and B are equally favorable from considerations of intramolecular energies. Since form B is further stabilized by intrachain hydrogen bonds, we believe that this is likely to be the ordered conformation for poly(hydroxypro1ine) in water.


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A strategy for the modular construction of synthetic protein mimics based on the ability non-protein amino acids to act as stereochemical directors of polypeptide chain folding, is described. The use of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) to construct stereochemically rigid helices has been exemplified by crystallographic and spectroscopic studies of several apolar peptides, ranging in length from seven to sixteen residues. The problem of linker design in elaborating alpha,alpha motifs has been considered. Analysis of protein crystal structure data provides a guide to choosing linking sequences. Attempts at constructing linked helical motifs using linking Gly-Pro segments have been described. The use of flexible linkers, like epsilon-aminocaproic acid has been examined and the crystallographic and solution state analysis of a linked helix motif has been presented. The use of bulky sidechain modifications on a helical scaffold, as a means of generating putative binding sites has been exemplified by a crystal structure of a peptide packed in a parallel zipper arrangement.


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The effect of gem-dialkyl substituents on the backbone conformations of beta-amino acid residues in peptides has been investigated by using four model peptides: Boc-Xxx-beta 2,2Ac6c(1-aminomethylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid)-NHMe (Xxx=Leu (1), Phe (2); Boc=tert-butyloxycarbonyl) and Boc-Xxx-beta 3,3Ac6c(1-aminocyclohexaneacetic acid)-NHMe (Xxx=Leu (3), Phe (4)). Tetrasubstituted carbon atoms restrict the ranges of stereochemically allowed conformations about flanking single bonds. The crystal structure of Boc-Leu-beta 2,2Ac6c-NHMe (1) established a C11 hydrogen-bonded turn in the a beta-hybrid sequence. The observed torsion angles (a(similar to-60 degrees, similar to-30 degrees), beta(similar to-90 degrees, similar to 60 degrees, similar to-90 degrees)) corresponded to a C11 helical turn, which was a backbone-expanded analogue of the type III beta turn in aa sequences. The crystal structure of the peptide Boc-Phe-beta 3,3Ac6c-NHMe (4) established a C11 hydrogen-bonded turn with distinctly different backbone torsion angles (a(similar to-60 degrees, similar to 120 degrees), beta(similar to 60 degrees, ?60 degrees, similar to-60 degrees)), which corresponded to a backbone-expanded analogue of the type II beta turn observed in aa sequences. In peptide 4, the two molecules in the asymmetric unit adopted backbone torsion angles of opposite signs. In one of the molecules, the Phe residue adopted an unfavorable backbone conformation, with the energetic penalty being offset by a favorable aromatic interaction between proximal molecules in the crystal. NMR spectroscopy studies provided evidence for the maintenance of folded structures in solution in these a beta-hybrid sequences.


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The monohydrate of the protected amino-terminal pentapeptide of suzukacillin, t-butoxycarbonyl--aminoisobutyryl-L-prolyl-L-valyl--aminoisobutyryl-L-valine methyl ester, C29H51N5O8, crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with a= 10.192, b= 10.440, c= 32.959 Å, and Z= 4. The structure has been solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.101 for 1 827 observed reflections. The molecule exists as a four-fold helix with a pitch of 5.58 Å. The helix is stabilised by N–H O hydrogen bonds, two of the 51 type (corresponding to the -helix) and the third of the 41 type (310 helix). The carbonyl oxygen of the amino-protecting group accepts two hydrogen bonds, one each from the amide NH groups of the third (41) and fourth (51) residues. The remaining 51 hydrogen bond is between the two terminal residues. The lone water molecule in the structure is hydrogen bonded to carbonyl oxygens of the prolyl residue in one molecule and the non-terminal valyl residue in a symmetry-related molecule.


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The hexahydrate of a 1:1 complex between L-histidyl-L-serine and glycyl-L-glutamic acid crystallizes in space group P1 with a = 4.706(1), b= 8.578(2), c= 16.521(3) ÅA; α= 85.9(1), β= 89.7(1)°, = 77.4(1). The crystal structure, solved by direct methods, has been refined to an R value of 0.046 for 2150 observed reflections. The two peptide molecules in the structure have somewhat extended conformations. The unlike molecules aggregate into separate alternating layers. Each layer is stabilized by hydrogen bonded head-to-tail sequences as well as sequences of hydrogen bonds involving peptide groups. The arrangement of molecules in each layer is similar to one of the plausible idealized arrangements of L-alanyl-L-alanine worked out from simple geometrical considerations. Adjacent layers in the structure are held together by interactions involving side chains as well as water molecules. The water structure observed in the complex provides a good model, at atomic resolution, for that in protein crystals. An interesting feature of the crystal structure is the existence of two water channels in the interfaces between adjacent peptide layers.


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The average dimensions of the peptide unit have been obtained from the data reported in recent crystal structure analyses of di- and tripeptides. The bond lengths and bond angles agree with those in common use, except for the bond angle C---N---H, which is about 4° less than the accepted value, and the angle C2α---N---H which is about 4° more. The angle τ (Cα) has a mean value of 114° for glycyl residues and 110° for non-glycyl residues. Attention is directed to these mean values as observed in crystal structures, as they are relevant for model building of peptide chain structures.


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The theoretical results derived in Part I (Ramachandran, G.N., Lakshminarayan, A.V. and Kolaskar, A.S. (1973) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 303, 8–13) that the three bonds of the peptide unit meeting at N can have a pyramidal structure is confirmed by an analysis of 14 published crystal structures of small peptides. It is shown that the dihedral angles θN and Δω are correlated, while θC, is small and is uncorrelated with Δω, showing that the non-planar distortion at C′ is generally small.


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Two seven-residue helical segments, Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu, were linked synthetically with an epsilon-aminocaproic acid (Acp) linker with the intention of making a stable antiparallel helix-helix motif. The crystal structure of the linked peptide Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Acp-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe (1) shows the two helices displaced laterally from each other by the linker, but the linker has not folded the molecule into a close-packed antiparallel conformation. Two strong intermolecular NH...O = C hydrogen bonds are formed between the top of the lower helix of one molecule and the bottom of the upper helix in a laterally adjacent molecule to give the appearance of an extended single helix. The composite peptide with Boc and OMe end groups, C76H137N15O18.H2O, crystallize in space group P2(1) with a = 8.802 (1) angstrom, b = 20.409 (4) angstrom, c = 26.315 (3) angstrom, and beta = 90.72 (1)degrees; overall agreement R = 7.86% for 5030 observed reflections (\F(o)\ > 3-sigma(F)); resolution = 0.93 angstrom. Limited evidence for a more compact conformation in solution consistent with an antiparallel helix arrangement is obtained by comparison of the HPLC retention times and CD spectra of peptide 1 with well-characterized continuous helices of similar length and sequence.