51 resultados para Step-up ratio

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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An epicyclic gear-train system with a speed step-up of 1:10, useful for numerical control work, is presented. Also, the analysis of such a system is carried out using flowgraph techniques.


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In this paper a modified Heffron-Phillip's (K-constant) model is derived for the design of power system stabilizers. A knowledge of external system parameters, such as equivalent infinite bus voltage and external impedances or their equivalent estimated values is required for designing a conventional power system stabilizer. In the proposed method, information available at the secondary bus of the step-up transformer is used to set up a modified Heffron-Phillip's (ModHP) model. The PSS design based on this model utilizes signals available within the generating station. The efficacy of the proposed design technique and the performance of the stabilizer has been evaluated over a range of operating and system conditions. The simulation results have shown that the performance of the proposed stabilizer is comparable to that could be obtained by conventional design but without the need for the estimation and computation of external system parameters. The proposed design is thus well suited for practical applications to power system stabilization, including possibly the multi-machine applications where accurate system information is not readily available.


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This paper proposes a method of designing fixed parameter decentralized power system stabilizers (PSS) for interconnected multi-machine power systems. Conventional design technique using a single machine infinite bus approximation involves the frequency response estimation called the GEP(s) between the AVR input and the resultant electrical torque. This requires the knowledge of equivalent external reactance and infinite bus voltage or their estimated values at each machine. Other design techniques using P-Vr characteristics or residues are based on complete system information. In the proposed method, information available at the high voltage bus of the step-up transformer is used to set up a modified Heffron-Phillip's model. With this model it is possible to decide the structure of the PSS compensator and tune its parameters at each machine in the multi-machine environment, using only those signals that are available at the generating station. The efficacy of the proposed design technique has been evaluated on three of the most widely used test systems. The simulation results have shown that the performance of the proposed stabilizer is comparable to that which could be obtained by conventional design but without the need for the estimation and computation of external system parameters.


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Results of an investigation dealing with the behaviour of grid-connected induction generators (GCIGs) driven by typical prime movers such as mini-hydro/wind turbines are presented. Certain practical operational problems of such systems are identified. Analytical techniques are developed to study the behavior of such systems. The system consists of the induction generator (IG) feeding a 11 kV grid through a step-up transformer and a transmission line. Terminal capacitors to compensate for the lagging VAr are included in the study. Computer simulation was carried out to predict the system performance at the given input power from the turbine. Effects of variations in grid voltage, frequency, input power, and terminal capacitance on the machine and system performance are studied. An analysis of self-excitation conditions on disconnection of supply was carried out. The behavior of a 220 kW hydel system and 55/11 kW and 22 kW wind driven system corresponding to actual field conditions is discussed


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This paper proposes a nonlinear voltage regulator with one tunable parameter for multimachine power systems. Based on output feedback linearization, this regulator can achieve simultaneous voltage regulation and small-signal performance objectives. Conventionally output feedback linearization has been used for voltage regulator design by taking infinite bus voltage as reference. Unfortunately, this controller has poor small-signal performance and cannot be applied to multimachine systems without the estimation of the equivalent external reactance seen from the generator. This paper proposes a voltage regulator design by redefining the rotor angle at each generator with respect to the secondary voltage of the step-up transformer as reference instead of a common synchronously rotating reference frame. Using synchronizing and damping torques analysis, we show that the proposed voltage regulator achieves simultaneous voltage regulation and damping performance over a range of system and operating conditions by controlling the relative angle between the generator internal voltage angle delta and the secondary voltage of the step up transformer. The performance of the proposed voltage regulator is evaluated on a single machine infinite bus system and two widely used multimachine test systems.


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Linear quadratic stabilizers are well-known for their superior control capabilities when compared to the conventional lead-lag power system stabilizers. However, they have not seen much of practical importance as the state variables are generally not measurable; especially the generator rotor angle measurement is not available in most of the power plants. Full state feedback controllers require feedback of other machine states in a multi-machine power system and necessitate block diagonal structure constraints for decentralized implementation. This paper investigates the design of Linear Quadratic Power System Stabilizers using a recently proposed modified Heffron-Phillip's model. This model is derived by taking the secondary bus voltage of the step-up transformer as reference instead of the infinite bus. The state variables of this model can be obtained by local measurements. This model allows a coordinated linear quadratic control design in multi machine systems. The performance of the proposed controller has been evaluated on two widely used multi-machine power systems, 4 generator 10 bus and 10 generator 39 bus systems. It has been observed that the performance of the proposed controller is superior to that of the conventional Power System Stabilizers (PSS) over a wide range of operating and system conditions.


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In this paper, a simple single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) inverter topology consisting of a boost section, a low-voltage single-phase inverter with an inductive filter, and a step-up transformer interfacing the grid is considered. Ideally, this topology will not inject any lower order harmonics into the grid due to high-frequency pulse width modulation operation. However, the nonideal factors in the system such as core saturation-induced distorted magnetizing current of the transformer and the dead time of the inverter, etc., contribute to a significant amount of lower order harmonics in the grid current. A novel design of inverter current control that mitigates lower order harmonics is presented in this paper. An adaptive harmonic compensation technique and its design are proposed for the lower order harmonic compensation. In addition, a proportional-resonant-integral (PRI) controller and its design are also proposed. This controller eliminates the dc component in the control system, which introduces even harmonics in the grid current in the topology considered. The dynamics of the system due to the interaction between the PRI controller and the adaptive compensation scheme is also analyzed. The complete design has been validated with experimental results and good agreement with theoretical analysis of the overall system is observed.


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We determine the nature of coupled phonons in mixed crystal of Cs-0.9(NH4)(0.1)H2AsO4 using inelastic light scattering studies in the temperature range of 5 K to 300 K covering a spectral range of 60-1100 cm(-1). The phase transition in this system are marked by the splitting of phonon modes, appearance of new modes and anomalies in the frequency as well as linewidth of the phonon modes near transition temperature. In particular, we observed the splitting of symmetric (v(1)) and antisymmetric (v(3)) stretching vibrations associated with AsO4 tetrahedra below transition temperature (T-c(*) similar to 110 K) attributed to the lowering of site symmetry of AsO4 in orthorhombic phase below transition temperature. In addition, the step-up (hardening) and step-down (softening) of the AsO4 bending vibrations (v(4) (S9, S11) and v(2) (S6)) below transition temperature signals the rapid development of long range ferroelectric order and proton ordering. The lowest frequency phonon (S1) mode observed at similar to 92 cm(-1) shows anomalous blue shift (similar to 12 %) from 300 K to 5 K with no sharp transition near T-c(*) unlike other observed phonon modes signaling its potential coupling with the proton tunneling mode. (C) 2013 Author(s).


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We consider the rates of relaxation of a particle in a harmonic well, subject to Levy noise characterized by its Levy index mu. Using the propagator for this Levy-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (LOUP), we show that the eigenvalue spectrum of the associated Fokker-Planck operator has the form (n + m mu)nu where nu is the force constant characterizing the well, and n, m is an element of N. If mu is irrational, the eigenvalues are all nondegenerate, but rational mu can lead to degeneracy. The maximum degeneracy is shown to be 2. The left eigenfunctions of the fractional Fokker-Planck operator are very simple while the right eigenfunctions may be obtained from the lowest eigenfunction by a combination of two different step-up operators. Further, we find that the acceptable eigenfunctions should have the asymptotic behavior vertical bar x vertical bar(-n1-n2 mu) as vertical bar x vertical bar -> infinity, with n(1) and n(2) being positive integers, though this condition alone is not enough to identify them uniquely. We also assert that the rates of relaxation of LOUP are determined by the eigenvalues of the associated fractional Fokker-Planck operator and do not depend on the initial state if the moments of the initial distribution are all finite. If the initial distribution has fat tails, for which the higher moments diverge, one can have nonspectral relaxation, as pointed out by Toenjes et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 150602 (2013)].


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The development of techniques for scaling up classifiers so that they can be applied to problems with large datasets of training examples is one of the objectives of data mining. Recently, AdaBoost has become popular among machine learning community thanks to its promising results across a variety of applications. However, training AdaBoost on large datasets is a major problem, especially when the dimensionality of the data is very high. This paper discusses the effect of high dimensionality on the training process of AdaBoost. Two preprocessing options to reduce dimensionality, namely the principal component analysis and random projection are briefly examined. Random projection subject to a probabilistic length preserving transformation is explored further as a computationally light preprocessing step. The experimental results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed training process for handling high dimensional large datasets.


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We propose a molecular mechanism for the intra-cellular measurement of the ratio of the number of X chromosomes to the number of sets of autosomes, a process central to both sex determination and dosage compensation in Drosophila melanogaster. In addition to the two loci, da and Sxl, which have been shown by Cline (Genetics, 90, 683, 1978)and others to be involved in these processes, we postulate two other loci, one autosomal (ω) and the other, X-linked (π). The product of the autosomal locus da stimulates ω and initiates synthesis of a limited quantity of repressor. Sxl and π ,both of which are X-linked, compete for this repressor as well as for RNA polymerase. It is assumed that Sxl has lower affinity than π for repressor as well as polymerase and that the binding of polymerase to one of these sites modulates the binding affinity of the other site for the enzyme. It can be shown that as a result of these postulated interactions transcription from the Sxl site is proportional to the X/A ratio such that the levels of Sxl+ product are low in males, high in females and intermediate in the intersexes. If, as proposed by Cline, the Sxl- product is an inhibitor of X chromosome activity, this would result in dosage compensation. The model leads to the conclusion that high levels of Sxl+ product promote a female phenotype and low levels, a male phenotype. One interesting consequence of the assumptions on which the model is based is that the level of Sxl+ product in the cell, when examined as a function of increasing repressor concentration, first goes up and then decreases, yielding a bell-shaped curve. This feature of the model provides an explanation for some of the remarkable interactions among mutants at the Sxl, da and mle loci and leads to several predictions. The proposed mechanism may also have relevance to certain other problems, such as size regulation during development, which seem to involve measurement of ratios at the cellular level.


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By using the same current-time (I-t) curves, electrochemical kinetic parameters are determined by two methods, (a) using the ratio of current at a given potential to the diffusion-controlled limiting current and (b) curve fitting method, for the reduction of Cu(II)–CyDTA complex. The analysis by the method (a) shows that the rate determining step involves only one electron although the overall reduction of the complex involves two electrons suggesting thereby the stepwise reduction of the complex. The nature of I-t curves suggests the adsorption of intermediate species at the electrode surface. Under these circumstances more reliable kinetic parameters can be obtained by the method (a) compared to that of (b). Similar observations are found in the case of reduction of Cu(II)–EDTA complex.


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An axis-parallel k-dimensional box is a Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x...x R-k where R-i (for 1 <= i <= k) is a closed interval of the form [a(i), b(i)] on the real line. For a graph G, its boxicity box(G) is the minimum dimension k, such that G is representable as the intersection graph of (axis-parallel) boxes in k-dimensional space. The concept of boxicity finds applications in various areas such as ecology, operations research etc. A number of NP-hard problems are either polynomial time solvable or have much better approximation ratio on low boxicity graphs. For example, the max-clique problem is polynomial time solvable on bounded boxicity graphs and the maximum independent set problem for boxicity d graphs, given a box representation, has a left perpendicular1 + 1/c log n right perpendicular(d-1) approximation ratio for any constant c >= 1 when d >= 2. In most cases, the first step usually is computing a low dimensional box representation of the given graph. Deciding whether the boxicity of a graph is at most 2 itself is NP-hard. We give an efficient randomized algorithm to construct a box representation of any graph G on n vertices in left perpendicular(Delta + 2) ln nright perpendicular dimensions, where Delta is the maximum degree of G. This algorithm implies that box(G) <= left perpendicular(Delta + 2) ln nright perpendicular for any graph G. Our bound is tight up to a factor of ln n. We also show that our randomized algorithm can be derandomized to get a polynomial time deterministic algorithm. Though our general upper bound is in terms of maximum degree Delta, we show that for almost all graphs on n vertices, their boxicity is O(d(av) ln n) where d(av) is the average degree.


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The properties of the generalized survival probability, that is, the probability of not crossing an arbitrary location R during relaxation, have been investigated experimentally (via scanning tunneling microscope observations) and numerically. The results confirm that the generalized survival probability decays exponentially with a time constant tau(s)(R). The distance dependence of the time constant is shown to be tau(s)(R)=tau(s0)exp[-R/w(T)], where w(2)(T) is the material-dependent mean-squared width of the step fluctuations. The result reveals the dependence on the physical parameters of the system inherent in the prior prediction of the time constant scaling with R/L-alpha, with L the system size and alpha the roughness exponent. The survival behavior is also analyzed using a contrasting concept, the generalized inside survival S-in(t,R), which involves fluctuations to an arbitrary location R further from the average. Numerical simulations of the inside survival probability also show an exponential time dependence, and the extracted time constant empirically shows (R/w)(lambda) behavior, with lambda varying over 0.6 to 0.8 as the sampling conditions are changed. The experimental data show similar behavior, and can be well fit with lambda=1.0 for T=300 K, and 0.5 ratio of the fixed sampling time to the underlying physical time constant, and thus the true correlation time, increases by a factor of similar to 10(3). Preliminary analysis indicates that the scaling effect due to the true correlation time is relevant in the parameter space of the experimental observations.


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Catalytic activity of cordierite honeycomb by a completely new coating method for the oxidation of major hydrocarbons in exhaust gas is reported here. The new coating process consists of (a) dipping and growing γ-Al2O3 on cordierite by combustion of monolith dipped in the aqueous solution of Al(NO3)3 and oxalyldihydrazide (ODH) (or glycine) at 600 °C and active catalyst phase Ce0.98Pd0.02O2−δ on γ-Al2O3-coated cordierite again by combustion of monolith dipped in the aqueous solution of ceric ammonium nitrate, ODH and 1.2 × 10−3 M PdCl2 solution at 500 °C. Weight of active catalyst can be varied from 0.02 wt% to 2 wt% which is sufficient but can be loaded even up to 12 wt% by repeating dip dry combustion. Adhesion of catalyst to cordierite surface is via oxide growth, which is very strong. ‘HC’ oxidation over the monolith catalyst is carried out with a mixture having the composition, 470 ppm of both propene and propane and 870 ppm of both ethylene and acetylene with the varying amount of O2. Three-way catalytic test is done by putting hydrocarbon mixture along with CO (10 000 ppm), NO (2000 ppm) and O2 (15 000 ppm). Below 350 °C full conversion is achieved. In this method, handling of nano-material powder is avoided.