25 resultados para Stabat Mater dolorosa.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In this work, two families of asymptotic near-tip stress fields are constructed in an elastic-ideally plastic FCC single crystal under mode I plane strain conditions. A crack is taken to lie on the (010) plane and its front is aligned along the [(1) over bar 01] direction. Finite element analysis is first used to systematically examine the stress distributions corresponding to different constraint levels. The general framework developed by Rice (Mech Mater 6:317-335, 1987) and Drugan (J Mech Phys Solids 49:2155-2176, 2001) is then adopted to generate low triaxiality solutions by introducing an elastic sector near the crack tip. The two families of stress fields are parameterized by the normalized opening stress (tau(A)(22)/tau(o)) prevailing in the plastic sector in front of the tip and by the coordinates of a point where elastic unloading commences in stress space. It is found that the angular stress variations obtained from the analytical solutions show good agreement with finite element analysis.


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The near-tip deformation field in a high-constraint three-point bend specimen of pure aluminium single crystal is studied using in situ electron back-scattered diffraction and optical metallography. The orientation considered has the notch lying on the (0 1 0) plane and the notch front along direction. Results clearly show the occurrence of a kink shear sector boundary at 90° to the notch line on the specimen free surface as predicted by the analytical model of Rice [J.R. Rice, Mech. Mater. 6 (1987) 317].


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Recently, Tang et al. (Acta Mater. 56 (2008) 5818) published a paper explaining room temperature growth of the phases in the Au/Sn system. In their analysis, they considered Au as the only mobile species for all the product phases, and Sn as virtually immobile. It is shown here that this analysis is not correct, since Sn has a higher diffusion rate through the AuSn4 phase. On the other hand, the mobilities of species in the AuSn2 phase are as yet unknown.


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Recently, a novel stress-induced phase transformation in an initial < 100 >/{100} B2-CuZr nanowire has been reported for the first time [Sutrakar and Mahapatra, Mater. Lett. 63, 1289 (2009)]. Following this, a martenisitic phase transformation in Cu-Zr nanowire was shown [Cheng et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 021911 (2009)] using the same idea (Sutrakar and Mahapatra, Mater. Lett. 63, 1289 (2009)]. The pseudoelastic recovery of the bct phase of Cu-Zr by unloading has also been shown [Cheng et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 021911 (2009)]. They also tested the epitaxial bain path [Alippi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3892 (1997)] and reported that the bct phase in the nanowire is metastable, whereas the bulk counterpart is unstable. This aspect is re-examined in this comment with corrected results.


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Tungsten oxide thin films are of great interest due to their promising applications in various optoelectronic thin film devices. We have investigated the microstructural evolution of tungsten oxide thin films grown by DC magnetron sputtering on silicon substrate. The structural characterization and surface morphology were carried out using X-ray diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The as deposited films were amorphous, where as, thin films annealed above 400 degrees C were crystalline. In order to explain the microstructural changes due to annealing, we have proposed a ``instability wheel'' model for the evolution of the microstructure. This model explains the transformation of mater into various geometries within them selves, followed by external perturbation.


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Ce0.67Cr0.33O2.11 was synthesized by hydrothermal method using diethylenetriamine as complexing agent (Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 7268). Ce0.67Cr0.33O2.11 being the only compound likes UO2+delta to have excess oxygen, it releases a large proportion of its lattice oxygen (0.167 M [O]/mole of compound) at relatively low temperature (465 degrees C) directly and it has been utilized for generation of H-2 by thermo-splitting of water. An almost stoichiometric amount of H-2 (0.152 M/Mole of compound) is generated at much lower temperature (65 degrees C). There is an almost comparable amount of oxygen release and hydrogen generation over this material at very low temperature comparedto other CeO2-MOx (Mn, Fe, Cu, and Ni) mixed-oxide solid solutions (O-2 evolution >= 1300 degrees C and H-2 generation at 1000 degrees C). The reversible nature of oxygen release and intake of this material is attributed to its fluorite Structure and coupling between the Ce4+/Ce3+ and Cr4+/6+/Cr3+ redox couples. Compound shows reversible oxygen release and intake by H2O absorption and subsequent hydrogen release to gain parent structure and hence this material can be utilized for generation of H-2 at very low temperature by thermo-chemical splitting of water.


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Our concern here is to rationalize experimental observations of failure modes brought about by indentation of hard thin ceramic films deposited on metallic substrates. By undertaking this exercise, we would like to evolve an analytical framework that can be used for designs of coatings. In Part I of the paper we develop an algorithm and test it for a model system. Using this analytical framework we address the issue of failure of columnar TiN films in Part II [J. Mater. Res. 21, 783 (2006)] of the paper. In this part, we used a previously derived Hankel transform procedure to derive stress and strain in a birefringent polymer film glued to a strong substrate and subjected to spherical indentation. We measure surface radial strains using strain gauges and bulk film stresses using photo elastic technique (stress freezing). For a boundary condition based on Hertzian traction with no film interface constraint and assuming the substrate constraint to be a function of the imposed strain, the theory describes the stress distributions well. The variation in peak stresses also demonstrates the usefulness of depositing even a soft film to protect an underlying substrate.


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The Gibbs free energy of formation of the orthorhombic form of CaZrO3(o) from monoclinic ZrO2(m) and periclase CaO(p) has been determined as a function of temperature in the range 950-1225 K, using an electrochemical cell incorporating single-crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The results are corrected for the small solid solubility of CaO in ZrO2. For the reaction, ZrO2(m) + CaO(p) --> CaZrO3(o), DELTAG(phi) = -31590 -13.9T(+/- 180) J mol-1. The ''second-law'' enthalpy of formation of CaZrO3 obtained from the results of this study at a mean temperature of 1090 K is in excellent agreement with the high-temperature solution calorimetric measurements of Muromachi and Navrotsky at 1068 K (J. Solid State Chem., 72 (1988) 244), and the average value of the bomb and acid solution calorimetric studies of Lvova and Feodosev (Zh. Fiz. Khim., 38 (1964) 28), Korneev et al. (Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater., 7 (1971) 886) and Brown and Bennington (Thermochim. Acta, 106 (1986) 183). The standard entropy of CaZrO3(o) at 298.15 K from the free energy data is 96.4 (+/- 3.5) J K-1 mol-1. The results of this study are discussed in comparison with high-temperture e.m.f. measurements reported in the literature on cubic zirconia solid solutions.


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Recently, we demonstrated a very general route to monolithic macroporous materials prepared without the use of templates (Rajamathi et al. J. Mater. Chem. 2001, 11, 2489). The route involves finding a precursor containing two metals, A and B, whose oxides are largely immiscible. Firing of the precursor followed by suitable sintering results in a monolith from which one of the oxide phases can be chemically leached out to yield a macroporous mass of the other oxide phase. The metals A and B that we employed in the demonstration were Ni and Zn. From the NiO-ZnO monolith that was obtained by decomposing the precursor, ZnO could be leached out at high pH to yield macroporous NiO. In the present work, we show that combustion-chemical (also called self-propagating) decomposition of a mixture of Ni and Zn nitrates with urea as a fuel yields an intimate mixture of the oxides that can be sintered and leached with alkali to form a macroporous NiO monolith. The new process that we present here thereby avoids the need for a crystalline single-source precursor. A novel and unanticipated aspect of the present work is that the combination of high temperatures and rapid quenching associated with combustion synthesis results in an intimate mixture of wurtzite ZnO and the metastable rock-salt Ni1-xZnxO where x is about 0.3. Leaching this monolith with alkali gives a macroporous mass of rock-salt Ni1-xZnxO, which upon reduction in H-2/Ar forms macroporous Ni and ZnO. There are thus two stages in the process that lead to two modes of pore formation. The first is associated with leaching of ZnO by alkali. The second is associated with the reduction of porous Ni1-xZnxO to give porous Ni and ZnO.


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In this article, theoretical and the experimental studies are reported on the adaptive control of vibration transmission in a strut system subjected to a longitudinal pulse train excitation. In the control scheme, a magneto-strictive actuator is employed at the downstream transmission point in the secondary path. The actuator dynamics is taken into account. The system boundary parameters are first estimated off-line, and later employed to simulate the system dynamics. A Delayed-X Filtered-E spectral algorithm is proposed and implemented in real time. The underlying mechanics based filter construction allows for the time varying system dynamics to be taken into account. This work should be of interest for active control of vibration and noise transmission in helicopter gearbox support struts and other systems.


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A methodology for evaluating the reactivity of titanium with mould materials during casting has been developed. Microhardness profiles and analysis of oxygen contamination have provided an index for evaluation of the reactivity of titanium. Microhardness profile delineates two distinct regions, one of which is characterised by a low value of hardness which is invariant with distance. The reaction products are uniformly distributed in the metal in this region. The second is characterised by a sharp decrease in microhardness with distance from the metal-mould interface. It represents a diffusion zone for solutes that dissolve into titanium from the mould. The qualitative profiles for contaminants determined by scanning electron probe microanalyser and secondary ion mass spectroscopy in the as-cast titanium were found to be similar to that of microhardness, implying that microhardness can be considered as an index of the contamination resulting from metal-mould reaction.


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One of the important issues in the development of hydroxyapatite (HA)-based biomaterials is the prosthetic infection, which limits wider use of monolithic HA despite superior cellular response. Recently, we reported that ZnO addition to HA can induce bactericidal property. It is therefore important to assess how ZnO addition influences the cytotoxicity property and cell adhesion/proliferation on HA-ZnO composite surfaces in vitro. In the above perspective, the objective of this study is to investigate the cell type and material composition dependent cellular proliferation and viability of pressureless sintered HA-ZnO composites. The combination of cell viability data as well as morphological observations of cultured human osteoblast-like SaOS2 cells and mouse fibroblast L929 cells suggests that HA-ZnO composites containing 10 Wt % or lower ZnO exhibit the ability to support cell adhesion and proliferation. Both SaOS2 and L929 cells exhibit extensive multidirectional network of actin cytoskeleton and cell flattening on the lower ZnO containing (=10 Wt %) HA-ZnO composites. The in vitro results illustrate how variation in ZnO content can influence significantly the cell vitality, as evaluated using MTT biochemical assay. Also, the critical statistical analysis reveals that ZnO addition needs to be carefully tailored to ensure good in vitro cytocompatibility. The underlying reasons for difference in biological properties are analyzed. It is suggested that surface wettability as well as dissolution of ZnO, both contribute to the observed differences in cellular viability and proliferation. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2012.


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Zn(1-x)Fe(x)O(1+0.5x) (x = 0.5-5 mol%) nanoparticles were synthesized by a low temperature solution combustion route. The structural characterization of these nanoparticles by PXRD, SEM and TEM confirmed the phase purity of the samples and indicated a reduction in the particle size with increase in Fe content. A small increase in micro strain in the Fe doped nanocrystals is observed from W-H plots. EPR spectrum exhibits an intense resonance signal with effective g values at g approximate to 2.0 with a sextet hyperfine structure (hfs) besides a weak signal at g approximate to 4.13. The signal at g approximate to 2.0 with a sextet hyperfine structure might be due to manganese impurity where as the resonance signal at g approximate to 4.13 is due to iron. The optical band gap E-g was found to decrease with increase of Fe content. Raman spectra exhibit two non-polar optical phonon (E-2) modes at low and high frequencies at 100 and 435 cm(-1) in Fe doped samples. These modes broaden and disappear with increase of Fe do pant concentration. TL measurements of gamma-irradiated (1-5 kGy) samples show a main glow peak at 368 degrees C at a warming rate of 6.7 degrees Cs-1. The thermal activation parameters were estimated from Glow peak shape method. The average activation energy was found to be in the range 0.34-2.81 eV. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The application of electromagnetic field in the context of bacteria associated infections on biomaterial surfaces has not been extensively explored. In this work, we applied a moderate intensity static magnetic field (100 mT) to understand the adhesion and growth behavior of both gram positive (S. epidermidis) and gram negative bacteria (E. coli) and also to investigate bactericidal/bacteriostatic property of the applied electromagnetic field. An in-house built magnetometer was used to apply static homogeneous magnetic field during a planned set of in vitro experiments. Both the sintered hydroxyapatite (HA) and the control samples seeded with bacteria were exposed to the magnetic field (100 mT) for different timescale during their log phase growth. Quantitative analysis of the SEM images confirms the effect of electromagnetic field on suppressing bacterial growth. Furthermore, cell integrity and inner membrane permeabilization assays were performed to understand the origin of such effect. The results of these assays were statistically analyzed to reveal the bactericidal effect of magnetic field, indicating cell membrane damage. Under the investigated culture conditions, the bactericidal effect was found to be less effective for S. Epidermidis than E. coli. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2012:100B:12061217, 2012.


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The present study reports the results of the detailed in vitro bioactivity and cytocompatibility properties of the hydroxyapatite (HA) and the HA-titanium (HA-Ti) composite with varying amount of Ti (5, 10, and 20 wt %), densified using spark plasma sintering process (SPS). Using this technique and tailoring suitable processing parameters, it has been possible to retain both HA and Ti in the sintered ceramics. Importantly, the uniquely designed SPS processing with suitably chosen parameters enables in achieving better mechanical properties, such as higher indentation fracture toughness (similar to 1.5 MPa m1/2) in HA-Ti composites compared with HA. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations reveal good bioactivity of the HA-Ti composites with the formation of thick, flaky, and porous apatite layer when immersed in simulated body fluid at 37 degrees C and pH of 7.4. Atomic absorption spectroscopic analysis of the simulated body fluid solution reveals dynamic changes in Ca+2 ion concentration with more dissolution of Ca+2 ion from the HA-20Ti composite. However, the measurements with inductively coupled plasma spectrometer do not record dissolution of Ti+4 ions. Transmission electron microscopic analysis indicates weak crystalline nature of the apatite and confirms the formation of fine-scale apatite crystals. MTT assay, fluorescence, and SEM study demonstrate good cell viability and cell adhesion/proliferation of the Saos -2 cells, cultured on the developed composites under standard culture condition, and the difference in cell viability has been discussed in reference to substrate composition and roughness. Overall, HA-Ti composites exhibit comparable and even better in vitro bioactivity and cytocompatibility properties than HA. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2013.