25 resultados para Space research

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The outer atmosphere of the sun called the corona has been observed during total solar eclipse for short periods (typically <6 min), from as early as the eighteenth century. In the recent past, space-based instruments have permitted us to study the corona uninterruptedly. In spite of these developments, the dynamic corona and its high temperature (1-2 million K) are yet to be Ally understood. It is conjectured that their dynamic nature and associated energetic events are possible reasons behind the high temperature. In order to study these in detail, a visible emission line space solar coronagraph is being proposed as a payload under the small-satellite programme of the Indian Space Research Organisation. The satellite is named as Aditya-1 and the scientific objectives of this payload are to study: (i) the existence of intensity oscillations for the study of wave-driven coronal heating; (ii) the dynamics and formation of coronal loops and temperature structure of the coronal features; (iii) the origin, cause and acceleration of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and other solar active features, and (iv) coronal magnetic field topology and three-dimensional structures of CMEs using polarization information. The uniqueness of this payload compared to previously flown space instruments is as follows: (a) observations in the visible wavelength closer to the disk (down to 1.05 solar radii); (b) high time cadence capability (better than two-images per second), and (c) simultaneous observations of at least two spectral windows all the time and three spectral windows for short durations.


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The information on altitude distribution of aerosols in the atmosphere is essential in assessing the impact of aerosol warming on thermal structure and stability of the atmosphere.In addition, aerosol altitude distribution is needed to address complex problems such as the radiative interaction of aerosols in the presence of clouds. With this objective,an extensive, multi-institutional and multi-platform field experiment (ICARB-Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget) was carried out under the Geosphere Biosphere Programme of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO-GBP) over continental India and adjoining oceans during March to May 2006. Here, we present airborne LIDAR measurements carried out over the east Coast of the India during the ICARB field campaign. An increase in aerosol extinction (scattering + absorption) was observed from the surface upwards with a maximum around 2 to 4 km. Aerosol extinction at higher atmospheric layers (>2 km) was two to three times larger compared to that of the surface. A large fraction (75-85%) of aerosol column optical depth was contributed by aerosols located above 1 km. The aerosol layer heights (defined in this paper as the height at which the gradient in extinction coefficient changes sign) showed a gradual decrease with an increase in the offshore distance. A large fraction (60-75%) of aerosol was found located above clouds indicating enhanced aerosol absorption above clouds. Our study implies that a detailed statistical evaluation of the temporal frequency and spatial extent of elevated aerosol layers is necessary to assess their significance to the climate. This is feasible using data from space-borne lidars such as CALIPSO,which fly in formation with other satellites like MODIS AQUA and MISR, as part of the A-Train constellation.


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Active regions on the solar surface are known to possess magnetic helicity, which is predominantly negative in the northern hemisphere and positive in the southern hemisphere. Choudhuri et al. [Choudhuri, A.R. On the connection between mean field dynamo theory and flux tubes. Solar Phys. 215, 31–55, 2003] proposed that the magnetic helicity arises due to the wrapping up of the poloidal field of the convection zone around rising flux tubes which form active regions. Choudhuri [Choudhuri, A.R., Chatterjee, P., Nandy, D. Helicity of solar active regions from a dynamo model. ApJ 615, L57–L60, 2004] used this idea to calculate magnetic helicity from their solar dynamo model. Apart from getting broad agreements with observational data, they also predict that the hemispheric helicity rule may be violated at the beginning of a solar cycle. Chatterjee et al. [Chatterjee, P., Choudhuri, A.R., Petrovay, K. Development of twist in an emerging magnetic flux tube by poloidal field accretion. A&A 449, 781–789, 2006] study the penetration of the wrapped poloidal field into the rising flux tube due to turbulent diffusion using a simple 1-d model. They find that the extent of penetration of the wrapped field will depend on how weak the magnetic field inside the rising flux tube becomes before its emergence. They conclude that more detailed observational data will throw light on the physical conditions of flux tubes just before their emergence to the photosphere.


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High mass X-ray binary (H M X B) pulsars are of two types, persistent and transient. 4U 1538-52 is a persistent HMXB whose orbit was previously measured to be circular but the RXTE observations revealed an eccentric orbit. We observed this system with RXTE-PCA in August 2003 and our timing analysis supports the eccentric orbit of the system. However, we do not find any evidence for orbital evolution. Rotational and tidal interactions between the stars of a closed binary system result in apsidal motion which can be measured in systems with eccentric orbit. 4U0115+63 is a Be-transient HMXB whose eccentric orbit was well-determined during its 1978 outburst. We report preliminary results from analysis of data obtained during the 1999 outburst of this source with the RXTE-PCA.


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Many aerospace and scientific applications require the specification of the atmospheric properties at various locations, UT and seasons for a range of solar and geomagnetic activity. The nature and mechanisms of the lower and upper atmospheres are different so also their models. Further there is a need to match these models and this is accomplished here in a simple way. In the revision of CIRA 1972 in 1986, the reference middle atmospheres is not yet complete. Two annual reference atmospheres from sea level up to 2000 km for the midlatitude and the tropics is proposed. Other monthly reference atmospheres as also the structure of the atmospheric tables to be provided in the above document is also indicated.


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It is well known that the increasing space activities pose a serious threat to future missions. This is mainly due to the presence of spent stages, rockets spacecraft and fragments which can lead to collisions. The calculation of the collision probability of future space vehicles with the orbital debris is necessary for estimating the risk. There is lack of adequately catalogued and openly available detailed information on the explosion characteristics of trackable and untrackable debris data. Such a situation compels one to develop suitable mathematical modelling of the explosion and the resultant debris environment. Based on a study of the available information regarding the fragmentation, subsequent evolution and observation, it turns out to be possible to develop such a mathematical model connecting the dynamical features of the fragmentation with the geometrical/orbital characteristics of the debris and representing the environment through the idea of equivalent breakup. (C) 1997 COSPAR.


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This paper discusses an approach for river mapping and flood evaluation based on multi-temporal time series analysis of satellite images utilizing pixel spectral information for image classification and region-based segmentation for extracting water-covered regions. Analysis of MODIS satellite images is applied in three stages: before flood, during flood and after flood. Water regions are extracted from the MODIS images using image classification (based on spectral information) and image segmentation (based on spatial information). Multi-temporal MODIS images from ``normal'' (non-flood) and flood time-periods are processed in two steps. In the first step, image classifiers such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) separate the image pixels into water and non-water groups based on their spectral features. The classified image is then segmented using spatial features of the water pixels to remove the misclassified water. From the results obtained, we evaluate the performance of the method and conclude that the use of image classification (SVM and ANN) and region-based image segmentation is an accurate and reliable approach for the extraction of water-covered regions. (c) 2012 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Variable Endmember Constrained Least Square (VECLS) technique is proposed to account endmember variability in the linear mixture model by incorporating the variance for each class, the signals of which varies from pixel to pixel due to change in urban land cover (LC) structures. VECLS is first tested with a computer simulated three class endmember considering four bands having small, medium and large variability with three different spatial resolutions. The technique is next validated with real datasets of IKONOS, Landsat ETM+ and MODIS. The results show that correlation between actual and estimated proportion is higher by an average of 0.25 for the artificial datasets compared to a situation where variability is not considered. With IKONOS, Landsat ETM+ and MODIS data, the average correlation increased by 0.15 for 2 and 3 classes and by 0.19 for 4 classes, when compared to single endmember per class. (C) 2013 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The first regional synthesis of long-term (back to similar to 25 years at some stations) primary data (from direct measurement) on aerosol optical depth from the ARFINET (network of aerosol observatories established under the Aerosol Radiative Forcing over India (ARFI) project of Indian Space Research Organization over Indian subcontinent) have revealed a statistically significant increasing trend with a significant seasonal variability. Examining the current values of turbidity coefficients with those reported similar to 50 years ago reveals the phenomenal nature of the increase in aerosol loading. Seasonally, the rate of increase is consistently high during the dry months (December to March) over the entire region whereas the trends are rather inconsistent and weak during the premonsoon (April to May) and summer monsoon period (June to September). The trends in the spectral variation of aerosol optical depth (AOD) reveal the significance of anthropogenic activities on the increasing trend in AOD. Examining these with climate variables such as seasonal and regional rainfall, it is seen that the dry season depicts a decreasing trend in the total number of rainy days over the Indian region. The insignificant trend in AOD observed over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, a regional hot spot of aerosols, during the premonsoon and summer monsoon season is mainly attributed to the competing effects of dust transport and wet removal of aerosols by the monsoon rain. Contributions of different aerosol chemical species to the total dust, simulated using Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport model over the ARFINET stations, showed an increasing trend for all the anthropogenic components and a decreasing trend for dust, consistent with the inference deduced from trend in Angstrom exponent.


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The seasonality and mutual dependence of aerosol optical properties and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity under varying meteorological conditions at the high-altitude Nainital site (2km) in the Indo-Gangetic Plains were examined using nearly year-round measurements (June 2011 to March 2012) at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement mobile facility as part of the Regional Aerosol Warming Experiment-Ganges Valley Aerosol Experiment of the Indian Space Research Organization and the U.S. Department of Energy. The results from collocated measurements provided enhanced aerosol scattering and absorption coefficients, CCN concentrations, and total condensation nuclei concentrations during the dry autumn and winter months. The CCN concentration (at a supersaturation of 0.46) was higher during the periods of high aerosol absorption (single scattering albedo (SSA)<0.80) than during the periods of high aerosol scattering (SSA>0.85), indicating that the aerosol composition seasonally changes and influences the CCN activity. The monthly mean CCN activation ratio (at a supersaturation of 0.46) was highest (>0.7) in late autumn (November); this finding is attributed to the contribution of biomass-burning aerosols to CCN formation at high supersaturation conditions.


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Multi-year observations from the network of ground-based observatories (ARFINET), established under the project `Aerosol Radiative Forcing over India' (ARFI) of Indian Space Research Organization and space-borne lidar `Cloud Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization' (CALIOP) along with simulations from the chemical transport model `Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport' (GOCART), are used to characterize the vertical distribution of atmospheric aerosols over the Indian landmass and its spatial structure. While the vertical distribution of aerosol extinction showed higher values close to the surface followed by a gradual decrease at increasing altitudes, a strong meridional increase is observed in the vertical spread of aerosols across the Indian region in all seasons. It emerges that the strong thermal convections cause deepening of the atmospheric boundary layer, which although reduces the aerosol concentration at lower altitudes, enhances the concentration at higher elevations by pumping up more aerosols from below and also helping the lofted particles to reach higher levels in the atmosphere. Aerosol depolarization ratios derived from CALIPSO as well as the GOCART simulations indicate the dominance of mineral dust aerosols during spring and summer and anthropogenic aerosols in winter. During summer monsoon, though heavy rainfall associated with the Indian monsoon removes large amounts of aerosols, the prevailing southwesterly winds advect more marine aerosols over to landmass (from the adjoining oceans) leading to increase in aerosol loading at lower altitudes than in spring. During spring and summer months, aerosol loading is found to be significant, even at altitudes as high as 4 km, and this is proposed to have significant impacts on the regional climate systems such as Indian monsoon. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work grew out of an attempt to understand a conjectural remark made by Professor Kyoji Saito to the author about a possible link between the Fox-calculus description of the symplectic structure on the moduli space of representations of the fundamental group of surfaces into a Lie group and pairs of mutually dual sets of generators of the fundamental group. In fact in his paper [3] , Prof. Kyoji Saito gives an explicit description of the system of dual generators of the fundamental group.


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Real gas effects dominate the hypersonic flow fields encountered by modem day hypersonic space vehicles. Measurement of aerodynamic data for the design applications of such aerospace vehicles calls for special kinds of wind tunnels capable of faithfully simulating real gas effects. A shock tunnel is an established facility commonly used along with special instrumentation for acquiring the data for this purpose within a short time period. The hypersonic shock tunnel (HST1), established at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in the early 1970s, has been extensively used to measure the aerodynamic data of various bodies of interest at hypersonic Mach numbers in the range 4 to 13. Details of some important measurements made during the period 1975-1995 along with the performance capabilities of the HST1 are presented in this review. In view of the re-emergence of interest in hypersonics across the globe in recent times, the present review highlights the Suitability of the hypersonic shock tunnel at the IISc for future space application studies in India.