17 resultados para Solubilité du C60

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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On the basis of N(1s) core-level spectroscopic studies, it is found that nitrogen interacts with multimolecular films of C60. More interestingly, mass spectrometric studies show that contact-arc vaporization of graphite in a partial atmosphere of N2 or NH3 yields nitrogenous products tentatively assigned to species such as C70N2, C59N6, C59N4, and C59N2 involving addition of or substitution by nitrogen along with the species due to C2 and C4 losses.


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Interaction of nickel deposited on multilayer films of C60 has been investigated in comparison with that on amorphized graphite by employing photoemission spectroscopy. It is shown that unlike with graphite, Ni interacts strongly with C60 causing large changes in C(1s) and C(2p) binding energies. The increase in the Ni(2p) binding energy at small Ni coverages is also far greater on c60 than on graphite.


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In solution phase, aliphatic amines add on to fullerenes; vapourization of graphite in presence of methylamine gives nitrogeneous C60 derivatives. Reactions of C60 with SbCl5 and liquid Br2 yield halogen adducts.


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In benzene solution, C60 and C70 interact weakly in the ground state with amines having favourable oxidation potentials. Picosecond time-resolved absorption measurements show that on photoexcilation, the weak complexes undergo charge separation to produce ion pairs which in turn undergo fast geminate recombination either to produce the triplet state of the fullerenes or give back the ground slate of the complex, depending on the oxidation potential of the amine. Free-ion yield is generally negligible.


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Based on electronic absorption spectroscopy, C60 is found to form complexes with aromatic amines with an enthalpy of association in the range 9-16 kJ mol-1. Interaction of C70 with the amines is negligible. Cyclic voltammetric measurements confirm these observations.


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Electronic absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy have been used to investigate the interaction of the fullerenes C60 and C70 with diethylaniline, and with aromatic solvents such as benzene. C60 interacts weakly with aromatic amines in the ground state while C70 does not interact at all. Steady state fluorescence emission and lifetime measurements show that both C60 and C70 form excited state complexes (exciplexes) with the amines in non-aromatic solvents such as methylcyclohexane, but not in benzene. In benzene, only fluorescence quenching is observed due to the interaction between the π systems of the aromatic solvent and the fullerene in the ground state. This is also borne out by the systematic study of solvent effects on the absorption and emission spectra of the fullerenes.


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While C60 interacts with aromatic amines such as dimethylaniline in the ground state, C70 does not. Fluorescence spectroscopic studies, including lifetime measurements, show the formation of exciplexes of both C60 and C70 with aromatic amines in nonaromatic solvents such as methylcyclohexane. Exciplexes are however not formed in benzene solvent, due to π—π interaction between benzene and the fullerene. Based on spectroscopic absorption measurements, it is shown that both C60 and C70 do indeed interact with benzene in the ground state.


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Interaction of varying coverages of Ni metal with solid films of C60 and C70 has been investigated by UV and X-ray photemission spectroscopy. The shifts in the valence bands of C60 (as well as of C70) with increasing Ni coverage accompanied by a shift of the C is level of the fullerene to lower binding energies suggest charge-transfer from the metal to the fullerene as in transition metal complexes of π-systems.


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Based on an isothermal, isobaric simulation the structure and properties of the plastic crystalline phases of C60 and neopentane have been examined. Instantaneous cooling of the plastic crystalline phases of both C60 and neopentane leads to orientational glassy phases. These are accompanied by significant slowing down of reorientational motion. Constant pressure quench experiments on C60 yield a glass transition temperature of around 80 K.


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Evidence is presented for the strong interaction of nitrogen and oxygen with buckminsterfullerene.


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Photophysical properties of the singlet and triplet states of the fullerenes, C60 and C70, have been investigated in toluene, benzene, hexane and ethanol solutions by pico- and nano-second laser flash photolysis techniques. Lifetimes, extinction coefficients, quantum efficiencies of the formation of the excited states and such properties have been determined. True triplet�triplet absorption spectra of C60 and C70 are reported. C60, unlike C70, is found to undergo photoionization in ethanol solution giving solvated electrons.


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C-70 films deposited on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), Ag(110), Ag(111) and Pt(110) substrates have been investigated by scanning tunnelling microscopy. Interesting observations on novel molecular arrangements, as well as orientational disorder, are presented. Solid solutions of C-60 and C-70 show interesting packing of these molecules when deposited on HOPG.


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Scanning tunneling microscopy of solid films of C-60 and C-70 clearly demonstrate the occurrence of photochemical polymerization of these fullerenes in the solid state. X-ray diffraction studies show that such a polymerization is accompanied by contraction of the unit-cell volume in the case of C-60 and expansion in the case of C-70. This is also evidenced from the STM images. These observations help to understand the differences in the amorphization behavior of C-60 and C-70 under pressure. Amorphization of C-60 under pressure is irreversible because it is accompanied by polymerization associated with a contraction of the unit cell volume. Monte Carlo simulations show how pressure-induced polymerization is favored in C-60 because of proper orientation as well as the required proximity of the molecules. Amorphization of C-70, on the other hand, is reversible because C-70 is less compressible and polymerization is not favored under pressure.