255 resultados para Set-Valued Functions

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Canonical forms for m-valued functions referred to as m-Reed-Muller canonical (m-RMC) forms that are a generalization of RMC forms of two-valued functions are proposed. m-RMC forms are based on the operations ?m (addition mod m) and .m (multiplication mod m) and do not, as in the cases of the generalizations proposed in the literature, require an m-valued function for m not a power of a prime, to be expressed by a canonical form for M-valued functions, where M > m is a power of a prime. Methods of obtaining the m-RMC forms from the truth vector or the sum of products representation of an m-valued function are discussed. Using a generalization of the Boolean difference to m-valued logic, series expansions for m-valued functions are derived.


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We consider the two-parameter Sturm–Liouville system $$ -y_1''+q_1y_1=(\lambda r_{11}+\mu r_{12})y_1\quad\text{on }[0,1], $$ with the boundary conditions $$ \frac{y_1'(0)}{y_1(0)}=\cot\alpha_1\quad\text{and}\quad\frac{y_1'(1)}{y_1(1)}=\frac{a_1\lambda+b_1}{c_1\lambda+d_1}, $$ and $$ -y_2''+q_2y_2=(\lambda r_{21}+\mu r_{22})y_2\quad\text{on }[0,1], $$ with the boundary conditions $$ \frac{y_2'(0)}{y_2(0)} =\cot\alpha_2\quad\text{and}\quad\frac{y_2'(1)}{y_2(1)}=\frac{a_2\mu+b_2}{c_2\mu+d_2}, $$ subject to the uniform-left-definite and uniform-ellipticity conditions; where $q_{i}$ and $r_{ij}$ are continuous real valued functions on $[0,1]$, the angle $\alpha_{i}$ is in $[0,\pi)$ and $a_{i}$, $b_{i}$, $c_{i}$, $d_{i}$ are real numbers with $\delta_{i}=a_{i}d_{i}-b_{i}c_{i}>0$ and $c_{i}\neq0$ for $i,j=1,2$. Results are given on asymptotics, oscillation of eigenfunctions and location of eigenvalues.


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We revisit the extraction of alpha(s)(M-tau(2)) from the QCD perturbative corrections to the hadronic tau branching ratio, using an improved fixed-order perturbation theory based on the explicit summation of all renormalization-group accessible logarithms, proposed some time ago in the literature. In this approach, the powers of the coupling in the expansion of the QCD Adler function are multiplied by a set of functions D-n, which depend themselves on the coupling and can be written in a closed form by iteratively solving a sequence of differential equations. We find that the new expansion has an improved behavior in the complex energy plane compared to that of the standard fixed-order perturbation theory (FOPT), and is similar but not identical to the contour-improved perturbation theory (CIPT). With five terms in the perturbative expansion we obtain in the (MS) over bar scheme alpha(s)(M-tau(2)) = 0.338 +/- 0.010, using as input a precise value for the perturbative contribution to the hadronic width of the tau lepton reported recently in the literature.


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The functional source coding problem in which the receiver side information (Has-set) and demands (Want-set) include functions of source messages is studied using row-Latin rectangle. The source transmits encoded messages, called the functional source code, in order to satisfy the receiver's demands. We obtain a minimum length using the row-Latin rectangle. Next, we consider the case of transmission errors and provide a necessary and sufficient condition that a functional source code must satisfy so that the receiver can correctly decode the values of the functions in its Want-set.


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We give an explicit, direct, and fairly elementary proof that the radial energy eigenfunctions for the hydrogen atom in quantum mechanics, bound and scattering states included, form a complete set. The proof uses only some properties of the confluent hypergeometric functions and the Cauchy residue theorem from analytic function theory; therefore it would form useful supplementary reading for a graduate course on quantum mechanics.


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We consider functions that map the open unit disc conformally onto the complement of a bounded convex set. We call these functions concave univalent functions. In 1994, Livingston presented a characterization for these functions. In this paper, we observe that there is a minor flaw with this characterization. We obtain certain sharp estimates and the exact set of variability involving Laurent and Taylor coefficients for concave functions. We also present the exact set of variability of the linear combination of certain successive Taylor coefficients of concave functions.


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In this article we consider a semigroup ring R = KGamma] of a numerical semigroup Gamma and study the Cohen- Macaulayness of the associated graded ring G(Gamma) := gr(m), (R) := circle plus(n is an element of N) m(n)/m(n+1) and the behaviour of the Hilbert function H-R of R. We define a certain (finite) subset B(Gamma) subset of F and prove that G(Gamma) is Cohen-Macaulay if and only if B(Gamma) = empty set. Therefore the subset B(Gamma) is called the Cohen-Macaulay defect of G(Gamma). Further, we prove that if the degree sequence of elements of the standard basis of is non-decreasing, then B(F) = empty set and hence G(Gamma) is Cohen-Macaulay. We consider a class of numerical semigroups Gamma = Sigma(3)(i=0) Nm(i) generated by 4 elements m(0), m(1), m(2), m(3) such that m(1) + m(2) = mo m3-so called ``balanced semigroups''. We study the structure of the Cohen-Macaulay defect B(Gamma) of Gamma and particularly we give an estimate on the cardinality |B(Gamma, r)| for every r is an element of N. We use these estimates to prove that the Hilbert function of R is non-decreasing. Further, we prove that every balanced ``unitary'' semigroup Gamma is ``2-good'' and is not ``1-good'', in particular, in this case, c(r) is not Cohen-Macaulay. We consider a certain special subclass of balanced semigroups Gamma. For this subclass we try to determine the Cohen-Macaulay defect B(Gamma) using the explicit description of the standard basis of Gamma; in particular, we prove that these balanced semigroups are 2-good and determine when exactly G(Gamma) is Cohen-Macaulay. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper we consider the problem of learning an n × n kernel matrix from m(1) similarity matrices under general convex loss. Past research have extensively studied the m = 1 case and have derived several algorithms which require sophisticated techniques like ACCP, SOCP, etc. The existing algorithms do not apply if one uses arbitrary losses and often can not handle m > 1 case. We present several provably convergent iterative algorithms, where each iteration requires either an SVM or a Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) solver for m > 1 case. One of the major contributions of the paper is to extend the well knownMirror Descent(MD) framework to handle Cartesian product of psd matrices. This novel extension leads to an algorithm, called EMKL, which solves the problem in O(m2 log n 2) iterations; in each iteration one solves an MKL involving m kernels and m eigen-decomposition of n × n matrices. By suitably defining a restriction on the objective function, a faster version of EMKL is proposed, called REKL,which avoids the eigen-decomposition. An alternative to both EMKL and REKL is also suggested which requires only an SVMsolver. Experimental results on real world protein data set involving several similarity matrices illustrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithms.


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Differential evolution (DE) is arguably one of the most powerful stochastic real-parameter optimization algorithms of current interest. Since its inception in the mid 1990s, DE has been finding many successful applications in real-world optimization problems from diverse domains of science and engineering. This paper takes a first significant step toward the convergence analysis of a canonical DE (DE/rand/1/bin) algorithm. It first deduces a time-recursive relationship for the probability density function (PDF) of the trial solutions, taking into consideration the DE-type mutation, crossover, and selection mechanisms. Then, by applying the concepts of Lyapunov stability theorems, it shows that as time approaches infinity, the PDF of the trial solutions concentrates narrowly around the global optimum of the objective function, assuming the shape of a Dirac delta distribution. Asymptotic convergence behavior of the population PDF is established by constructing a Lyapunov functional based on the PDF and showing that it monotonically decreases with time. The analysis is applicable to a class of continuous and real-valued objective functions that possesses a unique global optimum (but may have multiple local optima). Theoretical results have been substantiated with relevant computer simulations.


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We consider functions that map the open unit disc conformally onto the complement of an unbounded convex set with opening angle pa, a ? (1, 2], at infinity. In this paper, we show that every such function is close-to-convex of order (a - 1) and is included in the set of univalent functions of bounded boundary rotation. Many interesting consequences of this result are obtained. We also determine the extreme points of the set of concave functions with respect to the linear structure of the Hornich space.


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In this paper, we use optical flow based complex-valued features extracted from video sequences to recognize human actions. The optical flow features between two image planes can be appropriately represented in the Complex plane. Therefore, we argue that motion information that is used to model the human actions should be represented as complex-valued features and propose a fast learning fully complex-valued neural classifier to solve the action recognition task. The classifier, termed as, ``fast learning fully complex-valued neural (FLFCN) classifier'' is a single hidden layer fully complex-valued neural network. The neurons in the hidden layer employ the fully complex-valued activation function of the type of a hyperbolic secant function. The parameters of the hidden layer are chosen randomly and the output weights are estimated as the minimum norm least square solution to a set of linear equations. The results indicate the superior performance of FLFCN classifier in recognizing the actions compared to real-valued support vector machines and other existing results in the literature. Complex valued representation of 2D motion and orthogonal decision boundaries boost the classification performance of FLFCN classifier. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present a fast learning neural network classifier for human action recognition. The proposed classifier is a fully complex-valued neural network with a single hidden layer. The neurons in the hidden layer employ the fully complex-valued hyperbolic secant as an activation function. The parameters of the hidden layer are chosen randomly and the output weights are estimated analytically as a minimum norm least square solution to a set of linear equations. The fast leaning fully complex-valued neural classifier is used for recognizing human actions accurately. Optical flow-based features extracted from the video sequences are utilized to recognize 10 different human actions. The feature vectors are computationally simple first order statistics of the optical flow vectors, obtained from coarse to fine rectangular patches centered around the object. The results indicate the superior performance of the complex-valued neural classifier for action recognition. The superior performance of the complex neural network for action recognition stems from the fact that motion, by nature, consists of two components, one along each of the axes.


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Establishing functional relationships between multi-domain protein sequences is a non-trivial task. Traditionally, delineating functional assignment and relationships of proteins requires domain assignments as a prerequisite. This process is sensitive to alignment quality and domain definitions. In multi-domain proteins due to multiple reasons, the quality of alignments is poor. We report the correspondence between the classification of proteins represented as full-length gene products and their functions. Our approach differs fundamentally from traditional methods in not performing the classification at the level of domains. Our method is based on an alignment free local matching scores (LMS) computation at the amino-acid sequence level followed by hierarchical clustering. As there are no gold standards for full-length protein sequence classification, we resorted to Gene Ontology and domain-architecture based similarity measures to assess our classification. The final clusters obtained using LMS show high functional and domain architectural similarities. Comparison of the current method with alignment based approaches at both domain and full-length protein showed superiority of the LMS scores. Using this method we have recreated objective relationships among different protein kinase sub-families and also classified immunoglobulin containing proteins where sub-family definitions do not exist currently. This method can be applied to any set of protein sequences and hence will be instrumental in analysis of large numbers of full-length protein sequences.


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We present in this paper a new algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for solving Dynamic Single Objective Constrained Optimization (DCOP) problems. We have modified several different parameters of the original particle swarm optimization algorithm by introducing new types of particles for local search and to detect changes in the search space. The algorithm is tested with a known benchmark set and compare with the results with other contemporary works. We demonstrate the convergence properties by using convergence graphs and also the illustrate the changes in the current benchmark problems for more realistic correspondence to practical real world problems.


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Given a function from Z(n) to itself one can determine its polynomial representability by using Kempner function. In this paper we present an alternative characterization of polynomial functions over Z(n) by constructing a generating set for the Z(n)-module of polynomial functions. This characterization results in an algorithm that is faster on average in deciding polynomial representability. We also extend the characterization to functions in several variables. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.