272 resultados para Sequential indicator simulation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The possibility of advanced indication of moisture stress in a crop by small prepared plots with compacted or partially sand-substituted soils is examined by an analytical simulation. A series of soils and three crops are considered for the simulation. The moisture characteristics of the soils are calculated with an available model. Using average potential evapotranspiration values and a simple actual evapotranspiration model, the onset of moisture stress in the natural and indicator plots is calculated for different degrees of sand substitution and compaction. Cases where sand substitution fails are determined. The effect of intervening rainfall and limited root depth on the beginning of moisture stress is investigated.


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In this paper, direct numerical simulation of autoignition in an initially non-premixed medium under isotropic, homogeneous, and decaying turbulence is presented. The pressure-based method developed herein is a spectral implementation of the sequential steps followed in the predictor-corrector type of algorithms; it includes the effects of density fluctuations caused by spatial inhomogeneities ill temperature and species. The velocity and pressure field are solved in the spectral space while the scalars and density field are solved in the physical space. The presented results reveal that the autoignition spots originate and evolve at locations where (1) the composition corresponds to a small range around a specific mixture fraction, and (2) the conditional scaler dissipation rate is low. A careful examination of the data obtained indicates that the autoignition spots originate in the vortex cores, and the hot gases travel outward as combustion progresses. Hence, the applicability of the transient laminar flamelet model for this problem is questioned. The dependence of autoignition characteristics on parameters such as (1) die initial eddy-turnover time and (2) the initial ratio of length scale of scalars to that of velocities are investigated. Certain implications of new results on the conditional moment closure modeling are discussed.


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We consider the classical problem of sequential detection of change in a distribution (from hypothesis 0 to hypothesis 1), where the fusion centre receives vectors of periodic measurements, with the measurements being i.i.d. over time and across the vector components, under each of the two hypotheses. In our problem, the sensor devices ("motes") that generate the measurements constitute an ad hoc wireless network. The motes contend using a random access protocol (such as CSMA/CA) to transmit their measurement packets to the fusion centre. The fusion centre waits for vectors of measurements to accumulate before taking decisions. We formulate the optimal detection problem, taking into account the network delay experienced by the vectors of measurements, and find that, under periodic sampling, the detection delay decouples into network delay and decision delay. We obtain a lower bound on the network delay, and propose a censoring scheme, where lagging sensors drop their delayed observations in order to mitigate network delay. We show that this scheme can achieve the lower bound. This approach is explored via simulation. We also use numerical evaluation and simulation to study issues such as: the optimal sampling rate for a given number of sensors, and the optimal number of sensors for a given measurement rate


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Since the end of second world war, extra high voltage ac transmission has seen its development. The distances between generating and load centres as well as the amount of power to be handled increased tremendously for last 50 years. The highest commercial voltage has increased to 765 kV in India and 1,200 kV in many other countries. The bulk power transmission has been mostly performed by overhead transmission lines. The dual task of mechanically supporting and electrically isolating the live phase conductors from the support tower is performed by string insulators. Whether in clean condition or under polluted conditions, the electrical stress distribution along the insulators governs the possible flashover, which is quite detrimental to the system. Hence the present investigation aims to study accurately, the field distribution for various types of porcelain/ceramic insulators (Normal and Antifog discs) used for high-voltage transmission. The surface charge simulation method is employed for the field computation. A comparison on normalised surface resistance, which is an indicator for the stress concentration under polluted condition, is also attempted.


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During the motion of one dimensional flexible objects such as ropes, chains, etc., the assumption of constant length is realistic. Moreover,their motion appears to be naturally minimizing some abstract distance measure, wherein the disturbance at one end gradually dies down along the curve defining the object. This paper presents purely kinematic strategies for deriving length-preserving transformations of flexible objects that minimize appropriate ‘motion’. The strategies involve sequential and overall optimization of the motion derived using variational calculus. Numerical simulations are performed for the motion of a planar curve and results show stable converging behavior for single-step infinitesimal and finite perturbations 1 as well as multi-step perturbations. Additionally, our generalized approach provides different intuitive motions for various problem-specific measures of motion, one of which is shown to converge to the conventional tractrix-based solution. Simulation results for arbitrary shapes and excitations are also included.


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Friction has an important influence in metal forming operations, as it contributes to the success or otherwise of the process. In the present investigation, the effect of friction on metal forming was studied by simulating compression tests on cylindrical Al-Mg alloy using the finite element method (FEM) technique. Three kinds of compression tests were considered wherein a constant coefficient of friction was employed at the upper die-work-piece interface. However, the coefficient of friction between the lower die-work-piece interfaces was varied in the tests. The simulation results showed that a difference in metal flow occurs near the interfaces owing to the differences in the coefficient of friction. It was concluded that the variations in the coefficient of friction between the dies and the work-piece directly affect the stress distribution and shape of the work-piece, having implications on the microstructure of the material being processed.


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Let a and s denote the inter arrival times and service times in a GI/GI/1 queue. Let a (n), s (n) be the r.v.s, with distributions as the estimated distributions of a and s from iid samples of a and s of sizes n. Let w be a r.v. with the stationary distribution lr of the waiting times of the queue with input (a, s). We consider the problem of estimating E [w~], tx > 0 and 7r via simulations when (a (n), s (n)) are used as input. Conditions for the accuracy of the asymptotic estimate, continuity of the asymptotic variance and uniformity in the rate of convergence to the estimate are obtained. We also obtain rates of convergence for sample moments, the empirical process and the quantile process for the regenerative processes. Robust estimates are also obtained when an outlier contaminated sample of a and s is provided. In the process we obtain consistency, continuity and asymptotic normality of M-estimators for stationary sequences. Some robustness results for Markov processes are included.


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This paper presents the modeling and analysis of a voltage source converter (VSC) based back-to-back (BTB) HVDC link. The case study considers the response to changes in the active and reactive power and disturbance caused by single line to ground (SLG) fault. The controllers at each terminal are designed to inject a variable (magnitude and phase angle) sinusoidal, balanced set of voltages to regulate/control the active and reactive power. It is also possible to regulate the converter bus (AC) voltage by controlling the injected reactive power. The analysis is carried out using both d-q model (neglecting the harmonics in the output voltages of VSC) and three phase detailed model of VSC. While the eigenvalue analysis and controller design is based on the d-q model, the transient simulation considers both models.


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This paper presents real-time simulation models of electrical machines on FPGA platform. Implementation of the real-time numerical integration methods with digital logic elements is discussed. Several numerical integrations are presented. A real-time simulation of DC machine is carried out on this FPGA platform and important transient results are presented. These results are compared to simulation results obtained through a commercial off-line simulation software.


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Three simulations of evapotranspiration were done with two values of time step,viz 10 min and one day. Inputs to the model were weather data, including directly measured upward and downward radiation, and soil characteristics. Three soils were used for each simulation. Analysis of the results shows that the time step has a direct influence on the prediction of potential evapotranspiration, but a complex interaction of this effect with the soil moisture characteristic, rate of increase of ground cover and bare soil evaporation determines the actual transpiration predicted. The results indicate that as small a time step as possible should be used in the simulation.


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The literature contains many examples of digital procedures for the analytical treatment of electroencephalograms, but there is as yet no standard by which those techniques may be judged or compared. This paper proposes one method of generating an EEG, based on a computer program for Zetterberg's simulation. It is assumed that the statistical properties of an EEG may be represented by stationary processes having rational transfer functions and achieved by a system of software fillers and random number generators.The model represents neither the neurological mechanism response for generating the EEG, nor any particular type of EEG record; transient phenomena such as spikes, sharp waves and alpha bursts also are excluded. The basis of the program is a valid ‘partial’ statistical description of the EEG; that description is then used to produce a digital representation of a signal which if plotted sequentially, might or might not by chance resemble an EEG, that is unimportant. What is important is that the statistical properties of the series remain those of a real EEG; it is in this sense that the output is a simulation of the EEG. There is considerable flexibility in the form of the output, i.e. its alpha, beta and delta content, which may be selected by the user, the same selected parameters always producing the same statistical output. The filtered outputs from the random number sequences may be scaled to provide realistic power distributions in the accepted EEG frequency bands and then summed to create a digital output signal, the ‘stationary EEG’. It is suggested that the simulator might act as a test input to digital analytical techniques for the EEG, a simulator which would enable at least a substantial part of those techniques to be compared and assessed in an objective manner. The equations necessary to implement the model are given. The program has been run on a DEC1090 computer but is suitable for any microcomputer having more than 32 kBytes of memory; the execution time required to generate a 25 s simulated EEG is in the region of 15 s.


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An adaptive learning scheme, based on a fuzzy approximation to the gradient descent method for training a pattern classifier using unlabeled samples, is described. The objective function defined for the fuzzy ISODATA clustering procedure is used as the loss function for computing the gradient. Learning is based on simultaneous fuzzy decisionmaking and estimation. It uses conditional fuzzy measures on unlabeled samples. An exponential membership function is assumed for each class, and the parameters constituting these membership functions are estimated, using the gradient, in a recursive fashion. The induced possibility of occurrence of each class is useful for estimation and is computed using 1) the membership of the new sample in that class and 2) the previously computed average possibility of occurrence of the same class. An inductive entropy measure is defined in terms of induced possibility distribution to measure the extent of learning. The method is illustrated with relevant examples.


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The electric field in certain electrostatic devices can be modeled by a grounded plate electrode affected by a corona discharge generated by a series of parallel wires connected to a DC high-voltage supply. The system of differential equations that describe the behaviour (i.e., charging and motion) of the conductive particle in such an electric field has been numerically solved, using several simplifying assumptions. Thus, it was possible to investigate the effect of various electrical and mechanical factors on the trajectories of conductive particles. This model has been employed to study the behaviour of coalparticles in fly-ash corona separators.


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A novel microprocessor-based temperature indicator has been developed and described. This indicator provides a linear performance over a wide dynamic temperature range of 0-100°C with an accuracy of ±0-l°C. The interfacing module reduces computing time required by the microprocessor for solving the thermistor equation. Test results are given to support the theory.


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Self-contained Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics (NEMD) simulations using Lennard-Jones potentials were performed to identify the origin and mechanisms of atomic scale interfacial behavior between sliding metals. The mixing sequence and velocity profiles were compared via MD simulations for three cases, viz.: sell-mated, similar and hard-softvcrystal pairs. The results showed shear instability, atomic scale mixing, and generation of eddies at the sliding interface. Vorticity at the interface suggests that atomic flow during sliding is similar to fluid flow under Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and this is supported by velocity profiles from the simulations. The initial step-function velocity profile spreads during sliding. However the velocity profile does not change much at later stages of the simulation and it eventually stops spreading. The steady state friction coefficient during simulation was monitored as a function of sliding velocity. Frictional behavior can be explained on the basis of plastic deformation and adiabatic effects. The mixing layer growth kinetics was also investigated.