10 resultados para Seedling recruitment

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Intra and interspecific variation in frugivore behaviour can have important consequences for seed dispersal outcomes. However, most information comes from among-species comparisons, and within-species variation is relatively poorly understood. We examined how large intraspecific differences in the behaviour of a native disperser, blackbuck antelope Antilope cervicapra, influence dispersal of a woody invasive, Prosopis juliflora, in a grassland ecosystem. Blackbuck disperse P. juliflora seeds through their dung. In lekking blackbuck populations, males defend clustered or dispersed mating territories. Territorial male movement is restricted, and within their territories males defecate on dung-piles. In contrast, mixed-sex herds range over large areas and do not create dung-piles. We expected territorial males to shape seed dispersal patterns, and seed deposition and seedling recruitment to be spatially localized. Territorial males had a disproportionately large influence on seed dispersal. Adult males removed twice as much fruit as females, and seed arrival was disproportionately high on territories. Also, because lek-territories are clustered, seed arrival was spatially highly concentrated. Seedling recruitment was also substantially higher on territories compared with random sites, indicating that the local concentration of seeds created by territorial males continued into high local recruitment of seedlings. Territorial male behaviour may, thus, result in a distinct spatial pattern of invasion of grasslands by the woody P. juliflora. An ex situ experiment showed no beneficial effect of dung and a negative effect of light on seed germination. We conclude that large intraspecific behavioural differences within frugivore populations can result in significant variation in their effectiveness as seed dispersers. Mating strategies in a disperser could shape seed dispersal, seedling recruitment and potentially plant distribution patterns. These mating strategies may aid in the spread of invasives, such as P. juliflora, which could, in turn, negatively influence the behaviour and ecology of native dispersers.


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Lantana camara, a shrub of Central and South American origin, has become invasive across dry forests worldwide. The effect of the thicket-forming habit of L. camara as a dispersal and recruitment barrier in a community of native woody seedlings was examined in a 50-ha permanent plot located in the seasonally dry forest of Mudumalai, southern India. Sixty 100-m(2) plots were enumerated for native woody seedlings between 10-100 cm in height. Of these, 30 plots had no L. camara thickets, while the other 30 had dense thickets. The frequency of occurrence and abundance of seedlings were modelled as a function of dispersal mode (mammal, bird or mechanical) and affinities to forest habitats (dry forest, moist forest or ubiquitous) as well as presence or absence of dense L. camara thickets. Furthermore, frequency of occurrence and abundance of individual species were also compared between thickets and no L. camara. At the community level, L. camara density, dispersal mode and forest habitat affinities of species determined both frequency of occurrence and abundance of seedlings, with the abundance of dry-forest mammal-dispersed species and ubiquitous mechanically dispersed species being significantly lower under L. camara thickets. Phyllanthus emblica and Kydia calycina were found to be significantly less abundant under L. camara, whereas most other species were not affected by the presence of thickets. It was inferred that, by affecting the establishment of native tree seedlings, L. camara thickets could eventually alter the community composition of such forests.


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Dendrocalamus strictus and Bambusa arundinacea are monocarpic, gregariously flowering species of bamboo, common in the deciduous forests of the State of Karnataka in India. Their populations have significantly declined, especially since the last flowering. This decline parelleis increasing incidence of grazing, fire and extraction in recent decades. Results of an experiment in which the intensities of grazing and fire were varied, indicate that while grazing significantly depresses the survival of seedlings and the recruitment of new eulms of bamboo clumps, fire appeared to enhance seedling survival, presumably by reducing competition of lass fire-resistant species. New shoots of bamboo are destroyed by insects and a variety of herbivorous mammals. In areas of intense herbivore pressure, a bamboo clump initiates the production of a much larger number of new culrm, but results in many fewer and shorter intact culms. Extraction renders the new shoots more susceptible to herbivore pressure by removal of the protective covering of branches at the base of a bamboo clump. Hence, regular and extensive extraction by the paper mills in conjuction with intense grazing pressure strongly depresses the addition of new culms to bamboo clumps. Regulation of grazing in the forest by domestic livestock along with maintenance of the cover at the base of the clumps by extracting the culms at a higher level should reduce the rate of decline of the bamboo stocks.


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Callus induction and morphogenesis from different blackgram explants were tested on MS basal medium supplemented with B5 vitamins, IAA, NAA, IBA, KIN and BAP individually and in combinations. The explants were hypocotyl, epicotyl, axillary bud, cotyledonary node and immature leaf. The optimal levels of the frequency of callus induction was 22.8 mu M of IAA or 16.1 mu M NAA and in combination with 2.2 mu M of BAP. Among the seedling explants, hypocotyl was found to be more efficient in producing callus. Shoots mere induced from callus cultures of hypocotyls, epicotyls, axillary bud, cotyledonary node and immature leaf with varying frequencies in the medium containing KIN (2.3-9.3 mu M) or BAP (2.2-8.8 mu M) and in combination with IAA (2.8 mu M) or NAA (2.6 mu M). Multiple shoots were obtained using cotyledonary node segments. The regenerated shoots rooted best on MS basal medium containing 9.8 mu M IBA. Seventy three per cent of the shoots produced roots, and 80-85% of the plantlets survived under greenhouse condition.


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The coordinated activity of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) is crucial for the initiation, modulation, and termination of diverse cellular processes. The catalytic activity of this protein depends on a nucleophilic cysteine at the active site that mediates the hydrolysis of the incoming phosphotyrosine substrate. While the role of conserved residues in the catalytic mechanism of PTPs has been extensively examined, the diversity in the mechanisms of substrate recognition and modulation of catalytic activity suggests that other, less conserved sequence and structural features could contribute to this process. Here we describe the crystal structures of Drosophila melanogaster PTP10D in the apo form as well as in a complex with a substrate peptide and an inhibitor. These studies reveal the role of aromatic ring stacking interactions at the boundary of the active site of PTPs in mediating substrate recruitment. We note that phenylalanine 76, of the so-called KNRY loop, is crucial for orienting the phosphotyrosine residue toward the nucleophilic cysteine. Mutation of phenylalanine 76 to leucine results in a 60-fold decrease in the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme. Fluorescence measurements with a competitive inhibitor, p-nitrocatechol sulfate, suggest that Phe76 also influences the formation of the enzyme-substrate intermediate. The structural and biochemical data for PTP10D thus highlight the role of relatively less conserved residues in PTP domains in both substrate recruitment and modulation of reaction kinetics.


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Tropical tree species vary widely in their pattern of spatial dispersion. We focus on how seed predation may modify seed deposition patterns and affect the abundance and dispersion of adult trees in a tropical forest in India. Using plots across a range of seed densities, we examined whether seed predation levels by terrestrial rodents varied across six large-seeded, bird-dispersed tree species. Since inter-specific variation in density-dependent seed mortality may have downstream effects on recruitment and adult tree stages, we determined recruitment patterns close to and away from parent trees, along with adult tree abundance and dispersion patterns. Four species (Canarium resiniferum, Dysoxylum binectariferum, Horsfieldia kingii, and Prunus ceylanica) showed high predation levels (78.5-98.7%) and increased mortality with increasing seed density, while two species, Chisocheton cumingianus and Polyalthia simiarum, showed significantly lower seed predation levels and weak density-dependent mortality. The latter two species also had the highest recruitment near parent trees, with most abundant and aggregated adults. The four species that had high seed mortality had low recruitment under parent trees, were rare, and had more spaced adult tree dispersion. Biotic dispersal may be vital for species that suffer density-dependent mortality factors under parent trees. In tropical forests where large vertebrate seed dispersers but not seed predators are hunted, differences in seed vulnerability to rodent seed predation and density-dependent mortality can affect forest structure and composition.


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Logging and hunting are two key direct threats to the survival of wildlife in the tropics, and also disrupt important ecosystem processes. We investigated the impacts of these two factors on the different stages of the seed dispersal cycle, including abundance of plants and their dispersers and dispersal of seeds and recruitment, in a tropical forest in north-east India. We focused on hornbills, which are important seed dispersers in these forests, and their food tree species. We compared abundances of hornbill food tree species in a site with high logging and hunting pressures (heavily disturbed) with a site that had no logging and relatively low levels of hunting (less disturbed) to understand logging impacts on hornbill food tree abundance. We compared hornbill abundances across these two sites. We, then, compared the scatter-dispersed seed arrival of five large-seeded tree species and the recruitment of four of those species. Abundances of hornbill food trees that are preferentially targeted by logging were two times higher in the less disturbed site as compared to the heavily disturbed site while that of hornbills was 22 times higher. The arrival of scatter-dispersed seeds was seven times higher in the less disturbed site. Abundances of recruits of two tree species were significantly higher in the less disturbed site. For another species, abundances of younger recruits were significantly lower while that of older recruits were higher in the heavily disturbed site. Our findings suggest that logging reduces food plant abundance for an important frugivore-seed disperser group, while hunting diminishes disperser abundances, with an associated reduction in seed arrival and altered recruitment of animal-dispersed tree species in the disturbed site. Based on our results, we present a conceptual model depicting the relationships and pathways between vertebrate-dispersed trees, their dispersers, and the impacts of hunting and logging on these pathways.


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Here we report a novel regulatory mechanism for autophagy-mediated degradation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and specific strategy exploited by the virulent Mtb to evade it. We show while both avirulent (H37Ra) and virulent (H37Rv) mycobacteria could readily localize to autophagosomes, their maturation into autolysosomes (flux) was significantly inhibited by the latter strain. The inhibition of autophagy flux by the virulent strain was highly selective, as it did not perturb the basal autophagy flux in the macrophages. Selective inhibition of flux of Mtb-containing autophagosomes required virulence regulators PhoP and ESAT-6. We show that the maturation of Mtb-containing autophagosomes into autolysosomes required recruitment of the late endosome marker RAB7, forming the intermediate compartment amphisomes. Virulent Mtb selectively evaded their targeting to the amphisomes. Thus we report a crosstalk between autophagy and phagosome maturation pathway and highlight the adaptability of Mtb, manifested by selective regulation of autophagy flux.


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Transcription of tRNA genes by RNA polymerase III is controlled by the internal conserved sequences within the coding region and the immediate upstream flanking sequences. A highly transcribed copy of glycyl tRNA gene tRNA1(Gly)-1 from Bombyx mori is down regulated by sequences located much farther upstream in the region -150 to -300 nucleotides (nt), with respect to the +1 nt of tRNA. The negative regulatory effect has been narrowed down to a sequence motif 'TATATAA', a perfect consensus recognised by the TATA binding protein, TBP. This sequence element, when brought closer to the transcription start point, on the other hand, exerts a positive effect by promoting transcription of the gene devoid of other cis regulatory elements. The identity of the nuclear protein interacting with this 'TATATAA' element to TBP has been established by antibody and mutagenesis studies. The 'TATATAA' element thus influences the transcription of tRNA genes positively or negatively in a position-dependent manner either by recruitment or sequestration of TBP from the transcription machinery.


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RecJ exonuclease plays crucial roles in several DNA repair and recombination pathways, and its ubiquity in bacterial species points to its ancient origin and vital cellular function. RecJ exonuclease from Haemophilus influenzae is a 575-amino-acid protein that harbors the characteristic motifs conserved among RecJ homologs. The purified protein exhibits a process 5'-3' single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease activity. The exonuclease activity of H. influenzae RecJ (HiRecJ) was supported by Mg2+ or Mn2+ and inhibited by Cd2+ suggesting a different mode of metal binding in HiRecJ as compared to Escherichia coli RecJ (EcoRecJ). Site-directed mutagenesis of highly conserved residues in HiRecJ abolished enzymatic activity. Interestingly, substitution of alanine for aspartate 77 resulted in a catalytically inactive enzyme that bound to DNA with a significantly higher affinity as compared to the wild-type enzyme. Noticeably, steady-state kinetic studies showed that H. influenzae single-stranded DNA-binding protein (HiSSB) increased the affinity of HiRecJ for single-stranded DNA and stimulated its exonuclease activity. HiSSB, whose C-terminal tail had been deleted, failed to enhance RecJ exonuclease activity. More importantly, HiRecJ was found to directly associate with its cognate single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB), as demonstrated by various in vitro assays, Interaction studies carried out with the truncated variants of HiRecJ and HiSSB revealed that the two proteins interact via the C-terminus of SSB protein and the core-catalytic domain of RecJ. Taken together, these results emphasize direct interactio between RecJ and SSB, which confers functional cooperativity to these two proteins. In addition, these results implicate SSB as being involved in the recruitment of RecJ to DNA and provide insights into the interplay between these proteins in repair and recombination pathways.