11 resultados para School math

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In today's API-rich world, programmer productivity depends heavily on the programmer's ability to discover the required APIs. In this paper, we present a technique and tool, called MATHFINDER, to discover APIs for mathematical computations by mining unit tests of API methods. Given a math expression, MATHFINDER synthesizes pseudo-code to compute the expression by mapping its subexpressions to API method calls. For each subexpression, MATHFINDER searches for a method such that there is a mapping between method inputs and variables of the subexpression. The subexpression, when evaluated on the test inputs of the method under this mapping, should produce results that match the method output on a large number of tests. We implemented MATHFINDER as an Eclipse plugin for discovery of third-party Java APIs and performed a user study to evaluate its effectiveness. In the study, the use of MATHFINDER resulted in a 2x improvement in programmer productivity. In 96% of the subexpressions queried for in the study, MATHFINDER retrieved the desired API methods as the top-most result. The top-most pseudo-code snippet to implement the entire expression was correct in 93% of the cases. Since the number of methods and unit tests to mine could be large in practice, we also implement MATHFINDER in a MapReduce framework and evaluate its scalability and response time.


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Today's programming languages are supported by powerful third-party APIs. For a given application domain, it is common to have many competing APIs that provide similar functionality. Programmer productivity therefore depends heavily on the programmer's ability to discover suitable APIs both during an initial coding phase, as well as during software maintenance. The aim of this work is to support the discovery and migration of math APIs. Math APIs are at the heart of many application domains ranging from machine learning to scientific computations. Our approach, called MATHFINDER, combines executable specifications of mathematical computations with unit tests (operational specifications) of API methods. Given a math expression, MATHFINDER synthesizes pseudo-code comprised of API methods to compute the expression by mining unit tests of the API methods. We present a sequential version of our unit test mining algorithm and also design a more scalable data-parallel version. We perform extensive evaluation of MATHFINDER (1) for API discovery, where math algorithms are to be implemented from scratch and (2) for API migration, where client programs utilizing a math API are to be migrated to another API. We evaluated the precision and recall of MATHFINDER on a diverse collection of math expressions, culled from algorithms used in a wide range of application areas such as control systems and structural dynamics. In a user study to evaluate the productivity gains obtained by using MATHFINDER for API discovery, the programmers who used MATHFINDER finished their programming tasks twice as fast as their counterparts who used the usual techniques like web and code search, IDE code completion, and manual inspection of library documentation. For the problem of API migration, as a case study, we used MATHFINDER to migrate Weka, a popular machine learning library. Overall, our evaluation shows that MATHFINDER is easy to use, provides highly precise results across several math APIs and application domains even with a small number of unit tests per method, and scales to large collections of unit tests.


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Streptococcus pyogenes [group A streptococcus (GAS)], a human pathogen, and Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis [human group G and C streptococcus (GGS/GCS)] are evolutionarily related, share the same tissue niche in humans, exchange genetic material, share up to half of their virulence-associated genes and cause a similar spectrum of diseases. Yet, GGS/GCS is often considered as a commensal bacterium and its role in streptococcal disease burden is under-recognized. While reports of the recovery of GGS/GCS from normally sterile sites are increasing, studies describing GGS/GCS throat colonization rates relative to GAS in the same population are very few. This study was carried out in India where the burden of streptococcal diseases, including rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, is high. As part of a surveillance study, throat swabs were taken from 1504 children attending 7 municipal schools in Mumbai, India, during 2006-2008. GAS and GGS/GCS were identified on the basis of beta-haemolytic activity, carbohydrate group and PYR test, and were subsequently typed. The GGS/GCS carriage rate (1166/1504, 11%) was eightfold higher than the GAS carriage (22/1504, 1.5%) rate in this population. The 166 GGS/GCS isolates collected represented 21 different emm types (molecular types), and the 22 GAS isolates represented 15 different emm types. Although the rate of pharyngitis associated with GGS/GCS is marginally lower than with GAS, high rates of throat colonization by GGS/GCS underscore its importance in the pathogenesis of pharyngitis.


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Let where be a set of points in d-dimensional space with a given metric rho. For a point let r (p) be the distance of p with respect to rho from its nearest neighbor in Let B(p,r (p) ) be the open ball with respect to rho centered at p and having the radius r (p) . We define the sphere-of-influence graph (SIG) of as the intersection graph of the family of sets Given a graph G, a set of points in d-dimensional space with the metric rho is called a d-dimensional SIG-representation of G, if G is isomorphic to the SIG of It is known that the absence of isolated vertices is a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to have a SIG-representation under the L (a)-metric in some space of finite dimension. The SIG-dimension under the L (a)-metric of a graph G without isolated vertices is defined to be the minimum positive integer d such that G has a d-dimensional SIG-representation under the L (a)-metric. It is denoted by SIG (a)(G). We study the SIG-dimension of trees under the L (a)-metric and almost completely answer an open problem posed by Michael and Quint (Discrete Appl Math 127:447-460, 2003). Let T be a tree with at least two vertices. For each let leaf-degree(v) denote the number of neighbors of v that are leaves. We define the maximum leaf-degree as leaf-degree(x). Let leaf-degree{(v) = alpha}. If |S| = 1, we define beta(T) = alpha(T) - 1. Otherwise define beta(T) = alpha(T). We show that for a tree where beta = beta (T), provided beta is not of the form 2 (k) - 1, for some positive integer k a parts per thousand yen 1. If beta = 2 (k) - 1, then We show that both values are possible.


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We say a family of geometric objects C has (l;k)-property if every subfamily C0C of cardinality at most lisk- piercable. In this paper we investigate the existence of g(k;d)such that if any family of objects C in Rd has the (g(k;d);k)-property, then C is k-piercable. Danzer and Gr̈ unbaum showed that g(k;d)is infinite for fami-lies of boxes and translates of centrally symmetric convex hexagons. In this paper we show that any family of pseudo-lines(lines) with (k2+k+ 1;k)-property is k-piercable and extend this result to certain families of objects with discrete intersections. This is the first positive result for arbitrary k for a general family of objects. We also pose a relaxed ver-sion of the above question and show that any family of boxes in Rd with (k2d;k)-property is 2dk- piercable.


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Delaunay and Gabriel graphs are widely studied geo-metric proximity structures. Motivated by applications in wireless routing, relaxed versions of these graphs known as Locally Delaunay Graphs (LDGs) and Lo-cally Gabriel Graphs (LGGs) have been proposed. We propose another generalization of LGGs called Gener-alized Locally Gabriel Graphs (GLGGs) in the context when certain edges are forbidden in the graph. Unlike a Gabriel Graph, there is no unique LGG or GLGG for a given point set because no edge is necessarily in-cluded or excluded. This property allows us to choose an LGG/GLGG that optimizes a parameter of interest in the graph. We show that computing an edge max-imum GLGG for a given problem instance is NP-hard and also APX-hard. We also show that computing an LGG on a given point set with dilation ≤k is NP-hard. Finally, we give an algorithm to verify whether a given geometric graph G= (V, E) is a valid LGG.


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In this paper we consider polynomial representability of functions defined over , where p is a prime and n is a positive integer. Our aim is to provide an algorithmic characterization that (i) answers the decision problem: to determine whether a given function over is polynomially representable or not, and (ii) finds the polynomial if it is polynomially representable. The previous characterizations given by Kempner (Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 22(2):240-266, 1921) and Carlitz (Acta Arith. 9(1), 67-78, 1964) are existential in nature and only lead to an exhaustive search method, i.e. algorithm with complexity exponential in size of the input. Our characterization leads to an algorithm whose running time is linear in size of input. We also extend our result to the multivariate case.


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We study the problem of finding small s-t separators that induce graphs having certain properties. It is known that finding a minimum clique s-t separator is polynomial-time solvable (Tarjan in Discrete Math. 55:221-232, 1985), while for example the problems of finding a minimum s-t separator that induces a connected graph or forms an independent set are fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the size of the separator (Marx et al. in ACM Trans. Algorithms 9(4): 30, 2013). Motivated by these results, we study properties that generalize cliques, independent sets, and connected graphs, and determine the complexity of finding separators satisfying these properties. We investigate these problems also on bounded-degree graphs. Our results are as follows: Finding a minimum c-connected s-t separator is FPT for c=2 and W1]-hard for any ca parts per thousand yen3. Finding a minimum s-t separator with diameter at most d is W1]-hard for any da parts per thousand yen2. Finding a minimum r-regular s-t separator is W1]-hard for any ra parts per thousand yen1. For any decidable graph property, finding a minimum s-t separator with this property is FPT parameterized jointly by the size of the separator and the maximum degree. Finding a connected s-t separator of minimum size does not have a polynomial kernel, even when restricted to graphs of maximum degree at most 3, unless .


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Schur 4] conjectured that the maximum length N of consecutive quadratic nonresidues modulo a prime p is less than root p if p is large enough. This was proved by Hummel in 2003. In this note, we outline a clear improvement over Hummel's bound for p > 23.


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Schur 4] conjectured that the maximum length N of consecutive quadratic nonresidues modulo a prime p is less than root p if p is large enough. This was proved by Hummel in 2003. In this note, we outline a clear improvement over Hummel's bound for p > 23.