175 resultados para SYMMETRY BREAKDOWN

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The nonminimal coupling of a massive self-interacting scalar field with a gravitational field is studied. Spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs in the open universe even when the sign on the mass term is positive. In contrast to grand unified theories, symmetry breakdown is more important for the early universe and it is restored only in the limit of an infinite expansion. Symmetry breakdown is shown to occur in flat and closed universes when the mass term carries a wrong sign. The model has a naturally defined effective gravitational coupling coefficient which is rendered time-dependent due to the novel symmetry breakdown. It changes sign below a critical value of the cosmic scale factor indicating the onset of a repulsive field. The presence of the mass term severely alters the behaviour of ordinary matter and radiation in the early universe. The total energy density becomes negative in a certain domain. These features make possible a nonsingular cosm


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We analyze aspects of symmetry breaking for Moyal spacetimes within a quantization scheme which preserves the twisted Poincare´ symmetry. Towards this purpose, we develop the Lehmann-Symanzik- Zimmermann (LSZ) approach for Moyal spacetimes. The latter gives a formula for scattering amplitudes on these spacetimes which can be obtained from the corresponding ones on the commutative spacetime. This formula applies in the presence of spontaneous breakdown of symmetries as well. We also derive Goldstone’s theorem on Moyal spacetime. The formalism developed here can be directly applied to the twisted standard model.


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This paper describes a new analysis of the avalanche breakdown phenomenon in bipolar transistors for different bias conditions of the emitter-base junction. This analysis revolves around the transportation and storage of majority carriers in the base region. Using this analysis one can compute all the voltage-current characteristics of a transistor under avalanche breakdown.


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Experimental results for breakdown voltage of sodium vapour measured for the first time using coaxial cylindrical electrodes of fixed gap distance (5 mm) and pressure (corrected to2 0 "C) in the range2 1 to 652 Pa are reported, and are founfdo l ltoow Paschen's Law. The investigations also reveal that V th-Ie characteristics are pressure dependent; the current during the breakdown and the buoifl dc-uurpre nt after a breakdoiws nei ther positive or negative. in spite of the central cylinder being always maintained at a positive potential


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It has been shown that it is possible to extend the validity of the Townsend breakdown criterion for evaluating the breakdown voltages in the complete pd range in which Paschen curves are available. Evaluation of the breakdown voltages for air (pd=0.0133 to 1400 kPa · cm), N2(pd=0.0313 to 1400 kPa · cm) and SF6 (pd=0.3000 to 1200 kPa · cm) has been done and in most cases the computed values are accurate to ±3% of the measured values. The computations show that it is also possible to estimate the secondary ionization coefficient ¿ in the pd ranges mentioned above.


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In this paper we report the analysis of dc breakdown tests on mixtures of CC12F2, SF6, C-C4F8, 2-C4F8, N2, C02, CF4, CHF3, and 1,1,1-CH3CF3 gases on the basis of the NKH formula Vmix=k(pd)aNbUC developed by us earlier for the binary mixtures of SF6 with air, N2, N20, and CO2. It is shown that while a and c have the values 0.915 and 0.850 respectively as earlier, k and b depend on the component gases. There is a good agreement between the calculated values on the basis of the formula and measured values reported in the literature.


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In this paper we report the analysis of dc breakdown tests on mixtures of CC12F2, SF6, C-C4F8, 2-C4F8, N2, C02, CF4, CHF3, and 1,1,1-CH3CF3 gases on the basis of the NKH formula Vmix=k(pd)aNbUC developed by us earlier for the binary mixtures of SF6 with air, N2, N20, and CO2. It is shown that while a and c have the values 0.915 and 0.850 respectively as earlier, k and b depend on the component gases. There is a good agreement between the calculated values on the basis of the formula and measured values reported in the literature.


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We present an analysis of the breakdown of the most probable approximation to the Mayer cluster size distribution for clusters of size comparable to the size of the system. This failure is illustrated by considering an ideal Bose gas for which exact volume dependent reducible cluster integrals are available.


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A simple equation to predict the breakdown voltages for binary mixtures (Vmix) of electronegative gases (SF6, CCl2F2) and buffer gases (N2, N2O, CO2, air) under uniform electric field has been proposed. Values of Vmix evaluated using this equation for mixtures of SF6-N2, SF6-air, SF6-N2O, SF6-CO2 and CCl2F2-N2 over a wide range of pd show an excellent agreement with the experimentally measured data available in the literature.


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Transition metals catalyse a variety of organic reactions, of which the ring opening of strained ring organic molecules generated a lot of interest. Theoreticians predicted a metal orbital catalysed pathway, which involved concerted bond breaking and bond forming. On the other hand experimentalists were able to show that the reaction was not proceeding through a concerted pathway by intercepting the intermediates involved. There remained, however, two ring systems methylenecyclopropanes and cyclobutenes—whose reactions with metal complexes seemed to be of a concerted nature. An analysis of the reactions of different metal complexes with these ring systems and the theoretical predictions provide a rationale for understanding these reactions.


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It is shown using an explicit model that radiative corrections can restore the symmetry of a system which may appear to be broken at the classical level. This is the reverse of the phenomenon demonstrated by Coleman and Weinberg. Our model is different from theirs, but the techniques are the same. The calculations are done up to the two-loop level and it is shown that the two-loop contribution is much smaller than the one-loop contribution, indicating good convergence of the loop expansion.


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The control of shapes of nanocrystals is crucial for using them as building blocks for various applications. In this paper, we present a critical overview of the issues involved in shape-controlled synthesis of nanostructures. In particular, we focus on the mechanisms by which anisotropic structures of high-symmetry materials (fcc crystals, for instance) could be realized. Such structures require a symmetry-breaking mechanism to be operative that typically leads to selection of one of the facets/directions for growth over all the other symmetry-equivalent crystallographic facets. We show how this selection could arise for the growth of one-dimensional structures leading to ultrafine metal nanowires and for the case of two-dimensional nanostructures where the layer-by-layer growth takes place at low driving forces leading to plate-shaped structures. We illustrate morphology diagrams to predict the formation of two-dimensional structures during wet chemical synthesis. We show the generality of the method by extending it to predict the growth of plate-shaped inorganics produced by a precipitation reaction. Finally, we present the growth of crystals under high driving forces that can lead to the formation of porous structures with large surface areas.


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A study on the conformational aspects of cyclo-hexaglycyl having inversion symmetry has been made. The cyclic backbone has been assumed to have two internal 4→1 types of NH... O hydrogen bonds. This molecule has been found to take up two types of conformations designated asA* andB* having nearly the same energy values. The theoretical conformations have been compared with the conformations of cyclohexaglycyl hemihydrate observed in the crystal structure. Two molecules with an approximate inversion symmetry are close to the conformation of the typeB* and two other molecules with exact inversino symmetry correspond nearly to the typesB* andA*. comparison with the theoretically possible conformations of cyclohexaglycyl molecule with 2-fold symmetry has been made. The preference of inversion symmetry and preferred ranges ofψ for glycyl molecules is discussed.


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The sparking potentials and swarm coefficients (ionization and attachment coefficients) have been measured in sulphurhexafluoride- air and freon-nitrogen mixtures over the range of 110 ¿ E/p ¿ 240 V cm-1 torr-l and gas pressures varying between 1 and 20 torr, at 20°C. Addition of strongly attaching salphur-hexafluoride and freon gases increased the sparking potentials and the rate of increase of the attachment coefficient with increasing percentage of the strongly attaching gases in the mixtures was much larger than the rate of change of the first ionization coefficient.