37 resultados para SNP microarray

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Meibomian cell carcinoma (MCC) is a malignant tumor of the meibomian glands located in the eyelids. No information exists on the cytogenctic and genetic aspects of MCC. There is no report on the gene expression profile of MCC. Thus there is a need, for both scientific and clinical reasons, to identify genes and pathways that are involved in the development and progression of MCC. We analyzed the gene expression profile of MCC by the microarray technique. Forty-four genes were upregulated and 149 genes were downregulated in MCC. Differential expression data were confirmed for 5 genes by semiquantitative RT-PCR in MCC tumors: GTF2H4, RBM12, UBE2D3, DDX17, and LZTS1. We found dysregulation of two major pathways in MCC: MAPK and JAK/STAT. Clusters of genes on chromosomes 1, 12, and 19 were dysregUlated in MCC. The data presented here will facilitate the identification of specific markers and therapeutic targets for the treatment of MCC patients. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The bacterial second messengers (p)ppGpp and bis-(3'-5')-cyclic dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP) regulate important functions, such as transcription, virulence, biofilm formation, and quorum sensing. In mycobacteria, they regulate long-term survival during starvation, pathogenicity, and dormancy. Recently, a Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain lacking (p) ppGpp was shown to be sensitive to multiple classes of antibiotics and defective in biofilm formation. We were interested to find out whether Mycobacterium smegmatis strains lacking the gene for either (p)ppGpp synthesis (Delta rel(Msm)) or c-di-GMP synthesis (Delta dcpA) would display similar phenotypes. We used phenotype microarray technology to compare the growth of the wild-type and the knockout strains in the presence of several antibiotics. Surprisingly, the Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA strains showed enhanced survival in the presence of many antibiotics, but they were defective in biofilm formation. These strains also displayed altered surface properties, like impaired sliding motility, rough colony morphology, and increased aggregation in liquid cultures. Biofilm formation and surface properties are associated with the presence of glycopeptidolipids (GPLs) in the cell walls of M. smegmatis. Thin-layer chromatography analysis of various cell wall fractions revealed that the levels of GPLs and polar lipids were reduced in the knockout strains. As a result, the cell walls of the knockout strains were significantly more hydrophobic than those of the wild type and the complemented strains. We hypothesize that reduced levels of GPLs and polar lipids may contribute to the antibiotic resistance shown by the knockout strains. Altogether, our data suggest that (p)ppGpp and c-di-GMP may be involved in the metabolism of glycopeptidolipids and polar lipids in M. smegmatis.


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Although LH is essential for survival and function of the corpus luteum (CL) in higher primates, luteolysis occurs during nonfertile cycles without a discernible decrease in circulating LH levels. Using genome-wide expression analysis, several experiments were performed to examine the processes of luteolysis and rescue of luteal function in monkeys. Induced luteolysis with GnRH receptor antagonist (Cetrorelix) resulted in differential regulation of 3949 genes, whereas replacement with exogenous LH (Cetrorelix plus LH) led to regulation of 4434 genes (1563 down-regulation and 2871 up-regulation). A model system for prostaglandin (PG) F-2 alpha-induced luteolysis in the monkey was standardized and demonstrated that PGF(2 alpha) regulated expression of 2290 genes in the CL. Analysis of the LH-regulated luteal transcriptome revealed that 120 genes were regulated in an antagonistic fashion by PGF(2 alpha). Based on the microarray data, 25 genes were selected for validation by real-time RT-PCR analysis, and expression of these genes was also examined in the CL throughout the luteal phase and from monkeys treated with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to mimic early pregnancy. The results indicated changes in expression of genes favorable to PGF(2 alpha) action during the late to very late luteal phase, and expressions of many of these genes were regulated in an opposite manner by exogenous hCG treatment. Collectively, the findings suggest that curtailment of expression of downstream LH-target genes possibly through PGF(2 alpha) action on the CL is among the mechanisms underlying cross talk between the luteotropic and luteolytic signaling pathways that result in the cessation of luteal function, but hCG is likely to abrogate the PGF(2 alpha)-responsive gene expression changes resulting in luteal rescue crucial for the maintenance of early pregnancy. (Endocrinology 150: 1473-1484, 2009)


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Imatinib, a small-molecule inhibitor of the Bcr-Abl kinase, is a successful drug for treating chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Bcr-Abl kinase stimulates the production of H2O2, which in turn activates Abl kinase. We therefore evaluated whether N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), a ROS scavenger improves imatinib efficacy. Effects of imatinib and NAC either alone or in combination were assessed on Bcr-Abl(+) cells to measure apoptosis. Role of nitric oxide (NO) in NAC-induced enhanced cytotoxicity was assessed using pharmacological inhibitors and siRNAs of nitric oxide synthase isoforms. We report that imatinib-induced apoptosis of imatinib-resistant and imatinib-sensitive Bcr-Abl(+) CML cell lines and primary cells from CML patients is significantly enhanced by co-treatment with NAC compared to imatinib treatment alone. In contrast, another ROS scavenger glutathione reversed imatinib-mediated killing. NAC-mediated enhanced killing correlated with cleavage of caspases, PARP and up-regulation and down regulation of pro- and anti-apoptotic family of proteins, respectively. Co-treatment with NAC leads to enhanced production of nitric oxide (NO) by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Involvement of eNOS dependent NO in NAC-mediated enhancement of imatinib-induced cell death was confirmed by nitric oxide synthase (NOS) specific pharmacological inhibitors and siRNAs. Indeed, NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) also enhanced imatinib-mediated apoptosis of Bcr-Abl(+) cells. NAC enhances imatinib-induced apoptosis of Bcr-Abl(+) cells by endothelial nitric oxide synthase-mediated production of nitric oxide.


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5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is one of the most widely used drugs for treatment of cancers, including breast cancer that exhibits its anticancer activity by inhibiting DNA synthesis and also incorporated into DNA and RNA. The objective of this investigation was to find out the total nucleotide metabolism genes regulated by 5-FU in breast cancer cell line. The breast cancer cell line MCF-7 was treated with the drug 5-FU. To analyze the expression of genes, we have conducted the experiment using 1.7k and 19k human microarray slide and confirmed the expression of genes by semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The expression of 44 genes involved in the nucleotide metabolism pathway was quantified. Of these 44 genes analyzed, transcription of 6 genes were upregulated and 9 genes were downregulated. Earlier studies revealed that the transcription of genes for key enzymes like thymidylate synthase, thymidinekinase, and dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase are regulated by 5-FU. This study identified some novel genes like thioredoxin reductase, ectonucleotide triphosphate dephosphorylase, and CTP synthase are regulated by 5-FU. The data also reveal large-scale perturbation in transcription of genes not involved directly in the known mechanism of action of 5-FU.


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Screening and early identification of primary immunodeficiency disease (PID) genes is a major challenge for physicians. Many resources have catalogued molecular alterations in known PID genes along with their associated clinical and immunological phenotypes. However, these resources do not assist in identifying candidate PID genes. We have recently developed a platform designated Resource of Asian PDIs, which hosts information pertaining to molecular alterations, protein-protein interaction networks, mouse studies and microarray gene expression profiling of all known PID genes. Using this resource as a discovery tool, we describe the development of an algorithm for prediction of candidate PID genes. Using a support vector machine learning approach, we have predicted 1442 candidate PID genes using 69 binary features of 148 known PID genes and 3162 non-PID genes as a training data set. The power of this approach is illustrated by the fact that six of the predicted genes have recently been experimentally confirmed to be PID genes. The remaining genes in this predicted data set represent attractive candidates for testing in patients where the etiology cannot be ascribed to any of the known PID genes.


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The genus Salmonella includes many pathogens of great medical and veterinary importance. Bacteria belonging to this genus are very closely related to those belonging to the genus Escherichia. lacZYA operon and lacI are present in Escherichia coli, but not in Salmonella enterica. It has been proposed that Salmonella has lost lacZYA operon and lacI during evolution. In this study, we have investigated the physiological and evolutionary significance of the absence of lacI in Salmonella enterica. Using murine model of typhoid fever, we show that the expression of Lacl causes a remarkable reduction in the virulence of Salmonella enterica. Lacl also suppresses the ability of Salmonella enterica to proliferate inside murine macrophages. Microarray analysis revealed that Lacl interferes with the expression of virulence genes of Salmonella pathogenicity island 2. This effect was confirmed by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. Interestingly, we found that SBG0326 of Salmonella bongori is homologous to lacI of Escherichia coli. Salmonella bongori is the only other species of the genus Salmonella and it lacks the virulence genes of Salmonella pathogenicity island 2. Overall, our results demonstrate that Lacl is an antivirulence factor of Salmonella enterica and suggest that absence of lacI has facilitated the acquisition of virulence genes of Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 in Salmonella enterica making it a successful systemic pathogen.


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Interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) is a central regulator of the immune response and signals via the Janus Activated Kinase (JAK)-Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) pathway. Phosphorylated STAT1 homodimers translocate to the nucleus, bind to Gamma Activating Sequence (GAS) and recruit additional factors to modulate gene expression. A bioinformatics analysis revealed that greater number of putative promoters of immune related genes and also those not directly involved in immunity contain GAS compared to response elements (RE) for Interferon Regulatory Factor (IRF)1, Nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B) and Activator Protein (AP)1. GAS is present in putative promoters of well known IFN gamma-induced genes, IRF1, GBP1, CXCL10, and other genes identified were TLR3, VCAM1, CASP4, etc. Analysis of three microarray studies revealed that the expression of asubset of only GAS containing immune genes were modulated by IFN gamma. As a significant correlation exists between GAS containing immune genes and IFN gamma-regulated gene expression, this strategy may identify novel IFN gamma-responsive immune genes. This analysis is integrated with the literature on the roles of IFN gamma in mediating a plethoraof functions: anti-microbial responses, antigen processing,inflammation, growth suppression, cell death, tumor immunity and autoimmunity. Overall, this review summarizes our present knowledge onIFN gamma mediated signaling and functions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glycomics is the study of comprehensive structural elucidation and characterization of all glycoforms found in nature and their dynamic spatiotemporal changes that are associated with biological processes. Glycocalyx of mammalian cells actively participate in cell-cell, cell-matrix, and cell-pathogen interactions, which impact embryogenesis, growth and development, homeostasis, infection and immunity, signaling, malignancy, and metabolic disorders. Relative to genomics and proteomics, glycomics is just growing out of infancy with great potential in biomedicine for biomarker discovery, diagnosis, and treatment. However, the immense diversity and complexity of glycan structures and their multiple modes of interactions with proteins pose great challenges for development of analytical tools for delineating structure function relationships and understanding glycocode. Several tools are being developed for glycan profiling based on chromatography,m mass spectrometry, glycan microarrays, and glyco-informatics. Lectins, which have long been used in glyco-immunology, printed on a microarray provide a versatile platform for rapid high throughput analysis of glycoforms of biological samples. Herein, we summarize technological advances in lectin microarrays and critically review their impact on glycomics analysis. Challenges remain in terms of expansion to include nonplant derived lectins, standardization for routine clinical use, development of recombinant lectins, and exploration of plant kingdom for discovery of novel lectins.


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Purpose: Limbal stem cell deficiency is a challenging clinical problem and the current treatment involves replenishing the depleted limbal stem cell (LSC) pool by either limbal tissue transplantation or use of cultivated limbal epithelial cells (LEC). Our experience of cultivating the LEC on denuded human amniotic membrane using a feeder cell free method, led to identification of mesenchymal cells of limbus (MC-L), which showed phenotypic resemblance to bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC-BM). To understand the transcriptional profile of these cells, microarray experiments were carried out.Methods: RNA was isolated from cultured LEC, MC-L and MSC-BM and microarray experiments were carried out by using Agilent chip (4x44 k). The microarray data was validated by using Realtime and semiquntitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: The microarray analysis revealed specific gene signature of LEC and MC-L, and also their complementary role related to cytokine and growth factor profile, thus supporting the nurturing roles of the MC-L. We have also observed similar and differential gene expression between MC-L and MSC-BM.Conclusions: This study represents the first extensive gene expression analysis of limbal explant culture derived epithelial and mesenchymal cells and as such reveals new insight into the biology, ontogeny, and in vivo function of these cells.


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Incubation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPD) with sodium nitroprusside (SNP) decreased its activity in concentration- and time-dependent fashion in the presence of a thiol compounds, with DTT being more effective than GSH. Both forward and backward reactions were effected. Coinciding with this, HgCl2-sensitive labelling of the protein by [32P]NAD+ also increased, indicating the stimulation of ADP-ribosylation. Treatment with SNP of GAPD samples from rabbit muscle, sheep brain and yeast inactivated the dehydrogenase activity of the three, but only the mammalian proteins showed ADP-ribosylation activity. The SNP-modified protein of rabbit muscle GAPD, freed from the reagent by Sephadex filtration showed a concentration-dependent restoration of the dehydrogenase activity on preincubation with DTT and GSH. Such thiol-treated preparations also gave increased ADP-ribosylation activity with DTT, and to a lesser extent with GSH. The SNP-modified protein was unable to catalyze this activity with the native yeast enzyme and native and heat-inactivated muscle enzyme. It was possible to generate the ADP-ribosylation activity in muscle GAPD, by an NO-independent mechanism, on dialysis in Tris buffer under aerobic conditions , and on incubating with NADPH, but not NADH, in muscle and brain, but not yeast, enzymes. The results suggest that the inverse relationship of the dehydrogenase and ADP-ribosylation activities is coincidental but not correlated


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Background: In higher primates, although LH/CG play a critical role in the control of corpus luteum (CL) function, the direct effects of progesterone (P4) in the maintenance of CL structure and function are unclear. Several experiments were conducted in the bonnet monkey to examine direct effects of P4 on gene expression changes in the CL, during induced luteolysis and the late luteal phase of natural cycles. Methods: To identify differentially expressed genes encoding PR, PR binding factors, cofactors and PR downstream signaling target genes, the genome-wide analysis data generated in CL of monkeys after LH/P-4 depletion and LH replacement were mined and validated by real-time RT-PCR analysis. Initially, expression of these P4 related genes were determined in CL during different stages of luteal phase. The recently reported model system of induced luteolysis, yet capable of responsive to tropic support, afforded an ideal situation to examine direct effects of P4 on structure and function of CL. For this purpose, P4 was infused via ALZET pumps into monkeys 24 h after LH/P4 depletion to maintain mid luteal phase circulating P4 concentration (P4 replacement). In another experiment, exogenous P4 was supplemented during late luteal phase to mimic early pregnancy. Results: Based on the published microarray data, 45 genes were identified to be commonly regulated by LH and P4. From these 19 genes belonging to PR signaling were selected to determine their expression in LH/P-4 depletion and P4 replacement experiments. These 19 genes when analyzed revealed 8 genes to be directly responsive to P4, whereas the other genes to be regulated by both LH and P4. Progesterone supplementation for 24 h during the late luteal phase also showed changes in expression of 17 out of 19 genes examined. Conclusion: These results taken together suggest that P4 regulates, directly or indirectly, expression of a number of genes involved in the CL structure and function.


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The preovulatory follicle in response to gonadotropin surge undergoes dramatic biochemical, and morphological changes orchestrated by expression changes in hundreds of genes. Employing well characterized bovine preovulatory follicle model, granulosa cells (GCs) and follicle wall were collected from the preovulatory follicle before, 1, 10 and 22 h post peak LH surge. Microarray analysis performed on GCs revealed that 450 and 111 genes were differentially expressed at 1 and 22 h post peak LH surge, respectively. For validation, qPCR and immunocytochemistry analyses were carried out for some of the differentially expressed genes. Expression analysis of many of these genes showed distinct expression patterns in GCs and the follicle wall. To study molecular functions and genetic networks, microarray data was analyzed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis which revealed majority of the differentially expressed genes to cluster within processes like steroidogenesis, cell survival and cell differentiation. In the ovarian follicle, IGF-I is established to be an important regulator of the above mentioned molecular functions. Thus, further experiments were conducted to verify the effects of increased intrafollicular IGF-I levels on the expression of genes associated with the above mentioned processes. For this purpose, buffalo cows were administered with exogenous bGH to transiently increase circulating and intrafollicular concentrations of IGF-I. The results indicated that increased intrafollicular concentrations of IGF-I caused changes in expression of genes associated with steroidogenesis (StAR, SRF) and apoptosis (BCL-2, FKHR, PAWR). These results taken together suggest that onset of gonadotropin surge triggers activation of various biological pathways and that the effects of growth factors and peptides on gonadotropin actions could be examined during preovulatory follicle development.


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To understand the molecular pathogenesis of oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), which is a chronic inflammatory disease, gene expression profiling was performed in 10 OSF tissues against 8 pooled normal tissues using oligonucleotide arrays. Microarray results revealed differential expression of 5288 genes (P < a parts per thousand currency sign 0.05 and fold change >= a parts per thousand yen 1.5). Among these, 2884 are upregulated and 2404 are downregulated. Validation employing quantitative real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry confirmed upregulation of transforming growth factor-beta beta 1 (TGF-beta beta 1), TGFBIp, THBS1, SPP1, and TIG1 and downregulation of bone morphogenic protein 7 (BMP7) in OSF tissues. Furthermore, activation of TGF-beta beta pathway was evident in OSF as demonstrated by pSMAD2 strong immunoreactivity. Treatment of keratinocytes and oral fibroblasts by TGF-beta beta confirmed the regulation of few genes identified in microarray including upregulation of connective tissue growth factor, TGM2, THBS1, and downregulation of BMP7, which is a known negative modulator of fibrosis. Taken together, these data suggest activation of TGF-beta beta signaling and suppression of BMP7 expression in the manifestation of OSF.


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Stem cell response to a library of scaffolds with varied 3D structures was investigated. Microarray screening revealed that each type of scaffold structure induced a unique gene expression signature in primary human bone marrow stromal cells (hBMSCs). Hierarchical cluster analysis showed that treatments sorted by scaffold structure and not by polymer chemistry suggesting that scaffold structure was more influential than scaffold composition. Further, the effects of scaffold structure on hBMSC function were mediated by cell shape. Of all the scaffolds tested, only scaffolds with a nanofibrous morphology were able to drive the hBMSCs down an osteogenic lineage in the absence of osteogenic supplements. Nanofiber scaffolds forced the hBMSCs to assume an elongated, highly branched morphology. This same morphology was seen in osteogenic controls where hBMSCs were cultured on flat polymer films in the presence of osteogenic supplements (OS). In contrast, hBMSCs cultured on flat polymer films in the absence of OS assumed a more rounded and less-branched morphology. These results indicate that cells are more sensitive to scaffold structure than previously appreciated and suggest that scaffold efficacy can be optimized by tailoring the scaffold structure to force cells into morphologies that direct them to differentiate down the desired lineage. Published by Elsevier Ltd.