178 resultados para SMITH, A. Mark. (2008a). “Alhacen´s Approach to “Alhazen´s Problem””. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 18 pp. 143-163.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The purpose of the work described here has been (a) to obtain some evidence on catalase (an oxidative enzyme) and protease, urease and phosphatase (hydrolytic enzymes) in sewage, activated sludge and septic tank sludge, and (b) to use this evidence, as a new approach, to find out the relationship between the main groups of the micro-organisms (bacteria and protozoa) and their relative influence on the purification process. To make a rapid assessment of the enzyme activities in these systems in the course of three weeks, as an experimental measure, rat tissues were added, which might serve as an additional or a ‘shock’ load of organic matter to follow broadly the development of bacteria and protozoa and the changes in the enzyme activities in the different systems. A control system with sewage alone was also run. The results showed that the initial decomposition of the fresh organic matter added to sewage and sludges was almost entirely due to bacterial activity and the later oxidative changes and removal of the suspended solids, including the bacteria, were largely due to the protozoa, such as Epistylis articulata. Analysis of the enzyme activities in the different materials showed, among other things, that the activated sludge, with its mized bacteria, protozoa and other organisms, as a whole, contained about twenty times more protease activity than an equivalent amount of the protozoan E. articulata, and that this protozoan contained five times more catalase activity than the activated sludge. The significance of these observations is discussed.


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By applying the theory of the asymptotic distribution of extremes and a certain stability criterion to the question of the domain of convergence in the probability sense, of the renormalized perturbation expansion (RPE) for the site self-energy in a cellularly disordered system, an expression has been obtained in closed form for the probability of nonconvergence of the RPE on the real-energy axis. Hence, the intrinsic mobility mu (E) as a function of the carrier energy E is deduced to be given by mu (E)= mu 0exp(-exp( mod E mod -Ec) Delta ), where Ec is a nominal 'mobility edge' and Delta is the width of the random site-energy distribution. Thus mobility falls off sharply but continuously for mod E mod >Ec, in contradistinction with the notion of an abrupt 'mobility edge' proposed by Cohen et al. and Mott. Also, the calculated electrical conductivity shows a temperature dependence in qualitative agreement with experiments on disordered semiconductors.


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Biogeochemical and hydrological cycles are currently studied on a small experimental forested watershed (4.5 km(2)) in the semi-humid South India. This paper presents one of the first data referring to the distribution and dynamics of a widespread red soil (Ferralsols and Chromic Luvisols) and black soil (Vertisols and Vertic intergrades) cover, and its possible relationship with the recent development of the erosion process. The soil map was established from the observation of isolated soil profiles and toposequences, and surveys of soil electromagnetic conductivity (EM31, Geonics Ltd), lithology and vegetation. The distribution of the different parts of the soil cover in relation to each other was used to establish the dynamics and chronological order of formation. Results indicate that both topography and lithology (gneiss and amphibolite) have influenced the distribution of the soils. At the downslope, the following parts of the soil covers were distinguished: i) red soil system, ii) black soil system, iii) bleached horizon at the top of the black soil and iv) bleached sandy saprolite at the base of the black soil. The red soil is currently transforming into black soil and the transformation front is moving upslope. In the bottom part of the slope, the chronology appears to be the following: black soil > bleached horizon at the top of the black soil > streambed > bleached horizon below the black soil. It appears that the development of the drainage network is a recent process, which was guided by the presence of thin black soil with a vertic horizon less than 2 in deep. Three distinctive types of erosional landforms have been identified: 1. rotational slips (Type 1); 2. a seepage erosion (Type 2) at the top of the black soil profile; 3. A combination of earthflow and sliding in the non-cohesive saprolite of the gneiss occurs at midslope (Type 3). Types 1 and 2 erosion are mainly occurring downslope and are always located at the intersection between the streambed and the red soil-black soil contact. Neutron probe monitoring, along an area vulnerable to erosion types 1 and 2, indicates that rotational slips are caused by a temporary watertable at the base of the black soil and within the sandy bleached saprolite, which behaves as a plane of weakness. The watertable is induced by the ephemeral watercourse. Erosion type 2 is caused by seepage of a perched watertable, which occurs after swelling and closing of the cracks of the vertic clay horizon and within a light textured and bleached horizon at the top of black soil. Type 3 erosion is not related to the red soil-black soil system but is caused by the seasonal seepage of saturated throughflow in the sandy saprolite of the gneiss occurring at midslope. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A general direct technique of solving a mixed boundary value problem in the theory of diffraction by a semi-infinite plane is presented. Taking account of the correct edge-conditions, the unique solution of the problem is derived, by means of Jones' method in the theory of Wiener-Hopf technique, in the case of incident plane wave. The solution of the half-plane problem is found out in exact form. (The far-field is derived by the method of steepest descent.) It is observed that it is not the Wiener-Hopf technique which really needs any modification but a new technique is certainly required to handle the peculiar type of coupled integral equations which the Wiener-Hopf technique leads to. Eine allgemeine direkte Technik zur Lösung eines gemischten Randwertproblems in der Theorie der Beugung an einer halbunendlichen Ebene wird vorgestellt. Unter Berücksichtigung der korrekten Eckbedingungen wird mit der Methode von Jones aus der Theorie der Wiener-Hopf-Technik die eindeutige Lösung für den Fall der einfallenden ebenen Welle hergeleitet. Die Lösung des Halbebenenproblems wird in exakter Form angegeben. (Das Fernfeld wurde mit der Methode des steilsten Abstiegs bestimmt.) Es wurde bemerkt, da es nicht die Wiener-Hopf-Technik ist, die wirklich irgend welcher Modifikationen bedurfte. Gewiß aber wird eine neue Technik zur Behandlung des besonderen Typs gekoppelter Integralgleichungen benötigt, auf die die Wiener-Hopf-Technik führt.


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Using a modified Green's function technique the two well-known basic problems of scattering of surface water waves by vertical barriers are reduced to the problem of solving a pair of uncoupled integral equations involving the “jump” and “sum” of the limiting values of the velocity potential on the two sides of the barriers in each case. These integral equations are then solved, in closed form, by the aid of an integral transform technique involving a general trigonometric kernel as applicable to the problems associated with a radiation condition.


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We consider the effect of subdividing the potential barrier along the reaction coordinate on Kramer's escape rate for a model potential, Using the known supersymmetric potential approach, we show the existence of an optimal number of subdivisions that maximizes the rate, We cast the problem as a mean first passage time problem of a biased random walker and obtain equivalent results, We briefly summarize the results of our investigation on the increase in the escape rate by placing a blow-torch in the unstable part of one of the potential wells. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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An enantiospecific synthesis of the angular triquinane system present in the sesquiterpenes cameroonanes and silphiperfolanes has been accomplished, starting from 5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyclopent-1-ene-1-methanol [readily available in three steps from (R)-limonene] employing an intramolecular rhodium carbenoid insertion into the C-H bond of a tertiary methyl group for the construction of the triquinane system.


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An analytical analysis of ferroresonance with possible cases of its occurrence in series-and shunt-compensated systems is presented. A term `percentage unstable zoneÿ is defined to compare the jump severity of different nonlinearities. A direct analytical method has been shown to yield complete information. An attempt has been made to find all four critical points: jump-from and jump-to points of ferroresonance jump phenomena. The systems considered for analysis are typical 500 kV transmission systems of various lengths.


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Rabbits and guinea pigs were immunized with functionalized aspirin-protein conjugates prepared by coupling 5-N-Succinylamino aspirin to BSA and BGG using a water soluble carbodiimide (EDC). Two populations of antibodies, one specific to functionalized aspirin and the other exclusively specific to salicylic acid were detected. These antibodies were fractionated and separated on affinity polymers suitably prepared with 5-N-succinylamino salicylic acid and 5-N-succinylamino-2-ethoxy benzoic acid as the ligands. The isolated and purified antibodies were electrophoretically homogeneous. The physico chemical interactions between the antibodies and the respective haptens were studied by radio-immunoassay, equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence quenching techniques.


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The rapid data acquisition, natural fluorescence rejection and experimental ease are the advantages of the ultra-fast Raman loss scattering (URLS) which makes it a unique and valuable molecular structure-determining technique. URLS is an analogue of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) but far more sensitive than SRS. It involves the interaction of two laser sources, viz. a picosecond (ps) pulse and white light, with the sample leading to the generation of loss signal on the higher energy (blue) side with respect to the wavelength of the ps pulse, unlike the gain signal observed on the red side in SRS. These loss signals are at least 1.5 times more intense than the SRS signals. Also, the very prerequisite of the experimental protocol for signal detection to be on the higher energy side by design eliminates the interference from fluorescence, which always appears on the red side. Unlike coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, URLS signals are not precluded by non-resonant background under resonance condition and also being a self-phase matched process, it is experimentally easier.


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Determining the sequence of amino acid residues in a heteropolymer chain of a protein with a given conformation is a discrete combinatorial problem that is not generally amenable for gradient-based continuous optimization algorithms. In this paper we present a new approach to this problem using continuous models. In this modeling, continuous "state functions" are proposed to designate the type of each residue in the chain. Such a continuous model helps define a continuous sequence space in which a chosen criterion is optimized to find the most appropriate sequence. Searching a continuous sequence space using a deterministic optimization algorithm makes it possible to find the optimal sequences with much less computation than many other approaches. The computational efficiency of this method is further improved by combining it with a graph spectral method, which explicitly takes into account the topology of the desired conformation and also helps make the combined method more robust. The continuous modeling used here appears to have additional advantages in mimicking the folding pathways and in creating the energy landscapes that help find sequences with high stability and kinetic accessibility. To illustrate the new approach, a widely used simplifying assumption is made by considering only two types of residues: hydrophobic (H) and polar (P). Self-avoiding compact lattice models are used to validate the method with known results in the literature and data that can be practically obtained by exhaustive enumeration on a desktop computer. We also present examples of sequence design for the HP models of some real proteins, which are solved in less than five minutes on a single-processor desktop computer Some open issues and future extensions are noted.


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Many knowledge based systems (KBS) transform a situation information into an appropriate decision using an in built knowledge base. As the knowledge in real world situation is often uncertain, the degree of truth of a proposition provides a measure of uncertainty in the underlying knowledge. This uncertainty can be evaluated by collecting `evidence' about the truth or falsehood of the proposition from multiple sources. In this paper we propose a simple framework for representing uncertainty in using the notion of an evidence space.


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A single-step solid-phase RIA (SS-SPRIA) developed in our laboratory using hybridoma culture supernatants has been utilised for the quantitation of epitope-paratope interactions. Using SS-SPRIA as a quantitative tool for the assessment of epitope stability, it was found that several assembled epitopes of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) are differentially stable to proteolysis and chemical modification. Based on these observations an approach has been developed for identifying the amino acid residues constituting an epitopic region. This approach has now been used to map an assembled epitope at/near the receptor binding region of the hormone. The mapped site forms a part of the seat belt region and the cystine knot region (C34-C38-C88-C90-H106). The carboxy terminal region of the alpha-subunit forms a part of the epitope indicating its proximity to the receptor binding region. These results are in agreement with the reported receptor binding region identified through other approaches and the X-ray crystal structure of hCG.


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Enantiospecific synthesis of the tricyclic core structure present in the biologically active natural products tricycloillicinone, ialibinones, and takaneones, starting from the readily available campholenaldehyde employing a transannular RCM reaction as the key step, has been accomplished.