em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Primary microcephaly is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by smaller than normal brain size and mental retardation. It is genetically heterogeneous with seven loci: MCPH1-MCPH7. We have previously reported genetic analysis of 35 families, including the identification of the MCPH7 gene STIL. Of the 35 families, three families showed linkage to the MCPH2 locus. Recent whole-exome sequencing studies have shown that the WDR62 gene, located in the MCPH2 candidate region, is mutated in patients with severe brain malformations. We therefore sequenced the WDR62 gene in our MCPH2 families and identified two novel homozygous protein truncating mutations in two families. Affected individuals in the two families had pachygyria, microlissencephaly, band heterotopias, gyral thickening, and dysplastic cortex. Using immunofluorescence study, we showed that, as with other MCPH proteins, WDR62 localizes to centrosomes in A549, HepG2, and HaCaT cells. In addition, WDR62 was also localized to nucleoli. Bioinformatics analysis predicted two overlapping nuclear localization signals and multiple WD-40 repeats in WDR62. Two other groups have also recently identified WDR62 mutations in MCPH2 families. Our results therefore add further evidence that WDR62 is the MCPH2 gene. The present findings will be helpful in genetic diagnosis of patients linked to the MCPH2 locus.


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Among the human diseases that result from chromosomal aberrations, a de novo deletion in chromosome 11p13 is clinically associated with a syndrome characterized by Wilms' tumor, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies, and mental retardation (WAGR). Not all genes in the deleted region have been characterized biochemically or functionally. We have recently identified the first Class III cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, Rv0805, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which biochemically and structurally belongs to the superfamily of metallophosphoesterases. We performed a large scale bioinformatic analysis to identify orthologs of the Rv0805 protein and identified many eukaryotic genes that included the human 239FB gene present in the region deleted in the WAGR syndrome. We report here the first detailed biochemical characterization of the rat 239FB protein and show that it possesses metallophosphodiesterase activity. Extensive mutational analysis identified residues that are involved in metal interaction at the binuclear metal center. Generation of a rat 239FB protein with a mutation corresponding to a single nucleotide polymorphism seen in human 239FB led to complete inactivation of the protein. A close ortholog of 239FB is found in adult tissues, and biochemical characterization of the 239AB protein demonstrated significant hydrolytic activity against 2',3'-cAMP, thus representing the first evidence for a Class III cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in mammals. Highly conserved orthologs of the 239FB protein are found in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila and, coupled with available evidence suggesting that 239FB is a tumor suppressor, indicate the important role this protein must play in diverse cellular events.


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Primary microcephaly (MCPH) is an autosomal-recessive congenital disorder characterized by smaller-than-normal brain size and mental retardation. MCPH is genetically heterogeneous with six known loci: MCPH1-MCPH6. We report mapping of a novel locus, MCPH7, to chromosome 1p32.3-p33 between markers D1S2797 and D1S417, corresponding to a physical distance of 8.39 Mb. Heterogeneity analysis of 24 families previously excluded from linkage to the six known MCPH loci suggested linkage of five families (20.83%) to the MCPH7 locus. In addition, four families were excluded from linkage to the MCPH7 locus as well as all of the six previously known loci, whereas the remaining 15 families could not be conclusively excluded or included. The combined maximum two-point LOD score for the linked families was 5.96 at marker D1S386 at theta = 0.0. The combined multipoint LOD score was 6.97 between markers D1S2797 and D1S417. Previously, mutations in four genes, MCPH1, CDK5RAP2, ASPM, and CENPJ, that code for centrosomal proteins have been shown to cause this disorder. Three different homozygous mutations in STIL, which codes for a pericentriolar and centrosomal protein, were identified in patients from three of the five families linked to the MCPH7 locus; all are predicted to truncate the STIL protein. Further, another recently ascertained family was homozygous for the same mutation as one of the original families. There was no evidence for a common haplotype. These results suggest that the centrosome and its associated structures are important in the control of neurogenesis in the developing human brain.


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Mental retardation due to fragile X syndrome is one of the genetic disorders caused by tripler repeat expansion, CGG repeat involved in this disease is known to exhibit polymorphism even among normal individuals. Here we describe the development of suitable probes for detection of polymorphism in CGG repeat at FMR1 locus as well as the diagnosis of fragile X syndrome. Using these methods polymorphism at the FMR1 locus has been examined in 161 individuals. Ninety eight patients with unclassified mental retardation were examined, of whom 7 were found to have the expanded (CGG) allele at the FMR1 locus, The hybridization pattern for two patients has been presented as representative data.


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Metallophosphoesterase-domain-containing protein 2 (MPPED2) is a highly evolutionarily conserved protein with orthologs found from worms to humans. The human MPPED2 gene is found in a region of chromosome 11 that is deleted in patients with WAGR (Wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies, and mental retardation) syndrome, and MPPED2 may function as a tumor suppressor. However, the precise cellular roles of MPPED2 are unknown, and its low phosphodiesterase activity suggests that substrate hydrolysis may not be its prime function. We present here the structures of MPPED2 and two mutants, which show that the poor activity of MPPED2 is not only a consequence of the substitution of an active-site histidine residue by glycine but also due to binding of AMP or GMP to the active site. This feature, enhanced by structural elements of the protein, allows MPPED2 to utilize the conserved phosphoprotein-phosphatase-like fold in a unique manner, ensuring that its enzymatic activity can be combined with a possible role as a scaffolding or adaptor protein. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Severe plastic deformation techniques are known to produce grain sizes up to submicron level. This leads to conventional Hall-Petch strengthening of the as-processed materials. In addition, the microstructures of severe plastic deformation processed materials are characterized by relatively lower dislocation density compared to the conventionally processed materials subjected to the same amount of strain. These two aspects taken together lead to many important attributes. Some examples are ultra-high yield and fracture strengths, superplastic formability at lower temperatures and higher strain rates, superior wear resistance, improved high cycle fatigue life. Since these processes are associated with large amount of strain, depending on the strain path, characteristic crystallographic textures develop. In the present paper, a detailed account of underlying mechanisms during SPD has been discussed and processing-microstructure-texture-property relationship has been presented with reference to a few varieties of steels that have been investigated till date.


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This study explores the utility of polarimetric measurements for discriminating between hydrometeor types with the emphasis on (a) hail detection and discrimination of its size, (b) measurement of heavy precipitation, (c) identification and quantification of mixed-phase hydrometeors, and (d) discrimination of ice forms. In particular, we examine the specific differential phase, the backscatter differential phase, the correlation coefficient between vertically and horizontally polarized waves, and the differential reflectivity, collected from a storm at close range. Three range–height cross sections are analyzed together with complementary data from a prototype WSR-88D radar. The case is interesting because it demonstrates the complementary nature of these polarimetric measurands. Self-consistency among them allows qualitative and some quantitative discrimination between hydrometeors.


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The severe wear of a near eutectic aluminium silicon alloy is explored using a range of electron microscopic, spectroscopic and diffraction techniques to identify the residually strained and unstrained regions, microcracks and oxidized regions in the subsurface. In severe wear the contact pressure exceeds the elastic shakedown limit. Under this condition the primary and eutectic silicon particles fragment drastically. The fragments are transported by the matrix as it undergoes incremental straining with each cyclic contact at the asperity level. The grains are refined from similar to 2000 nm in the bulk to 30 nm in the near surface region. A large reduction in the interparticle distance compared with that for a milder stage of wear gives rise to high strain gradients which contribute to an enhancement of the dislocation density. The resulting regions of very high strain in the boundaries of the recrystallized grains as well as within the subgrains lead to the formation of microvoidskracks. This is accompanied by the formation of brittle oxides at these subsurface interfaces due to enhanced diffusion of oxygen. We believe that the abundance of such microcracks in the near surface region, primed by severe plastic deformation, is what distinguishes a severe wear regime from mild wear. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pulse retardation method of Breit and Tuve has been modified to record continuously the equivalent height as well as the intensity of reflections from the ionosphere. Synchronized pulses are transmitted, and the received ground pulse and the reflected pulses, after amplification and suitable distortion, are applied to the focusing cylinder of a cathode ray tube the horizontal deflecting plates of which are connected to a synchronized linear time base circuit. The pattern on the screen is composed of a bright straight line corresponding to the time base with dark gaps corresponding to the received pulses. The distance between the initial points of the gaps represents retardation while the widths of the gaps correspond to the intensity of the pulses. The pattern is photographed on a vertically moving film. One of the first few records taken at Bangalore on 4 megacycles is reproduced. It shows, among other things, that the less retarded component of magneto-ionic splitting from the F layer is present most of the time. Whenever the longer retardation component does occur, it has stronger intensity than the former. Towards the late evening hours, just before disappearing, when the F layer rises and exhibits magnetoionic splitting, the intensity of the less retarded component is extremely low compared with the other component.


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The crystal structure of the region spanning residues 95-146 of the rotavirus nonstructural protein NSP4 from the asymptomatic human strain ST3 was determined at a resolution of 2.5 angstrom. Severe diffraction anisotropy, rotational pseudo-symmetry and twinning complicated the refinement of this structure. A systematic explanation confirming the crystal pathologies and describing how the structure was successfully refined is given in this report.


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General circulation models (GCMs) are routinely used to simulate future climatic conditions. However, rainfall outputs from GCMs are highly uncertain in preserving temporal correlations, frequencies, and intensity distributions, which limits their direct application for downscaling and hydrological modeling studies. To address these limitations, raw outputs of GCMs or regional climate models are often bias corrected using past observations. In this paper, a methodology is presented for using a nested bias-correction approach to predict the frequencies and occurrences of severe droughts and wet conditions across India for a 48-year period (2050-2099) centered at 2075. Specifically, monthly time series of rainfall from 17 GCMs are used to draw conclusions for extreme events. An increasing trend in the frequencies of droughts and wet events is observed. The northern part of India and coastal regions show maximum increase in the frequency of wet events. Drought events are expected to increase in the west central, peninsular, and central northeast regions of India. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Knowledge of the plasticity associated with the incipient stage of chip formation is useful toward developing an understanding of the deformation field underlying severe plastic deformation processes. The transition from a transient state of straining to a steady state was investigated in plane strain machining of a model material system-copper. Characterization of the evolution to a steady-state deformation field was made by image correlation, hardness mapping, load analysis, and microstructure characterization. Empirical relationships relating the deformation heterogeneity and the process parameters were found and explained by the corresponding effects on shear plane geometry. The results are potentially useful to facilitate a framework for process design of large strain deformation configurations, wherein transient deformation fields prevail. These implications are considered in the present study to quantify the efficiency of processing methods for bulk ultrafine-grained metals by large strain extrusion machining and equal channel angular pressing.


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Among the intelligent safety technologies for road vehicles, active suspensions controlled by embedded computing elements for preventing rollover have received a lot of attention. The existing models for synthesizing and allocating forces in such suspensions are conservatively based on the constraints that are valid until no wheels lift off the ground. However, the fault tolerance of the rollover-preventive systems can be enhanced if the smart/active suspensions can intervene in the more severe situation in which the wheels have just lifted off the ground. The difficulty in computing control in the last situation is that the vehicle dynamics then passes into the regime that yields a model involving disjunctive constraints on the dynamics. Simulation of dynamics with disjunctive constraints in this context becomes necessary to estimate, synthesize, and allocate the intended hardware realizable forces in an active suspension. In this paper, we give an algorithm for the previously mentioned problem by solving it as a disjunctive dynamic optimization problem. Based on this, we synthesize and allocate the roll-stabilizing time-dependent active suspension forces in terms of sensor output data. We show that the forces obtained from disjunctive dynamics are comparable with existing force allocations and, hence, are possibly realizable in the existing hardware framework toward enhancing the safety and fault tolerance.