14 resultados para SCALARS

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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With the use of tensor analysis and the method of singular surfaces, an infinite system of equations can be derived to study the propagation of curved shocks of arbitrary strength in gas dynamics. The first three of these have been explicitly given here. This system is further reduced to one involving scalars only. The choice of dependent variables in the infinite system is quite important, it leads to coefficients free from singularities for all values of the shock strength.


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We present an introductory overview of several challenging problems in the statistical characterization of turbulence. We provide examples from fluid turbulence in three and two dimensions, from the turbulent advection of passive scalars, turbulence in the one-dimensional Burgers equation, and fluid turbulence in the presence of polymer additives.


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In this paper, direct numerical simulation of autoignition in an initially non-premixed medium under isotropic, homogeneous, and decaying turbulence is presented. The pressure-based method developed herein is a spectral implementation of the sequential steps followed in the predictor-corrector type of algorithms; it includes the effects of density fluctuations caused by spatial inhomogeneities ill temperature and species. The velocity and pressure field are solved in the spectral space while the scalars and density field are solved in the physical space. The presented results reveal that the autoignition spots originate and evolve at locations where (1) the composition corresponds to a small range around a specific mixture fraction, and (2) the conditional scaler dissipation rate is low. A careful examination of the data obtained indicates that the autoignition spots originate in the vortex cores, and the hot gases travel outward as combustion progresses. Hence, the applicability of the transient laminar flamelet model for this problem is questioned. The dependence of autoignition characteristics on parameters such as (1) die initial eddy-turnover time and (2) the initial ratio of length scale of scalars to that of velocities are investigated. Certain implications of new results on the conditional moment closure modeling are discussed.


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Consider L independent and identically distributed exponential random variables (r.vs) X-1, X-2 ,..., X-L and positive scalars b(1), b(2) ,..., b(L). In this letter, we present the probability density function (pdf), cumulative distribution function and the Laplace transform of the pdf of the composite r.v Z = (Sigma(L)(j=1) X-j)(2) / (Sigma(L)(j=1) b(j)X(j)). We show that the r.v Z appears in various communication systems such as i) maximal ratio combining of signals received over multiple channels with mismatched noise variances, ii)M-ary phase-shift keying with spatial diversity and imperfect channel estimation, and iii) coded multi-carrier code-division multiple access reception affected by an unknown narrow-band interference, and the statistics of the r.v Z derived here enable us to carry out the performance analysis of such systems in closed-form.


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We have made a detailed study of the signals expected at CERN LEP 2 from charged scalar bosons whose dominant decay channels are into four fermions. The event rates as well as kinematics of the final states are discussed when such scalars are either pair produced or are generated through a tree-level interaction involving a charged scalar, the W, and the Z. The backgrounds in both cases are discussed. We also suggest the possibility of reconstructing the mass of such a scalar at LEP 2.


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In this paper, we present a new speech enhancement approach, that is based on exploiting the intra-frame dependency of discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain coefficients. It can be noted that the existing enhancement techniques treat the transformdomain coefficients independently. Instead of this traditional approach of independently processing the scalars, we split the DCT domain noisy speech vector into sub-vectors and each sub-vector is enhanced independently. Through this sub-vector based approach, the higher dimensional enhancement advantage, viz. non-linear dependency, is exploited. In the developed method, each clean speech sub-vector is modeled using a Gaussian mixture (GM) density. We show that the proposed Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based DCT domain method, using sub-vector processing approach, provides better performance than the conventional approach of enhancing the transform domain scalar components independently. Performance improvement over the recently proposed GMM based time domain approach is also shown.


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Two models for large eddy simulation of turbulent reacting flow in homogeneous turbulence were studied. The sub-grid stress arising out of non-linearities of the Navier-Stokes equations were modeled using an explicit filtering approach. A filtered mass density function (FMDF) approach was used for closure of the sub-grid scalar fluctuations. A posteriori calculations, when compared with the results from the direct numerical simulation, indicate that the explicit filtering is adequate in representing the effect of sub-grid stress on the filtered velocity field in the absence of reaction. Discrepancies arise when reactions occur, but the FMDF approach suffices to account for sub-grid scale fluctuations of the reacting scalars, accurately.


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In the present study, a new turbulent premixed combustion model is proposed by integrating the Coherent Flame Model with the modified eddy dissipation concept, and relating the fine structure mass fraction to the flame surface density. First, experimental results of turbulent flame speed available from literature are compared with the predicted results at different turbulence intensities to validate the flame surface density model. It is observed that the model is able to predict the turbulent burning speeds accurately. Then, a comprehensive validation is carried out utilizing data on a turbulent lifted methane flame issuing into a vitiated co-flow. Detailed comparison of temperature and species concentrations between experiment and simulation is performed at different heights of the flame. Overall, the model is found to predict both the spatial variation and peak values of the scalars at various heights satisfactorily.


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We derive sum rules which constrain the spectral density corresponding to the retarded propagator of the T-xy component of the stress tensor for three gravitational duals. The shear sum rule is obtained for the gravitational dual of the N = 4 Yang-Mills, theory of the M2-branes and M5-branes all at finite chemical potential. We show that at finite chemical potential there are additional terms in the sum rule which involve the chemical potential. These modifications are shown to be due to the presence of scalars in the operator product expansion of the stress tensor which have non-trivial vacuum expectation values at finite chemical potential.


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We consider supersymmetric models in which the lightest Higgs scalar can decay invisibly consistent with the constraints on the 126 GeV state discovered at the CERN LHC. We consider the invisible decay in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), as well its extension containing an additional chiral singlet superfield, the so-called next-to-minimal or nonminimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM). We consider the case of MSSM with both universal as well as nonuniversal gaugino masses at the grand unified scale, and find that only an E-6 grand unified model with unnaturally large representation can give rise to sufficiently light neutralinos which can possibly lead to the invisible decay h(0) -> (chi) over tilde (0)(1)(chi) over tilde (0)(1). Following this, we consider the case of NMSSM in detail, where we also find that it is not possible to have the invisible decay of the lightest Higgs scalar with universal gaugino masses at the grand unified scale. We delineate the regions of the NMSSM parameter space where it is possible for the lightest Higgs boson to have a mass of about 126 GeV, and then concentrate on the region where this Higgs can decay into light neutralinos, with the soft gaugino masses M-1 and M-2 as two independent parameters, unconstrained by grand unification. We also consider, simultaneously, the other important invisible Higgs decay channel in the NMSSM, namely the decay into the lightest CP-odd scalars, h(1) -> a(1)a(1), which is studied in detail. With the invisible Higgs branching ratio being constrained by the present LHC results, we find that mu(eff) < 170 GeV and M-1 < 80 GeV are disfavored in NMSSM for fixed values of the other input parameters. The dependence of our results on the parameters of NMSSM is discussed in detail.


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I consider theories of gravity built not just from the metric and affine connection, but also other (possibly higher rank) symmetric tensor(s). The Lagrangian densities are scalars built from them, and the volume forms are related to Cayley's hyperdeterminants. The resulting diff-invariant actions give rise to geometric theories that go beyond the metric paradigm (even metric-less theories are possible), and contain Einstein gravity as a special case. Examples contain theories with generalizeations of Riemannian geometry. The 0-tensor case is related to dilaton gravity. These theories can give rise to new types of spontaneous Lorentz breaking and might be relevant for ``dark'' sector cosmology.


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We consider a simple renormalizable model providing a UV completion for dark matter whose interactions with the Standard Model are primarily via the gluons. The model consists of scalar dark matter interacting with scalar colored mediator particles. A novel feature is the fact that (in contrast to more typical models containing dark matter whose interactions are mediated via colored scalars) the colored scalars typically decay into multi-quark final states, with no associated missing energy. We construct this class of models and examine associated phenomena related to dark matter annihilation, scattering with nuclei, and production at colliders.


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In this paper we consider anomalous dimensions of double trace operators at large spin (l) and large twist (tau) in CFTs in arbitrary dimensions (d >= 3). Using analytic conformal bootstrap methods, we show that the anomalous dimensions are universal in the limit l >> tau >> 1. In the course of the derivation, we extract an approximate closed form expression for the conformal blocks arising in the four point function of identical scalars in any dimension. We compare our results with two different calculations in holography and find perfect agreement.


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We study an s-channel resonance R as a viable candidate to fit the diboson excess reported by ATLAS. We compute the contribution of the similar to 2 TeV resonance R to semileptonic and leptonic final states at the 13 TeV LHC. To explain the absence of an excess in the semileptonic channel, we explore the possibility where the particle R decays to additional light scalars X, X or X, Y. A modified analysis strategy has been proposed to study the three-particle final state of the resonance decay and to identify decay channels of X. Associated production of R with gauge bosons has been studied in detail to identify the production mechanism of R. We construct comprehensive categories for vector and scalar beyond-standard-model particles which may play the role of particles R, X, Y and find alternate channels to fix the new couplings and search for these particles.