77 resultados para Remote operation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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This paper presents a chance-constrained linear programming formulation for reservoir operation of a multipurpose reservoir. The release policy is defined by a chance constraint that the probability of irrigation release in any period equalling or exceeding the irrigation demand is at least equal to a specified value P (called reliability level). The model determines the maximum annual hydropower produced while meeting the irrigation demand at a specified reliability level. The model considers variation in reservoir water level elevation and also the operating range within which the turbine operates. A linear approximation for nonlinear power production function is assumed and the solution obtained within a specified tolerance limit. The inflow into the reservoir is considered random. The chance constraint is converted into its deterministic equivalent using a linear decision rule and inflow probability distribution. The model application is demonstrated through a case study.


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In closed-die forging the flash geometry should be such as to ensure that the cavity is completely filled just as the two dies come into contact at the parting plane. If metal is caused to extrude through the flash gap as the dies approach the point of contact — a practice generally resorted to as a means of ensuring complete filling — dies are unnecessarily stressed in a high-stress regime (as the flash is quite thin and possibly cooled by then), which reduces the die life and unnecessarily increases the energy requirement of the operation. It is therefore necessary to carefully determine the dimensions of the flash land and flash thickness — the two parameters, apart from friction at the land, which control the lateral flow. The dimensions should be such that the flow into the longitudinal cavity is controlled throughout the operation, ensuring complete filling just as the dies touch at the parting plane. The design of the flash must be related to the shape and size of the forging cavity as the control of flow has to be exercised throughout the operation: it is possible to do this if the mechanics of how the lateral extrusion into the flash takes place is understood for specific cavity shapes and sizes. The work reported here is part of an ongoing programme investigating flow in closed-die forging. A simple closed shape (no longitudinal flow) which may correspond to the last stages of a real forging operation is analysed using the stress equilibrium approach. Metal from the cavity (flange) flows into the flash by shearing in the cavity in one of the three modes considered here: for a given cavity the mode with the least energy requirement is assumed to be the most realistic. On this basis a map has been developed which, given the depth and width of the cavity as well as the flash thickness, will tell the designer of the most likely mode (of the three modes considered) in which metal in the cavity will shear and then flow into the flash gap. The results of limited set of experiments, reported herein, validate this method of selecting the optimum model of flow into the flash gap.


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An event sequence recorder is a specialized piece of equipment that accepts inputs from switches and contactors, and prints the sequence in which they operate. This paper describes an event sequence recorder based on an Intel 8085 microprocessor. It scans the inputs every millisecond and prints in a compact form the channel number, type of event (normal or abnormal) and time of occurrence. It also communicates these events over an RS232C link to a remote computer. A realtime calendar/clock is included. The system described has been designed for continuous operation in process plants, power stations etc. The system has been tested and found to be working satisfactorily.


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This paper presents a generalized approach to design an electromagnetically coupled microstrip ring antenna for dual-band operation. By widening two opposite sides of a square ring antenna, its fractional bandwidth at the primary resonance mode can be increased significantly so that it may be used for practical applications. By attaching a stub to the inner edge of the side opposite to the feed arm, some of the losses in electrical length caused by widening can be regained. More importantly, this addition also alters the current distribution on the antenna and directs radiations at the second resonant frequency towards boresight. It has also been observed that for the dual frequency configurations studied, the ratio of the resonant frequencies (center dot r(2)center dot center dot r(1)) can range between 1.55 and 2.01. This shows flexibility in designing dual frequency antennas with a desired pair of resonant frequencies.


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The knowledge of hydrological variables (e. g. soil moisture, evapotranspiration) are of pronounced importance in various applications including flood control, agricultural production and effective water resources management. These applications require the accurate prediction of hydrological variables spatially and temporally in watershed/basin. Though hydrological models can simulate these variables at desired resolution (spatial and temporal), often they are validated against the variables, which are either sparse in resolution (e. g. soil moisture) or averaged over large regions (e. g. runoff). A combination of the distributed hydrological model (DHM) and remote sensing (RS) has the potential to improve resolution. Data assimilation schemes can optimally combine DHM and RS. Retrieval of hydrological variables (e. g. soil moisture) from remote sensing and assimilating it in hydrological model requires validation of algorithms using field studies. Here we present a review of methodologies developed to assimilate RS in DHM and demonstrate the application for soil moisture in a small experimental watershed in south India.


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Extensive measurements of aerosol radiative and microphysical properties were made at an island location, Minicoy (8.3 degrees N, 73.04 degrees E) in the southern Arabian Sea. A large variability in aerosol characteristics associated with changes in air mass and precipitation characteristics was observed. Six distinct transport pathways were identified on the basis of cluster analysis. The Indo-Gangetic Plain, along with the northern Arabian Sea and west Asia (NWA), was identified to be the region having the highest potential for aerosol mass loading at the island. This estimate is based on the concentration weighted trajectory as well as cluster analysis. Dust transport from the NWA region was found to make a substantial contribution to the supermicron mass fraction. The black carbon mass mixing ratios observed were the lowest compared to previous measurements over this region. Consequently, the atmospheric radiative forcing efficiency was low and was in the range 10-28 W m(-2).


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We propose a simplified technique for dual wavelength operation of an extended cavity semiconductor laser, and its characterization using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). In this laser cavity scheme light beam is made converging before it incidences on the cavity grating. The converging angle of the beam creates two longitudinal oscillating modes of resonating cavity. Frequency separation between the longitudinal modes are measured with the help of beat frequency generation in a photodiode and creating pair of EIT spectra in Rb vapor. The pair of EIT dips that are generated due to dual wavelength of this laser (that is used as control laser) can be used to estimate frequency difference between the generated wavelengths. Width of EIT spectra can be used to estimate line width of individual wavelength components.


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Folded Dynamic Programming (FDP) is adopted for developing optimalnreservoir operation policies for flood control. It is applied to a case study of Hirakud Reservoir in Mahanadi basin, India with the objective of deriving optimal policy for flood control. The river flows down to Naraj, the head of delta where a major city is located and finally joins the Bay of Bengal. As Hirakud reservoir is on the upstream side of delta area in the basin, it plays an important role in alleviating the severity of the flood for this area. Data of 68 floods such as peaks of inflow hydrograph, peak of outflow from reservoir during each flood, peak of flow hydrograph at Naraj and d/s catchment contribution are utilized. The combinations of 51, 54, 57 thousand cumecs as peak inflow into reservoir and 25.5, 20, 14 thousand cumecs respectively as,peak d/s catchment contribution form the critical combinations for flood situation. It is observed that the combination of 57 thousand cumecs of inflow into reservoir and 14 thousand cumecs for d/s catchment contribution is the most critical among the critical combinations of flow series. The method proposed can be extended to similar situations for deriving reservoir operating policies for flood control.


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Control centers (CC) play a very important role in power system operation. An overall view of the system with information about all existing resources and needs is implemented through SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition system) and an EMS (energy management system). As advanced technologies have made their way into the utility environment, the operators are flooded with huge amount of data. The last decade has seen extensive applications of AI techniques, knowledge-based systems, Artificial Neural Networks in this area. This paper focuses on the need for development of an intelligent decision support system to assist the operator in making proper decisions. The requirements for realization of such a system are recognized for the effective operation and energy management of the southern grid in India The application of Petri nets leading to decision support system has been illustrated considering 24 bus system that is a part of southern grid.


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Owing to high evolutionary divergence, it is not always possible to identify distantly related protein domains by sequence search techniques. Intermediate sequences possess sequence features of more than one protein and facilitate detection of remotely related proteins. We have demonstrated recently the employment of Cascade PSI-BLAST where we perform PSI-BLAST for many 'generations', initiating searches from new homologues as well. Such a rigorous propagation through generations of PSI-BLAST employs effectively the role of intermediates in detecting distant similarities between proteins. This approach has been tested on a large number of folds and its performance in detecting superfamily level relationships is similar to 35% better than simple PSI-BLAST searches. We present a web server for this search method that permits users to perform Cascade PSI-BLAST searches against the Pfam, SCOP and SwissProt databases. The URL for this server is http://crick.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/similar to CASCADE/CascadeBlast.html.


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We propose an effective elastography technique in which an acoustic radiation force is used for remote palpation to generate localized tissue displacements, which are directly correlated to localized variations of tissue stiffness and are measured using a light probe in the same direction of ultrasound propagation. The experimental geometry has provision to input light beam along the ultrasound propagation direction, and hence it can be prealigned to ensure proper interception of the focal region by the light beam. Tissue-mimicking phantoms with homogeneous and isotropic mechanical properties of normal and malignant breast tissue are considered for the study. Each phantom is insonified by a focusing ultrasound transducer (1 MHz). The focal volume of the transducer and the ultrasound radiation force in the region are estimated through solving acoustic wave propagation through medium assuming average acoustic properties. The forward elastography problem is solved for the region of insonification assuming the Lame's parameters and Poisson's ratio, under Dirichlet boundary conditions which gives a distribution of displacement vectors. The direction of displacement, though presented spatial variation, is predominantly towards the ultrasound propagation direction. Using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation we have traced the photons through the phantom and collected the photons arriving at the detector on the boundary of the object in the direction of ultrasound. The intensity correlations are then computed from detected photons. The intensity correlation function computed through MC simulation showed a modulation whose strength is found to be proportional to the amplitude of displacement and inversely related to the storage (elastic) modulus. It is observed that when the storage modulus in the focal region is increased the computed displacement magnitude, as indicated by the depth of modulation in the intensity autocorrelation, decreased and the trend is approximately exponential.


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This paper presents a genetic algorithm (GA) model for obtaining an optimal operating policy and optimal crop water allocations from an irrigation reservoir. The objective is to maximize the sum of the relative yields from all crops in the irrigated area. The model takes into account reservoir inflow, rainfall on the irrigated area, intraseasonal competition for water among multiple crops, the soil moisture dynamics in each cropped area, the heterogeneous nature of soils. and crop response to the level of irrigation applied. The model is applied to the Malaprabha single-purpose irrigation reservoir in Karnataka State, India. The optimal operating policy obtained using the GA is similar to that obtained by linear programming. This model can be used for optimal utilization of the available water resources of any reservoir system to obtain maximum benefits.


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A real-time operational methodology has been developed for multipurpose reservoir operation for irrigation and hydropower generation with application to the Bhadra reservoir system in the state of Karnataka, India. The methodology consists of three phases of computer modelling. In the first phase, the optimal release policy for a given initial storage and inflow is determined using a stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) model. Streamflow forecasting using an adaptive AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model constitutes the second phase. A real-time simulation model is developed in the third phase using the forecast inflows of phase 2 and the operating policy of phase 1. A comparison of the optimal monthly real-time operation with the historical operation demonstrates the relevance, applicability and the relative advantage of the proposed methodology.