14 resultados para Relationship to reality

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Variability in rainfall is known to be a major influence on the dynamics of tropical forests, especially rates and patterns of tree mortality. In tropical dry forests a number of contributing factors to tree mortality, including dry season fire and herbivory by large herbivorous mammals, could be related to rainfall patterns, while loss of water potential in trees during the dry season or a wet season drought could also result in enhanced rates of death. While tree mortality as influenced by severe drought has been examined in tropical wet forests there is insufficient understanding of this process in tropical dry forests. We examined these causal factors in relation to inter-annual differences in rainfall in causing tree mortality within a 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot located in the tropical dry deciduous forests of Mudumalai, southern India, that has been monitored annually since 1988. Over a 19-year period (1988-2007) mean annual mortality rate of all stems >1 cm dbh was 6.9 +/- 4.6% (range = 1.5-17.5%); mortality rates broadly declined from the smaller to the larger size classes with the rates in stems >30 cm dbh being among the lowest recorded in tropical forest globally. Fire was the main agent of mortality in stems 1-5 cm dbh, elephant-herbivory in stems 5-10 cm dbh, and other natural causes in stems > 10 cm dbh. Elephant-related mortality did not show any relationship to rainfall. On the other hand, fire-related mortality was significantly negatively correlated to quantity of rainfall during the preceding year. Mortality due to other causes in the larger stem sizes was significantly negatively correlated to rainfall with a 2-3-year lag, suggesting that water deficit from mild or prolonged drought enhanced the risk of death but only with a time lag that was greater than similar lags in tree mortality observed in other forest types. In this respect, tropical dry forests growing in regions of high rainfall variability may have evolved greater resistance to rainfall deficit as compared to tropical moist or temperate forests but are still vulnerable to drought-related mortality.


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The addition reaction of alcohols to substituted phenylisothiocyanates is found to be a second-order reaction. The reaction is catalysed by triethylamine. First-order rate constants of the addition reaction have been determined in excess of ethanol, for a number of substituted phenylisothiocyanates and the rate data give a satisfactory linear correlation with Hammett σ constants of groups. While the energies of activation vary randomly with substitution, the entropies of activation bear a linear relationship to the energies of activation. Infra-red spectra indicate that the thiourethanes which are the products of the addition reaction exist in the thioamide form. The most prominent resonance form which can satisfactorily explain both the kinetic and infrared data, has been suggested.


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The activity of hepatic tryptophan pyrrolase in rats exposed to cold increased rapidly and reached a maximum of three-fold at 8 h. On continued exposure up to 48 h stress, the activity partly decreased but remained at a level higher than the initial. Withdrawal from the cold stress reversed the change. Adrenalectomy or treatment with inhibitors of protein synthesis abolished the increase in the enzyme activity during cold stress indicating a possible involvement of corticosteroids and de novo protein synthesis. Treatment with drugs known to block autonomic nervous system failed to inhibit the cold-mediated increase in enzyme activity. The results suggest that the increase in enzyme activity obtained on cold exposure is mediated by corticosteroids and not by either indoleaklylamines or autonomic nervous system. The changes in the enzyme obtained under cold stress with respect to the overshoot phenomenon, relationship to the degree of stress and reversibility on withdrawal from the stress indicate the "adaptate" nature of the response.


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This paper presents a study of kinematic and force singularities in parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms and their relationship to accessibility and controllability of such manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms, Parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms are classified according to their degrees of freedom, number of output Cartesian variables used to describe their motion and the number of actuated joint inputs. The singularities in the workspace are obtained by considering the force transformation matrix which maps the forces and torques in joint space to output forces and torques ill Cartesian space. The regions in the workspace which violate the small time local controllability (STLC) and small time local accessibility (STLA) condition are obtained by deriving the equations of motion in terms of Cartesian variables and by using techniques from Lie algebra.We show that for fully actuated manipulators when the number ofactuated joint inputs is equal to the number of output Cartesian variables, and the force transformation matrix loses rank, the parallel manipulator does not meet the STLC requirement. For the case where the number of joint inputs is less than the number of output Cartesian variables, if the constraint forces and torques (represented by the Lagrange multipliers) become infinite, the force transformation matrix loses rank. Finally, we show that the singular and non-STLC regions in the workspace of a parallel manipulator and closed-loop mechanism can be reduced by adding redundant joint actuators and links. The results are illustrated with the help of numerical examples where we plot the singular and non-STLC/non-STLA regions of parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms belonging to the above mentioned classes. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New steroid-based chiral auxiliaries 6, 9, and 12 have been synthesized from readily available cholic acid. These new chiral auxiliaries place the reactive and the shielding sites in a 1,5 relationship to each other. Diels-Alder reaction of cyclopentadiene with corresponding acrylate esters (7, 10, and 13) have been examined. Acrylates 7 and 10 yielded cycloadducts with 29-88% diastereomeric excess with excellent endo selectivity in the presence of an excess of Lewis acids such as AlCl3, BF3.OEt(2), FeCl3, SnCl4, TiCl4, and ZnCl2. Treatment of acrylate 7 with cyclopentadiene in the presence of BF3.OEt(2) at -80 degrees C gave the endo adduct (>99%) with 88% de. Lewis acid catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions of acrylates 7 and 10 with cyclopentadiene yielded cycloadducts with opposite stereochemistry. The chiral auxiliary was recovered in a nondestructive manner only via iodolactonization. Acrylate ester of alcohol 12 did not show any selectivity in either catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions with cyclopentadiene. The presence of a flat aromatic surface at C-7 of the steroid was found to be essential to effect high diastereoselection.


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Second-order nonlinearities (beta) of five weak organic acids in protic solvents have been measured by the double-quantum Rayleigh scattering (DRS) technique. beta is found to bear a linear relationship to the pK(a) of these compounds in those solvents. A direct implication of this observation is that the DRS technique can be used to determine the pK(a) of weak organic acids in any solvent.


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This paper considers the extensive data and correlations on the erosive burning of solid propellants. A relatively simple nondimensional relationship between the ratio of the actual to nonerosive burn rate (eta) and a quantity g, which is the product of g(0)-the ratio of free stream mass flux to the mass flux from the surface for nonerosive condition-and Re-0(m), where Re-0 is the Reynolds number based on the nonerosive mass flux of the propellant and port diameter, is shown to correlate most data within the accuracies of the experiments with m = -0.125. This shows the above relationship to account for the effects of pressure, aluminum, even up to a proportion of 17%, burn rate catalysts, and motor size. It is concluded that the suggested correlation between eta and g may be adopted universally for most practical propellants. (C) 1997 by The Combustion Institute.


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European accounts from the 17th century onwards have referred to the repute and manufacture of “wootz’, a traditional crucible steel made especially in parts of southern India in the former provinces of Golconda, Mysore and Salem. Pliny's Natural History mentions the import of iron and steel from the Seres which have been thought to refer to the ancient southern Indian kingdom of the Cheras. As yet the scale of excavations and surface surveys is too limited to link the literary accounts to archaeometallurgical evidence, although pioneering exploratory investigations have been made by scholars, especially on the pre-industrial production sites of Konasamudram and Gatihosahalli discussed in 18th-19th century European accounts. In 1991–2 during preliminary surveys of ancient base metal mining sites, Srinivasan came across unreported dumps with crucible fragments at Mel-Siruvalur in Tamil Nadu, and Tintini and Machnur in Karnataka and she collected surface specimens from these sites as well as from the known site of Gatihosahalli. She was also given crucible fragments by the Tamil University, Tanjavur, from an excavated megalithic site at Kodumanal, dated to ca 2nd c. Bc, mentioned in Tamil Sangam literature (ca 3rd c. BC-3rd c. AD), and very near Karur, the ancient capital of the Sangam Cheras. Analyses of crucible fragments from the surface collection at Mel-Siruvalur showed several iron prills with a uniform pearlitic structure of high-carbon hypereutectoid steel (∼1–1.5% C) suggesting that the end product was uniformly a high-carbon steel of a structure consistent with those of high-carbon steels used successfully to experimentally replicate the watered steel patterns on ‘Damascus’ swords. Investigations indicate that the process was of carburisation of molten low carbon iron (m.p. 1400° C) in crucibles packed with carbonaceous matter. The fabric of crucibles from all the above mentioned sites appears similar. Preliminary investigations on these crucibles are thus reported to establish their relationship to crucible production of carbon steel and to thereby extend the known horizons of this technology further.


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The γ-brass structure was for a long time regarded as a modified bcc structure. It is more accurately described in terms of a 26-atom cluster consisting of four interpenetrating icosahedral clusters. An alternative description in terms of a 38-atom cluster is also illuminating. We discuss the γ-brass structure in terms of the packing of spheres and the packing of ‘almost regular’ tetrahedra and demonstrate a close relationship to the helical sphere packings investigated by Boerdijk, who considered the configuration of touching spheres centred at the vertices of a Coxeter helix, and extended it by adding an extra layer of spheres. Adding a further layer of spheres gives a rod-like structure in which every sphere of the original helix is surrounded by twelve others, configured as a somewhat distorted icosahedron. Thus each tetrahedron of the initial structure is then shared by four icosahedra. This 26-sphere cluster is a slightly distorted form of the 26-atom γ-brass cluster.


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Mobile WiMAX is a burgeoning network technology with diverse applications, one of them being used for VANETs. The performance metrics such as Mean Throughput and Packet Loss Ratio for the operations of VANETs adopting 802.16e are computed through simulation techniques. Next we evaluated the similar performance of VANETs employing 802.11p, also known as WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment). The simulation model proposed is close to reality as we have generated mobility traces for both the cases using a traffic simulator (SUMO), and fed it into network simulator (NS2) based on their operations in a typical urban scenario for VANETs. In sequel, a VANET application called `Street Congestion Alert' is developed to assess the performances of these two technologies. For this application, TraCI is used for coupling SUMO and NS2 in a feedback loop to set up a realistic simulation scenario. Our inferences show that the Mobile WiMAX performs better than WAVE for larger network sizes.


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This paper presents the details of crack growth study and remaining life assessment of concrete specimens made up of high strength concrete (HSC, HSC1) and ultra high strength concrete (UHSC). Flexural fatigue tests have been conducted on HSC, HSC1 and UHSC beams under constant amplitude loading with a stress ratio of 0.2. It is observed from the studies that (i) the failure patterns of HSC1 and UHSC beams indicate their ductility as the member was intact till the crack propagated up to 90% of the beam depth and (ii) the remaining life decreases with increase of notch depth (iii) the failure of the specimen is influenced by the frequency of loading. A ``Net K'' model has been proposed by using non-linear fracture mechanics principles for crack growth analysis and remaining life prediction. SIF (K) has been computed by using the principle of superposition. SIP due to the cohesive forces applied on the effective crack face inside the process zone has been obtained through Green's function approach by applying bi-linear tension softening relationship to consider the cohesive the stresses acting ahead of the crack tip. Remaining life values have been have been predicted and compared with the corresponding experimental values and observed that they are in good agreement with each other.


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Identifying the determinants of neuronal energy consumption and their relationship to information coding is critical to understanding neuronal function and evolution. Three of the main determinants are cell size, ion channel density, and stimulus statistics. Here we investigate their impact on neuronal energy consumption and information coding by comparing single-compartment spiking neuron models of different sizes with different densities of stochastic voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels and different statistics of synaptic inputs. The largest compartments have the highest information rates but the lowest energy efficiency for a given voltage-gated ion channel density, and the highest signaling efficiency (bits spike(-1)) for a given firing rate. For a given cell size, our models revealed that the ion channel density that maximizes energy efficiency is lower than that maximizing information rate. Low rates of small synaptic inputs improve energy efficiency but the highest information rates occur with higher rates and larger inputs. These relationships produce a Law of Diminishing Returns that penalizes costly excess information coding capacity, promoting the reduction of cell size, channel density, and input stimuli to the minimum possible, suggesting that the trade-off between energy and information has influenced all aspects of neuronal anatomy and physiology.


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We carried out a large-scale phylogenetic analysis of fejervaryan (dicroglossid frogs with `Fejervaryan lines' on the ventral side of the body) frogs, distributed in South and SE Asia, using published and newly generated sequences of unidentified individuals from the northern Western Ghats. The results corroborate the presence of a larger fejervaryan clade with a sister relationship to a clade composed of Sphaerotheca. Two sister clades could be discerned within the lager fejervaryan clade. The unidentified individuals formed a monophyletic group and showed a strong support for a sister relationship with Minervarya sahyadris. The species was found to be highly divergent (16S rRNA-4% and tyr-1%) from its sister lineage Minervarya sahyadris, and the clade composed of these two lineages were found to be deeply nested within the larger clade of Fejervarya. Based on this, the genus Minervarya Dubois, Ohler and Biju, 2001 is synonymized under the genus Fejervarya Bolkay, 1915. The unidentified lineage is recognized, based on phylogenetic position, genetic divergence and morphological divergence, as a distinct species and named here as Fejervarya gomantaki sp. nov. The presence of rictal glands was observed to be a synapomorphic character shared by the nested clade members, Fejervarya sahyadris and Fejervarya gomantaki sp. nov. Based on the presence of rictal gland and small size, Minervarya chilapata, a species from a lowland region in the Eastern Himalayas, is synonymized under Fejervarya and evidence for morphological separation from the new species, Fejervarya gomantaki sp. nov. is provided. For the fejervaryan frogs, currently three generic names (Frost, 2015) are available for the two phylogenetic subclades; the genus Fejervarya Bolkay, 1915 for the species of fejervaryan frogs having distribution in the South East Asia; the genus Zakerana Howlader, 2011 for the species of fejervaryan frogs having distribution in the South Asia and the genus Minervarya Dubois, Ohler and Biju, 2001 nested within the `Zakerana clade'. In the phylogenetic analysis Minervarya sahyadris, the new species described herein as Fejervarya gomantaki sp. nov. are nested within the `Zakerana clade', if the `Zakerana clade' for the fejervaryan frogs having distribution in the South Asia is provided a generic status the nomen `Minervarya' should be considered as per the principle of priority of the ICZN Code. Taking into consideration the overlapping distribution ranges of members of the sister clades within the larger fejervaryan clade and the absence of distinct morphological characteristics, we also synonymize the genus Zakerana Howlader, 2011, a name assigned to one of the sister clades with members predominantly distributed in South Asia, under the genus Fejervarya Bolkay, 1915. We discuss the need for additional sampling to identify additional taxa and determine the geographical ranges of the members of the sister clades within Fejervarya to resolve taxonomy within this group.