24 resultados para Recognizing facial identity

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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By definition, the two faces of a pi bond are equivalent.1 However, they are rendered nonequivalent in most molecules because of the absence of a plane of symmetry encompassing the double bond and the adjacent substituents. As a result, additions to trigonal centers from the two faces need not be equally facile. Exploiting this stereodifferentiation in a controlled manner represents one of the core problems in organic synthesis. Evidently, the factors which determine such diastereoselection need to be delineated in as much detail as possible.


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An identity satisfied by the harmonic oscillator (Talmi-Moshinsky) brackets is derived from two equivalent methods for evaluating an integral often encountered in cluster model studies.


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Understanding of the shape and size of different features of the human body from scanned data is necessary for automated design and evaluation of product ergonomics. In this paper, a computational framework is presented for automatic detection and recognition of important facial feature regions, from scanned head and shoulder polyhedral models. A noise tolerant methodology is proposed using discrete curvature computations, band-pass filtering, and morphological operations for isolation of the primary feature regions of the face, namely, the eyes, nose, and mouth. Spatial disposition of the critical points of these isolated feature regions is analyzed for the recognition of these critical points as the standard landmarks associated with the primary facial features. A number of clinically identified landmarks lie on the facial midline. An efficient algorithm for detection and processing of the midline, using a point sampling technique, is also presented. The results obtained using data of more than 20 subjects are verified through visualization and physical measurements. A color based and triangle skewness based schemes for isolation of geometrically nonprominent features and ear region are also presented. [DOI: 10.1115/1.3330420]


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Two series of peptides, designated K and NK were synthesized and tested for lipid A binding and neutralizing properties. K-2, which has an 11-residue amphiphilic core, and a branched N-terminus bearing two branched lysinyl residues does not bind lipid A, while NK2, also with an 11-residue amphiphilic core comprised entirely of non-ionizable residues, and a similarly branched, cationic N-terminus, binds lipid A very weakly. Both peptides do not inhibit lipopolysaccharide (LPS) activity in the Limulus assay, nor do they inhibit LPS-induced TNF-alpha and NO production in 5774 cells. These results are entirely unlike a homologous peptide with an exclusively hydrophobic core whose LPS-binding and neutralizing properties are very similar to that of polymyxin B [David SA, Awasthi SK, Wiese A et al. Characterization of the interactions of a polycationic, amphiphilic, terminally branched oligopeptide with lipid A and lipopolysaccharide from the deep rough mutant of Salmonella minnesota. J Endotoxin Res 1996; 3: 369-379]. These data suggest that a clear segregation of charged and apolar domains is crucial in molecules designed for purposes of LPS sequestration and that head-tail (polar) orientation of the cationic/hydrophobic regions is preferable to molecules with mixed or facial cationic/amphipathic character.


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Let X(t) be a right continuous temporally homogeneous Markov pro- cess, Tt the corresponding semigroup and A the weak infinitesimal genera- tor. Let g(t) be absolutely continuous and r a stopping time satisfying E.( S f I g(t) I dt) < oo and E.( f " I g'(t) I dt) < oo Then for f e 9iJ(A) with f(X(t)) right continuous the identity Exg(r)f(X(z)) - g(O)f(x) = E( 5 " g'(s)f(X(s)) ds) + E.( 5 " g(s)Af(X(s)) ds) is a simple generalization of Dynkin's identity (g(t) 1). With further restrictions on f and r the following identity is obtained as a corollary: Ex(f(X(z))) = f(x) + k! Ex~rkAkf(X(z))) + n-1E + (n ) )!.E,(so un-1Anf(X(u)) du). These identities are applied to processes with stationary independent increments to obtain a number of new and known results relating the moments of stopping times to the moments of the stopped processes.


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The increasing use of 3D modeling of Human Face in Face Recognition systems, User Interfaces, Graphics, Gaming and the like has made it an area of active study. Majority of the 3D sensors rely on color coded light projection for 3D estimation. Such systems fail to generate any response in regions covered by Facial Hair (like beard, mustache), and hence generate holes in the model which have to be filled manually later on. We propose the use of wavelet transform based analysis to extract the 3D model of Human Faces from a sinusoidal white light fringe projected image. Our method requires only a single image as input. The method is robust to texture variations on the face due to space-frequency localization property of the wavelet transform. It can generate models to pixel level refinement as the phase is estimated for each pixel by a continuous wavelet transform. In cases of sparse Facial Hair, the shape distortions due to hairs can be filtered out, yielding an estimate for the underlying face. We use a low-pass filtering approach to estimate the face texture from the same image. We demonstrate the method on several Human Faces both with and without Facial Hairs. Unseen views of the face are generated by texture mapping on different rotations of the obtained 3D structure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to estimate 3D for Human Faces in presence of Facial hair structures like beard and mustache without generating holes in those areas.


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An identity expressing formally the diagonal and off-diagonal elements of an inverse of a matrix is deduced employing operator techniques. Several well-known perturbation expressions for the self-energy are deduced as special cases. A new approximation and other applications following from the above formalism are briefly indicated through illustrations from a perturbed harmonic oscillator, chemisorption approximations and Kelly's result in the problem of electron correlation.


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In order to identify the functionally relevant epitopes on chicken riboflavin carrier protein, we have raised monoclonal antibodies to the vitamin carrier. One of these, 6B2C12, was found to interact specifically with a synthetic oligopeptide corresponding to the C-terminal 17 amino acid residues of the chicken egg white riboflavin carrier protein, which is missing in part in the egg yolk riboflavin carrier protein. This epitope is conserved through evolution in mammals including humans. Administration of the ascites fluid of 6B2C12 to pregnant mice intraperitoneally, resulted in the termination of pregnancy indicating that this epitope is involved in or closely associated with the transplacental transport of the vitamin from the maternal circulation to the growing fetus.


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The stereochemistry of the Diels-Alder cycloaddition of several dienes to the facially perturbed dienophiles 2,3-norbornenobenzoquinone (3) and 2,3-norbornanobenzoquinone (4) has been examined. Unambiguous structural proof for the adducts formed has been obtained from complementary 'H and I3C NMR spectral data and in two cases through X-ray crystal structure determination. While 1,3-~yclopentadiene1, ,3-~yclohexadienea, nd cyclooctatetraene exhibit preference for addition to 3 from the bottom side, the stereochemical outcome is reversed in their response to 4.1,3-DiphenyIisobenzofuran and 1,2,3,4-tetrachloro-5,5-dimethoxycyclopentadieenneg aged 3 from the top side with marked selectivity, which is further enhanced in their reaction with 4. The observed stereoselectivities seem to be essentially controlled by steric interactons at the transition state. Model calculations provide support for this interpretation.


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Various factore controlling the preferred facial selectivity in the reductions of a number of sterically unbiased ketones have been evaluated using a semiempirical MO procedure. MNDO optimized geometries do not reveal any significant ground-state distortions which can be correlated with the observed face selectivities. Electrostatic effecta due to an approaching reagent were modeled by placing a test negative charge at a fixed distance from the carbonyl carbon on each of the two faces. A second series of calculations was carried out using the hydride ion as a test nucleophile. The latter calculations effectively include orbital interactions involving the u and u* orbitals of the newly formed bond in the reaction. The computed energy differences with the charge model are generally much larger compared to those with the hydride ion. However, both models lead to predictions which are qualitatively consistent with the experimentally determined facial preferences for most of the systems. Thus, electrostatic interactions between the nucleophile and the substrate seem to effectively determine the face selectivities in these molecules. However, there are a few exceptions in which orbital interactions are found to contribute significantly and occasionally reverse the preference dictated by electrostatic effecta. The remarkable succew of the hydride model calculations, in spite of retaining the unperturbed geometries of the substrates, points to the unimportance of torsional effeds and orbital distortions associated with the pyramidalized carbonyl unit in the transition state in most of the substrates considered. Additional experimental results are reported which provide useful calibration for the present computational approach.


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The nucleotide sequence of genes 4 and 9, encoding the outer capsid proteins VP4 and VP7 of a serotype 10 tissue culture-adapted strain, 1321, representative of asymptomatic neonatal rotaviruses isolated from neonates in Bangalore, India, were determined. Comparison of nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of 1321 VP4 and VP7 with previously published sequences of various serotypes revealed that both genes were highly homologous to the respective genes of serotype 10 bovine rotavirus, B223. The VP4 of 1321 represents a new human P serotype and the 1321 and related strains represent the first description of neonatal rotaviruses that appear to derive both surface proteins from an animal rotavirus.


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A polygon is said to be a weak visibility polygon if every point of the polygon is visible from some point of an internal segment. In this paper we derive properties of shortest paths in weak visibility polygons and present a characterization of weak visibility polygons in terms of shortest paths between vertices. These properties lead to the following efficient algorithms: (i) an O(E) time algorithm for determining whether a simple polygon P is a weak visibility polygon and for computing a visibility chord if it exist, where E is the size of the visibility graph of P and (ii) an O(n2) time algorithm for computing the maximum hidden vertex set in an n-sided polygon weakly visible from a convex edge.


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The X-ray structure of Image and MNDO optimized geometries of related 7-norbornenone derivatives show a clear tilt of the carbonyl bridge away from the C=C double bond. The preferred reduction from the more hindered face of the diester reveals the electron/electrostatic origin of π - facial selectivity in these systems. X-ray structure and MNDO calculations reveal the dominance of electronic effects in determining the π-facial selectivity in 4a.