16 resultados para Rear-Seat Passengers.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The hypothesis that the solar dynamo operates in a thin layer at the bottom of the convection zone is addressed. Recent work on the question whether the magnetic flux can be made to emerge at sunspot latitudes is reviewed. It is concluded that this hypothesis can fit the observational facts only if there is turbulence with a length scale of a few hundred kilometers in and around the dynamo region.


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The hypothesis that the solar dynamo operates in a thin layer at the bottom of the convection zone is addressed. Recent work on the question whether the magnetic flux can be made to emerge at sunspot latitudes is reviewed. It is concluded that this hypothesis can fit the observational facts only if there is turbulence with a length scale of a few hundred kilometers in and around the dynamo region.


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A single-step solid-phase RIA (SS-SPRIA) developed in our laboratory using hybridoma culture supernatants has been utilised for the quantitation of epitope-paratope interactions. Using SS-SPRIA as a quantitative tool for the assessment of epitope stability, it was found that several assembled epitopes of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) are differentially stable to proteolysis and chemical modification. Based on these observations an approach has been developed for identifying the amino acid residues constituting an epitopic region. This approach has now been used to map an assembled epitope at/near the receptor binding region of the hormone. The mapped site forms a part of the seat belt region and the cystine knot region (C34-C38-C88-C90-H106). The carboxy terminal region of the alpha-subunit forms a part of the epitope indicating its proximity to the receptor binding region. These results are in agreement with the reported receptor binding region identified through other approaches and the X-ray crystal structure of hCG.


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The iodide-containing layered double hydroxides (LDHs) of Mg and Zn with AI crystallize by the inclusion of extensive positional disorder of I- ions in the interlayer region. I- ion given its poor charge to size ratio can neither screen effectively the positive charge nor participate in H-bonding with the metal hydroxide layers. Thereby the I- ions are not stabilized in sites close to the seat of positive charge of the metal hydroxide layers (6c), nor in sites that facilitate H-bonding (3b or 18h). On the other hand, OH- from water can do both and effectively displaces I- from the interlayer. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Binaural experiments are described which indicate that the ability of the brain to localize a desired sound and to suppress undesired sounds coming from other directions can be traced in part to the different times of arrival of a sound at the two ears. It is suggested that the brain inserts a time delay in one of the two nerve paths associated with the ears so as to be able to compare, and thus concentrate on, those sounds arriving at the ears with this particular time of arrival distance.The ability to perceive weak sounds binaurally in the presence of noise is shown to be a simple function of the direction of the desired sound and noise. An explanation is given for the effect reported by Koenig that front and rear confusion is avoided by head movements.


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P>1Organisms with low mobility, living within ephemeral environments,need to find vehicles that can disperse them reliably to new environments. The requirement for specificity in this passenger-vehicle relationship is enhanced within a tritrophic interaction when the environment of passenger and vehicle is provided by a third organism. Such relationships pose many interesting questions about specificity within a tritrophic framework. 2. Central to understanding how these tritrophic systems have evolved, is knowing how they function now. Determining the proximal cues and sensory modalities used by passengers to find vehicles and to discriminate between reliable and non-reliable vehicles is, therefore, essential to this investigation. 3. The ancient, co-evolved and highly species-specific nursery pollination mutualism between figs and fig wasps is host to species-specific plant-parasitic nematodes which use fig wasps to travel between figs. Since individual globular fig inflorescences, i.e. syconia, serve as incubators for hundreds of developing pollinating and parasitic wasps, a dispersal-stage nematode within such a chemically,complex and physically crowded environment is faced with the dilemma of choosing the right vehicle for dispersal into a new fig. Such a system therefore affords excellent opportunities to investigate mechanisms that contribute to the evolution of specificity between the passenger and the vehicle. 4. In this study of fig-wasp-nematode tritrophic interactions in Ficus racemosa within which seven wasp species can breed, we demonstrate using two-choice as well as cafeteria assays that plant-parasitic nematodes (Schistonchus racemosa) do not hitch rides randomly on available eclosing wasps within the fig syconium, but are specifically attracted, at close range, i.e. 3 mm distance, to only that vehicle which can quickly, within a few hours, reliably transfer it to another fig. This vehicle is the female pollinating wasp. Male wasps and female parasitic wasps are inappropriate vehicles since the former are wingless and die within the fig, while the latter never enter another fig. Nematodes distinguished between female pollinating wasps and other female parasitic wasps using volatiles and cuticular hydrocarbons. Nematodes could not distinguish between cuticular hydrocarbons of male and female pollinators but used other cues, such as volatiles, at close range, to find female pollinating wasps with which they have probably had a long history of chemical adaptation. 5. This study opens up new questions and hypotheses about the evolution and maintenance of specificity in fig-wasp-nematode tritrophic interactions.


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Polistes dominulus is one of the most common social wasps in Europe and is an invasive species in the United States. Its wide prevalence has made it one of the best-studied social wasps. In most social wasps, the female wasps live in a colony and organize themselves into a behavioral dominance hierarchy such that only the dominant alpha individual (the queen) reproduces while the rest function as apparently altruistic, sterile subordinates (workers), building the nest, foraging for food and pulp, and feeding and caring for the brood. Why should workers invest their time and energy helping to rear the queen's brood, rather than found their own nests and rear their own brood—something they are quite capable of? On page 874 of this issue, Leadbeater et al. (1) show that the subordinates indeed produce their own offspring and this raises interesting questions about the links between altruism, direct reproduction, and the evolution of social behavior.


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Abstract | There exist a huge range of fish species besides other aquatic organisms like squids and salps that locomote in water at large Reynolds numbers, a regime of flow where inertial forces dominate viscous forces. In the present review, we discuss the fluid mechanics governing the locomotion of such organisms. Most fishes propel themselves by periodic undulatory motions of the body and tail, and the typical classification of their swimming modes is based on the fraction of their body that undergoes such undulatory motions. In the angulliform mode, or the eel type, the entire body undergoes undulatory motions in the form of a travelling wave that goes from head to tail, while in the other extreme case, the thunniform mode, only the rear tail (caudal fin) undergoes lateral oscillations. The thunniform mode of swimming is essentially based on the lift force generated by the airfoil like crosssection of the fish tail as it moves laterally through the water, while the anguilliform mode may be understood using the “reactive theory” of Lighthill. In pulsed jet propulsion, adopted by squids and salps, there are two components to the thrust; the first due to the familiar ejection of momentum and the other due to an over-pressure at the exit plane caused by the unsteadiness of the jet. The flow immediately downstream of the body in all three modes consists of vortex rings; the differentiating point being the vastly different orientations of the vortex rings. However, since all the bodies are self-propelling, the thrust force must be equal to the drag force (at steady speed), implying no net force on the body, and hence the wake or flow downstream must be momentumless. For such bodies, where there is no net force, it is difficult to directly define a propulsion efficiency, although it is possible to use some other very different measures like “cost of transportation” to broadly judge performance.


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Laminar separation bubbles are thought to be highly non-parallel, and hence global stability studies start from this premise. However, experimentalists have always realized that the flow is more parallel than is commonly believed, for pressure-gradient-induced bubbles, and this is why linear parallel stability theory has been successful in describing their early stages of transition. The present experimental/numerical study re-examines this important issue and finds that the base flow in such a separation bubble becomes nearly parallel due to a strong-interaction process between the separated boundary layer and the outer potential flow. The so-called dead-air region or the region of constant pressure is a simple consequence of this strong interaction. We use triple-deck theory to qualitatively explain these features. Next, the implications of global analysis for the linear stability of separation bubbles are considered. In particular we show that in the initial portion of the bubble, where the flow is nearly parallel, local stability analysis is sufficient to capture the essential physics. It appears that the real utility of the global analysis is perhaps in the rear portion of the bubble, where the flow is highly non-parallel, and where the secondary/nonlinear instability stages are likely to dominate the dynamics.


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We demonstrate that aligned carbon-nanotube arrays are efficient transporters of laser-generated megaampere electron currents over distances as large as a millimeter. A direct polarimetric measurement of the temporal and the spatial evolution of the megagauss magnetic fields (as high as 120 MG) at the target rear at an intensity of (10(18)-10(19)) W/cm(2) was corroborated by the rear-side hot electron spectra. Simulations show that such high magnetic flux densities can only be generated by a very well collimated fast electron bunch.


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Due to rapid improvements in on-board instrumentation and atmospheric observation systems, in most cases, aircraft are able to steer clear of regions of adverse weather. However, they still encounter unexpected bumpy flight conditions in regions away from storms and clouds. This is the phenomenon of clear air turbulence (CAT), which has been a challenge to our understanding as well as efforts at prediction. While most of such cases result in mild discomfort, a few cases can be violent leading to serious injuries to passengers and damage to the aircraft. The underlying physical mechanisms have been sought to be explained in terms of fluid dynamic instabilities and waves in the atmosphere. The main mechanisms which have been proposed are: (i) Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of shear layers, (ii) waves generated from flow over mountains, (iii) inertia-gravity waves from clouds and other sources, (iv) spontaneous imbalance theory and (v) horizontal vortex tubes. This has also undergone a change over the years. We present an overview of the mechanisms proposed and their implications for prediction.


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A wobble instability is one of the major problems of a three-wheeled vehicle commonly used in India, and these instabilities are of great interest to industry and academia. In this paper, we studied this instability using a multi-body dynamic model and with experiments conducted on a prototype three-wheeled vehicle on a test track. The multi-body dynamic model of a three-wheeled vehicle is developed using the commercial software ADAMS/Car. In an initial model, all components including main structures such as the frame, the steering column and the rear forks are assumed to be rigid bodies. A linear eigenvalue analysis, which is carried out at different speeds, reveals a mode that has predominantly a steering oscillation, also called a wobble mode, with a frequency of around 5-6Hz. The analysis results shows that the damping of this mode is low but positive up to the maximum speed of the three-wheeled vehicle. However, the experimental study shows that the mode is unstable at speeds below 8.33m/s. To predict and study this instability in detail, a more refined model of the three-wheeled vehicle, with flexibilities of three important bodies, was constructed in ADAMS/Car. With flexible bodies, three modes of a steering oscillation were observed. Two of these are well damped and the other is lightly damped with negative damping at lower speeds. Simulation results with flexibility incorporated show a good match with the instability observed in the experimental studies. Further, we investigated the effect of each flexible body and found that the flexibility of the steering column is the major contributor for wobble instability and is similar to the wheel shimmy problem in aircraft.


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The study of detonations and their interactions is vital for the understanding of the high-speed flow physics involved and the ultimate goal of controlling their detrimental effects. However, producing safe and repeatable detonations within the laboratory can be quite challenging, leading to the use of computational studies which ultimately require experimental data for their validation. The objective of this study is to examine the induced flow field from the interaction of a shock front and accompanying products of combustion, produced from the detonation taking place within a non-electrical tube lined with explosive material, with porous plates with varying porosities, 0.7-9.7%. State of the art high-speed schlieren photography alongside high-resolution pressure measurements is used to visualise the induced flow field and examine the attenuation effects which occur at different porosities. The detonation tube is placed at different distances from the plates' surface, 0-30 mm, and the pressure at the rear of the plate is recorded and compared. The results indicate that depending on the level of porosity and the Mach number of the precursor shock front secondary reflected and transmitted shock waves are formed through the coalescence of compression waves. With reduced porosity, the plates act almost as a solid surface, therefore the shock propagates faster along its surface.


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Many theories and mechanisms have been proposed to explain the phenomenon of clear-air turbulence (CAT), and some of them have been successful in predicting light, moderate and, in some cases, severe turbulence. It is only recently that skill in the forecasting of the severe form of CAT, which could lead to injuries to passengers and damage to aircraft, has improved. Recent observations and simulations suggest that some severe to extreme turbulence could be caused by horizontal vortex tubes resulting from secondary instabilities of regions of high shear in the atmosphere. We have conducted direct numerical simulations to understand the scale relationship between primary structures (larger-scale structures related to one of the causes mentioned above) and secondary structures (smaller-sized, shear structures of the size of aircraft). From shear layer simulations, we find that the ratio of sizes of primary and secondary vortices is of the right order to generate aircraft-scale vortex tubes from typical atmospheric shear layers. We have also conducted simulations with a mesoscale atmospheric model, to understand possible causes of turbulence experienced by a flight off the west coast of India. Our simulations show the occurrence of primary flow structures related to synoptic conditions around the time of the incident. The evidence presented for this mechanism also has implications for possible methods of detection and avoidance of severe CAT.