105 resultados para ROBUST OPERATION

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A new design technique for an SVC-based power system damping controller has been proposed. The controller attempts to place all plant poles within a specified region on the s-plane to guarantee the desired closed loop performance. The use of Horowitz's quantitative feedback theory (QFT) permits the design of a 'fixed gain controller' that maintains its performance in spite of large variations in the plant parameters during its normal course of operation. The required controller parameters are arrived at by solving an optimization problem that incorporates the control specifications. The performance of this robust controller has been evaluated on a single machine infinite bus system equipped with a mid point SVC, and the results are shown to be consistent with the expected performance of the stabilizer. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Although the recently proposed single-implicit-equation-based input voltage equations (IVEs) for the independent double-gate (IDG) MOSFET promise faster computation time than the earlier proposed coupled-equations-based IVEs, it is not clear how those equations could be solved inside a circuit simulator as the conventional Newton-Raphson (NR)-based root finding method will not always converge due to the presence of discontinuity at the G-zero point (GZP) and nonremovable singularities in the trigonometric IVE. In this paper, we propose a unique algorithm to solve those IVEs, which combines the Ridders algorithm with the NR-based technique in order to provide assured convergence for any bias conditions. Studying the IDG MOSFET operation carefully, we apply an optimized initial guess to the NR component and a minimized solution space to the Ridders component in order to achieve rapid convergence, which is very important for circuit simulation. To reduce the computation budget further, we propose a new closed-form solution of the IVEs in the near vicinity of the GZP. The proposed algorithm is tested with different device parameters in the extended range of bias conditions and successfully implemented in a commercial circuit simulator through its Verilog-A interface.


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The authors describe the constructional features of a controller for operating an autonomous refrigeration unit powered by a field of photovoltaic panels and backed up by a generator set. The controller enables three voltage levels of operation of an inverter to meet the start, run and off cycle conditions of the refrigerator compressor. The algorithm considers several input and output parameters and status signals from each subsystem of the unit to deduce a control strategy. Such units find application for storage of vaccines and life-saving medicines requiring uninterrupted refrigeration, in medical shops, rural health centres, veterinary laboratories etc.


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An efficient load flow solution technique is required as a part of the distribution automation (DA) system for taking various control and operations decisions. This paper presents an efficient and robust three phase power flow algorithm for application to radial distribution networks. This method exploits the radial nature of the network and uses forward and backward propagation to calculate branch currents and node voltages. The proposed method has been tested to analyse several practical distribution networks of various voltage levels and also having high R/X ratio. The results for a practical distribution feeder are presented for illustration purposes. The application of the proposed method is also extended to find optimum location for reactive power compensation and network reconfiguration for planning and day-to-day operation of distribution networks.


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The implementation of semiconductor circuits and systems in nano-technology makes it possible to achieve high speed, lower voltage level and smaller area. The unintended and undesirable result of this scaling is that it makes integrated circuits susceptible to soft errors normally caused by alpha particle or neutron hits. These events of radiation strike resulting into bit upsets referred to as single event upsets(SEU), become increasingly of concern for the reliable circuit operation in the field. Storage elements are worst hit by this phenomenon. As we further scale down, there is greater interest in reliability of the circuits and systems, apart from the performance, power and area aspects. In this paper we propose an improved 12T SEU tolerant SRAM cell design. The proposed SRAM cell is economical in terms of area overhead. It is easy to fabricate as compared to earlier designs. Simulation results show that the proposed cell is highly robust, as it does not flip even for a transient pulse with 62 times the Q(crit) of a standard 6T SRAM cell.


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This paper presents a chance-constrained linear programming formulation for reservoir operation of a multipurpose reservoir. The release policy is defined by a chance constraint that the probability of irrigation release in any period equalling or exceeding the irrigation demand is at least equal to a specified value P (called reliability level). The model determines the maximum annual hydropower produced while meeting the irrigation demand at a specified reliability level. The model considers variation in reservoir water level elevation and also the operating range within which the turbine operates. A linear approximation for nonlinear power production function is assumed and the solution obtained within a specified tolerance limit. The inflow into the reservoir is considered random. The chance constraint is converted into its deterministic equivalent using a linear decision rule and inflow probability distribution. The model application is demonstrated through a case study.


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We propose a robust method for mosaicing of document images using features derived from connected components. Each connected component is described using the Angular Radial Tran. form (ART). To ensure geometric consistency during feature matching, the ART coefficients of a connected component are augmented with those of its two nearest neighbors. The proposed method addresses two critical issues often encountered in correspondence matching: (i) The stability of features and (ii) Robustness against false matches due to the multiple instances of characters in a document image. The use of connected components guarantees a stable localization across images. The augmented features ensure a successful correspondence matching even in the presence of multiple similar regions within the page. We illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on camera captured document images exhibiting large variations in viewpoint, illumination and scale.


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In closed-die forging the flash geometry should be such as to ensure that the cavity is completely filled just as the two dies come into contact at the parting plane. If metal is caused to extrude through the flash gap as the dies approach the point of contact — a practice generally resorted to as a means of ensuring complete filling — dies are unnecessarily stressed in a high-stress regime (as the flash is quite thin and possibly cooled by then), which reduces the die life and unnecessarily increases the energy requirement of the operation. It is therefore necessary to carefully determine the dimensions of the flash land and flash thickness — the two parameters, apart from friction at the land, which control the lateral flow. The dimensions should be such that the flow into the longitudinal cavity is controlled throughout the operation, ensuring complete filling just as the dies touch at the parting plane. The design of the flash must be related to the shape and size of the forging cavity as the control of flow has to be exercised throughout the operation: it is possible to do this if the mechanics of how the lateral extrusion into the flash takes place is understood for specific cavity shapes and sizes. The work reported here is part of an ongoing programme investigating flow in closed-die forging. A simple closed shape (no longitudinal flow) which may correspond to the last stages of a real forging operation is analysed using the stress equilibrium approach. Metal from the cavity (flange) flows into the flash by shearing in the cavity in one of the three modes considered here: for a given cavity the mode with the least energy requirement is assumed to be the most realistic. On this basis a map has been developed which, given the depth and width of the cavity as well as the flash thickness, will tell the designer of the most likely mode (of the three modes considered) in which metal in the cavity will shear and then flow into the flash gap. The results of limited set of experiments, reported herein, validate this method of selecting the optimum model of flow into the flash gap.


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We propose a novel technique for robust voiced/unvoiced segment detection in noisy speech, based on local polynomial regression. The local polynomial model is well-suited for voiced segments in speech. The unvoiced segments are noise-like and do not exhibit any smooth structure. This property of smoothness is used for devising a new metric called the variance ratio metric, which, after thresholding, indicates the voiced/unvoiced boundaries with 75% accuracy for 0dB global signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A novelty of our algorithm is that it processes the signal continuously, sample-by-sample rather than frame-by-frame. Simulation results on TIMIT speech database (downsampled to 8kHz) for various SNRs are presented to illustrate the performance of the new algorithm. Results indicate that the algorithm is robust even in high noise levels.


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The estimation of the frequency of a sinusoidal signal is a well researched problem. In this work we propose an initialization scheme to the popular dichotomous search of the periodogram peak algorithm(DSPA) that is used to estimate the frequency of a sinusoid in white gaussian noise. Our initialization is computationally low cost and gives the same performance as the DSPA, while reducing the number of iterations needed for the fine search stage. We show that our algorithm remains stable as we reduce the number of iterations in the fine search stage. We also compare the performance of our modification to a previous modification of the DSPA and show that we enhance the performance of the algorithm with our initialization technique.


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This paper presents a generalized approach to design an electromagnetically coupled microstrip ring antenna for dual-band operation. By widening two opposite sides of a square ring antenna, its fractional bandwidth at the primary resonance mode can be increased significantly so that it may be used for practical applications. By attaching a stub to the inner edge of the side opposite to the feed arm, some of the losses in electrical length caused by widening can be regained. More importantly, this addition also alters the current distribution on the antenna and directs radiations at the second resonant frequency towards boresight. It has also been observed that for the dual frequency configurations studied, the ratio of the resonant frequencies (center dot r(2)center dot center dot r(1)) can range between 1.55 and 2.01. This shows flexibility in designing dual frequency antennas with a desired pair of resonant frequencies.


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We present robust joint nonlinear transceiver designs for multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) downlink in the presence of imperfections in the channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). The base station (BS) is equipped with multiple transmit antennas, and each user terminal is equipped with one or more receive antennas. The BS employs Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) for interuser interference precancellation at the transmitter. We consider robust transceiver designs that jointly optimize the transmit THP filters and receive filter for two models of CSIT errors. The first model is a stochastic error (SE) model, where the CSIT error is Gaussian-distributed. This model is applicable when the CSIT error is dominated by channel estimation error. In this case, the proposed robust transceiver design seeks to minimize a stochastic function of the sum mean square error (SMSE) under a constraint on the total BS transmit power. We propose an iterative algorithm to solve this problem. The other model we consider is a norm-bounded error (NBE) model, where the CSIT error can be specified by an uncertainty set. This model is applicable when the CSIT error is dominated by quantization errors. In this case, we consider a worst-case design. For this model, we consider robust (i) minimum SMSE, (ii) MSE-constrained, and (iii) MSE-balancing transceiver designs. We propose iterative algorithms to solve these problems, wherein each iteration involves a pair of semidefinite programs (SDPs). Further, we consider an extension of the proposed algorithm to the case with per-antenna power constraints. We evaluate the robustness of the proposed algorithms to imperfections in CSIT through simulation, and show that the proposed robust designs outperform nonrobust designs as well as robust linear transceiver designs reported in the recent literature.


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We propose a simplified technique for dual wavelength operation of an extended cavity semiconductor laser, and its characterization using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). In this laser cavity scheme light beam is made converging before it incidences on the cavity grating. The converging angle of the beam creates two longitudinal oscillating modes of resonating cavity. Frequency separation between the longitudinal modes are measured with the help of beat frequency generation in a photodiode and creating pair of EIT spectra in Rb vapor. The pair of EIT dips that are generated due to dual wavelength of this laser (that is used as control laser) can be used to estimate frequency difference between the generated wavelengths. Width of EIT spectra can be used to estimate line width of individual wavelength components.


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We are addressing a new problem of improving automatic speech recognition performance, given multiple utterances of patterns from the same class. We have formulated the problem of jointly decoding K multiple patterns given a single Hidden Markov Model. It is shown that such a solution is possible by aligning the K patterns using the proposed Multi Pattern Dynamic Time Warping algorithm followed by the Constrained Multi Pattern Viterbi Algorithm The new formulation is tested in the context of speaker independent isolated word recognition for both clean and noisy patterns. When 10 percent of speech is affected by a burst noise at -5 dB Signal to Noise Ratio (local), it is shown that joint decoding using only two noisy patterns reduces the noisy speech recognition error rate to about 51 percent, when compared to the single pattern decoding using the Viterbi Algorithm. In contrast a simple maximization of individual pattern likelihoods, provides only about 7 percent reduction in error rate.