443 resultados para RETINOIC ACID

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A new analogue of vitamin A, viz., retinoic acid anhydride was prepared, for the first time, by the action of thionyl chloride on retinoic acid in benzene containing pyridine. The amhydride was charcterised by its chromatographic properties, elemental analysis, ultraviolet absorption, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectral characteristics. The compound could be readily hydrolysed to retinoic acid both by acid and alkali treatments and reduced by lithium aluminium hydride to vitamin A alcohol (retinol). The spectral changes with antimony trichloride reagent were similar to those observed for retinoic acid. The metabolism of retinoic acid anhydride was found to be similar to that of retinoic acic. When administered either orally or intraperitoneally, the compound promotes growth in vitamin A-deficient rats. Time-course experiments revealed that retinoic acid anhydride is converted into retinoic acid by non-enzymatic hydrolysis and thereby exerts its biological activity. The biopotency of the anhydride was found to be nearly the same as that of the acid. A new method of preparing esters of retinoic acid employing retinoic acid anhydride as an intermediate, has been described.


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After partial hepatectomy the net increase in tissue weight and in RNA, DNA and proteins in the regenerating liver was markedly less in vitamin A-deleted or retinoic acid-supplemented male rats, compared with the corresponding normal control or retinyl acetate-supplemented ones.


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The scenario of tuberculosis has gone deadly due to its high prevalence and emergence of widespread drug resistance. It is now high time to develop novel antimycobacterial strategies and to understand novel mechanisms of existing antimycobacterial compounds so that we are equipped with newer tuberculosis controlling molecules in the days to come. Iron has proven to be essential for pathogenesis of tuberculosis and retinoic acid is known to influence the iron metabolism pathway. Retenoic acid is also known to exhibit antitubercular effect in in vivo system. Therefore there is every possibility that retinoic acid by affecting the iron metabolism pathway exhibits its antimycobacterial effect. These aspects are reviewed in the present manuscript for understanding the antimycobacterial role of retinoic acid in the context of iron metabolism and other immunological aspects.


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The cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme activity is decreased considerably at the mild stage of vitamin A deficiency in rat testes and ovaries and the decrease in activity becomes more pronounced with progress of deficiency. Supplementation of the deficient rats with retinyl acetate, but not retinoic acid, restores the enzyme activity to normal values. The cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme of adrenals is not affected by any of the above treatments.


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1. The biopotencies relative to beta-carotene of several apocarotenoids, such as 8'-, 10'- and 12'-apo-beta-carotenal and methyl 8'-apo-beta-carotenoate, were investigated in rats, on a molar basis, by both curative-growth assay and liver-storage tests. 2. In the curative-growth assays, on a molar basis the biopotencies of 8'-, 10'- and 12'-apo-beta-carotenal and methyl 8'-apo-beta-carotenoate were 72, 78, 72 and 53% respectively, whereas on a weight basis the corresponding values were 93, 111, 111 and 63%, with respect to beta-carotene taken as 100%. In terms of yield of vitamin A, these values were much lower in the liver-storage tests. 3. When 8'-apo-beta-carotenal was fed, the unchanged aldehyde together with small amounts of the corresponding alcohol and larger proportions of the acid rapidly appeared in the tissues of both rats and chickens. The 8'-apocarotenol, 8'-apocarotenoic acid and its methyl ester were absorbed unchanged. The free acid disappeared most rapidly from the tissues, but its methyl ester persisted in the tissues longest. 4. On the basis of these observations it is suggested that most of an apocarotenal is oxidized to the corresponding acid, which, in turn, is mostly degraded to retinoic acid, with small proportions of it being attacked by the dioxygenase system giving retinal.


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1. 1. Colon lysosome were separated by differential centrifugation and lysosomes with three different densities, probably arising from the three layers of colon, were found. 2. 2. Hypervitaminosis A resulted in a significant increase in prothrombin time which was restored to normal on vitamin K1 (20) supplementation. 3. 3. There was no appreciable change in the liver storage of vitamin A between hypervitaminotic rats receiving vitamin A and those rats receiving vitamin K1 (20) in addition to excess vitamin A. 4. 4. The colon lysosomes were unstable in hypervitaminosis A, showing an increased free activity of lysosomal enzymes like β-glucuronidase, acid phosphatase and arylsulphatase. This increase of free activity of lysoso3al enzymes in hypervitaminosis A could be prevented by oral supplementation of vitamin K1 (20). 5. 5. In "mild" vitamin A deficiency the release of arylsulphatase was significantly retarded, whereas the decreased free acid phosphatase activity was not significant. 6. 6. "Severe" vitamin A deficiency resulted in a significantly increased free activity of arylsulphatase and acid phosphatase, thus showing the instability of the lysosomal particles in this condition. 7. 7. Addition of vitamin K1 (20) to the incubation medium in vitro could prevent the vitamin A-induced release of arylsulphatase from liver lysosomes, whereas α-tocopherol was inactive. 8. 8. Retinol and retinoic acid were nearly twice as active as ethanol in the release of arylsulphatase from lysosomes in vitro, whereas 5,6-monoepoxyretinoic acid was inactive. 9. 9. The role of vitamins A and K on the lysosomal membrane structure is discussed.


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1. 1. Biosynthetic experiments in vitro with slices of livers from normal and vitamin A-deficient rats confirmed that synthesis of ubiquinone did not increase in vitamin A deficiency. 2. 2. During development of deficiency of vitamin A in the rat, there was a definite increase in the synthesis of ubiquinone at the 10-days stage but this reverted to low, initial level by 20 days and after. 3. 3. Vitamin A analogues, 3-dehydroretinal, 5,6-monoepoxyretinal and retinoic acid, which supported growth have restored ubiquinone concentration to the normal levels and relieved the lowering in its catabolism. The biologically inert 5,8-monoepoxyretinal was the least active of the analogues tested. 4. 4. The concentration and synthesis of ubiquinone in the liver decreased under conditions of hypervitaminosis A. 5. 5. The experimental evidence does not support the hypothesis of inverse relationship between vitamin A and ubiquinone synthesis.


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The expression of a biologically active human IFN4 depends on the presence of a frameshift deletion polymorphism within the first exon of the interferon lambda 4 (IFNL4) gene. In this report, we use the lung carcinoma-derived cell line, A549, which is genetically viable to express a functional IFN4, to address transcriptional requirements of the IFNL4 gene. We show that the GC-rich DNA-binding transcription factor (TF) specificity protein 1 (Sp1) is recruited to the IFNL4 promoter and has a role in induction of gene expression upon stimulation with viral RNA mimic poly(I:C). By using RNAi and overexpression strategies, we also show key roles in IFNL4 gene expression for the virus-inducible TFs, nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-B), IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF3), and IRF7. Interestingly, we also observe that overexpression of IFN4 influences IFNL4 promoter activity, which may further be dependent on the retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I)-like receptor pathway. Together, our work for the first time reports on the functional characterization of the human IFNL4 promoter.


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The DL- and L-arginine complexes of oxalic acid are made up of zwitterionic positively charged amino acid molecules and semi-oxalate ions. The dissimilar molecules aggregate into separate alternating layers in the former. The basic unit in the arginine layer is a centrosymmetric dimer, while the semi-oxalate ions form hydrogen-bonded strings in their layer. In the L-arginine complex each semi-oxalate ion is surrounded by arginine molecules and the complex can be described as an inclusion compound. The oxalic acid complexes of basic amino acids exhibit a variety of ionization states and stoichiometry. They illustrate the effect of aggregation and chirality on ionization state and stoichiometry, and that of molecular properties on aggregation. The semi-oxalate/oxalate ions tend to be planar, but large departures from planarity are possible. The amino acid aggregation in the different oxalic acid complexes do not resemble one another significantly, but the aggregation of a particular amino acid in its oxalic acid complex tends to have similarities with its aggregation in other structures. Also, semi-oxalate ions aggregate into similar strings in four of the six oxalic acid complexes. Thus, the intrinsic aggregation propensities of individual molecules tend to be retained in the complexes.


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The two molecules in the asymmetric unit of adenosine-5'-carboxylic acid, C10H11N5O5, exist as zwitterions with N1 protonated and the carboxyl groups ionized. Both molecules are in an anti conformation with glycosyl torsion angles of -161.4(3) and -155.5(3)degrees. The ribose moieties adopt a C3-endo-C2-exo twist conformation. The pseudo-rotation parameters are P = 0.01(1) and 6.58(1)degrees, and tau(m) = 36.2(2) and 34.6(2)degrees, for molecules A and B, respectively. The carboxyl groups of A and B are not in the standard g(+), g(-) or t conformations. Both Watson-Crick sites, N1 and N6, of the adenine bases are involved in a pair of hydrogen bonds with the dissociated carboxyl groups, forming a cyclic tetramer. The adenine base of molecule A stacks on the ribose O4' atom of a symmetry-related B molecule at a distance of 2.88 Angstrom; the adenine base of B stacks in an analogous way at a distance of 2.91 Angstrom.


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The ultrasonic degradation of poly(acrylic acid), a water-soluble polymer, was studied in the presence of persulfates at different temperatures in binary solvent Mixtures of methanol and water. The degraded samples were analyzed by gel permeation chromatography for the time evolution of the molecular weight distributions. A continuous distribution kinetics model based on midpoint chain scission was developed, and the degradation rate coefficients were determined. The decline in the rate of degradation of poly(acrylic acid) with increasing temperature and with an increment in the methanol content in the binary solvent mixture of methanol and water was attributed to the increased vapor pressure of the solutions. The experimental data showed an augmentation of the degradation rate of the polymer with increasing oxidizing agent (persulfate) concentrations. Different concentrations of three persulfates-potassium persulfate, ammonium persulfate, and sodium persulfate-were used. It was found that the ratio of the polymer degradation rate coefficient to the dissociation rate constant of the persulfate was constant. This implies that the ultrasonic degradation rate of poly(acrylic acid) can be determined a priori in the presence of any initiator.


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Energetics of the ground and excited state intramolecular proton transfer in salicylic acid have been studied by ab initio molecular orbital calculations using the 6-31G** basis set at the restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) and configuration interaction-single excitation (CIS) levels and also using the semiempirical method AM1 at the RHF level as well as with single and pair doubles excitation configuration interaction spanning eight frontier orbitals (PECI = 8). The ab initio potential energy profile for intramolecular proton transfer in the ground state reveals a single minimum corresponding to the primary form, in the first excited singlet state, however, there are two minima corresponding to the primary and tautomeric forms, separated by a barrier of similar to 6 kcal/mol, thus accounting for dual emission in salicylic acid. Electron density changes with electronic excitation and tautomerism indicate no zwitterion formation. Changes in spectral characteristics with change in pH, due to protonation and deprotonation of salicylic acid, are also accounted for, qualitatively. Although the AM1 calculations suggest a substantial barrier for proton transfer in the ground as well as the first excited state of SA, it predicts the transition wavelength in near quantitative accord with the experimental results for salicylic acid and its protonated and deprotonated forms.