30 resultados para RADIATION EFFECT

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The effect of radiation on the Peierls transition in a one-dimensional metal is investigated. It is pointed out that an external radiation field satisfying appropriate frequency conditions reduces the width of the Peierls gap.


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The possible occurrence of a generalized (1-wave) nonequilibrium superconducting state in a multiband system under certain conditions is studied. In the model the radiation field causes interband mixing, and phonons of an appropriate mode (branch) are involved in the interband scattering of electrons of two conduction bands of the system. The strength of the generalized 1-wave pairing interaction between quasiparticles belonging to new radiation admixed states depends on the density (n o/V) of quanta in the system. The coupling constant has the form Xl= AiB(n o/V)/[C + B(no/V)], where A1, B, and C are parameters. For C > B(n0/V), the transition temperature T1* increases with (no/V) in the initial stages. It levels off with higher power. With further increase of power, the transition temperature is expected to drop sharply due to heating effects which cause pair breaking. Estimates show that p-wave (triplet state) pairing may be possible under radiation-induced nonequilibrium situations in appropriate systems. Estimates for lifetimes of various processes quasiparticle, phonon, pair relaxation, and photon-induced mixing) show that the coherence required for the mixing and pairing effects will be maintained for the temperature range and photon density considered.


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This paper reports a numerical study of the laminar conjugate natural convection heat transfer with and without the interaction of the surface radiation in a horizontal cylindrical annulus formed between an inner heat generating solid circular cylinder and an outer isothermal circular boundary. Numerical solutions are obtained by solving the governing equations with a pressure correction method on a collocated (non-staggered) mesh. Steady-state results are presented for the flow and temperature distributions and Nusselt numbers for the heat generation based Grashof number ranging from 10(7) to 10(10), solid-to-fluid thermal conductivity ratios of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100, radius ratios of 0.226 and 0.452 and surface emissivities of 0-0.8 with air as the working medium. It is observed that surface radiation reduces the convective heat transfer in the annulus compared to the pure natural convection case and enhances the overall Nusselt number.


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In an earlier work, we had proposed a two-band, non-grey radiative transfer model for heat transfer in forehearths with simultaneous optically thick and thin approximations for molten glass interiors and at boundaries. Here using the same model, the radiative interaction of the top-crown and bottom-refractory walls with interior layers of shallow molten glass is studied by varying the wall emissivities. The forehearth exit temperature profiles for higher wall emissivities (0.9) show better conditioning of the glass for white flint glasses (optically thin).


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The behaviour of rat lenticular enzymes, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogena.se (G6PD, EC: and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD, EC: as a function of age and UVB irradiation (in vitro) was investigated by irradiating the lens homogenate from 3-and 12-month-old rats at 300 nm (100 μW cm 2). In the 3-month-old group the specific activities of G6PD and 6PGD were reduced by 26% and 42%, respectively, after 24 h of irradiation, whereas in the 12-month-old group the decrease was 38% and 49% respectively, which suggests that the susceptibility of HMPS enzymes to UVB damage is higher in older lenses. The decrease in specitic activity was associated with a change in apparent Km and Vmax (marginal in 3 months and significant in 12 months) of these enzymes due to UVB irradiation. UVB irradiation also decreased the levels of NADPH and NADPH/NADP ratio. These changes, altered activities of G6PD and 6PGD and altered levels of NADPH. may in turn have a bearing on lens transparency.


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The solar radiation flux at the earth's surface has gone through decadal changes of decreasing and increasing trends over the globe. These phenomena known as dimming and brightening, respectively, have attracted the scientific interest in relation to the changes in radiative balance and climate. Despite the interest in the solar dimming/brightening phenomenon in various parts of the world, south Asia has not attracted great scientific attention so far. The present work uses the net downward shortwave radiation (NDSWR) values derived from satellites (Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications, MERRA 2D) in order to examine the multi-decadal variations in the incoming solar radiation over south Asia for the period of 1979-2004. From the analysis it is seen that solar dimming continues over south Asia with a trend of -0.54 Wm(-2) yr(-1). Assuming clear skies an average decrease of -0.05 Wm(-2)yr(-1) in NDSWR was observed, which is attributed to increased aerosol emissions over the region. There is evidence that the increase in cloud optical depth plays the major role for the solar dimming over the area. The cloud optical depth (MERRA retrievals) has increased by 10.7% during the study period, with the largest increase to be detected for the high-level (atmospheric pressure P < 400 hPa) clouds (31.2%). Nevertheless, the decrease in solar radiation and the role of aerosols and clouds exhibit large monthly and seasonal variations directly affected by the local monsoon system, the anthropogenic and natural aerosol emissions. All these aspects are examined in detail aiming at shedding light into the solar dimming phenomenon over a densely populated area. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aerosols from biomass burning can alter the radiative balance of the Earth by reflecting and absorbing solar radiation(1). Whether aerosols exert a net cooling or a net warming effect will depend on the aerosol type and the albedo of the underlying surface(2). Here, we use a satellite-based approach to quantify the direct, top-of-atmosphere radiative effect of aerosol layers advected over the partly cloudy boundary layer of the southeastern Atlantic Ocean during July-October of 2006 and 2007. We show that the warming effect of aerosols increases with underlying cloud coverage. This relationship is nearly linear, making it possible to define a critical cloud fraction at which the aerosols switch from exerting a net cooling to a net warming effect. For this region and time period, the critical cloud fraction is about 0.4, and is strongly sensitive to the amount of solar radiation the aerosols absorb and the albedo of the underlying clouds. We estimate that the regional-mean warming effect of aerosols is three times higher when large-scale spatial covariation between cloud cover and aerosols is taken into account. These results demonstrate the importance of cloud prediction for the accurate quantification of aerosol direct effects.


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Prior ultraviolet irradiation of coal results in catalysing the subsequent thermal decomposition and ignition of coal. Mechanically, it is shown that ultraviolet radiation brings about the catalysis by acting on the inorganic components of coal.


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The reflectivity of the bottom of a solar pond increases on account of the accumulation of dirt or the presence of undissolved salt. The effect of the reflection of the solar radiation at the bottom of the pond on the seasonal performance of the pond has been studied using a three zone model. The spectral reflectivity of dirt and common salt were measured in the laboratory and used in the analysis. The results obtained from the analysis show that the presence of dirt at the bottom of the pond does not affect the performance of the pond substantially. On the other hand, the presence of undissolved salt at the bottom of the pond results in substantial deterioration of the pond performance.


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An exhaustive study of the radiation and gain characteristics of a truncated dielectric-coated conducting spherical antenna excited in the symmetric TM mode has been reported. The effect of the various structure parameters on the radiation and the gain characteristics for a few even and odd order TM., modes for different structures is shown. The theorctical radiation patterns and gain have been compared with experiment. It is found that there is good agreement between theory and experiment in the case of TM es and TM os,modes. A theoretical and experimental study of the radiation and gain characcteristics in the frequency range 8.0 to 12.0 GHz has been reported.


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The phase transition in gamma-irradiated triglycine sulphate (TGS) has been investigated by using a method based on the measurement of thermal noise. The results of a study of the polarization switching characteristics of gamma irradiated TGS and sodium nitrite (NaNO2) have also been presented. The effect of irradiation on the phase transition and the switching processes has been discussed.


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The effect of microwave radiation on the electron-phonon vertex in superconductors is taken into account. This leads to an enhancement of effective pairing interaction and hence to the transition temperature (Tc) which depends on the photon density and the frequency. This prediction is in agreement with recent experimental results.


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Digital fluidic and pneumatic systems incorporate displays for the presentation of information to the operator. Displays reported so far for such systems use moving pistons, tapes, and other mechanisms leading to lower reliability. This paper describes a nonmoving part fluidic display employing the photoelastic effect. The display is pressure actuated and has a long life. When fabricated from compatible materials, this device can withstand hostile environments like nuclear radiation, vibrations, etc. The display is compact, economical and is virtually maintenance free. The display unit has been tested in the laboratory for reliability and speed of response.


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Effect of disorder on the electrical resistance near the superconducting transition temperature in the paracoherence region of high temperature YBa2CU3O7-delta (YBCO) thin film superconductor is reported. For this, c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films having superconducting transition width varying between 0.27 K and 6 K were deposited using laser ablation and high pressure oxygen sputtering techniques. Disorder in these films was further created by using 100 MeV oxygen and 200 MeV silver ions with varying fluences. It is observed that the critical exponent in the paracoherence region for films with high transition temperature and small transition width is in agreement with the theoretically predicted value (gamma = 1.33) and is not affected by disorder, while for films with lower transition temperature and larger transition width the value of exponent is much larger as compared to that theoretically predicted and it varies from sample to sample and usually changes with disorder induced by radiation. This difference in the behaviour of the exponent has been explained on the basis of differences in the strength of weak links and the transition between temperatures T. and T, is interpreted as a percolation like transition with disorder. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.