122 resultados para Protein source

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Dimeric and monomeric forms of the enzyme triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) from Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) have been detected under conditions of nanoflow by electrospray mass spectrometry. The dimer (M = 55 663 Da) exhibits a narrow charge state distribution with intense peaks limited to values of 18(+) to 21(+), maximal intensity being observed for charge states 19(+) and 20(+). A monomeric species with a charge state distribution ranging from 11(+) to 16(+) is also observed, which may be assigned to folded dissociated subunits. Complete dimer dissociation results under normal electrospray condition. The effects of solution pH and source temperature have been investigated. The observation of four distinct charge state distributions which may be assigned to a dimer, folded monomer, partially folded monomer and unfolded monomer is reported. Circular dichromism and fluorescence studies of Pf TIM at low pH support the retention of substantial secondary and tertiary structures. Satellite peaks in mass spectra corresponding to hydrated species are also observed and isotope shift upon deuteration is demonstrated. The analysis of all available independent crystal structures of Pf TIM and TIMs from other organisms permits identification of structurally conserved water molecules. Hydration observed in the dimer and folded monomeric forms in the gas phase may correspond to these conserved sites.


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SecB, a soluble cytosolic chaperone component of the Secexport pathway, binds to newly synthesized precursor proteins and prevents their premature aggregation and folding and subsequently targets them to the translocation machinery on the membrane. PreMBP, the precursor form of maltose binding protein, has a 26-residue signal sequence attached to the N-terminus of MBP and is a physiological substrate of SecB. We examine the effect of macromolecular crowding and SecB on the stability and refolding of denatured preMBP and MBP. PreMBP was less stable than MBP (ΔTm =7( 0.5 K) in both crowded and uncrowded solutions. Crowding did not cause any substantial changes in the thermal stability ofMBP(ΔTm=1(0.4 K) or preMBP (ΔTm=0(0.6 K), as observed in spectroscopically monitored thermal unfolding experiments. However, both MBP and preMBP were prone to aggregation while refolding under crowded conditions. In contrast to MBP aggregates, which were amorphous, preMBP aggregates form amyloid fibrils.Under uncrowded conditions, a molar excess of SecB was able to completely prevent aggregation and promote disaggregation of preformed aggregates of MBP. When a complex of the denatured protein and SecB was preformed, SecB could completely prevent aggregation and promote folding of MBP and preMBP even in crowded solution. Thus, in addition to maintaining substrates in an unfolded, export-competent conformation, SecB also suppresses the aggregation of its substrates in the crowded intracellular environment. SecB is also able to promote passive disaggregation of macroscopic aggregates of MBP in the absence of an energy source such as ATP or additional cofactors. These experiments also demonstrate that signal peptide can reatly influence protein stability and aggregation propensity.


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Unlike the invertases from the mesophilic fungi and yeasts, invertase from a thermophilic fungus,Thermomyces lanuginosus,was unusually unstable bothin vivoandin vitro.The following observations suggested that the unstable nature of the enzyme activity in the cell-free extracts was due to the oxidation of the cysteine residue(s) in the enzyme molecule: (a) the addition of dithiothreitol or reduced glutathione stabilized invertase activity during storage of the extracts and also revived enzyme activity in the extracts which had become inactive with time; (b)N-ethylmaleimide, iodoacetamide, oxidized glutathione, cystine, or oxidized coenzyme A-inactivated invertase; (c) invertase activity was low when the ratio reduced/oxidized glutathione was lower and high when this ratio was higher, suggesting regulation of the enzyme by thiol/disulfide exchange reaction. In contrast to the activation of invertase by the thiol compounds and its inactivation by the disulfides in the cell-free extracts, the purified enzyme did not respond to these compounds. Following its inactivation, the purified enzyme required a helper protein in addition to dithiothreitol for maximal activation. A cellular protein was identified that promoted activation of invertase by dithiothreitol and it was called “PRIA” for theprotein which helps inrestoringinvertaseactivity. The revival of enzyme activity was due to the conversion of the inactive invertase molecules into an active form. A model is presented to explain the modulation of invertase activity by the thiol compounds and the disulfides, both in the crude cell-free extracts and in the purified preparations. The requirement of free sulfhydryl group(s) for the enzyme activity and, furthermore, the reciprocal effects of the thiols and the disulfides on invertase activity have not been reported for invertase from any other source. The finding of a novel invertase which shows a distinct mode of regulation demonstrates the diversity in an enzyme that has figured prominently in the development of biochemistry.


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Addition of dibutyryl 3′,5′-cyclic AMP to slices of bovine pituitary stimulated incorporation of [3H]leucine into protein, whether or not actinomycin D was present; therefore the influence of 3′,5′-cyclic AMP on protein synthesis by bovine pituitary polysomes was studied. If the cyclic nucleotide was added to the complete protein-synthesizing system (including pH 5.0 enzyme), stimulation of [3H]leucine incorporation occurred only with pH 5.0 enzyme from rat liver; there was no stimulation when homologous enzyme, i.e., from bovine pituitary, was used. Addition of 3′,5′-cyclic AMP to the polysomes, before addition of pH 5.0 enzyme, resulted in stimulation of protein synthesis with either source of enzyme, but stimulation was facilitated to a greater degree, over the range 0.5-2 mM 3′,5′-cyclic AMP, when rat liver was the source. The stimulation of protein synthesis was prevented by the addition of cycloheximide. With rat liver pH 5.0 enzyme the product of hydrolysis of 3′,5′-cyclic AMP was mainly 5′-AMP whereas with pituitary pH 5.0 enzyme there was also dephosphorylation and deamination resulting in production of hypoxanthine and other bases. However, using either source of pH 5.0 enzyme and the complete protein-synthesizing system (i.e., including an ATP-regenerating mechanism) most of the 3H from hydrolysis of [3H]3′,5′-cyclic AMP was incorporated into ATP. The data are seen as compatible with a stimulation by 3′,5′-cyclic AMP of translation by pituitary polysomes; the significance of the importance of the source of pH 5.0 enzyme used in the system is obscure.


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Prolific algal growth in sewage ponds with high organic loads in the tropical regions can provide cost-effective and efficient wastewater treatment and biofuel production. This work examines the ability of Euglena sp. growing in wastewater ponds for biofuel production and treatment of wastewater. The algae were isolated from the sewage treatment plants and were tested for their nutrient removal capability. Compared to other algae, Euglena sp. showed faster growth rates with high biomass density at elevated concentrations of ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) and organic carbon (C). Profuse growth of these species was observed in untreated wastewaters with a mean specific growth rate (mu) of 0.28 day(-1) and biomass productivities of 132 mg L-1 day(-1). The algae cultured within a short period of 8 days resulted in the 98 % removal of NH4-N, 93 % of total nitrogen 85 % of ortho-phosphate, 66 % of total phosphate and 92 % total organic carbon. Euglenoids achieved a maximum lipid content of 24.6 % (w/w) with a biomass density of 1.24 g L-1 (dry wt.). Fourier transform infrared spectra showed clear transitions in biochemical compositions with increased lipid/protein ratio at the end of the culture. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry indicated the presence of high contents of palmitic, linolenic and linoleic acids (46, 23 and 22 %, respectively), adding to the biodiesel quality. Good lipid content (comprised quality fatty acids), efficient nutrient uptake and profuse biomass productivity make the Euglena sp. as a viable source for biofuel production in wastewaters.


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Knowledge of protein-ligand interactions is essential to understand several biological processes and important for applications ranging from understanding protein function to drug discovery and protein engineering. Here, we describe an algorithm for the comparison of three-dimensional ligand-binding sites in protein structures. A previously described algorithm, PocketMatch (version 1.0) is optimised, expanded, and MPI-enabled for parallel execution. PocketMatch (version 2.0) rapidly quantifies binding-site similarity based on structural descriptors such as residue nature and interatomic distances. Atomic-scale alignments may also be obtained from amino acid residue pairings generated. It allows an end-user to compute database-wide, all-to-all comparisons in a matter of hours. The use of our algorithm on a sample dataset, performance-analysis, and annotated source code is also included.


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Heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is an ATP-dependent molecular chaperone that is essential for the normal functioning of eukaryotic cells. It plays crucial roles in cell signalling, cell-cycle control and in maintaining proteome integrity and protein homeostasis. In plants, Hsp90s are required for normal plant growth and development. Hsp90s are observed to be upregulated in response to various abiotic and biotic stresses and are also involved in immune responses in plants. Although there are several studies elucidating the physiological role of Hsp90s in plants, their molecular mechanism of action is still unclear. In this study, biochemical characterization of an Hsp90 protein from rice (Oryza sativa; OsHsp90) has been performed and the crystal structure of its N-terminal domain (OsHsp90-NTD) was determined. The binding of OsHsp90 to its substrate ATP and the inhibitor 17-AAG was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. The protein also exhibited a weak ATPase activity. The crystal structure of OsHsp90-NTD was solved in complex with the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue AMPPCP at 3.1 angstrom resolution. The domain was crystallized by cross-seeding with crystals of the N-terminal domain of Hsp90 from Dictyostelium discoideum, which shares 70% sequence identity with OsHsp90-NTD. This is the second reported structure of a domain of Hsp90 from a plant source.


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We report here on a series of laboratory experiments on plumes, undertaken with the object of simulating the effect of the heat release that occurs in clouds on condensation of water vapor. The experimental technique used for this purpose relies on ohmic heating generated in an electrically conducting plume fluid subjected to a suitable alternating voltage across specified axial stations in the plume flow [Bhat et al., 1989]. The present series of experiments achieves a value of the Richardson number that is toward the lower end of the range that characteristics cumulus clouds. It is found that the buoyancy enhancement due to heating disrupts the eddy structures in the flow and reduces the dilution owing to entrainment of ambient fluid that would otherwise have occurred in the central region of the plume. Heating also reduces the spread rate of the plume, but as it accelerates the flow as well, the overall specific mass flux in the plume does not show a very significant change at the heat input employed in the experiment. However, there is some indication that the entrainment rate (proportional to the streamwise derivative of the mass flux) is slightly higher immediately after heat injection and slightly lower farther downstream. The measurements support a previous proposal for a cloud scenario [Bhat and Narasimha, 1996] and demonstrate how fresh insights into certain aspects of the fluid dynamics of clouds may be derived from the experimental techniques employed here.


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Background: Disulphide bridges are well known to play key roles in stability, folding and functions of proteins. Introduction or deletion of disulphides by site-directed mutagenesis have produced varying effects on stability and folding depending upon the protein and location of disulphide in the 3-D structure. Given the lack of complete understanding it is worthwhile to learn from an analysis of extent of conservation of disulphides in homologous proteins. We have also addressed the question of what structural interactions replaces a disulphide in a homologue in another homologue. Results: Using a dataset involving 34,752 pairwise comparisons of homologous protein domains corresponding to 300 protein domain families of known 3-D structures, we provide a comprehensive analysis of extent of conservation of disulphide bridges and their structural features. We report that only 54% of all the disulphide bonds compared between the homologous pairs are conserved, even if, a small fraction of the non-conserved disulphides do include cytoplasmic proteins. Also, only about one fourth of the distinct disulphides are conserved in all the members in protein families. We note that while conservation of disulphide is common in many families, disulphide bond mutations are quite prevalent. Interestingly, we note that there is no clear relationship between sequence identity between two homologous proteins and disulphide bond conservation. Our analysis on structural features at the sites where cysteines forming disulphide in one homologue are replaced by non-Cys residues show that the elimination of a disulphide in a homologue need not always result in stabilizing interactions between equivalent residues. Conclusion: We observe that in the homologous proteins, disulphide bonds are conserved only to a modest extent. Very interestingly, we note that extent of conservation of disulphide in homologous proteins is unrelated to the overall sequence identity between homologues. The non-conserved disulphides are often associated with variable structural features that were recruited to be associated with differentiation or specialisation of protein function.


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Addition of estradiol 17-beta to first trimester human placental minces resulted in an increased synthesis of a protein of apparent molecular weight 45 kDa. The specific involvement of estrogen in the stimulation of this protein was established by demonstrating a reduction in the level of this protein by the addition of CCS 16949 A, an inhibitor of aromatase, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of estradiol 17-beta and ICI 182,780, an estrogen receptor antagonist. The protein was purified to homogeneity and N-terminal sequencing of two of the internal peptides obtained by enzymatic digestion of the protein, as well as the absence of a free N-terminal indicated that it could be actin. This was confirmed by Western blotting using commercially available actin antiserum. The role of estradiol 17-beta in the stimulation of actin synthesis in human placenta was also established by monitoring the quantitative inhibition of DNase I by actin.


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The effect of pH on the unfolding pathway acid the stability of the toxic protein abrin-II have been studied by increasing denaturant concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride and by monitoring the change in 8,1-anilino naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS) fluorescence upon binding to the hydrophobic sites of the protein. Intrinsic protein fluorescence, far and near UV-circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and ANS binding studies reveal that the unfolding of abrin-II occurs through two intermediates at pH 7.2 and one intermediate at pH 4.5. At pH 7.2, the two subunits A and B of abrin-II unfold sequentially. The native protein is more stable at pH 4.5 than at pH 7.2. However, the stability of the abrin-II A-subunit is not affected by a change in pH. These observations may assist in an understanding of the physiologically relevant transmembrane translocation of the toxin.


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The conformational stability of the homodimeric pea lectin was determined by both isothermal urea-induced and thermal denaturation in the absence and presence of urea. The denaturation profiles were analyzed to obtain the thermodynamic parameters associated with the unfolding of the protein. The data not only conform to the simple A(2) double left right arrow 2U model of unfolding but also are well described by the linear extrapolation model for the nature of denaturant-protein interactions. In addition, both the conformational stability (Delta G(s)) and the Delta C-p for the protein unfolding is quite high, at about 18.79 kcal/ mol and 5.32 kcal/(mol K), respectively, which may be a reflection of the relatively larger size of the dimeric molecule (M-r 49 000) and, perhaps, a consequent larger buried hydrophobic core in the folded protein. The simple two-state (A(2) double left right arrow 2U) nature of the unfolding process, with the absence of any monomeric intermediate, suggests that the quaternary interactions alone may contribute significantly to the conformational stability of the oligomer-a point that may be general to many oligomeric proteins.


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Proteins are polymerized by cyclic machines called ribosomes, which use their messenger RNA (mRNA) track also as the corresponding template, and the process is called translation. We explore, in depth and detail, the stochastic nature of the translation. We compute various distributions associated with the translation process; one of them-namely, the dwell time distribution-has been measured in recent single-ribosome experiments. The form of the distribution, which fits best with our simulation data, is consistent with that extracted from the experimental data. For our computations, we use a model that captures both the mechanochemistry of each individual ribosome and their steric interactions. We also demonstrate the effects of the sequence inhomogeneities of real genes on the fluctuations and noise in translation. Finally, inspired by recent advances in the experimental techniques of manipulating single ribosomes, we make theoretical predictions on the force-velocity relation for individual ribosomes. In principle, all our predictions can be tested by carrying out in vitro experiments.


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The hemagglutinin (H) protein of Rinderpest virus expressed by a recombinant buculovirus used as a vaccine produced high titres of neutralizing antibody to Rinderpest virus in the vaccinated cattle, comparable to the levels produced by live attenuated vaccine. The immunized cattle were protected against a vaccine-virus challenge, as demonstrated by the failure of development of antibodies to N protein of the vaccine virus. The lack of replication of vaccine virus in the immunized cattle indicated that they are capable of showing a protective response if challenged with a virulent virus.


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Ferrocene-conjugated ternary copper(II) complexes [Cu(L)(B)](ClO4)(2), where L is FcCH(2)N(CH2Py)(2) (Fc = (eta(5)-C5H4)Fe-II(eta(5)-C5H5)) and B is a phenanthroline base, viz., 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy, 1), 1, 10-phenanthroline (phen, 2), dipyrido[3,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (dpq, 3), and dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz, 4), have been synthesized and characterized by various spectroscopic and analytical techniques. The bpy complex 1, as its hexafluorophosphate salt, has been structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The molecular structure shows the copper(II) center having an essentially square-pyramidal coordination geometry in which L with a pendant ferrocenyl (Fc) moiety and bpy show respective tridentate and bidentate modes of binding to the metal center. The complexes are redox active, showing a reversible cyclic voltammetric response of the Fc(+)-Fc couple near 0.5 V vs SCE and a quasi-reversible Cu(II)-Cu(I) couple near 0.0 V. Complexes 2-4 show binding affinity to calf thymus (CT) DNA, giving binding constant (K-b) values in the range of 4.2 x 10(4) to 2.5 x 10(5) M-1. Thermal denaturation and viscometric titration data suggest groove binding and/or a partial intercalative mode of binding of the complexes to CT DNA. The complexes show good binding propensity to the bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein, giving K-BSA values of similar to 10(4) M-1 for the bpy and phen complexes and similar to 10(5) M-1 for the dpq and dppz complexes. Complexes 2-4 exhibit efficient chemical nuclease activity in the presence of 3-mercapto-propionic acid (MPA) as a reducing agent or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as an oxidizing agent. Mechanistic studies reveal formation of hydroxyl radicals as the reactive species. The dpq and dppz complexes are active in cleaving supercoiled (SC) pUC19 DNA on photoexposure to visible light of different wavelengths including red light using an argon-krypton mixed gas ion laser. Mechanistic investigations using various inhibitors reveal the fort-nation of hydroxyl radicals in the DNA photocleavage reactions. The dppz complex 4, which shows efficient photoioduced BSA cleavage activity, is a potent multifunctional model nuclease and protease in the chemistry of photodynamic therapy (PDT) of cancer.