72 resultados para Protein Interaction Domains and Motifs

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a single strand positive-sense RNA plant virus that belongs to the genus Sobemovirus. The mechanism of cell-to-cell movement in sobemoviruses has not been well studied. With a view to identify the viral encoded ancillary proteins of SeMV that may assist in cell-to-cell movement of the virus, all the proteins encoded by SeMV genome were cloned into yeast Matchmaker system 3 and interaction studies were performed. Two proteins namely, viral protein genome linked (VPg) and a 10-kDa protein (P10) c v gft encoded by OFR 2a, were identified as possible interacting partners in addition to the viral coat protein (CP). Further characterization of these interactions revealed that the movement protein (MP) recognizes cognate RNA through interaction with VPg, which is covalently linked to the 59 end of the RNA. Analysis of the deletion mutants delineated the domains of MP involved in the interaction with VPg and P10. This study implicates for the first time that VPg might play an important role in specific recognition of viral genome by MP in SeMV and shed light on the possible role of P10 in the viral movement.


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Regulation of NIa-Pro is crucial for polyprotein processing and hence, for successful infection of potyviruses. We have examined two novel mechanisms that could regulate NIa-Pro activity. Firstly, the influence of VPg domain on the proteolytic activity of NIa-Pro was investigated. It was shown that the turnover number of the protease increases when these two domains interact (as: two-fold; trans: seven-fold) with each other. Secondly, the protease activity of NIa-Pro could also be modulated by phosphorylation at Ser129. A mutation of this residue either to aspartate (phosphorylation-mimic) or alanine (phosphorylation-deficient) drastically reduces the protease activity. Based on these observations and molecular modeling studies, we propose that interaction with VPg as well as phosphorylation of Ser129 could relay a signal through Trp143 present at the protein surface to the active site pocket by subtle conformational changes, thus modulating protease activity of NIa-Pro. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Glioblastoma (GBM; grade IV astrocytoma) is a very aggressive form of brain cancer with a poor survival and few qualified predictive markers. This study integrates experimentally validated genes that showed specific upregulation in GBM along with their protein-protein interaction information. A system level analysis was used to construct GBM-specific network. Computation of topological parameters of networks showed scale-free pattern and hierarchical organization. From the large network involving 1,447 proteins, we synthesized subnetworks and annotated them with highly enriched biological processes. A careful dissection of the functional modules, important nodes, and their connections identified two novel intermediary molecules CSK21 and protein phosphatase 1 alpha (PP1A) connecting the two subnetworks CDC2-PTEN-TOP2A-CAV1-P53 and CDC2-CAV1-RB-P53-PTEN, respectively. Real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR analysis revealed CSK21 to be moderately upregulated and PP1A to be overexpressed by 20-fold in GBM tumor samples. Immunohistochemical staining revealed nuclear expression of PP1A only in GBM samples. Thus, CSK21 and PP1A, whose functions are intimately associated with cell cycle regulation, might play key role in gliomagenesis. Cancer Res; 70(16); 6437-47. (C)2010 AACR.


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Parkinsons disease (PD) is the second most prevalent progressive neurological disorder commonly associated with impaired mitochondrial function in dopaminergic neurons. Although familial PD is multifactorial in nature, a recent genetic screen involving PD patients identified two mitochondrial Hsp70 variants (P509S and R126W) that are suggested in PD pathogenesis. However, molecular mechanisms underlying how mtHsp70 PD variants are centrally involved in PD progression is totally elusive. In this article, we provide mechanistic insights into the mitochondrial dysfunction associated with human mtHsp70 PD variants. Biochemically, the R126W variant showed severely compromised protein stability and was found highly susceptible to aggregation at physiological conditions. Strikingly, on the other hand, the P509S variant exhibits significantly enhanced interaction with J-protein cochaperones involved in folding and import machinery, thus altering the overall regulation of chaperone-mediated folding cycle and protein homeostasis. To assess the impact of mtHsp70 PD mutations at the cellular level, we developed yeast as a model system by making analogous mutations in Ssc1 ortholog. Interestingly, PD mutations in yeast (R103W and P486S) exhibit multiple in vivo phenotypes, which are associated with omitochondrial dysfunction', including compromised growth, impairment in protein translocation, reduced functional mitochondrial mass, mitochondrial DNA loss, respiratory incompetency and increased susceptibility to oxidative stress. In addition to that, R103W protein is prone to aggregate in vivo due to reduced stability, whereas P486S showed enhanced interaction with J-proteins, thus remarkably recapitulating the cellular defects that are observed in human PD variants. Taken together, our findings provide evidence in favor of direct involvement of mtHsp70 as a susceptibility factor in PD.


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Escherichia coli-mycobacterium shuttle vectors are important tools for gene expression and gene replacement in mycobacteria. However, most of the currently available vectors are limited in their use because of the lack of extended multiple cloning sites (MCSs) and convenience of appending an epitope tag(s) to the cloned open reading frames (ORFs). Here we report a new series of vectors that allow for the constitutive and regulatable expression of proteins, appended with peptide tag sequences at their N and C termini, respectively. The applicability of these vectors is demonstrated by the constitutive and induced expression of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis pknK gene, coding for protein kinase K, a serine-threonine protein kinase. Furthermore, a suicide plasmid with expanded MCS for creating gene replacements, a plasmid for chromosomal integrations at the commonly used L5 attB site, and a hypoxia-responsive vector, for expression of a gene(s) under hypoxic conditions that mimic latency, have also been created. Additionally, we have created a vector for the coexpression of two proteins controlled by two independent promoters, with each protein being in fusion with a different tag. The shuttle vectors developed in the present study are excellent tools for the analysis of gene function in mycobacteria and are a valuable addition to the existing repertoire of vectors for mycobacterial research.


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Human La protein has been implicated in facilitating the internal initiation of translation as well as replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA. Previously, we demonstrated that La interacts with the HCV internal ribosome entry site (IRES) around the GCAC motif near the initiator AUG within stem-loop IV by its RNA recognition motif (RRM) (residues 112 to 184) and influences HCV translation. In this study, we have deciphered the role of this interaction in HCV replication in a hepatocellular carcinoma cell culture system. We incorporated mutation of the GCAC motif in an HCV monocistronic subgenomic replicon and a pJFH1 construct which altered the binding of La and checked HCV RNA replication by reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). The mutation drastically affected HCV replication. Furthermore, to address whether the decrease in replication is a consequence of translation inhibition or not, we incorporated the same mutation into a bicistronic replicon and observed a substantial decrease in HCV RNA levels. Interestingly, La overexpression rescued this inhibition of replication. More importantly, we observed that the mutation reduced the association between La and NS5B. The effect of the GCAC mutation on the translation-to-replication switch, which is regulated by the interplay between NS3 and La, was further investigated. Additionally, our analyses of point mutations in the GCAC motif revealed distinct roles of each nucleotide in HCV replication and translation. Finally, we showed that a specific interaction of the GCAC motif with human La protein is crucial for linking 5' and 3' ends of the HCV genome. Taken together, our results demonstrate the mechanism of regulation of HCV replication by interaction of the cis-acting element GCAC within the HCV IRES with human La protein.


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LysM domains have been recognized in bacteria and eukaryotes as carbohydrate-binding protein modules, but the mechanism of their binding to chitooligosaccharides has been underexplored. Binding of a Mycobacterium smegmatis protein containing a lectin (MSL) and one LysM domain to chitooligosaccharides has been studied using isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence titration that demonstrate the presence of two binding sites of nonidentical affinities per dimeric MSL-LysM molecule. The affinity of the molecule for chitooligosaccharides correlates with the length of the carbohydrate chain. Its binding to chitooligosaccharides is characterized by negative cooperativity in the interactions of the two domains. Apparently, the flexibility of the long linker that connects the LysM and MSL domains plays a facilitating role in this recognition. The LysM domain in the MSL-LysM molecule, like other bacterial domains but unlike plant LysM domains, recognizes equally well peptidoglycan fragments as well as chitin polymers. Interestingly, in the case presented here, two LysM domains are enough for binding to peptidoglycan in contrast to the three reportedly required by the LysM domains of Bacillus subtilis and Lactococcus lactis. Also, the affinity of the MSL-LysM molecule for chitooligosaccharides is higher than that of LysM-chitooligosaccharide interactions reported so far.


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In the yeast, mobilization of triacylglycerols (TAG) is facilitated by TGL3, TGL4 and TGL5 gene products. Interestingly, experiments using [32P] orthophosphate as a precursor for complex glycerophospholipids revealed that tgl mutants had a lower steady-state level of these membrane lipids. To understand a possible link between TAG lipolysis and phospholipid metabolism, we performed overexpression studies with Tgl3p and Tgl5p which clearly demonstrated that these two enzymes enhanced the level of phospholipids. Domains and motifs search analyses indicated that yeast TAG hydrolases posses a GXSXG lipase motif but also a HX4D acyltransferase motif. Purified Tgl3p and Tgl5p did not only exhibit TAG lipase activity but also catalyzed acyl-CoA dependent acylation of lyso-phosphatidylethanolamine and lyso-phosphatidic acid (LPA), respectively. Search for lipase/hydrolase homologues in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome led to the identification of At4g24160 which possess three motifs that are conserved across the plant species such as GXSXG motif, a HX4D motif and a probable lipid binding motif V(X)3HGF. Characterization of At4g24160 expressed in bacteria revealed that the presence of an acyl-CoA dependent LPA acyltransferase activity. In addition, the purified recombinant At4g24160 protein hydrolyzed both TAG and phosphatidylcholine. We hypothesize that the plant enzyme may be involved in membrane repair. In summary, our results indicate that these TAG lipases play a dual role and thereby contribute to both anabolic and catabolic processes in yeast and plants.


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The virus inducible non-coding RNA (VINC) was detected initially in the brain of mice infected with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and rabies virus. VINC is also known as NEAT1 or Men epsilon RNA. It is localized in the nuclear paraspeckles of several murine as well as human cell lines and is essential for paraspeckle formation. We demonstrate that VINC interacts with the paraspeckle protein, P54nrb through three different protein interaction regions (PIRs) one of which (PIR-1) is localized near the 50 end while the other two (PIR-2, PIR-3) are localized near the 30 region of VINC. Our studies suggest that VINC may interact with P54nrb through a novel mechanism which is different from that reported for protein coding RNAs. (C) 2010 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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his study elucidates some structural and biological features of galactose-binding variants of the cytotoxic proteins ricin and abrin. An isolation procedure is reported for ricin variants from Ricinus communis seeds by using lactamyl-Sepharose affinity matrix, similar to that reported previously for variants of abrin from Abrus precatorius seeds [Hegde, R., Maiti, T. K. & Podder, S. K. (1991) Anal. Biochem. 194, 101–109]. Ricin variants, subfractionated on carboxymethyl-Sepharose CL-6B ion-exchange chromatography, were characterized further by SDS/PAGE, IEF and a binding assay. Based on the immunological cross-reactivity of antibody raised against a single variant of each of ricin and abrin, it was established that all the variants of the corresponding type are immunologically indistinguishable. Analysis of protein titration curves on an immobilized pH gradient indicated that variants of abrin I differ from other abrin variants, mainly in their acidic groups and that variance in ricin is a cause of charge substitution. Detection of subunit variants of proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that there are twice as many subunit variants as there are variants of holoproteins, suggesting that each variant has a set of subunit variants, which, although homologous, are not identical to the subunits of any other variant with respect to pI. Seeds obtained from polymorphic species of R. communis showed no difference in the profile of toxin variants, as analyzed by isoelectric focussing. Toxin variants obtained from red and white varieties of A. precatorius, however, showed some difference in the number of variants as well as in their relative intensities. Furthermore, variants analyzed from several single seeds of A. precatorius red type revealed a controlled distribution of lectin variants in three specific groups, indicating an involvement of at least three genes in the production of Abrus lectins. The complete absence or presence of variants in each group suggested a post-translational differential proteolytic processing, a secondary event in the production of abrin variants.


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We have used circular dichroism and structure-directed drugs to identify the role of structural features, wide and narrow grooves in particular, required for the cooperative polymerization, recognition of homologous sequences, and the formation of joint molecules promoted by recA protein. The path of cooperative polymerization of recA protein was deduced by its ability to cause quantitative displacement of distamycin from the narrow groove of duplex DNA. By contrast, methyl green bound to the wide groove was retained by the nucleoprotein filaments comprised of recA protein-DNA. Further, the mode of binding of these ligands and recA protein to DNA was confirmed by DNaseI digestion. More importantly, the formation of joint molecules was prevented by distamycin in the narrow groove while methyl green in the wide groove had no adverse effect. Intriguingly, distamycin interfered with the production of coaggregates between nucleoprotein filaments of recA protein-M13 ssDNA and naked linear M13 duplex DNA, but not with linear phi X174 duplex DNA. Thus, these data, in conjunction with molecular modeling, suggest that the narrow grooves of duplex DNA provide the fundamental framework required for the cooperative polymerization of recA protein and alignment of homologous sequences. These findings and their significance are discussed in relation to models of homologous pairing between two intertwined DNA molecules.


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The availability of electrophoretically homogeneous rabbit penicillin carrier receptor protein (CRP) by affinity chromatography afforded an idealin vitro system to calculate the thermodynamic parameters of binding of penicillin and analogues with CRP as well as competitive binding of such analogues with CRP in presence of14C-penicillin G. The kinetics of association of CRP with 7-deoxy penicillin which does not bind covalently with CRP have been studied through equilibrium dialysis with14C-7-deoxybenzyl penicillin and found to be K=2·79×106M−1.−ΔG=8·106 k cal/mole as well as fluorescence quenching studies with exciter λ 280 K=3·573×106M−1,−ΔG=8·239 k cal/mole. The fluorescence quenching studies have been extended to CRP-benzyl penicillin and CRP-6-aminopenicillanic acid (6APA) systems also. The fluorescence data with benzyl penicillin indicate two conformational changes in CRP—a fast change corresponding to the non-covalent binding to CRP with 7-deoxy penicillin and a slower change due to covalent bond formation. With 6-APA the first change is not observed but the conformational change corresponding to covalent binding is only seen. Competitive binding studies indicate that the order of binding of CRP with the analogues of penicillin is as follows: methicillin > 6APA > carbenicillin >o-nitrobenzyl penicillin > cloxacillin ≈ benzyl penicillin ≈ 6-phenyl acetamido penicillanyl alcohol ≈ 7 phenyl acetamido desacetoxy cephalosporanic acid ≈p-amino benzyl penicillin ≈p-nitro benzyl penicillin > ticarcillin >o-amino benzyl penicillin > amoxycillin > 7-deoxy benzyl penicillin > ampicillin.From these data it has been possible to delineate partially the topology of the penicillin binding cleft of the CRP as well as some of the functional groups in the cleft responsible for the binding process.


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Three-dimensional (3D) structure determination of proteins is benefitted by long-range distance constraints comprising the methyl groups, which constitute the hydrophobic core of proteins. However, in methyl groups (of Ala, Ile, Leu, Met, Thr and Val) there is a significant overlap of C-13 and H-1 chemical shifts. Such overlap can be resolved using the recently proposed (3,2)D HCCH-COSY, a G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) NMR based experiment, which facilitates editing of methyl groups into distinct spectral regions by combining their C-13 chemical shifts with that of the neighboring, directly attached, C-13 nucleus. Using this principle, we present three GFT experiments: (a) (4,3)D NOESY-HCCH, (b) (4,3)D H-1-TOCSY-HCCH and (c) (4,3)D C-13-TOCSY-HCCH. These experiments provide unique 4D spectral information rapidly with high sensitivity and resolution for side-chain resonance assignments and NOE analysis of methyl groups. This is exemplified by (4,3)D NOESY-HCCH data acquired for 17.9 kDa non-deuterated cytosolic human J-protein co-chaperone, which provided crucial long-range distance constraints for its 3D structure determination.


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Kinetic data on inhibition of protein synthesis in thymocyte by three abrins and ricin have been obtained. The intrinsic efficiencies of A chains of four toxins to inactivate ribosomes, as analyzed by k1-versus-concentration plots were abrin II, III > ricin > abrin I. The lag times were 90, 66, 75 and 105 min at a 0.0744 nM concentration of each of abrin I, II, III and ricin, respectively. To account for the observed differences in the dose-dependent lag time, functional and structural variables of toxins such as binding efficiency of B chains to receptors and low-pH-induced structural alterations have been analyzed. The association constants obtained by stopped flow studies showed that abrin-I (4.13 × 105 M−1 s−1) association with putative receptor (4-methylumbelliferyl-α-D-galactoside) is nearly two times more often than abrin III (2.6 × 105 M−1 s−1) at 20°C. Equillibrium binding constants of abrin I and II to thymocyte at 37°C were 2.26 × 107 M−1 and 2.8 × 107 M−1 respectively. pH-induced structural alterations as studied by a parallel enhancement in 8-anilino-L-naphthalene sulfonate fluorescence revealed a high degree of qualitative similarity. These results taken with a nearly identical concentration-independent lag time (minimum lag of 41–42 min) indicated that the binding efficiencies and internalization efficiencies of these toxins are the same and that the observed difference in the dose-dependent lag time is causally related to the proposed processing event. The rates of reduction of inter-subunit disulfide bond, an obligatory step in the intoxication process, have been measured and compared under a variety of conditions. Intersubunit disulfide reduction of abrin I is fourfold faster than that of abrin II at pH 7.2. The rate of disulfide reduction in abrin I could be decreased 1 I-fold by adding lactose, compared to that without lactose. The observed differences in the efficiencies of A chains, the dose-dependent lag period, the modulating effect of lactose on the rates of disulfide reduction and similarity in binding properties make the variants a valuable tool to probe the processing events in toxin transport in detail.


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The evolutionary diversity of the HSP70 gene family at the genetic level has generated complex structural variations leading to altered functional specificity and mode of regulation in different cellular compartments. By utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system for better understanding the global functional cooperativity between Hsp70 paralogs, we have dissected the differences in functional properties at the biochemical level between mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 (mtHsp70) Ssc1 and an uncharacterized Ssc3 paralog. Based on the evolutionary origin of Ssc3 and a high degree of sequence homology with Ssc1, it has been proposed that both have a close functional overlap in the mitochondrial matrix. Surprisingly, our results demonstrate that there is no functional cross-talk between Ssc1 and Ssc3 paralogs. The lack of in vivo functional overlap is due to altered conformation and significant lower stability associated with Ssc3. The substrate-binding domain of Ssc3 showed poor affinity toward mitochondrial client proteins and Tim44 due to the open conformation in ADP-bound state. In addition to that, the nucleotide-binding domain of Ssc3 showed an altered regulation by the Mge1 co-chaperone due to a high degree of conformational plasticity, which strongly promotes aggregation. Besides, Ssc3 possesses a dysfunctional inter-domain interface thus rendering it unable to perform functions similar to generic Hsp70s. Moreover, we have identified the critical amino acid sequence of Ssc1 and Ssc3 that can ``make or break'' mtHsp70 chaperone function. Together, our analysis provides the first evidence to show that the nucleotide-binding domain of mtHsp70s plays a critical role in determining the functional specificity among paralogs and orthologs across kingdoms.