53 resultados para Property right

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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India has been acknowledged as a large reservoir of nature's random mutation, an original 'rich' source of knowledge in the context of international genome studies. Human genome knowledge and the possible understanding of the basis of uniqueness of each individual in chemical terms has presented a number of inescapable challenges to our own jurisprudence philosophies and our ethical sensibilities.


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Four new hybrid (bolaphile/amphiphile) ion-pairs were synthesized. Electron microscopy indicated that each of these forms bilayer membranes upon dispersion in aqueous media. Membrane properties have also been examined by differential scanning calorimetry, microcalorimetry, temperature-dependent fluorescence anisotropy measurements, and UV-vis spectroscopy. The T-m values for the vesicular 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were 38, 12, 85, 31.3, and 41.6 degrees C, respectively. Interestingly the T-m values for 1 and 3 were found to depend on their concentration. The entrapment of small solute and the release capability have also been examined to demonstrate that these bilayers form enclosed vesicles. X-ray diffraction of the cast films has been performed to understand the nature and the thickness of these membrane organizations. The membrane widths ranged from 33 to 47 Angstrom. Finally, the above observations have been analyzed in light of the results obtained from molecular modeling studies. Thus we have demonstrated that membrane properties can be modulated by simple structural changes at the amphiphile level. It was shown that by judicious incorporation of central, isomeric, disubstituted aromatic units as structural anchors into different bolaphiles, one can modulate the properties of the resulting vesicles.


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Sets of multivalued dependencies (MVDs) having conflict-free covers are important to the theory and design of relational databases [2,12,15,16]. Their desirable properties motivate the problem of testing a set M of MVDs for the existence of a confiict-free cover. In [8] Goodman and Tay have proposed an approach based on the possible equivalence of M to a single (acyclic) join dependency (JD). We remark that their characterization does not lend an insight into the nature of such sets of MVDs. Here, we use notions that are intrinsic to MVDs to develop a new characterization. Our approach proceeds in two stages. In the first stage, we use the notion of “split-free” sets of MVDs and obtain a characterization of sets M of MVDs having split-free covers. In the second, we use the notion of “intersection” of MVDs to arrive at a necessary and sufficient condition for a split-free set of MVDs to be conflict-free. Based on our characterizations, we also give polynomial-time algorithms for testing whether M has split-free and conflict-free covers. The highlight of our approach is the clear insight it provides into the nature of sets of MVDs having conflict-free covers. Less emphasis is given in this paper to the actual efficiency of the algorthms. Finally, as a bonus, we derive a desirable property of split-free sets of MVDs,thereby showing that they are interesting in their own right.


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Left handed duplexes are shown to be in agreement with the X-ray intensity data of A-, B- and D-forms of DNA. The structures are stereochemically satisfactory because they were obtained following a stereochemical guideline derived from theory and single crystal structure data of nucleic acid components. The same stereochemical guideline also led to right handed duplexes for B- and D-forms of DNA which have stereochemically preferred conformation and hence are superior to those given by Arnott and coworkers.


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Vanadate-dependent oxidation of NADH by xanthine oxidase does not require the presence of xanthine and therefore is not due to cooxidation. Addition of NADH or xanthine had no effect on the oxidation of the other substrate. Oxidation of NADH was high at acid pH and oxidation of xanthine was high at alkaline pH. The specific activity was relatively very high with NADH. Concentration-dependent oxidation of NADH was obtained in the presence of the polymeric form of vanadate, but not orthovanadate or metavanadate. Both NADH and NADPH were oxidized, as in the nonenzymatic system. Oxidation of NADH, but not xanthine, was inhibited by KCN, ascorbate, MnCl2, cytochrome c, mannitol, Tris, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and triiodothyronine. Oxidation of NADH was accompanied by uptake of oxygen and generation of H2O2 with a stoichiometry of 1:1:1 for NADH:O2:H2O2. A 240-nm-absorbing species was formed during the reaction which was different from H2O2 or superoxide. A mechanism of NADH oxidation is suggested wherein VV and O2 receive one electron each successively from NADH followed by VIV giving the second electron to superoxide and reducing it to H2O2.


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Based upon a stereochemical guideline, two topologically distinct types of helicalduplexes have been deduced for a polynucleotide duplex with alternating purine pyrimidine sequence (PAPP): (a) right-handed uniform (RU) helix and (b) left-handed zig-zag (LZ) helix. Both structures have trinucleoside diphosphate as the basic unit wherein the purine pyrimidine fragment has a different conformation from the pyrimidine-purine fragment. Thus, RU and LZ helices represent two different classes of sequence-dependent molecular conformations for PAPP. The conformationalf eatures of an RU helix of PAPP in B-form and three LZ-helices for B-, D- and Z-forms are discussed.


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The hallmark of mammalian spermiogenesis is the dramatic chromatin remodeling process wherein the nucleosomal histones are replaced by the transition proteins TP1, TP2, and TP4. Subsequently these transition proteins are replaced by the protamines P1 and P2. Hyperacetylation of histone H4 is linked to their replacement by transition proteins. Here we report that TP2 is acetylated in vivo as detected by anti-acetylated lysine antibody and mass spectrometric analysis. Further, recombinant TP2 is acetylated in vitro by acetyltransferase KAT3B (p300) more efficiently than by KAT2B (PCAF). In vivo p300 was demonstrated to acetylate TP2. p300 acetylates TP2 in its C-terminal domain, which is highly basic in nature and possesses chromatin-condensing properties. Mass spectrometric analysis showed that p300 acetylates four lysine residues in the C-terminal domain of TP2. Acetylation of TP2 by p300 leads to significant reduction in its DNA condensation property as studied by circular dichroism and atomic force microscopy analysis. TP2 also interacts with a putative histone chaperone, NPM3, wherein expression is elevated in haploid spermatids.Interestingly, acetylation of TP2 impedes its interaction with NPM3. Thus, acetylation of TP2 adds a new dimension to its role in the dynamic reorganization of chromatin during mammalian spermiogenesis.


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In recent years, spatial variability modeling of soil parameters using random field theory has gained distinct importance in geotechnical analysis. In the present Study, commercially available finite difference numerical code FLAC 5.0 is used for modeling the permeability parameter as spatially correlated log-normally distributed random variable and its influence on the steady state seepage flow and on the slope stability analysis are studied. Considering the case of a 5.0 m high cohesive-frictional soil slope of 30 degrees, a range of coefficients of variation (CoV%) from 60 to 90% in the permeability Values, and taking different values of correlation distance in the range of 0.5-15 m, parametric studies, using Monte Carlo simulations, are performed to study the following three aspects, i.e., (i) effect ostochastic soil permeability on the statistics of seepage flow in comparison to the analytic (Dupuit's) solution available for the uniformly constant permeability property; (ii) strain and deformation pattern, and (iii) stability of the given slope assessed in terms of factor of safety (FS). The results obtained in this study are useful to understand the role of permeability variations in slope stability analysis under different slope conditions and material properties. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Acyl carrier protein is an integral component of many cellular metabolic processes. A number of studies have reported self-acylation behavior in acyl carrier proteins. Although AM exhibit high levels of similarity in their primary and tertiary structures, self-acylation behavior is restricted to only some ACPs that can be classified into two major families based on their function. The first family of ACPs is involved in polyketide biosynthesis, whereas the second family participates in fatty acid synthesis. Facilitated by the growing number of genome sequences available for analyses, large-scale phylogenetic studies were used in these studies to uncover as to how self-acylation behavior of acyl carrier proteins is linked with the evolution of metabolic pathways in organisms. These studies show that self-acylation behavior in acyl carrier proteins was lost during the course of evolution, with certain organisms and organelles viz. plastids, retaining it for specified functions. (C) 2009 IUBMB IUBMB Life, 61(8): 853-859, 2009


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CeO2-SnO2 solid solution has been reported to possess high oxygen storage/release property which possibly originates from local structural distortion. We have performed first-principles based density functional calculations of Ce1-xSnxO2 structure (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) to understand its structural stability in fluorite in comparison to rutile structure of the other end-member SnO2, and studied the local structural distortion induced by the dopant Sn ion. Analysis of relative energies of fluorite and rutile phases of CeO2, SnO2, and Ce1-xSnxO2 indicates that fluorite structure is the most stable for Ce1-xSnxO2 solid solution. An analysis of local structural distortions reflected in phonon dispersion show that SnO2 in fluorite structure is highly unstable while CeO2 in rutile structure is only weakly unstable. Thus, Sn in Ce1-xSnxO2-fluorite structure is associated with high local structural distortion whereas Ce in Ce1-xSnxO2-rutile structure, if formed, will show only marginal local distortion. Determination of M-O (M=Ce or Sn) bond lengths and analysis of Born effective charges for the optimized structure of Ce1-xSnxO2 show that local coordination of these cations changes from ideal eightfold coordination expected of fluorite lattice to 4+4 coordination, leading to generation of long and short Ce-O and Sn-O bonds in the doped structure. Bond valence analyses for all ions show the presence of oxygen with bond valence similar to 1.84. These weakly bonded oxygen ions are relevant for enhanced oxygen storage/release properties observed in Ce1-xSnxO2 solid solution. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We propose an effective elastography technique in which an acoustic radiation force is used for remote palpation to generate localized tissue displacements, which are directly correlated to localized variations of tissue stiffness and are measured using a light probe in the same direction of ultrasound propagation. The experimental geometry has provision to input light beam along the ultrasound propagation direction, and hence it can be prealigned to ensure proper interception of the focal region by the light beam. Tissue-mimicking phantoms with homogeneous and isotropic mechanical properties of normal and malignant breast tissue are considered for the study. Each phantom is insonified by a focusing ultrasound transducer (1 MHz). The focal volume of the transducer and the ultrasound radiation force in the region are estimated through solving acoustic wave propagation through medium assuming average acoustic properties. The forward elastography problem is solved for the region of insonification assuming the Lame's parameters and Poisson's ratio, under Dirichlet boundary conditions which gives a distribution of displacement vectors. The direction of displacement, though presented spatial variation, is predominantly towards the ultrasound propagation direction. Using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation we have traced the photons through the phantom and collected the photons arriving at the detector on the boundary of the object in the direction of ultrasound. The intensity correlations are then computed from detected photons. The intensity correlation function computed through MC simulation showed a modulation whose strength is found to be proportional to the amplitude of displacement and inversely related to the storage (elastic) modulus. It is observed that when the storage modulus in the focal region is increased the computed displacement magnitude, as indicated by the depth of modulation in the intensity autocorrelation, decreased and the trend is approximately exponential.


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Amyloid beta (A beta) is the major etiological factor implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD). A beta(42) self-assembles to form oligomers and fibrils via multiple aggregation process. The recent studies aimed to decrease A beta levels or prevention of A beta aggregation which are the major targets for therapeutic intervention. Natural products as alternatives for AD drug discovery are a current trend. We evidenced that Caesalpinia crista leaf aqueous extract has anti-amyloidogenic potential. The studies on pharmacological properties of C. crista are very limited. Our study focused on ability of C. crista leaf aqueous extract on the prevention of (i) the formation of oligomers and aggregates from monomers (Phase I: A beta(42) + extract co-incubation); (ii) the formation of fibrils from oligomers (Phase II: extract added after oligomers formation); and (iii) dis-aggregation of pre-formedfibrils (Phase III: aqueous extract added to matured fibrils and incubated for 9 days). The aggregation kinetics was monitored using thioflavin-T assay and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that C. crista aqueous extract could able to inhibit the A beta(42) aggregation from monomers and oligomers and also able todis-aggregate the pre-formed fibrils. The study provides an insight on finding new natural products for AD therapeutics. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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P>1Organisms with low mobility, living within ephemeral environments,need to find vehicles that can disperse them reliably to new environments. The requirement for specificity in this passenger-vehicle relationship is enhanced within a tritrophic interaction when the environment of passenger and vehicle is provided by a third organism. Such relationships pose many interesting questions about specificity within a tritrophic framework. 2. Central to understanding how these tritrophic systems have evolved, is knowing how they function now. Determining the proximal cues and sensory modalities used by passengers to find vehicles and to discriminate between reliable and non-reliable vehicles is, therefore, essential to this investigation. 3. The ancient, co-evolved and highly species-specific nursery pollination mutualism between figs and fig wasps is host to species-specific plant-parasitic nematodes which use fig wasps to travel between figs. Since individual globular fig inflorescences, i.e. syconia, serve as incubators for hundreds of developing pollinating and parasitic wasps, a dispersal-stage nematode within such a chemically,complex and physically crowded environment is faced with the dilemma of choosing the right vehicle for dispersal into a new fig. Such a system therefore affords excellent opportunities to investigate mechanisms that contribute to the evolution of specificity between the passenger and the vehicle. 4. In this study of fig-wasp-nematode tritrophic interactions in Ficus racemosa within which seven wasp species can breed, we demonstrate using two-choice as well as cafeteria assays that plant-parasitic nematodes (Schistonchus racemosa) do not hitch rides randomly on available eclosing wasps within the fig syconium, but are specifically attracted, at close range, i.e. 3 mm distance, to only that vehicle which can quickly, within a few hours, reliably transfer it to another fig. This vehicle is the female pollinating wasp. Male wasps and female parasitic wasps are inappropriate vehicles since the former are wingless and die within the fig, while the latter never enter another fig. Nematodes distinguished between female pollinating wasps and other female parasitic wasps using volatiles and cuticular hydrocarbons. Nematodes could not distinguish between cuticular hydrocarbons of male and female pollinators but used other cues, such as volatiles, at close range, to find female pollinating wasps with which they have probably had a long history of chemical adaptation. 5. This study opens up new questions and hypotheses about the evolution and maintenance of specificity in fig-wasp-nematode tritrophic interactions.


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The conformational analysis of a pair of two-linked peptide units in the anti-parallel arrangement is reported here with a view to study the effect of association of one chain with the other. The pair of two-linked peptide units were fixed in space through the hydrogen bonds between them, in accordance with certain hydrogen bond criteria. Model building was undertaken to ascertain whether the proximity of the side-chains could be used to eliminate any one of the right-hand twisted, left-hand twisted or regular β-structures. Stereochemically, it was found possible with all of them. The preference for a right-hand twisted β-structure, however, was indicated by the classical energy calculations. The relevance of the results thus obtained is discussed in the context of the preferential right-hand twist of the β-pleated sheets present in globular proteins. The agreement between the minimum energy conformations obtained for the pair of two-linked peptide units and the globular protein data is also indicated.


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Highly stable varistor (voltage-limiting) property is observed for ceramics based on donor doped (Ba1-xSrx)Ti1-yZryO3 (x < 0.35, y < 0.05), when the ambient temperature (T(a)) is above the Curie point (T(c)). If T(a) < T(c), the same ceramics showed stable current-limiting behavior. The leakage current and the breakdown voltage as well as the nonlinearity coefficient (alpha = 30-50) could be varied with the T(c)-shifting components, the grain boundary layer modifiers and the post-sintering annealing. Analyses of the current-voltage relations show that grain boundary layer conduction at T(a) < T(c) corresponds to tunneling across asymmetric barriers formed under steady-state joule heating. At T(a) > T(c), trap-related conduction gives way to tunneling across symmetric barriers as the field strength increases.