34 resultados para Processing image

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Thanks to advances in sensor technology, today we have many applications (space-borne imaging, medical imaging, etc.) where images of large sizes are generated. Straightforward application of wavelet techniques for above images involves certain difficulties. Embedded coders such as EZW and SPIHT require that the wavelet transform of the full image be buffered for coding. Since the transform coefficients also require storing in high precision, buffering requirements for large images become prohibitively high. In this paper, we first devise a technique for embedded coding of large images using zero trees with reduced memory requirements. A 'strip buffer' capable of holding few lines of wavelet coefficients from all the subbands belonging to the same spatial location is employed. A pipeline architecure for a line implementation of above technique is then proposed. Further, an efficient algorithm to extract an encoded bitstream corresponding to a region of interest in the image has also been developed. Finally, the paper describes a strip based non-embedded coding which uses a single pass algorithm. This is to handle high-input data rates. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a GPU implementation of normalized cuts for road extraction problem using panchromatic satellite imagery. The roads have been extracted in three stages namely pre-processing, image segmentation and post-processing. Initially, the image is pre-processed to improve the tolerance by reducing the clutter (that mostly represents the buildings, vegetation,. and fallow regions). The road regions are then extracted using the normalized cuts algorithm. Normalized cuts algorithm is a graph-based partitioning `approach whose focus lies in extracting the global impression (perceptual grouping) of an image rather than local features. For the segmented image, post-processing is carried out using morphological operations - erosion and dilation. Finally, the road extracted image is overlaid on the original image. Here, a GPGPU (General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit) approach has been adopted to implement the same algorithm on the GPU for fast processing. A performance comparison of this proposed GPU implementation of normalized cuts algorithm with the earlier algorithm (CPU implementation) is presented. From the results, we conclude that the computational improvement in terms of time as the size of image increases for the proposed GPU implementation of normalized cuts. Also, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the segmentation results has been projected.


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The design of a dual-DSP microprocessor system and its application for parallel FFT and two-dimensional convolution are explained. The system is based on a master-salve configuration. Two ADSP-2101s are configured as slave processors and a PC/AT serves as the master. The master serves as a control processor to transfer the program code and data to the DSPs. The system architecture and the algorithms for the two applications, viz. FFT and two-dimensional convolutions, are discussed.


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Diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction uses advanced numerical models that are computationally costly to be implemented in the real time. The graphics processing units (GPUs) offer desktop massive parallelization that can accelerate these computations. An open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra library package is used to compute the most intensive matrix-matrix calculations and matrix decompositions that are used in solving the system of linear equations. These open-source functions were integrated into the existing frequency-domain diffuse optical image reconstruction algorithms to evaluate the acceleration capability of the GPUs (NVIDIA Tesla C 1060) with increasing reconstruction problem sizes. These studies indicate that single precision computations are sufficient for diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction. The acceleration per iteration can be up to 40, using GPUs compared to traditional CPUs in case of three-dimensional reconstruction, where the reconstruction problem is more underdetermined, making the GPUs more attractive in the clinical settings. The current limitation of these GPUs in the available onboard memory (4 GB) that restricts the reconstruction of a large set of optical parameters, more than 13, 377. (C) 2010 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. DOI: 10.1117/1.3506216]


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Editors' note:Flexible, large-area display and sensor arrays are finding growing applications in multimedia and future smart homes. This article first analyzes and compares current flexible devices, then discusses the implementation, requirements, and testing of flexible sensor arrays.—Jiun-Lang Huang (National Taiwan University) and Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng (University of California, Santa Barbara)


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This paper presents the design and implementation of PolyMage, a domain-specific language and compiler for image processing pipelines. An image processing pipeline can be viewed as a graph of interconnected stages which process images successively. Each stage typically performs one of point-wise, stencil, reduction or data-dependent operations on image pixels. Individual stages in a pipeline typically exhibit abundant data parallelism that can be exploited with relative ease. However, the stages also require high memory bandwidth preventing effective utilization of parallelism available on modern architectures. For applications that demand high performance, the traditional options are to use optimized libraries like OpenCV or to optimize manually. While using libraries precludes optimization across library routines, manual optimization accounting for both parallelism and locality is very tedious. The focus of our system, PolyMage, is on automatically generating high-performance implementations of image processing pipelines expressed in a high-level declarative language. Our optimization approach primarily relies on the transformation and code generation capabilities of the polyhedral compiler framework. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first model-driven compiler for image processing pipelines that performs complex fusion, tiling, and storage optimization automatically. Experimental results on a modern multicore system show that the performance achieved by our automatic approach is up to 1.81x better than that achieved through manual tuning in Halide, a state-of-the-art language and compiler for image processing pipelines. For a camera raw image processing pipeline, our performance is comparable to that of a hand-tuned implementation.


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Multiresolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image formation has been proven to be beneficial in a variety of applications such as improved imaging and target detection as well as speckle reduction. SAR signal processing traditionally carried out in the Fourier domain has inherent limitations in the context of image formation at hierarchical scales. We present a generalized approach to the formation of multiresolution SAR images using biorthogonal shift-invariant discrete wavelet transform (SIDWT) in both range and azimuth directions. Particularly in azimuth, the inherent subband decomposition property of wavelet packet transform is introduced to produce multiscale complex matched filtering without involving any approximations. This generalized approach also includes the formulation of multilook processing within the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) paradigm. The efficiency of the algorithm in parallel form of execution to generate hierarchical scale SAR images is shown. Analytical results and sample imagery of diffuse backscatter are presented to validate the method.


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We present a signal processing approach using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for the generation of complex synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images at an arbitrary number of dyadic scales of resolution. The method is computationally efficient and is free from significant system-imposed limitations present in traditional subaperture-based multiresolution image formation. Problems due to aliasing associated with biorthogonal decomposition of the complex signals are addressed. The lifting scheme of DWT is adapted to handle complex signal approximations and employed to further enhance the computational efficiency. Multiresolution SAR images formed by the proposed method are presented.


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This paper presents a low cost but high resolution retinal image acquisition system of the human eye. The images acquired by a CMOS image sensor are communicated through the Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface to a personal computer for viewing and further processing. The image acquisition time was estimated to be 2.5 seconds. This system can also be used in telemedicine applications.


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In this paper the approach for automatic road extraction for an urban region using structural, spectral and geometric characteristics of roads has been presented. Roads have been extracted based on two levels: Pre-processing and road extraction methods. Initially, the image is pre-processed to improve the tolerance by reducing the clutter (that mostly represents the buildings, parking lots, vegetation regions and other open spaces). The road segments are then extracted using Texture Progressive Analysis (TPA) and Normalized cut algorithm. The TPA technique uses binary segmentation based on three levels of texture statistical evaluation to extract road segments where as, Normalizedcut method for road extraction is a graph based method that generates optimal partition of road segments. The performance evaluation (quality measures) for road extraction using TPA and normalized cut method is compared. Thus the experimental result show that normalized cut method is efficient in extracting road segments in urban region from high resolution satellite image.


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In this paper, we present a growing and pruning radial basis function based no-reference (NR) image quality model for JPEG-coded images. The quality of the images are estimated without referring to their original images. The features for predicting the perceived image quality are extracted by considering key human visual sensitivity factors such as edge amplitude, edge length, background activity and background luminance. Image quality estimation involves computation of functional relationship between HVS features and subjective test scores. Here, the problem of quality estimation is transformed to a function approximation problem and solved using GAP-RBF network. GAP-RBF network uses sequential learning algorithm to approximate the functional relationship. The computational complexity and memory requirement are less in GAP-RBF algorithm compared to other batch learning algorithms. Also, the GAP-RBF algorithm finds a compact image quality model and does not require retraining when the new image samples are presented. Experimental results prove that the GAP-RBF image quality model does emulate the mean opinion score (MOS). The subjective test results of the proposed metric are compared with JPEG no-reference image quality index as well as full-reference structural similarity image quality index and it is observed to outperform both.


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Denoising of medical images in wavelet domain has potential application in transmission technologies such as teleradiology. This technique becomes all the more attractive when we consider the progressive transmission in a teleradiology system. The transmitted images are corrupted mainly due to noisy channels. In this paper, we present a new real time image denoising scheme based on limited restoration of bit-planes of wavelet coefficients. The proposed scheme exploits the fundamental property of wavelet transform - its ability to analyze the image at different resolution levels and the edge information associated with each sub-band. The desired bit-rate control is achieved by applying the restoration on a limited number of bit-planes subject to the optimal smoothing. The proposed method adapts itself to the preference of the medical expert; a single parameter can be used to balance the preservation of (expert-dependent) relevant details against the degree of noise reduction. The proposed scheme relies on the fact that noise commonly manifests itself as a fine-grained structure in image and wavelet transform allows the restoration strategy to adapt itself according to directional features of edges. The proposed approach shows promising results when compared with unrestored case, in context of error reduction. It also has capability to adapt to situations where noise level in the image varies and with the changing requirements of medical-experts. The applicability of the proposed approach has implications in restoration of medical images in teleradiology systems. The proposed scheme is computationally efficient.


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Image filtering techniques have potential applications in biomedical image processing such as image restoration and image enhancement. The potential of traditional filters largely depends on the apriori knowledge about the type of noise corrupting the image. This makes the standard filters to be application specific. For example, the well-known median filter and its variants can remove the salt-and-pepper (or impulse) noise at low noise levels. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, we have introduced a new finite impulse response (FIR) filter for image restoration where, the filter undergoes a learning procedure. The filter coefficients are adaptively updated based on correlated Hebbian learning. This algorithm exploits the inter pixel correlation in the form of Hebbian learning and hence performs optimal smoothening of the noisy images. The application of the proposed filter on images corrupted with Gaussian noise, results in restorations which are better in quality compared to those restored by average and Wiener filters. The restored image is found to be visually appealing and artifact-free


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The use of split lenses for multiple imaging and multichannel optical processing is demonstrated. Conditions are obtained for nonoverlapping of multipled images and avoiding crosstalk in the multichannel processing. Almost uniform intensity across the multipled images is an advantage here, while the low ƒ/No. of the split lens segments puts a limit in the resolution in image processing. Experimental results of multiple imaging and of a few multichannel processing are presented.


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The hot deformation behavior of α brass with varying zinc contents in the range 3%–30% was characterized using hot compression testing in the temperature range 600–900 °C and strain rate range 0.001–100 s−1. On the basis of the flow stress data, processing maps showing the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation (given by Image where m is the strain rate sensitivity) with temperature and strain rate were obtained. α brass exhibits a domain of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) at temperatures greater than 0.85Tm and at strain rates lower than 1 s−1. The maximum efficiency of power dissipation increases with increasing zinc content and is in the range 33%–53%. The DRX domain shifts to lower strain rates for higher zinc contents and the strain rate for peak efficiency is in the range 0.0001–0.05 s−1. The results indicate that the DRX in α brass is controlled by the rate of interface formation (nucleation) which depends on the diffusion-controlled process of thermal recovery by climb.