93 resultados para Prewarming of skin surface

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We consider here the higher order effect of moderate longitudinal surface curvature on steady, two-dimensional, incompressible laminar boundary layers. The basic partial differential equations for the problem, derived by the method of matched asymptotic expansions, are found to possess similarity solutions for a family of surface curvatures and pressure gradients. The similarity equations obtained by this anaylsis have been solved numerically on a computer, and show a definite decrease in skin friction when the surface has convex curvature in all cases including zero pressure gradient. Typical velocity profiles and some relevant boundary-layer characteristics are tabulated, and a critical comparison with previous work is given.


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The measurement of surface energy balance over a land surface in an open area in Bangalore is reported. Measurements of all variables needed to calculate the surface energy balance on time scales longer than a week are made. Components of radiative fluxes are measured while sensible and latent heat fluxes are based on the bulk method using measurements made at two levels on a micrometeorological tower of 10 m height. The bulk flux formulation is verified by comparing its fluxes with direct fluxes using sonic anemometer data sampled at 10 Hz. Soil temperature is measured at 4 depths. Data have been continuously collected for over 6 months covering pre-monsoon and monsoon periods during the year 2006. The study first addresses the issue of getting the fluxes accurately. It is shown that water vapour measurements are the most crucial. A bias of 0.25% in relative humidity, which is well above the normal accuracy assumed the manufacturers but achievable in the field using a combination of laboratory calibration and field intercomparisons, results in about 20 W m(-2) change in the latent heat flux on the seasonal time scale. When seen on the seasonal time scale, the net longwave radiation is the largest energy loss term at the experimental site. The seasonal variation in the energy sink term is small compared to that in the energy source term.


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Pyramidal asperities of different apical angle were machined on a flat copper surface. Hardness was estimated from the load-displacement graphs obtained by pressing a spherical rigid indenter onto the asperities. The variation of hardness with apical angle and pitch was recorded with a view to contributing to the development of a general framework for relating measured hardness to the surface roughness.


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The solidification behaviour is described of two pure metals (Bi and Ni) and two eutectic alloys (A1-Ge and AI-Cu) under nonequilibrium conditions, in particular the microsecond pulsed laser surface melting. The resolidification behaviour of bismuth shows that epitaxial regrowth is the dominant mechanism. For mixed grain size, regrowth of larger grains dominates the microstructure and can result in the development of texture. In the case of nickel, epitaxial growth has been noted. For lower energy pulse-melted pool, grain refinement takes place, indicating nucleation of fresh nickel grains. The A1-Ge eutectic alloy indicates the nucleation and columnar growth of a metastable monoclinic phase from the melt-substrate interface at a high power density laser irradiation. An equiaxed microstructure containing the same monoclinic phase is obtained at a lower power density laser irradiation. It is shown that the requirement of solution partition acts as a barrier to eutectic regrowth from the substrate. The laser-melted pool of A1-Cu eutectic alloy includes columnar growth of c~-A1 and 0-A12Cu phase followed by the dendritic growth of A12Cu phase with ct-Al forming at the interdendritic space. In addition, a banded microstructure was observed in the resolidified laser-melted pool.


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We investigate the effects of radiative heat losses and thermal conductivity on the hydromagnetic surface waves along a magnetic discontinuity in a plasma of infinite electrical conductivity. We show that the effects of radiative heat losses on such surface waves are appreciable only when values of the plasma pressure on the two sides of the discontinuity are substantially different. Overstability of a surface wave requires that the medium in which it gives larger first-order compression should satisfy the criterion of Field (1965). Possible applications of the study to magnetic discontinuities in solar corona are briefly discussed.


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The dispersive and stability characteristics of Alfven surface waves (ASW) along the boundary of the moving cylindrical plasma column, surrounded by a stationary medium embedded in a parallel magnetic field is studied. The nature of the symmetric and asymmetric modes on the interface parameters is also discussed.


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An Auger study of the oxidation of zinc has been carried out to confirm that the relative intensities of the metal lines in election-beam induced Auger spectra are directly proportional to the number of valence electrons and therefore of direct use in investigating surface oxidation of metals.


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3-D KCL are equations of evolution of a propagating surface (or a wavefront) Omega(t), in 3-space dimensions and were first derived by Giles, Prasad and Ravindran in 1995 assuming the motion of the surface to be isotropic. Here we discuss various properties of these 3-D KCL.These are the most general equations in conservation form, governing the evolution of Omega(t) with singularities which we call kinks and which are curves across which the normal n to Omega(t) and amplitude won Omega(t) are discontinuous. From KCL we derive a system of six differential equations and show that the KCL system is equivalent to the ray equations of 2, The six independent equations and an energy transport equation (for small amplitude waves in a polytropic gas) involving an amplitude w (which is related to the normal velocity m of Omega(t)) form a completely determined system of seven equations. We have determined eigenvalues of the system by a very novel method and find that the system has two distinct nonzero eigenvalues and five zero eigenvalues and the dimension of the eigenspace associated with the multiple eigenvalue 0 is only 4. For an appropriately defined m, the two nonzero eigenvalues are real when m > 1 and pure imaginary when m < 1. Finally we give some examples of evolution of weakly nonlinear wavefronts.


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In the present investigation, various kinds of textures, namely, unidirectional, 8-ground, and random were attained on the die surfaces. Roughness of the textures was varied using different grits of emery papers or polishing powders. Then pins made of Al-4Mg alloys were slid against steel plates at various numbers of cycles, namely 1, 2, 6, 10 and 20 under both dry and lubricated conditions using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding tester. The morphologies of the worn surfaces of the pins and the formation of transfer layer on the counter surfaces were observed using a scanning electron microscope. Surface roughness parameters of the plate were measured using an optical profilometer. It was observed that the coefficient of friction and formation of transfer layer during the first few cycles depend on the die surface textures under both dry and lubricated conditions. It was also observed that under lubricated condition, the coefficient of friction decreases with number of cycles for all kinds of textures. However, under dry condition, it ecreases for unidirectional and 8-ground surfaces while for random surfaces it increases with number of cycles


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The Alfvén surface waves can arise due to the discontinuity in the Alfvén speed across the interface along which these waves propagate. This note studies the relationship between v A1 and v A2 which is required for the existence of Alfvén surface waves in low-beta.


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The intensity of inelastically scattered electrons measured by electron energy loss spectroscopy has been employed to monitor the surface conductivity of YBa2Cu3O6.9 as a function of temperature. The study shows a drastic change in surface conductivity precedes the superconducting transition at 90K. The increase in surface conductivity is accompanied by the formation of dimerized holes in the oxygen derived p-band. This phenomenon is not observed in the non-superconducting YBa2Cu3O6.2.


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Surface oxidation of Co has been investigated at different temperatures in the 300–600 K range at oxygen exposures upto 106 L by XPES and AES techniques. In the XPES, both the valence band and core level bands have been employed to monitor the oxidation while in the AES, metal Auger intensity ratios as well as O(KLL)/Co(L23M45M45) ratios have been examined. Only CoO is formed on the surface at high oxygen exposures at and above 500 K.


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This paper presents the results of the rise time calculation of a SAW resonator. The total rise time is given by rise time = [(rise time of cavity)2 + (rise time of reflectors)2 + (rise time of IDT) 2 ]. 1/2 These rise times are calculated in terms of the effective length of the cavity , the characteristics of the reflector, and the number of finger pairs in the IDT. The rise time of a 38 MHz one-port resonator on Y-Z LiNb03 calculated using this approach is found to be in good agreement with experimental results .


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The nonlinear propagation characteristics of surface acoustic waves on an isotropic elastic solid have been studied in this paper. The solution of the harmonic boundary value problem for Rayleigh waves is obtained as a generalized Fourier series whose coefficients are proportional to the slowly varying amplitudes of the various harmonics. The infinite set of coupled equations for the amplitudes when solved exhibit an oscillatory slow variation signifying a continuous transfer of energy back and forth among the various harmonics. A conservation relation is derived among all the harmonic amplitudes.