27 resultados para Pregnant Females.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Immunoneutralization of maternal RCP results in a >90% decrease in the content and the incorporation of [2-14C]riboflavin into embryonic FAD as well as a percentage redistribution of both embryonic FMN and riboflavin. This is unaccompanied by any discernible changes in flavin distribution pattern in the maternal liver. Embryonic α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase register significant decreases in activities in the RCP antiserum-treated rats. These alterations readily explain the arrest of foetal growth culminating in pregnancy termination in the antiserum-treated animals.


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The relative induction of FSH and LH receptors in the granulosa cells of immature rat ovary by pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) has been studied. A single injection of PMSG (15 IU) brought about a 3- and 12-fold increase in FSH and LH receptor concentration,respectively, in the granulosa cells. Maximal concentration was reached by 72 h but the receptor levels showed a sharp decline during the next 24–48 h. The kinetic properties of the newly formed FSH receptors were indistinguishable from the pre-existing ones. The induced FSH receptors were functional as demonstrated by an increase in the in vitro responsiveness of the cells to exogenous FSH in terms of progesterone production. Treatment of immature rats with cyanoketone, an inhibitor of Δ5,3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, prior to PMSG injection effectively reduced the PMSG-stimulated increase in the serum estradiol, uterine weight and LH receptors but had no effect on the FSH receptor induction. The ability of PMSG to induce gonadotropin receptors can be arrested at any given time by injecting its antibody, thereby suggesting a continuous need for the hormonal inducer. Estrogen in the absence of the primary inducer was unable to maintain the induced LH and FSH receptor concentration. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis using indomethacin also had no effect on either the induction or degradation of gonadotropin receptors. Administration of PMSG antiserum, 48 h after PMSG injection, brought about a rapid decline in the induced receptors over the next 24 h, with a rate constant and \iota 1/2 of 0.078 h−1 and 8.9 h for FSH receptors and 0.086 h−1 and 8.0 h for the LH receptors, respectively.


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A high-affinity riboflavin -binding protein was isolated and characterized for the first time from pregnant-rat sera by affinity chromatography on a lumiflavin-agarose column. The purified protein was homogeneous by the criteria of analytical polyacrylamide-gel disc electrophoresis, gel-filtration chromatography on Sephadex G-100 and sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. It had a molecular weight of 90000+/-5000 and interacted with [14C]riboflavin with a 1:1 molar ratio with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 0.42 micron.


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Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin to pregnant bonnet monkeys (Macaca radiata) at 55-60 days and 130-140 days of pregnancy resulted in a significant increase in serum progesterone levels. This effect could be observed even in lutectomized monkeys.However, no significant change in the serum estrogen level was noticed. These results suggest that although no chorionic gonadotropin is detectable in the serum after 35 days of pregnancy, the foetoplacental steroidogenic system is still responsive to exogenous gonadotropic stimulation.


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Moudgal and co-workers1-3 recently reported that the administration to intact pregnant rats of rabbit antiserum ovine interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH) on any one day between the eighth and twelfth days of pregnancy resulted in resorption of foetuses and termination of pregnancy. This effect was readily reversed by the simultaneous administration of progesterone but not by oestradiol-17β. These observations suggested that ICSH was involved in progesterone synthesis and as such is a luteotropic factor in the rat.


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Pregnancy is a transient immuno-compromised condition which has evolved to avoid the immune rejection of the fetus by the maternal immune system. The altered immune response of the pregnant female leads to increased susceptibility to invading pathogens, resulting in abortion and congenital defects of the fetus and a subnormal response to vaccination. Active vaccination during pregnancy may lead to abortion induced by heightened cell mediated immune response. In this study, we have administered the highly attenuated vaccine strain delta pmrG-HM-D (DV-STM-07) in female mice before the onset of pregnancy and followed the immune reaction against challenge with virulent S. Typhimurium in pregnant mice. Here we demonstrate that DV-STM-07 vaccine gives protection against Salmonella in pregnant mice and also prevents Salmonella induced abortion. This protection is conferred by directing the immune response towards Th2 activation and Th1 suppression. The low Th1 response prevents abortion. The use of live attenuated vaccine just before pregnancy carries the risk of transmission to the fetus. We have shown that this vaccine is safe as the vaccine strain is quickly eliminated from the mother and is not transmitted to the fetus. This vaccine also confers immunity to the new born mice of vaccinated mothers. Since there is no evidence of the vaccine candidate reaching the new born mice, we hypothesize that it may be due to trans-colostral transfer of protective anti-Salmonella antibodies. These results suggest that our vaccine DV-STM-07 can be very useful in preventing abortion in the pregnant individuals and confer immunity to the new born. Since there are no such vaccine candidates which can be given to the new born and to the pregnant women, this vaccine holds a very bright future to combat Salmonella induced pregnancy loss.


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When the male is the heterogametic sex (XX♀-XY♂ or XX♀-XO♂), as inDrosophila, orthopteran insects, mammals andCaenorhabditis elegans, X-linked genes are subject to dosage compensation: the single X in the male is functionally equivalent to the two Xs in the female. However, when the female is heterogametic (ZZ♂-ZW♀), as in birds, butterflies and moths, Z-linked genes are apparently not dosage-compensated. This difference between X-linked and Z-linked genes raises fundamental questions about the role of dosage compensation. It is argued that (i) genes which require dosage compensation are primarily those that control morphogenesis and the prospective body plan; (ii) the products of these genes are required in disomic doses especially during oogenesis and early embryonic development; (iii) heterogametic females synthesize and store during oogenesis itself morphogenetically essential gene products - including those encoded by Z-linked genes — in large quantities; (iv) the abundance of these gene products in the egg and their persistence relatively late into embryogenesis enables heterogametic females to overcome the monosomic state of the Z chromosome in ZW embryos. Female heterogamety is predominant in birds, reptiles and amphibians, all of which have megalecithal eggs containing several thousand times more maternal RNA and other maternal messages than eggs of mammals,Caenorhabditis elegans, orDrosophila. This increase in egg size, yolk content and, concomitantly, the size of the maternal legacy to the embryo, may have facilitated female heterogamety and the absence of dosage compensation.


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Female bonnet monkeys were injected i.v. with 25 µl antiserum to FSH on Days 5, 6 or 7 of the cycle: the length of the luteal phase was shortened but there was no alteration in cycle length. Proven fertile females (N = 6) were caged throughout the period of the experiment (6 cycles) with proven fertile males and treated with 25 µl FSH antiserum on Day 7 of each of 3 successive cycles. Out of 18 cycle exposures during the treatment phase, 17 were ovulatory, but no pregnancies occurred. In the post-treatment phase, 5 monkeys became pregnant within 3 cycle exposures. These results show that it is possible to render female monkeys infertile by creating luteal insufficiency and this can be achieved repeatedly in a reproducible manner by depriving the cyclic females of FSH support on Day 7 of consecutive cycles.


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While the endocrine role of oestrogen is well established, its function in follicular maturation as an autocrine or paracrine regulator is less well understood. This study was designed to delineate the requirement of oestrogen for follicular development in immature rats. Exogenous gonadotrophin (25 IU pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) per rat) was administered to 21- to 23-day old female rats to induce follicular growth and development. In the experimental animals, synthesis of oestrogen was blocked by implanting an Alzet pump containing the aromatase inhibitor (AI) CGS 16949A (fadrozole hydrochloride; 50 mu g/rat per day). The treatment resulted in blockade of the PMSG induced increase in both serum and intrafollicular oestrogen (>95%), thus leading to an inhibition in uterine weight increment. Compared with the controls, ovarian weight increased markedly in both the PMSG (295%)- and PMSG+AI (216%)-primed animals. There was no significant difference in either the proliferative capabilities of the ovarian granulosa cells or their responsiveness to human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG; 200 pg/ml) and ovine FSH (20 ng/ml) between the PMSG- and PMSG+AI-treated groups. Histological examination of the ovary, however, indicated a decrease in the number of healthy antral follicles in the Al-treated group compared with the PMSG-primed animals but both the groups showed a percentage increase over the controls (PMSG, 225; PMSG+AI, 158). The responsiveness of the animals to an ovulatory dose of hCG was drastically reduced (>80% inhibition of ovulation) in the oestrogen-deprived animals; this could be overriden by exogenous administration of oestrogen. In conclusion, although blocking oestrogen synthesis in the PMSG-primed rat does not seem to alter the functional properties of the isolated granulosa cells in vitro there appears to be an effect on the number of follicles which complete maturation and are able to ovulate in vivo.


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Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to chicken thiamin carrier protein (TCP) have been produced by hybridoma technology to identify the crucial epitopes involved in bioneutralization of the vitamin carrier. The monoclonality of these mAbs (A4C4, F3H6, H8H3, C8C1 and G7H10) was sought to be confirmed by sub-class isotyping; they all belong to IgG1, k type. The epitopes recognized by all the five mAbs are conserved in TCP from the chicken to the rat as assessed by liquid phase RIA and immunoprecipitation of I-125-labelled proteins from pregnant rat serum. Among these mAbs, passive immunization of pregnant rats with the mAb C8C1 only on three consecutive days (day 10, 11 and 12) resulted in embryonic resorption. These results demonstrate the importance of epitopic structure specified by the mAb C8C1 on TCP during pregnancy in rats.