20 resultados para Poles

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The paper deals with the basic problem of adjusting a matrix gain in a discrete-time linear multivariable system. The object is to obtain a global convergence criterion, i.e. conditions under which a specified error signal asymptotically approaches zero and other signals in the system remain bounded for arbitrary initial conditions and for any bounded input to the system. It is shown that for a class of up-dating algorithms for the adjustable gain matrix, global convergence is crucially dependent on a transfer matrix G(z) which has a simple block diagram interpretation. When w(z)G(z) is strictly discrete positive real for a scalar w(z) such that w-1(z) is strictly proper with poles and zeros within the unit circle, an augmented error scheme is suggested and is proved to result in global convergence. The solution avoids feeding back a quadratic term as recommended in other schemes for single-input single-output systems.


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In this paper we study two problems in feedback stabilization. The first is the simultaneous stabilization problem, which can be stated as follows. Given plantsG_{0}, G_{1},..., G_{l}, does there exist a single compensatorCthat stabilizes all of them? The second is that of stabilization by a stable compensator, or more generally, a "least unstable" compensator. Given a plantG, we would like to know whether or not there exists a stable compensatorCthat stabilizesG; if not, what is the smallest number of right half-place poles (counted according to their McMillan degree) that any stabilizing compensator must have? We show that the two problems are equivalent in the following sense. The problem of simultaneously stabilizingl + 1plants can be reduced to the problem of simultaneously stabilizinglplants using a stable compensator, which in turn can be stated as the following purely algebraic problem. Given2lmatricesA_{1}, ..., A_{l}, B_{1}, ..., B_{l}, whereA_{i}, B_{i}are right-coprime for alli, does there exist a matrixMsuch thatA_{i} + MB_{i}, is unimodular for alli?Conversely, the problem of simultaneously stabilizinglplants using a stable compensator can be formulated as one of simultaneously stabilizingl + 1plants. The problem of determining whether or not there exists anMsuch thatA + BMis unimodular, given a right-coprime pair (A, B), turns out to be a special case of a question concerning a matrix division algorithm in a proper Euclidean domain. We give an answer to this question, and we believe this result might be of some independent interest. We show that, given twon times mplantsG_{0} and G_{1}we can generically stabilize them simultaneously provided eithernormis greater than one. In contrast, simultaneous stabilizability, of two single-input-single-output plants, g0and g1, is not generic.


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The problem of decaying states and resonances is examined within the framework of scattering theory in a rigged Hilbert space formalism. The stationary free,''in,'' and ''out'' eigenvectors of formal scattering theory, which have a rigorous setting in rigged Hilbert space, are considered to be analytic functions of the energy eigenvalue. The value of these analytic functions at any point of regularity, real or complex, is an eigenvector with eigenvalue equal to the position of the point. The poles of the eigenvector families give origin to other eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian: the singularities of the ''out'' eigenvector family are the same as those of the continued S matrix, so that resonances are seen as eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian with eigenvalue equal to their location in the complex energy plane. Cauchy theorem then provides for expansions in terms of ''complete'' sets of eigenvectors with complex eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian. Applying such expansions to the survival amplitude of a decaying state, one finds that resonances give discrete contributions with purely exponential time behavior; the background is of course present, but explicitly separated. The resolvent of the Hamiltonian, restricted to the nuclear space appearing in the rigged Hilbert space, can be continued across the absolutely continuous spectrum; the singularities of the continuation are the same as those of the ''out'' eigenvectors. The free, ''in'' and ''out'' eigenvectors with complex eigenvalues and those corresponding to resonances can be approximated by physical vectors in the Hilbert space, as plane waves can. The need for having some further physical information in addition to the specification of the total Hamiltonian is apparent in the proposed framework. The formalism is applied to the Lee–Friedrichs model and to the scattering of a spinless particle by a local central potential. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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We present a low power gas sensor system on CMOS platform consisting of micromachined polysilicon microheater, temperature controller circuit, resistance readout circuit and SnO2 transducer film. The design criteria for different building blocks of the system is elaborated The microheaters are optimized for temperature uniformity as well as static and dynamic response. The electrical equivalent model for the microheater is derived by extracting thermal and mechanical poles through extensive laser doppler vibrometer measurements. The temperature controller and readout circuit are realized on 130nm CMOS technology The temperature controller re-uses the heater as a temperature sensor and controls the duty cycle of the waveform driving the gate of the power MOSFET which supplies heater current. The readout circuit, with subthreshold operation of the MOSFETs, is based oil resistance to time period conversion followed by frequency to digital converter Subthreshold operatin of MOSFETs coupled with sub-ranging technique, achieves ultra low power consumption with more than five orders of magnitude dynamic range RF sputtered SnO2 film is optimized for its microstructure to achive high sensitivity to sense LPG gas.


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Our main result is a new sequential method for the design of decentralized control systems. Controller synthesis is conducted on a loop-by-loop basis, and at each step the designer obtains an explicit characterization of the class C of all compensators for the loop being closed that results in closed-loop system poles being in a specified closed region D of the s-plane, instead of merely stabilizing the closed-loop system. Since one of the primary goals of control system design is to satisfy basic performance requirements that are often directly related to closed-loop pole location (bandwidth, percentage overshoot, rise time, settling time), this approach immediately allows the designer to focus on other concerns such as robustness and sensitivity. By considering only compensators from class C and seeking the optimum member of that set with respect to sensitivity or robustness, the designer has a clearly-defined limited optimization problem to solve without concern for loss of performance. A solution to the decentralized tracking problem is also provided. This design approach has the attractive features of expandability, the use of only 'local models' for controller synthesis, and fault tolerance with respect to certain types of failure.


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This paper presents a five-level inverter scheme with four two-level inverters for a four-pole induction motor (IM) drive. In a conventional three-phase four-pole IM, there exists two identical voltage-profile winding coil groups per phase around the armature, which are connected in series and spatially apart by two pole pitches. In this paper, these two identical voltage-profile pole-pair winding coils in each phase of the IM are disconnected and fed from four two-level inverters from four sides of the windings with one-fourth dc-link voltage as compared to a conventional five-level neutral-point-clamped inverter. The scheme presented in this paper does not require any special design modification for the induction machine. For this paper, a four-pole IM drive is used, and the scheme can be easily extended to IMs with more than four poles. The proposed scheme is experimentally verified on a four-pole 5-hp IM drive.


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Design of a compact broadband filter using tightly coupled line sections in defected (A slot is cut in the ground) microstrip medium operating from 3 1-6 8 GHz has been repotted in this article Filter has been designed and analyzed using an equivalent circuit model based on even and odd mock parameters of coupled line sections The proposed filter has attenuation poles on either side of the pass band resulting in improved selectivity This filter features spurious free response up to third harmonic frequency Experimental results of the filter have been validated against the analytical and full wave simulations (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals Inc Microwave Opt Technol Lett 53 184-187 2011 View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary com DOI 10.1002/mop.25676


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A simple, non-iterative method for component wave delineation from the electrocardiogram (ECG) is derived by modelling its discrete cosine transform (DCT) as a sum of damped cosinusoids. Amplitude, phase, damping factor and frequency parameters of each of the cosinusoids are estimated by the extended Prony method. Different component waves are represented by non-overlapping clusters of model poles in the z plane and thus a component wave is derived by the addition of the inverse transformed (IDCT) impulse responses of the poles in the cluster. Akaike's information criterion (AIC) is used to determine the model order. The method performed satisfactory even in the presence of artifacts. The efficacy of the method is illustrated by analysis of continuous strips of ECG data.


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A new design technique for an SVC-based power system damping controller has been proposed. The controller attempts to place all plant poles within a specified region on the s-plane to guarantee the desired closed loop performance. The use of Horowitz's quantitative feedback theory (QFT) permits the design of a 'fixed gain controller' that maintains its performance in spite of large variations in the plant parameters during its normal course of operation. The required controller parameters are arrived at by solving an optimization problem that incorporates the control specifications. The performance of this robust controller has been evaluated on a single machine infinite bus system equipped with a mid point SVC, and the results are shown to be consistent with the expected performance of the stabilizer. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Plate-shaped products resulting from martensitic, diffusional, and mixed mode transformations in zirconium-base alloys are compared. in the present study. These alloys are particularly suitable for the comparison in view of the fact that the lattice correspondence between the parent beta (bcc) and the product alpha (hcp) or gamma-hydride (fct) phases are remarkably similar for different types of transformations. Crystallographic features such as orientation relations, habit planes, and interface structures associated with these transformations have been compared:, with a view toward examining whether the transformation mechanisms have characteristic imprints on these experimental observables. Martensites exhibiting dislocated lath, internally twinned plate, and self-accommodating three-plate cluster morphologies have been encountered in Zr-2.5Nb alloy. Habit planes corresponding to all these morphologies have been found to be consistent with the predictions based on the invariant plane strain (IFS) criterion. Different morphologies have been found to reflect the manner in which the neighboring martensite variants are assembled. Lattice-invariant shears (LISs) for all these cases have been identified to be either {10 (1) over bar 1}(alpha) ((1) over bar 123)(alpha) slip or twinning on (10 (1) over bar 1)(alpha) planes. Widmanstatten alpha precipitates, forming in a step-quenching treatment, have been shown to have a lath morphology, the alpha/beta interface being decorated with a periodic array of (c + a) dislocations at a spacing of 8 to 10 nm. The line vectors of these dislocations are nearly parallel to the invariant lines. The alpha precipitates, forming in the retained beta phase on aging, exhibit an internally twinned structure with a zigzag habit plane. Average habit planes for the morphologies have been found to lie near the {103}(beta) - {113}(beta) poles, which are close to the specific variant of the {112}(beta) plane, which transforms into a prismatic plane of the type {1 (1) over bar 00}(alpha). The crystallography of the formation of the gamma-hydride phase (fct) from both the alpha and beta phases is seen to match the IFS predictions. While the beta-gamma transformation can be treated approximately as a simple shear on the basal plane involving a change in the stacking sequence, the alpha-gamma transformation call be conceptually broken into a alpha --> beta transformation following the Burgers correspondence and the simple beta-gamma shear process. The active eutectoid decomposition in the Zr-Cu system, beta --> alpha + beta', has been described in terms of cooperative growth of the alpha phase from the beta phase through the Burgers correspondence and of the partially ordered beta' (structurally similar to the equilibrium Zr2Cu phase) through an ordering process. Similarities and differences in crystallographic features of these transformations have been discussed. and the importance of the invariant line vector in deciding the geometry of the corresponding habit planes has been pointed out.


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This paper presents a novel method of representing rotation and its application to representing the ranges of motion of coupled joints in the human body, using planar maps. The present work focuses on the viability of this representation for situations that relied on maps on a unit sphere. Maps on a unit sphere have been used in diverse applications such as Gauss map, visibility maps, axis-angle and Euler-angle representations of rotation etc. Computations on a spherical surface are difficult and computationally expensive; all the above applications suffer from problems associated with singularities at the poles. There are methods to represent the ranges of motion of such joints using two-dimensional spherical polygons. The present work proposes to use multiple planar domain “cube” instead of a single spherical domain, to achieve the above objective. The parameterization on the planar domains is easy to obtain and convert to spherical coordinates. Further, there is no localized and extreme distortion of the parameter space and it gives robustness to the computations. The representation has been compared with the spherical representation in terms of computational ease and issues related to singularities. Methods have been proposed to represent joint range of motion and coupled degrees of freedom for various joints in digital human models (such as shoulder, wrist and fingers). A novel method has been proposed to represent twist in addition to the existing swing-swivel representation.


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Rapid urbanisation in India has posed serious challenges to the decision makers in regional planning involving plethora of issues including provision of basic amenities (like electricity, water, sanitation, transport, etc.). Urban planning entails an understanding of landscape and urban dynamics with causal factors. Identifying, delineating and mapping landscapes on temporal scale provide an opportunity to monitor the changes, which is important for natural resource management and sustainable planning activities. Multi-source, multi-sensor, multi-temporal, multi-frequency or multi-polarization remote sensing data with efficient classification algorithms and pattern recognition techniques aid in capturing these dynamics. This paper analyses the landscape dynamics of Greater Bangalore by: (i) characterisation of direct impervious surface, (ii) computation of forest fragmentation indices and (iii) modeling to quantify and categorise urban changes. Linear unmixing is used for solving the mixed pixel problem of coarse resolution super spectral MODIS data for impervious surface characterisation. Fragmentation indices were used to classify forests – interior, perforated, edge, transitional, patch and undetermined. Based on this, urban growth model was developed to determine the type of urban growth – Infill, Expansion and Outlying growth. This helped in visualising urban growth poles and consequence of earlier policy decisions that can help in evolving strategies for effective land use policies.


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A second order transfer function with two poles and two zeros exhibits a step response characterized by a sudden rise to the steady state value, followed by oscillations around this steady state. With proper choice of the coefficients, it is possible to obtain transfer functions suitable for pulse transmission purposes.


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A variable resolution global spectral method is created on the sphere using High resolution Tropical Belt Transformation (HTBT). HTBT belongs to a class of map called reparametrisation maps. HTBT parametrisation of the sphere generates a clustering of points in the entire tropical belt; the density of the grid point distribution decreases smoothly in the domain outside the tropics. This variable resolution method creates finer resolution in the tropics and coarser resolution at the poles. The use of FFT procedure and Gaussian quadrature for the spectral computations retains the numerical efficiency available with the standard global spectral method. Accuracy of the method for meteorological computations are demonstrated by solving Helmholtz equation and non-divergent barotropic vorticity equation on the sphere. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We solve the wave equations of arbitrary integer spin fields in the BTZ black hole background and obtain exact expressions for their quasinormal modes. We show that these quasinormal modes precisely agree with the location of the poles of the corresponding two point function in the dual conformal field theory as predicted by the AdS/CFT correspondence. We then use these quasinormal modes to construct the one-loop determinant of the higher spin field in the thermal BTZ background. This is shown to agree with that obtained from the corresponding heat kernel constructed recently by group theoretic methods.