17 resultados para Polarons

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The conductivity of highly doped polypyrrole is less than that of intermediately doped samples, by two orders of magnitude, at 4.2 K. This may be due to more number of bipolarons in highly doped samples. Bipolarons require four times more activation energy than single polarons to hop by thermally induced virtual transitions to intermediate dissociated polaron states than by the nondissociated process. The conduction process in these polyconjugated systems involve ionization from deep trapped states, having a View the MathML source dependence, hopping from localised states, having View the MathML source dependence, and intersite tunnel percolation, having T−1 dependence. The interplay of these factors leads to a better fit by View the MathML source. The mechanism for this exponential behaviour need not be same as that of Motts variable range hopping. Conduction by percolation is possible, if an infinite cluster of chains can be connected by impurity centers created by dopant ions. The tendency for the saturation of conductivity at very low temperatures is due to the possibility of intersite tunnel percolation is disordered polaronic systems.


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The correlation between magnetic and transport properties is examined by studying poly(4,4'-methylenedianiline)(PMDA) salts and their bases using EPR and conductivity measurements. Five different PMDA salts (doped polymers)were prepared by chemical polymerization of 4,4'-methylenedianiline using different protonic acids. The PMDA bases were obtained by dedoping the salts using ammonium hydroxide. Ambient temperature electrical conductivity measurements show evidence for the doped PMDA system to be highly disordered. The EPR spectra of the samples were recorded in the range 20-200 "C, and the results were analyzed on the basis of the polaron-bipolaron model, which is typical of nondegenerate systems. Both PMDA salts and their bases consist of self-trapped, highly mobile polarons or radical cations. EPR studies on PMDA salts show evidence for the presence of thermally activated and temperature independent (or Pauli type) paramagnetism while the bases show thermally activated, Pauli and Curie-Weiss types of paramagnetism. The paramagnetism arises due to polarons.It is proposed that charge transport takes place through both polarons and bipolarons.


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Optical characteristics of H2-reduced LiNbO3 have been studied. The optical transmission in the spectral range 0.3 to 5 mu m is progressively narrowed as the sample is reduced. An absorption band centred at about 2.48 eV is assigned to small polarons. This interpretation is consistent with the published defect structure, transport and spectroscopic reports on reduced LiNbO3. A semi-quantitative analysis of the 2.48 eV absorption band is carried out by employing the Reik and Heese theory (1967) for optical properties of small polarons.


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Electronic, magnetic, or structural inhomogeneities ranging in size from nanoscopic to mesoscopic scales seem endemic and are possibly generic to colossal magnetoresistance manganites and other transition metal oxides. They are hence of great current interest and understanding them is of fundamental importance. We show here that an extension, to include long-range Coulomb interactions, of a quantum two-fluid l-b model proposed recently for manganites [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 157203 (2004)] leads to an excellent description of such inhomogeneities. In the l-b model two very different kinds of electronic states, one localized and polaronic (l) and the other extended or broad band (b) coexist. For model parameters appropriate to manganites and even within a simple dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) framework, it describes many of the unusual phenomena seen in manganites, including colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), qualitatively and quantitatively. However, in the absence of long-ranged Coulomb interaction, a system described by such a model would actually phase separate, into macroscopic regions of l and b electrons, respectively. As we show in this paper, in the presence of Coulomb interactions, the macroscopic phase separation gets suppressed and instead nanometer scale regions of polarons interspersed with band electron puddles appear, constituting a kind of quantum Coulomb glass. We characterize the size scales and distribution of the inhomogeneity using computer simulations. For realistic values of the long-range Coulomb interaction parameter V-0, our results for the thresholds for occupancy of the b states are in agreement with, and hence support, the earlier approach mentioned above based on a configuration averaged DMFT treatment which neglects V-0; but the present work has features that cannot be addressed in the DMFT framework. Our work points to an interplay of strong correlations, long-range Coulomb interaction, and dopant ion disorder, all inevitably present in transition metal oxides as the origin of nanoscale inhomogeneities rather than disorder frustrated phase competition as is generally believed. As regards manganites, it argues against explanations for CMR based on disorder frustrated phase separation and for an intrinsic origin of CMR. Based on this, we argue that the observed micrometer (meso) scale inhomogeneities owe their existence to extrinsic causes, e.g., strain due to cracks and defects. We suggest possible experiments to validate our speculation.


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A recent, major, puzzle in the core-level photoemission spectra of doped manganites is the observation of a 1–2 eV wide shoulder with intensity varying with temperature T as the square of the magnetization over a T scale of order 200 K, an order of magnitude less than electronic energies. This is addressed and resolved here, by extending a recently proposed two-fluid polaron–mobile electron model for these systems to include core-hole effects. The position of the shoulder is found to be determined by Coulomb and Jahn-Teller energies, while its spectral weight is determined by the mobile electron energetics which is strongly T and doping dependent, due to annealed disorder scattering from the polarons and the t2g core spins. Our theory accounts quantitatively for the observed T dependence of the difference spectra, and furthermore, explains the observed correspondence between spectral changes due to increasing doping and decreasing T.


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We mention here an unusual disorder effect in manganites, namely the ubiquitous hopping behavior for electron transport observed in them over a wide range of doping. We argue that the implied Anderson localization is intrinsic to manganites, because of the existence of polarons in them which are spatially localized, generally at random sites (unless there is polaron ordering). We have developed a microscopic two fluid lb model for manganites, where l denotes lattice site localized l polarons, and b denotes band electrons. Using this, and the self-consistent theory of localization, we show that the occupied b states are Anderson localized in a large range of doping due to the scattering of b electrons from l polarons. Numerical simulations which further include the effect of long range Coulomb interactions support this, as well the existence of a novel polaronic Coulomb glass. A consequence is the inevitable hopping behaviour for electron transport observed in doped insulating manganites.


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The anomalous behaviour of conductivity below 4 K in polypyrrole can be attributed to the possibility of tunnel transport in disordered polaronic systems. The deviation from T-1/3 and T-1/4, depending on disorder, can be due to the onset of tunnel transport between localised states, apart from the hopping contribution to the conductivity. In intermediately and lightly doped polypyrrole films, the tunnel contribution to conductivity increases with decreasing temperature in a narrow temperature range, which is a feature of the presence of polarons taking part in the conduction mechanisms of disordered systems with strong electron-phonon coupling. The transition from hopping to tunneling dominated process can be observed either by the increase in conductivity in some cases or by the saturation of conductivity, depending crucially on the extent of disorder in the sample. In both cases the transition temperature is seen to increase with the reduction in the number of localised states.


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Symmetrized density-matrix-renormalization-group calculations have been carried out, within Pariser-Parr-Pople Hamiltonian, to explore the nature of the ground and low-lying excited states of long polythiophene oligomers. We have exploited C-2 symmetry and spin parity of the system to obtain excited states of experimental interest, and studied the lowest dipole allowed excited state and lowest dipole forbidden two photon state, for different oligomer sizes. In the long system limit, the dipole allowed excited state always lies below the lowest dipole forbidden two-photon state which implies, by Kasha rule, that polythiophene fluoresces strongly. The lowest triplet state lies below two-photon state as usual in conjugated polymers. We have doped the system with a hole and an electron and obtained the charge excitation gap and the binding energy of the 1(1)B(u)(-) exciton. We have calculated the charge density of the ground, one-photon and two-photon states for the longer system size of 10 thiophene rings to characterize these states. We have studied bond order in these states to get an idea about the equilibrium excited state geometry of the system. We have also studied the charge density distribution of the singly and doubly doped polarons for longer system size, and observe that polythiophenes do not support bipolarons.


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We report a comparative modified neglect of diatomic overlap (MNDO), Austin method one (AM1), and parametric method 3 (PM3) study of trans‐stilbene (tS) in its ground, excited (singlet and triplet), and ionic (positive and negative polarons and bipolarons) states. We have also calculated the barrier for ring rotation about the backbone single bond. Our results show that PM3 geometries are superior to MNDO and AM1, at least for tS. PM3 predicts, in contrast with MNDO, AM1 and even ab initio 3‐21G, a coplanar structure for tS, in accordance with recent experimental data. Singlet and triplet energies obtained from heats of formation are in surprisingly good agreement with experimental data.


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The strikingly different charge transport behaviours in nanocomposites of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and conducting polymer polyethylenedioxythiophene-polystyrene-sulfonic-acid (PEDOT-PSS) at low temperatures are explained by probing their conformational properties using small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The SAXS studies indicate the assembly of elongated PEDOT-PSS globules on the walls of nanotubes, coating them partially, thereby limiting the interaction between the nanotubes in the polymer matrix. This results in a charge transport governed mainly by small polarons in the conducting polymer despite the presence of metallic MWNTs. At T > 4 K, hopping of the charge carriers following one-dimensional variable range hopping is evident which also gives rise to a positive magnetoresistance (MR) with an enhanced localization length (similar to 5 nm) due to the presence of MWNTs. However, at T < 4 K, the observation of an unconventional positive temperature coefficient of resistivity is attributed to small polaron tunnelling. The exceptionally large negative MR observed in this temperature regime is conjectured to be due to the presence of quasi-1D MWNTs that can aid in lowering the tunnelling barrier across the nanotube-polymer boundary resulting in large delocalization.


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We have carried out symmetrized density-matrix renormalization-group calculations to study the nature of excited states of long polyacene oligomers within a Pariser-Parr-Pople Hamiltonian. We have used the C-2 symmetry, the electron-hole symmetry, and the spin parity of the system in our calculations. We find that there is a crossover in the lowest dipole forbidden two-photon state and the lowest dipole allowed excited state with size of the oligomer. In the long system limit, the two-photon state lies below the lowest dipole allowed excited state. The triplet state lies well below the two-photon state and energetically does not correspond to its description as being made up of two triplets. These results are in agreement with the general trends in linear conjugated polymers. However, unlike in linear polyenes wherein the two-photon state is a localized excitation, we find that in polyacenes, the two-photon excitation is spread out over the system. We have doped the systems with a hole and an electron and have calculated the charge excitation gap. Using the charge gap and the optical gap, we estimate the binding energy of the 1(1)B(-) exciton to be 2.09 eV. We have also studied doubly doped polyacenes and find that the bipolaron in these systems, to be composed of two separated polarons, as indicated by the calculated charge-density profile and charge-charge correlation function. We have studied bond orders in various states in order to get an idea of the excited state geometry of the system. We find that the ground state, the triplet state, the dipole allowed state, and the polaron excitations correspond to lengthening of the rung bonds in the interior of the oligomer while the two-photon excitation corresponds to the rung bond lengths having two maxima in the system.


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Temperature dependent photoemission studies on lightly doped (x = 0.025) sodium tungsten bronzes, NaxWO3 have been investigated by high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy. The experimental results show evidence for polaron formation at the valence band edge and the photoemission spectra taken in different modes of the electron analyzer suggest that the density of states at the valence band edge gradually moves to other k-points in the Brillouin zone with increasing temperature and explain the dynamics of polarons in the insulating disordered sodium tungsten bronzes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The polyaniline-PbO composites of various mass fractions were prepared by in situ polymerisation. The prepared samples were characterised by FTIR, and the dominant peaks confirmed the formation of polyaniline-PbO composites. The SEM study shows a granular agglomerated morphology, and increases with an increase in the lead oxide mass % in polyaniline. Direct current (DC) conductivity (sigma (DC)) was studied as a function of temperature (T). From these studies, it was found that conductivity increased at higher temperatures due to the polarons hopping from one localised state to another. DSC studies reveal, the decrease in peak temperature from 273A degrees C (pure PANI) to 169.2A degrees C, 193.5A degrees C, 218.4A degrees C, 235.2A degrees C, and 224.2A degrees C, respectively for the various mass fractions (10 %, 30 %, 20 %, 40 %, and 50 %) of polyaniline-PbO composites.


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Ellipsometric measurements in a wide spectral range (from 0.05 to 6.5 eV) have been carried out on the organic semiconducting polymer, poly2-methoxy-5-(3',7'-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylene-vinylene] (MDMO-PPV), in both undoped and doped states. The real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function and the refractive index are determined accurately, provided that the layer thickness is measured independently. After doping, the optical properties show the presence of new peaks, which could be well-resolved by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Also for the doped material, the complex refractive index, with respect to the dielectric function, has been determined. The broadening of the optical transitions is due to the delocalization of polarons at higher doping level. The detailed information about the dielectric function as well as refractive index function obtained by spectroscopic ellipsometry allows not only qualitative but also quantitative description of the optical properties of the undoped/doped polymer. For the direct characterization of the optical properties of MDMO-PPV, ellipsometry turns out to be advantageous compared to conventional reflection and transmission measurements.


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The structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of nano zinc ferrite prepared by the propellant chemistry technique are studied. The PXRD measurement at room temperature reveal that the compound is in cubic spinel phase, belong to the space group Fd (3) over barm. The unit cell parameters have been estimated from Rietveld refinement. The calculated force constants from FTIR spectrum corresponding to octahedral and tetrahedral sites at 375 and 542 cm(-1) are 6.61 x 10(2) and 3.77 x 10(2) N m(-1) respectively; these values are slightly higher compared to the other ferrite systems. Magnetic hysteresis and EPR spectra show superparamagnetic property nearly to room temperature due to comparison values between magnetic anisotropy energy and the thermal energy. The calculated values of saturation magnetization, remenant magnetization, coercive field and magnetic moment supports for the existence of multi domain particles in the sample. The temperature dependent magnetic field shows the spin freezing state at 30 K and the blocking temperature at above room temperature. The frequency dependent dielectric interactions show the variation of dielectric constant, dielectric loss and impedance as similar to other ferrite systems. The AC conductivity in the prepared sample is due to the presence of electrons, holes and polarons. The synthesized material is suitable for nano-electronics and biomedical applications. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.