7 resultados para Pius IX, Pope, 1792-1878.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The solubilization of bilirubin IX-Alpha in aqueous solution by sodium cholate micelles has been examined by 270 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Incorporation of bilirubin into the micelles is accompanied by specific shifts of bilirubin vinyl and bridgehead protons and the C18 and C19 methyl groups of the steroid. The observed chemical shifts show a monotonic concentration dependence suggesting that changes in aggregation size are continuous. Nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) have been shown to be a useful probe or micellization. A 4:1 cholate/bilirubin mixture has been investigated by difference NOE spectroscopy. The observation of intermolecular nuclear Overhauser effects between peripheral protons of bilirubin and cholate are diagnostic of spatially proximate groups. Inter-cholate nuclear Overhauser effects increase in magnitude upon bilirubin incorporation suggesting closer packing of steroid molecules on solubilization of the pigment. Intramolecular nuclear Overhauser effects observed for solubilized bilirubin are consistent with a compact intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded conformation resembling that determined for bilirubin in the solid state.


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Earlier studies in this laboratory had shown that the malarial parasite can synthesize heme de novo and inhibition of the pathway leads to death of the parasite. It has been proposed that the pathway for the biosynthesis of heme in Plasmodium falciparum is unique involving three different cellular compartments, namely mitochondrion, apicoplast and cytosol. Experimental evidences are now available for the functionality and localization of all the enzymes of this pathway, except protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase (PfPPO), the penultimate enzyme. In the present study. PfPPO has been cloned, expressed and shown to be localized to the mitochondrion by immunofluorescence microscopy. Interestingly, the enzyme has been found to be active only under anaerobic conditions and is dependent on electron transport chain (ETC) acceptors for its activity. The native enzyme present in the parasite is inhibited by the ETC inhibitors, atovaquone and antimycin. Atovaquone, a well known inhibitor of parasite dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, dependent on the ETC, inhibits synthesis of heme as well in P. falciparum culture. A model is proposed to explain the ETC dependence of both the pyrimidine and heme-biosynthetic pathways in P. falciparum. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The unsymmetrical diphosphazanes X2PN(Pr(i))PYY'(1a-1h) {X = Ph, YY' = O2 C6H4 (1a) or YY' = O2C12H8 (1b); X = Ph, Y = Ph, Y' = OC6H4Me-4 (1c), OC6H4Br-4 (1d), OC6H3Me2-3,5 (1e), OC5H4N-2 (1f), N2C3HMe2-3,5 (1g) or Cl (1h)} react with [M(CO)4(NHC5H10)2] (M = Mo, W) to yield the cis-chelate complexes [M(CO)4{X2PN(Pr(i)) PYY'}] {M = Mo (2a-2h); M = W (3-f,3-g)}. These complexes have been characterized by H-1, P-31 and C-13 NMR and IR spectroscopic studies.


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Recombinant AAV-8 vectors have shown significant promise for hepatic gene therapy of hemophilia B. However, the theme of AAV vector dose dependent immunotoxicity seen with AAV2 vectors earlier seem to re-emerge with AAV8 vectors as well. It is therefore important to develop novel AAV8 vectors that provide enhanced gene expression at significantly less vector doses. We hypothesized that AAV8 during its intracellular trafficking, are targeted for destruction in the cytoplasm by the host-cellular kinase/ubiquitination/proteasomal degradation machinery and modification of specific serine/threonine kinase or ubiquitination targets on AAV8 capsid (Fig.1A) may improve its transduction efficiency. To test this, point mutations at specific serine (S)/threonine (T) > alanine (A) or lysine (K)>arginine (R) residues were generated on AAV8 capsid. scAAV8-EGFP vectors containing the wild-type (WT) and each one of the 5 S/T/K-mutant(S276A, S501A, S671A, T251A and K137R) capsids were evaluated for their liver transduction efficiency at a dose of 5 X 1010 vgs/ animal in C57BL/6 mice in vivo. The best performing mutant was found to be the K137R vector in terms of either the gene expression (46-fold) or the vector copy numbers in the hepatocytes (22-fold) compared to WT-AAV8 (Fig.1B). The K137R-AAV8 vector that showed significantly decreased ubiquitination of the viral capsid had reduced activation of markers of innate immune response [IL-6, IL-12, tumor necrosis factor α, Kupffer cells and TLR-9]. In addition, animals injected with the K137R mutant also demonstrated decreased (2-fold) levels of cross-neutralizing antibodies when compared to animals that received the WT-AAV8 vector. To study further the utility of the novel AAV8-K137R mutant in a therapeutic setting, we delivered human coagulation factor IX (h.FIX) under the control of liver specific promoters (LP1 or hAAT) at two different doses (2.5x10^10 and 1x10^11 vgs per mouse) in 8-12 weeks old male C57BL/6 mice. As can be seen in Fig.1C/D, the circulating levels of h.FIX were higher in all the K137R-AAV8 treated groups as compared to the WT-AAV8 treated groups either at 2 weeks (62% vs 37% for hAAT constructs and 47% vs 21% for LP1 constructs) or 4 weeks (78% vs 56% for hAAT constructs and 64% vs 30% for LP1 constructs) post hepatic gene transfer. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of the use of this novel vector for potential gene therapy of hemophilia B.


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The current study analysed how the climbing perch Anabas testudineus an air-breathing freshwater fish make choice when a pair of food patches differing in the gain is presented. The results revealed no significant variation in the preference towards the patch of food material cumulated in one place over the same amount of food dispersed in a wider area and located at an equal distance. Additionally, enhancement of the value of dispersed or cumulated patch, by moving it towards the subject fish (spatial discounting) was also found to be ineffective in influencing the food patch utilisation in this species.