368 resultados para Physical Chemistry Problems Populations Partition Functions Particle Box Harmonic Oscillators Angular Momentum Rigid Rotor

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We consider four-dimensional CFTs which admit a large-N expansion, and whose spectrum contains states whose conformal dimensions do not scale with N. We explicitly reorganise the partition function obtained by exponentiating the one-particle partition function of these states into a heat kernel form for the dual string spectrum on AdS(5). On very general grounds, the heat kernel answer can be expressed in terms of a convolution of the one-particle partition function of the light states in the four-dimensional CFT. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate that the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique can be employed to measure the partition coefficient (k(p)) of a solute in a mixture of two immiscible solvents. Specifically, partition coefficients of six substituted benzoic acids in water/toluene (1:1 v/v) and water/chloroform (1:1 v/v) systems have been measured. Our values compare well with the k(p) values measured earlier by other techniques, The advantages offered by this technique are also discussed.


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Suivant la pression partielle d'oxygène, la zircone peut être conducteur ionique ou électronique. Mise au point de méthodes de mesures de f.é.m. permettant de s'affranchir des sources d'erreur introduites par ces propriétés.


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The physical chemistry of "aluminothermic" reduction of calcium oxide in vacuum is analyzed. Basic thermodynamic data required for the analysis have been generated by a variety of experiments. These include activity measurements in liquid AI-Ca alloys and determination of the Gibbs energies of formation of calcium aluminates. These data have been correlated with phase relations in the Ca-AI-0 system at 1373 K. The various stages of reduction, the end products and the corresponding equilibrium partial pressures of calcium have been established from thermodynamic considerations. In principle, the recovery of calcium can be improved by reducing the pressure in the reactor. However,, the cost of a high vacuum system and the enhanced time for reduction needed to achieve higher yields makes such a practice uneconomic. Aluminum contamination of calcium also increases at low pressures. The best compromise is to carry the reduction up to the stage where 3CaO-Al,O, is formed as the product. This corresponds to an equilibrium calcium partial pressure of 31.3 Pa at 1373 K and 91.6 Pa at 1460 K. Calcium can be extracted at this pressure using mechanical pumps in approximately 8 to 15 hr, depending on the size and the fill ratio of the retort and porosity of the charge briquettes.


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An exact classical theory of the motion of a point dipole in a meson field is given which takes into account the effects of the reaction of the emitted meson field. The meson field is characterized by a constant $\chi =\mu /\hslash $ of the dimensions of a reciprocal length, $\mu $ being the meson mass, and as $\chi \rightarrow $ 0 the theory of this paper goes over continuously into the theory of the preceding paper for the motion of a spinning particle in a Maxwell field. The mass of the particle and the spin angular momentum are arbitrary mechanical constants. The field contributes a small finite addition to the mass, and a negative moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to the spin axis. A cross-section (formula (88 a)) is given for the scattering of transversely polarized neutral mesons by the rotation of the spin of the neutron or proton which should be valid up to energies of 10$^{9}$ eV. For low energies E it agrees completely with the old quantum cross-section, having a dependence on energy proportional to p$^{4}$/E$^{2}$ (p being the meson momentum). At higher energies it deviates completely from the quantum cross-section, which it supersedes by taking into account the effects of radiation reaction on the rotation of the spin. The cross-section is a maximum at E $\sim $ 3$\cdot $5$\mu $, its value at this point being 3 $\times $ 10$^{-26}$ cm.$^{2}$, after which it decreases rapidly, becoming proportional to E$^{-2}$ at high energies. Thus the quantum theory of the interaction of neutrons with mesons goes wrong for E $\gtrsim $ 3$\mu $. The scattering of longitudinally polarized mesons is due to the translational but not the rotational motion of the dipole and is at least twenty thousand times smaller. With the assumption previously made by the present author that the heavy partilesc may exist in states of any integral charge, and in particular that protons of charge 2e and - e may occur in nature, the above results can be applied to charged mesons. Thus transversely polarised mesons should undergo a very big scattering and consequent absorption at energies near 3$\cdot $5$\mu $. Hence the energy spectrum of transversely polarized mesons should fall off rapidly for energies below about 3$\mu $. Scattering plays a relatively unimportant part in the absorption of longitudinally polarized mesons, and they are therefore much more penetrating. The theory does not lead to Heisenberg explosions and multiple processes.


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We present a model of identical coupled two-state stochastic units, each of which in isolation is governed by a fixed refractory period. The nonlinear coupling between units directly affects the refractory period, which now depends on the global state of the system and can therefore itself become time dependent. At weak coupling the array settles into a quiescent stationary state. Increasing coupling strength leads to a saddle node bifurcation, beyond which the quiescent state coexists with a stable limit cycle of nonlinear coherent oscillations. We explicitly determine the critical coupling constant for this transition.


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The quantum statistical mechanical propagator for a harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent force constant, m omega(2)(t), has been investigated in the past and was found to have only a formal solution in terms of the solutions of certain ordinary differential equations. Such path integrals are frequently encountered in semiclassical path integral evaluations and having exact analytical expressions for such path integrals is of great interest. In a previous work, we had obtained the exact propagator for motion in an arbitrary time-dependent harmonic potential in the overdamped limit of friction using phase space path integrals in the context of Levy flights - a result that can be easily extended to Brownian motion. In this paper, we make a connection between the overdamped Brownian motion and the imaginary time propagator of quantum mechanics and thereby get yet another way to evaluate the latter exactly. We find that explicit analytic solution for the quantum statistical mechanical propagator can be written when the time-dependent force constant has the form omega(2)(t) = lambda(2)(t) - d lambda(t)/dt where lambda(t) is any arbitrary function of t and use it to evaluate path integrals which have not been evaluated previously. We also employ this method to arrive at a formal solution of the propagator for both Levy flights and Brownian subjected to a time-dependent harmonic potential in the underdamped limit of friction. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We show that data from recent experiments carried out on the kinetics of DNA escape from alpha-hemolysin nanopores [M. Wiggin, C. Tropini, C. T. Cossa, N. N. Jetha, and A. Marziali, Biophys. J. 95, 5317 (2008)] may be rationalized by a model of chain dynamics based on the anomalous diffusion of a particle moving in a harmonic well in the presence of a delta function sink. The experiments of Wiggin found, among other things, that the occasional occurrence of unusually long escape times in the distribution of chain trapping events led to nonexponential decays in the survival probability, S(t), of the DNA molecules within the nanopore. Wiggin ascribed this nonexponentiality to the existence of a distribution of trapping potentials, which they suggested was theresult of stochastic interactions between the bases of the DNA and the amino acids located on the surface of the nanopore. Based on this idea, they showed that the experimentally determined S(t) could be well fit in both the short and long time regimes by a function of the form (1+t/tau)(-alpha) (the so called Becquerel function). In our model, S(t) is found to be given by a Mittag-Leffler function at short times and by a generalized Mittag-Leffler function at long times. By suitable choice of certain parameter values, these functions are found to fit the experimental S(t) even better than the Becquerel function. Anomalous diffusion of DNA within the trap prior to escape over a barrier of fixed height may therefore provide a second, plausible explanation of the data, and may offer fresh perspectives on similar trapping and escape problems.


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Beginning with the â˜frog-leg experimentâ by Galvani (1786), followed by the demonstrations of Volta pile by Volta (1792) and lead-acid accumulator by Plante´ (1859), several battery chemistries have been developed and realized commercially. The development of lithium-ion rechargeable battery in the early 1990s is a breakthrough in the science and technology of batteries. Owing to its high energy density and high operating voltage, the Li-ion battery has become the battery of choice for various portable applications such as note-book computers, cellular telephones, camcorders, etc. Huge efforts are underway in succeeding the development of large size batteries for electric vehicle applications. The origin of lithium-ion battery lies in the discovery that Li+-ions can reversibly be intercalated into/de-intercalated from the Van der Walls gap between graphene sheets of carbon materials at a potential close to the Li/Li+ electrode. By employing carbon as the negative electrode material in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, the problems associated with metallic lithium in rechargeable lithium batteries have been mitigated. Complimentary investigations on intercalation compounds based on transition metals have resulted in establishing LiCoO2 as the promising cathode material. By employing carbon and LiCoO2, respectively, as the negative and positive electrodes in a non-aqueous lithium-salt electrolyte,a Li-ion cell with a voltage value of about 3.5 V has resulted.Subsequent to commercialization of Li-ion batteries, a number of research activities concerning various aspects of the battery components began in several laboratories across the globe. Regarding the positive electrode materials, research priorities have been to develop different kinds of active materials concerning various aspects such as safety, high capacity, low cost, high stability with long cycle-life, environmental compatibility,understanding relationships between crystallographic and electrochemical properties. The present review discusses the published literature on different positive electrode materials of Li-ion batteries, with a focus on the effect of particle size on electrochemical performance.


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An understanding of the effect of specific solute-solvent interactions on the diffusion of a solute probe is a long standing problem of physical chemistry. In this paper a microscopic treatment of this effect is presented. The theory takes into account the modification of the solvent structure around the solute due to this specific interaction between them. It is found that for strong, attractive interaction, there is an enhanced coupling between the solute and the solvent dynamic modes (in particular, the density mode), which leads to a significant increase in the friction on the solute. The diffusion coefficient of the solute is found to depend strongly and nonlinearly on the magnitude of the attractive interaction. An interesting observation is that specific solute-solvent interaction can induce a crossover from a sliplike to a sticklike diffusion. In the limit of strong attractive interaction, we recover a dynamic version of the solvent-berg picture. On the other hand, for repulsive interaction, the diffusion coefficient of the solute increases. These results are in qualitative agreement with recent experimental observations.


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In this paper, we have probed the origin of SHG in copper nanoparticles by polarization-resolved hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS). Results obtained with various sizes of copper nanoparticles at four different wavelengths covering the wavelength range 738-1907 nm reveal that the origin of second harmonic generation (SHG) in these particles is purely dipolar in nature as long as the size (d) of the particles remains smaller compared to the wavelength (;.) of light ("small-particle limit"). However, contribution of the higher order multipoles coupled with retardation effect becomes apparent with an increase in the d/lambda ratio. We have identified the "small-particle limit" in the second harmonic generation from noble metal nanoparticles by evaluating the critical d/lambda ratio at which the retardation effect sets in the noble metal nanoparticles. We have found that the second-order nonlinear optical property of copper nanoparticles closely resembles that of gold, but not that of silver. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel solid-solution precursor method for the preparation of fine-particle cobaltites at low temperatures has been described. The precursors, hydrazinium metal hydrazine carboxylate hydrates, N2H5M1/3Co2/3(N2H3COO)3 · H2O, where M = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Zn, decompose in air <250°C to yield corresponding metal cobaltites, MCo2O4. Formation of cobaltites has been confirmed by thermogravimetry (TG) weight loss, IR, and X-ray diffraction. Combustion of the precursor in air yields fine-particle cobaltites with surface areas in the range of 12â115 m2gâˆ1 and particle sizes of 1â40 μm. Low decomposition temperatures of the precursors accompanied by the evolution of large amounts of gases appear to control the particle size of the cobaltites.


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Synthesis of fine particle α-alumina and related oxide materials such as MgAl2O4, CaAl2O4, Y3Al5O12 (YAG), Image , βâ²-alumina, LaAlO3 and ruby powder (Image ) has been achieved at low temperatures (500°C) by the combustion of corresponding metal nitrate-urea mixtures. Solid combustion products have been identified by their characteristic X-ray diffraction patterns. The fine particle nature of α-alumina and related oxide materials has been investigated using SEM, TEM, particle size analysis and surface area measurements.